Chapter 49 - CRASH

Jake's parents were driving home when his mother suddenly realized something ''That train station was not that far from where Liam's family live'' she said to her husband ''I didn't remember at first but now I do, it's really not that far from there''

''So what?'' Jake's father replied ''do you think it means something?''

''I don't know but I do think it's an odd coincidence and he sounded odd on the phone tonight like he was anxious. I sensed the edginess in his voice. Why would he even be in this area at some random train station in the middle of the night?''

''I know it's strange but why would Liam's family have anything to do with it? we spoke to them remember and the police went to see them too, they found nothing there. I can't see why or how they would have anything to do with it''

A shocking thought had occurred to Jake's mother ''Maybe they are keeping Jake as a prisoner and he escaped. Maybe they went to the train station and caught him again''

''Are you serious?'' Jake's father couldn't believe what his wife was saying. This was impossible, the police had even searched their house ''If they had Jake in their house why didn't the police find him?''

''I don't know, maybe they hid him well. Remember the other thing that was odd about that house? Those high walls all around it with barbed wire, the huge gates at the front, the place even looked like a damn prison and it was as creepy as hell''

''I just thought maybe they were just very serious about security and nothing more than that''

''That car that was parked there, at the train station, I'm sure the same car was parked on their driveway too when we visited them. I didn't register it when we were there but now I'm sure that car belongs to the Hawksworth's''

''Now come on love are you sure about this?'' Jake's father asked his wife. He was sure she was just clutching at straws now because she was desperate to have Jake home

''Maybe we should turn around and drive back'' Jake's mother said ''I want to go back and see if anyone returns to that car and if they have Jake with them''

Jake's father turned the car around and they drove back to the train station. Jake's mother was anxious hoping that the car would still be there and to her relief when they got there it was. Jake's mother instructed her husband to park the car in some trees out of sight so that they wouldn't be seen and they sat watching the car. They waited for about 20 minutes and Jake's father started to get fed up ''You do know I have work in a few hours'' he said ''I really could have done with a bit more sleep tonight''

  ''I'm sorry but I am not going home yet, I need to sit here and wait for someone to return and see if they have Jake''

''How do you even know for sure that we aren't just wasting our time here? Just because you think that might be their car but you could be wrong''

''Well, I also said it seems odd that Jake would be at a random train station in the middle of the night which just happens to be so close to their house. I know coincidences can and do happen but this is not a coincidence, that is what my gut feeling tells me''

What happened next made their blood run cold. They saw Donald, Lorraine, Mandy, and two other people they didn't recognize, a young man and girl, and a shirtless Jake in handcuffs, They watched in stunned horror as their son was locked in the boot of the car

''That bitch Mandy is in on it too then'' Jake's mother said, feeling furious ''How could she help them keep Jake a prisoner and then come and see us, see what we were going through, and not say anything? What a heartless bitch. I want to fucking kill the lot of them now''

The car drove away and Jake's parents started to follow it

''We must be careful and make sure they don't realize we are following them'' Jake's mother pointed out ''well you'd better call the police while we're driving'' Jake's father told her ''we need back up and we need it fast'' Jake's mother got her phone out of her pocket and tried to call the police but found that the signal was bad again ''why is the signal so fucking bad in this area?'' she said in frustration ''what are people supposed to do in an emergency around here?''

In Donald's car. Donald and Lorraine were in the front with Donald driving. Mandy, Alex, and Chloe were in the back, with Chloe sitting in the seat behind Donald. ''Oh I do hope poor Jake can breathe in that boot'' Chloe said ''I don't want my boy to suffocate''

''He'll be fine so shut up and stop worrying about him'' Alex told her impatiently.

''What's going to happen to us when we get back?'' Chloe asked unable to hide the fear in her voice ''You'll find out later in the meantime please be quiet'' Lorraine told her

They drove in silence for a few minutes and Alex clocked the car behind them, it had been following them for a while and seemed to him like it was deliberately trying to stay behind them, it could have overtaken them a few times but it didn't and someone as paranoid as Alex always noticed these things ''I think that car behind us is following us'' he said ''Well who would follow us?'' Donald asked him ''Jake's parents maybe? I mean maybe they waited to see if Jake would return to the train station, maybe they got suspicious. Maybe they recognized your car, you said they visited the house that time they might have noticed the car''

''Oh shit you could be right'' Lorraine said ''what if it is them? what will we do Don?''

