My Child...

ORIGINAL: Jason - Daughter of *** - Children - Fluff - Neighbours - Prompt from @otpisms on Tumblr

"Rowan," you heard your neighbour call as you walked outside.  You glanced over the white picket fence to his yard to see your blond goody-two-shoes neighbour and his perfect kid sitting on their front lawn.  "You check-mated me again, you smart, gifted child!"  Your neighbour's voice was laced with a patronising sarcasm that made you want to puke.

"Disgusting," you cursed before turning around.  "Thomas," you called your daughter, seeing her turn around from the sprinklers.  "Honey, let's sing," you said.  Your little girl rushed over and sat down as you pulled out your phone and began to play loud music.

"Rowan, do you want to play football," you heard Jason ask his son.  You heard the sound of football against fingers, being tossed back and forth and you grimaced as the ball flew into your yard.

"Aw!  I'm so sorry, (Y/N)," you heard in fake sympathy.  You turned to face Jason and gave him your fakest smile.

"Aw, no worries, Jason," you replied.  "Let me get that for you," you said, getting up and tossing his football back.

"Whatchya guys up to," Jason asked Thomas, watching your little girl.

"Mommy and I are singing," she exclaimed.  "She says I can sing real good."  Jason nodded and looked up.

"Rowan's the same way.  He can play piano too," he said, a smug look on his face.

"Thomas loves to dance," you retorted.  "And, she loves to help her mommy cook."

"Rowan can play chess."

"Thomas knows how to milk a cow."

"Rowan can bake creme puffs."

"Thomas knows karate."

"Rowan is top in mathematics at school."

"Thomas can draw in the lines!"

"Rowan can spell Mississippi!"

"Thomas can read chapter books!"

"Rowan can count to 100!"

You continued to bicker back and forth with Jason arguing about which kid was better.  Rowan stood next to his dad, looking at Thomas, who was on the other side of the fence, standing next to her mom.

"Wanna go bug huntin'," he asked her.

"Can we catch butterflies?"

"Only if we can catch rolly-pollies," Rowan negotiated.  Thomas nodded and ran to the other side of the fence, grabbing the other toddler's hand and running with him to the backyard.


With care (mostly),

