A call to action

"Well you really botched this one up El."

I slowly became aware of a deep voice above my head and the cloud I seemed to be laying on.

"Really, drugging and taking her here by force! Do you not see how that's the complete opposite way I asked you to handle this!"

"Calm yourself, Buford."

I forced myself not to tense up at the sharp sound of the old hag's voice, "You may be King, but no one speaks to me that way. She wouldn't have come with me even if I asked her nicely and offered her a treat. Now leave and let her rest."

"A bit too late for that El. She's been awake for the past minute."

My eyes immediately shot open in shock, and I winced and shut them again. Why was everything so bright? I peeked through my lashes and took a look around me as I sat up. We were in a very large, exquisite room and I was sitting in a flowery purple bed. I glanced around the room for a possible exit, and instead found him in my face. He was at least 6" 6' and towered over everything like a giant. He had chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes that seemed to miss nothing. Realizing I was staring, I forced my eyes away from him. I spotted the old lady and began to consider my options. The door wasn't that far away, but Buford was in the way. The window looked ok. If only I had a...

"It's a 5-story drop from here, so I wouldn't bother." My eyes snapped to Buford, whom I'd decided to call Gigantosaurus. There went my freedom. He smiled at me as if he were trying not to laugh, and I forced myself not to sigh like a lovestruck idiot. I felt my face get hot with anger and embarrassment.

"Why am I here? Take me back to the forest!" I demanded.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, princess," a look of sadness crossed Gigantosaurus' face, then disappeared. "My kingdom, Valeria, is at war with the kingdom of Windrye. Their evil king, Marvin, is gathering evil forces to aid him. My men, though strong and courageous soldiers, have only the slightest chance of beating foes like these. Therefore, I need your powers to defeat Marvin." I stared up at him as I slowly processed the information. If we were in a kingdom, that meant I was in a castle. Gigantosauras must be king of these lands, and I must have been transported here by that tree. If he wanted me for my powers, then I had to somehow convince him otherwise.

"Powers? I have no powers Gigantosa—"

"It's Buford," he interrupted, looking slightly disgruntled

"Yes, Gigantosaurus, I'm afraid you have the wrong girl. I'm just an ordinary human."

"And that's where you're wrong, my dear."

I slammed my head into the headboard. This El could be really quiet at times.

"I saw you in the cafeteria today. An act of magic like that is hard to ignore. Let's make a bargain: You let me train you to use your powers and help in the war, and we'll give you more than enough money you need to live comfortably in your world." I considered this for a moment. Money would be very useful, and learning to control my powers wouldn't hurt. Then an odd thought struck me.

"Wait, if you're so powerful El, why don't you help Buford?"

Her shoulders sagged as she became the epitome of defeat.

"I once took an oath when I was foolish and young to never hurt the Kingdom of Windrye. If I chose to help Buford, all the help I'd try to give would rebound tenfold on Valeria."

I shook my head in exasperation. Here I was, young and foolish, about to take an oath as well. I hope I won't rue this.

"Fine then, it's a deal."

As I shook hands with El, a green vine trailed down her arm, entwining our hands.

"It's a deal," she smiled crookedly. I began to wonder just what I'd gotten myself into.
