Aarav's pov-

Well it's morning and I woke early today .. I just came to my room after my workout session .. I don't need to go outside for gym.. there is a gym room in my home only .. so yeah I just came from there and I am all sweaty so now I'm going to take a shower.. even if I am doing other works all I can think about is my princess my love my beautiful lady.. she's all over my mind and heart every hour.. every min .. every second all I do think about is her.. yeah it's just I have fallen for her so deeply .. it's as deep as pacific ocean .. and I'm loving it..

After taking a shower I came out of bathroom shirtless I was only wearing my sweatpants and a towel was wrapped around my neck well there is no one in home right now it's just me all the maids and servants must be working downside.. I was going to my walk in wardrobe that's when I heard a knock on door it must be a servant I thought..

Aarav- come in .. I said casually ..

That's when the door opened and there she was .. she smiled looking at me suddenly her smile faded and her eyes widened when she realized I'm shirtless she just froze there looking at me ..

I went and closed the door and pinned her on the door ..

Are you liking the view princess .. I whispered huskily in her ears and smirked looking at her.. her gaze was fixed on my body to be more precise on my abs well I just made my body to get this reaction from my princess and now I'm satisfied..

I pecked her lips bringing her out of her reverie.. she just looked at me blinking her eyes innocently her face was all red .. she got embarrassed haha .. how cute she is ..

I.. I.. she stammered..

I cut her off saying..

It's all your princess.. you can took as much as you want.. I belong to you.. everything about me .. every inch of me belongs to you.. I said looking at her softly..

I'm sorry.. I just came like that i didn't knew that you came out after shower.. she said nervously looking down..
God how can someone be so adorable..

It's ok love just look at me.. ( i said lifting her chin as her beautiful eyes met mine ) it's fine .. I said giving her a reassuring smile..

Umm.. can I touch it ?.. she said pointing at my abs with a pouty face..

Sure princess .. you don't have to ask me love .. I said and chuckled

She was running her finger from my chest to my abs.. that made me feel a sensation in my body.. and I loved it..

After some moments she just looked at me smiling ..

You really have a good body my prince charming.. you are perfect.. perfect for me.. she said and I just smiled looking at her..

Thank you so much for the compliment princess .. she giggled nodding her head..
Her giggles .. her smile.. her laugh .. everything is soo soothing.. it calms my mind and heart.. she's like a calming pill for me.. my comfort zone.. my beautiful princess..

Well as you have made such a good body I think you deserve an award for it.. don't you .. even though I also do workout but yeah I'm gonna give you an award for blessing my eyes with that beautifully sculpted body.. she tip toed to reach my height as i was still towering her body .. she tip toed and kissed on my chest ..

Well that was unexpected but I loved it.. and now that thing made me lose my mind as some current ran through my veins.. I just pulled her from her waist and smashed my lips on hers kissing her hungrily.. I always crave for these cherry lips of hers.. she immediately kissed me back with same amout of passion and love.. I just love to devour her lips.. After the kiss I just attached my forehead with hers we both were panting heavily..

You know how to drive me crazy princess and I love it.. btw thanks for the award I loved .. I said pecking her lips and engulfed her in my embrace and she hugged me back..

I love you my princess .. I whispered near her ears and kissed her head..

I love you more my prince charming.. she whispered back..

After sometimes we were just talking causally..

Where is uncle and aunty.. she asked swinging her legs sitting on the bed ..

They both went to meet dad's friend .. I said wearing my sweat shirt.. and then sat beside her after setting my hairs..

Well last night I talked to mom and dad while having dinner .. they said that all of our parents have agreed for the trip and they will complete there work in two weeks after that we can go for the trip .. and it's gonna be a long trip like around a month .. I'm really excited .. she said smiling and clapping her little a bit.. and I just chuckled nodding my head..

That's great finally we will be having a trip together.. I said ..

I know right even I waited for it for so long.. she said looking at me..

Oh well wait .. umm I just remembered I have a surprise for you.. I said looking at her and her eyes shined hearing that..

Really !! Show me then .. she said excitedly..
Such a baby she is .. and I love this baby..

As you say my love.. I pecked her lips and stood up .. I came back after taking out a box from my closet.. I kept it on her lap..

Open it.. I said sitting beside her again..

And she firstly opened the ribbon and then she slowly opened the box.. and she gasped..

Oh my godd ... woahhhh goshh.. she exclaimed looking at the box .. The box was filled with books and some chocolates ..

Well you wanted these books for so long and as you have fulfilled my wish yesterday so i had to fulfill the wish of my princess too.. I said looking at her with love in my eyes..

I love you so much.. thank you .. thank you so much.. She said and hugged me tightly and I hugged her back..

No need to say thanks my love.. you deserve all the happiness I said and kissed her on the forehead..

When did you get these.. she asked looking at the box..

After dropping you home yesterday at night I ordered it for quick delivery and by morning when I woke up I got it .. I replied smiling..

Well you just made me so happy yesterday so I needed to give you all these asap .. I said teasingly and she blushed hiding her face in my chest..

Flashback of yesterday night

After coming back from the ride I and her were standing in her parking area everyone has slept by now it was only me and her .. only our breathing sound could be heard and other that it was pin drop silence ... I just bumped my helmet softly in her helmet .. that was our helmet kiss.. and she loved it when I do so..

She took of her helmet and looked at me smiling she was looking more pretty under the moonlight.. it just added up to her glow.. I also took out my helmet and placed it on my bike.. as soon as I kept it and looked at her she grabbed my collar making me lean towards her and placed her lips on mine kissing me passionately.. it felt like she was just waiting for this moment .. I smiled between the kiss while kissing her back with same amount of emotions .. I pinned her on the wall behind her and deepened the kiss holding her chin as she wrapped her hands around my neck pulling me closer to her..

It felt so good .. I always crave for her lips more then anything else.. they are my favorite dessert .. After breaking the kiss I started giving her some butterfly kisses on her neck as she holded on my shirt tightly trying to not make any sound .. I just smirked bit on her skin softly giving her a hickey as she moaned that made my smirk widened .. after devouring her milky skin I looked back in her eyes by now her face was all red.. as she was breathing heavily..

That mark looks so good on you princess.. it says that you are mine.. only mine.. I said and kissed the mark once again ..

She just smiled looking at me and then pecked my lips ..

Thank you so much for the ride and also the ice cream I enjoyed a lot today.. you know how to make me happy.. I love you.. she said with so much love ..

I love you too princess now go and sleep.. I am also going home hmm.. good night sleep well my love.. I said and kissed her forehead..

After bidding her goodbye I left for my home..

Flashback ends


Hey loves ..Finally I have uploaded another update.. Well as we are close to reach 1k reads after we hit 1k I will do something special.. I was thinking about a qna .. for that you need to make it 1k+ reads .. and I'll definitely do it.. also let's make it 100 followers .. I know you can do it.. so make sure to follow and vote.. I love you cuties take care byee.. umah.. ♡

~♡ ~
