Timeskip to 2 years -

Jahnvi's pov -

I was sitting infront of my huge mirror getting ready and doing minimal makeup .. Aarav is coming to pick me up we have a Pooja today so all of us are going to temple my family and his family already left only we need to go .. my friends must be reaching there with there families as well .. I looked at My reflection in the mirror and smiled as I was wearing white suit .. I have started loving my traditional wears a lot cause I get a lot of compliments especially from "him" .. I heard a door knock and soon it opened revealing the love of my life .. his beautiful smile always takes my breath away he was also wearing white kurta pajama looking absolutely breathtaking .. he smiled and came near me turning my chair to face him and leaned to kiss my forehead.. he looked in my eyes after placing a soft kiss on my forehead..

Jahnvi's outfit ..

Aarav- hey gorgeous.. are you on a mission ? He said smiling ..

Jahnvi- what mission babe ? I asked being all confused ..

Aarav- mission to make me fall harder for you everytime I see you.. how can someone be so adorable and pretty ..he said and pecked my cheeks making me blush and giggle..

Jahnvi- yahh you never stop flirting and complimenting me do you my handsome prince .. I said caressing his cheeks as he smiled looking at me ..

Aarav- can't help when my fiance is so pretty just like an angel .. he sat on his knees infront of me holding my hands he looked at my fingers and smiled caressing it softly looking at the two rings I was wearing one was the ring he made me wear when he proposed me and one was our engagement ring..

yes we are engaged .. and we are getting married next week .. time flies so fast doesn't it ? We just met because of a dare and now we are going to tie the knots of love and trust for life .. we are going to be husband and wife officially the thought itself makes my heart flutter ..

Aarav- so my beautiful soon to be wife .. your prince charming brought a little gift for you.. he said smiling gently looking in my eyes as my eyes sparkled more at the name of gift .. This man has spoiled me so much with his love aish..

Jahnvi- gift for me ? Show me .. I said excitedly as he chuckled at my reaction ..

Aarav- ok first close your eyes princess ..  he said and I obeyed him like a little kid closing my eyes..

He then kept a box in my hand ..

Aarav - now open your eyes love.. I opened my eyes slowly and gosh it was a really pretty gold anklet .. I squealed looking at it and then hugged him tightly and he hugged me backing still sitting on his knees ..

Aarav- you like it princess .. he said gazing at me..

Jahnvi- like it ? I love it ! It's so pretty thank you so much love.. I exclaimed happily..

He chuckled at my reaction as we parted from the hug ..

Aarav - lemme help you to wear that .. he said and I nodded giving him the box .. he took out the beautiful shining gold anklet and kept my foot on his leg and made me wear it .. he literally gives me princess treatment what else should I ask for he gave me everything a girl wants in her partner .. I am just so lucky to have this man and right now him sitting on his knees and keeping my foot on himself it's making my heart swell with love .. he looked at the anklet in my feet and then at me smiling..

Aarav- you don't know how precious you are to me princess and how lucky I am to have you .. he said looking in my eyes which were filled with love and sincerity.. he took my feets in his hands softly and leaned down as his forehead touched my feet .. my eyes widened at his gesture.. After a moment he raised his head from my feet kissing them softly.. his dark brown orbs filled with affection and adoration again gazed in mine ..

Aarav- womens are worshiped in our home and they are known as devi ( goddesses ) .. womens are known as Ghar ki Lakshmi.. and you truly are a goddess for me .. an angel whom god has sent especially for me .. I promise I will worship you and cherish you my whole life .. I asked god to give me happiness, love and peace and in return he gave you to me .. he gave me a whole package more then I have ever asked .. his words were laced with sincerity and affection making my eyes well up with tears as I smiled and caressed his cheeks..

Jahnvi- I could never ask for a better gift  then you in my life .. you are the best .. I don't know what good deeds I did to get you in my life.. I said as a tear escaped from my eyes..

Aarav- yeah love please dont let those pearly tears fall from your eyes you know they hurt .. he said kissing away my tears making me chuckle as I hugged him .. I stood up from my chair and made him stand with me too..

Jahnvi - I love you Mr. Aarav Singh Rajput .. I said still hugging him..

Aarav- I love you more my beautiful soon to be wife .. aka soon to be Mrs. Aarav Singh Rajput.. he said making me blush and feel butterflies all over my tummy .. I looked at him and he chuckled I know my cheeks must have turned crimson red by now.. aish he always makes me blush and feel butterflies just by his sweet words .. his words are enough to make me fall in love with him all over again..

He intertwined our fingers together.. The diamonds in our engagement rings were shining brightly with each other's initials engraved on it resembling the love and commitment we shared for each other .. we looked at our intertwined fingers smiling ..

Jahnvi- time passes so fastly when you are with the right person isn't it.. it feels like we just met yesterday because of that dare given by my best friends.. and now we have completed our school and college together .. became the most successful and youngest CEO couple together.. got engaged and getting married next week .. it was feels so dreamy.. I said as my eyes got locked with his.. our smile was never leaving our lips..

Aarav- that's true the journey becomes so beautiful more the destination could ever be when you are with the right person .. time does flies so fast.. and I can't wait to make you mine officially princess .. Firstly we met as strangers then we became friends then best friends then we fell in love started dating now we got engaged and we will be husband and wife soon.. life is truly very beautiful with you by my side.. even though it was not easy .. Navigating the challenges and obstacles can leave us feeling like we're walking in a foggy maze. But it's in these tough times that we learn, grow, and find our strength. But having our loved ones at such times gives us immese strength to fight with any obstacles and circumstances life throws at us.. it becomes much easier.. I can't wait to spend rest of my life with you princess.. from being a dare now you are my devotion .. and I will cherish you and love you from all my heart till my last breath.. I belong to you princess , body and soul .. you are my everything.. saying this he placed a soft kiss on my forehead..

"It was an unexpected meeting, a chance encounter that neither of us saw coming. But from the moment we met, it was like fate had brought us together. Our connection was instant and deep, like destiny had predetermined our paths to cross. And as time passed, our love grew stronger and more intense, a fire that could never be extinguished. This wasn't just a temporary flame, but a permanent light that would burn brighter with each passing day. For us, forever wasn't just a word, it was a promise."
                                            ~ AARAV ♡

"It started as a bet, a simple game to prove a point. But neither of us expected that in the process, we would find something far more precious than victory: each other. As time passed, our love grew stronger and deeper, and we went from strangers to partners, and finally to becoming each other's permanent companions. Sometimes, the most unexpected paths lead to the greatest destinations."
                                        ~ JAHNVI ♡

JUST A BET is officially signing off .. ♡


Hey loves so finally it's the end of this beautiful book JUST A BET.. I hope you liked it .. please dont forget to vote and comment .. I will be replying to all your precious comments .. thank you for being with me in this journey.. your love and support means a lot .. I love you guys.. meet you soon with another book.. till then take care loves..

~♡ ~
