Going too far

Red spots danced in front of my eyes as I slowly looked up at the imbecile standing on my now ruined lunch.

"Whatcha gonna do about it freak? You gonna run to your mommy?" he said in a condescending tone. "Oh wait, I almost forgot! You don't have one!" He and his goons began laughing hysterically.

"Go away or you'll regret it," I seethed. I wasn't sure what I'd do exactly, but it definitely ended with the guy's nose smashed into his face.

"Oooooooooh, I'm scared. Little freak intimidated me. What's she gonna do next? Grow an extra leg to kick herself with?" As he continued to insult me with colorful words, I felt my rage grow. No one was even trying to help me, even though we were in the middle of the cafeteria. In fact, they were looking on as if it were a show. Typical.

"What's wrong freak? You slow? Should I spell out the words to help you understand? Or are you illiterate?"

"My name is Jermima. I get why you can't understand that since your face proves you were dropped on your head more than once as a kid. Now if you don't mind, I need to go." I turned away, only to be blocked from the other side.

"Oh I don't think so freak. We still haven't even begun the fun!" As he grabbed me by the shoulder and yanked me to his side, the red spots grew into a red haze. One second the group of guys were surrounding me and laughing like hyenas. The next they were on the floor, thorny vines choking them to death. A scream startled me from my blazing anger and I realized what I was doing. The vines disappeared. All that was left were gasping boys and a room of absolute silence. I turned around and fled
