Switched Roles

ORIGINAL: Daughter of Hades - Switched - Fluff - Lovers

So, you only had a few things run through your mind when you woke up in Jason Grace's bed.  One, who let the Stoll brothers bring alcohol into the camp?  Two, why am I in Jason's bed?  And three, did we do...  It...?

You sat up and was relieved when you didn't feel a spiking pain through your skull.  You were a bit worried though when you noticed nothing else in bed with you.  Well, except for a pair of legs that were not yours.  But, they were attached to you...  You were so confused.  You stood up and felt stronger almost, like, a weight was taken off your chest..  Well, quite literally, according to the mirror.

Looking in the mirror, you didn't see your normal (E/C) eyes or normal (H/C).  No, you saw short blond hair, two striking blue eyes that you constantly fell in love with and a small scar on your upper lip.  You licked the scar and wow, that was fun.  You wondered why Jason didn't bite his lip more.  You scanned your body.  You had seen Jason without his shirt a few times and that was for swimming or sparring but, you never got to stare at your attractive boyfriend.

Jason was completely gorgeous and honestly, you didn't want to do anything but stare.  But, you had to look for you.  You had probably switched bodies with Jason.  Now, it was supposed to sound weird but, Nico and Leo switched once.  That was...  Interesting.  They decided to play a prank on the Hecate cabin...  Idiots.

You walked over to a dresser and looked through the clothes until you found the shirt you were looking for.  Piper had special shirts made for the Seven and Nico and Jason never wore his because it was a bit too embarrassing.  Well, you weren't Jason.  You slipped on a blue shirt with the Superman logo on it, the rest of the word spelling out 'Sexy'.  You laughed at yourself in the mirror before noticing you had Jason's voice too.


"(Y/N), I'm so in love with you," you said before breaking out in giggles.  And wow!  Jason's giggles were adorable.  You chuckled a bit while putting on a pair of black jeans, something that Jason rarely wore, and then adjusting your askew glasses, you took a step outside your cabin.  There stood Percy, grinning like an idiot, about to knock.

"Hey, bro!  Wanna go swimming?"  Uhhhh....  Well, crap.  You didn't know how often Jason turned Percy down.  He was always with Percy if he wasn't with you.

"Ah, bro," you slipped the word in, thank goodness.  "I actually had a date planned with (Y/N), man," you made up, giving him a sheepish grin.  Percy nodded and then smirked.

"Ah, about to pull that new card of yours, right?"  What new card?  What was Percy talking about?!

"Totally, man.  But, I'm late so, I have to go.  See you in a bit, bro!"  And with that, you ran past him.  Cabin Thirteen was just down the line of cabins so, you got there faster than you needed.  You knocked on the door just to hear yelling between Nico and your voice.

"I'm not (Y/N)," your voice yelled.  "I'm Jason!"  Yup.  You switched.

"(Y/N), stop pretending!  He's just your boyfriend, my gods!"  It was rare for you and Nico to have a fight but, when the yelling was also present outside, you knew that it was time to stop.  You knocked on the door before walking in, seeing both your body and Nico turned to face you.  Both faces were red with anger.

"Jason!  Tell (Y/N) that she's full of it!"

"No!  (Y/N)?  Is that you?  Please be you..."  Nico shot a glare at (Jason) who just glared back.  You hadn't noticed how scary your glare normally was.  Dang.  You needed to chill out sometimes.

"Nico, it's me, (Y/N).  That," you said, pointing to (Jason), "Is Jason.  I think we switched bodies, kinda like you and Leo that one time," you announced.  You heard (Jason) snort.

"Uh, yeah.  That was dumb, idiots."

"Um....  Okay, I'm going to talk to Will about this."  And with that, you're weird brother left.  You shrugged and looked (Jason) up and down, looking at what he put on you.

You wore a black Beatles t-shirt with some black skinny jeans and your black on black converse.  He even somehow got a beanie on your head to look fantastic.  You walked over, realising that Jason's body towered yours, pushing your glasses up on your nose.  (Jason) looked at you and smiled a bit.

"Hi..."  It was weird to see him so submissive but, you also felt dominant, like your personalities melded with each other.  You looked over (Jason) again and felt the sudden desire to pin your body to the bed and- WOAH.  Okay, no.  You wondered if Jason thought about that regularly.

"Do you really think I'm that attractive," (Jason) asked you.  He was feeling your thoughts and actions from you to him, knowing that you thought Jason was hotter than hot.

"Um, yeah...  Do you..."  You didn't even want to ask, it was so ridiculous.  "Do you really want to pin me down and uh-"  You had to stop yourself because you felt flustered.  You doubted that Jason's face looked flustered but, you felt it.

(Jason) blushed a thousand shades of red before nodding and squeaking with your voice.  "Yes."  You expected the rest of the conversation to become awkward but, Jason's dominant and blunt side decided to take over.

"Then do it.  When we're normal again."  You wondered if your submissive side would come out and mess with his thoughts.

"O-Okay," your body squeaked again.  You reached for (Jason)'s hand and instantly fell in love with how the small fingers slipped into your rough, calloused ones.  You smiled at (Jason), who had stopped blushing.

"I love you," he said quietly.

"I love you, too," you replied.  And, with that, you leaned down to kiss, well, yourself, which was very weird and you had to shut your eyes.  (Jason) had the initial reaction that you had when he kissed you, freezing up before completely melting into the kiss.

You were glad to know that Jason loved you so much.

Hi!  Well, that was fun and confusing to write but, I did it, right?  I hope you enjoyed it!

With care (mostly),