''Look just calm down and let me think about it for a moment'' Donald replied

''I say we try to lose them and then drive Jake somewhere and kill him'' Alex said ''face it if it is them then they will just send the police to the house again and this time I doubt we could get away with hiding Jake anymore. Frankly, I am tired of looking after him I say he gets the death penalty tonight, its the best solution''

''I agree, maybe its time to execute Jake, the death penalty might be the best thing to do'' Lorraine said at last '' I am sick of him''

Donald said he wasn't sure but eventually he agreed that they would try to lose Jake's parents and drive to a field or some woods somewhere to kill and bury Jake. Donald started to speed up the car to give them the slip. Chloe started to get extremely distressed ''Please you can't kill him'' she pleaded ''look be sensible, we don't even know that we are being followed by Jake's parents now do we, there could be absolutely no need for this at all''

''Oh I think there is'' Alex told her, having noticed the car behind started to increase its speed at exactly the same time as Donald had ''that car is following us and it's just put its speed up to keep chasing us''

Donald began to drive even faster ''Don't worry we'll lose them and when we do we'll kill Jake''

''No I won't let you do this'' Chloe said suddenly and leaned forward in her seat and put her arms around Donald's neck and started to strangle him

''OMG CHLOE STOP THAT!'' Lorraine screamed at her, taking her seat belt off and trying to release Chloe's arms from her husband's throat ''HE S TRYING TO DRIVE YOU CRAZY LITTLE GIRL, YOU'LL KILL US ALL, WE'LL CRASH'' Chloe refused to let go and choked her father, he couldn't drive anymore and took his hands away from the steering wheel, the car started to swerve around out of control


''I'M TRYING'' Alex screamed back while trying to pull Chloe back into her seat. Chloe bit him in the arm and he cried in pain and let go. The car crashed into a wall and Lorraine was thrown through the windscreen because she had taken her seat belt off, she landed on the concrete outside. Alex and Mandy finally restrained Chloe and Donald tried to gasp for air. He realized Lorraine had gone through the windscreen ''LORRAINE MY DARLING, OH MY GOD!'' he screamed, getting out of the car and running over to his wife, lying on the concrete. He kneeled beside her., she was still alive and awake ''I can't move or feel my legs'' she whispered, her voice weak

''LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE'' Alex yelled at Chloe

''WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS CAR NOW'' Mandy yelled as she saw flames shoot up from the engine ''the car is gonna blow, quick get out''

The three of them got out of the car ''NOW GET JAKE FROM THE BOOT QUICKLY'' Chloe screamed in hysterics ''ARE YOU KIDDING? I WANT HIM TO DIE SO HE CAN BURN IN THE BOOT NOW'' Alex yelled at her but Chloe kneed him in the balls and after a short struggle she got the gun from him and ran to the boot to let Jake out

Jake's parents arrived and got out of their car, feeling frantic. But they were relieved when they saw the girl helping Jake out of the boot

''NOW GIVE ME BACK THE GUN AND I'LL SHOOT HIM RIGHT NOW'' Alex yelled and tried to attack Chloe for the gun ''NEVER, I'LL NEVER LET YOU WIN YOU CRAZY BASTARD'' She screamed in his face and fired a shot into his leg. Alex fell to his knees and cried in pain and felt the blood flowing from his leg. Jake's parents rushed over to Chloe and Jake and hugged Jake

''GET IN THE CAR DARLING COME ON'' Jake's mother said as she rushed Jake to the car ''PLEASE BRING CHLOE WITH US'' Jake begged ''she is on our side, don't leave her here''

Jake's father was still standing with Chloe and he could see she was on their side and she was the one with the gun so he wanted her with them. Chloe put the gun to Alex's head and demanded the keys to release Jake's handcuffs. He reluctantly gave them to her and she ran to the car with Jake's father and the four of them drove away fast.

Alex got up and tried to chase the car ''YOU BITCH CHLOE'' He screamed ''YOU FUCKING BITCH AND TRAITOR!'' Mandy restrained him and pulled him to safety as the car blew up in a spectacular fireball

Donald was trying to call an ambulance for Lorraine and couldn't get a signal ''LORRAINE NEEDS HELP NOW'' he yelled ''WE NEED AN AMBULANCE AND I CAN'T GET A SIGNAL HERE''

In the car Chloe released Jake's handcuffs and for the first time Jake's mother realized that her son only had one hand and the handcuffs had been altered so that on the arm without a hand they were tighter to keep the arm restrained ''what happened to your hand?'' she asked ''they amputated it'' Jake told her and she was almost in tears ''oh you poor boy, my poor darling boy'' she said while hugging him and stroking his face ''what the hell did they do to you, my boy? I have been so worried about you I am happy to see you, I have never been this happy before in my life but I can't believe what they did to you and they amputated your hand and it is just awful''

''We need to call the police'' Chloe told them '' my family needs to be in custody tonight trust me we have to get back up because they might still come after us''

''We tried but the signal is bad here'' Jake's father told her

''We have to go to the house and rescue Danny'' Chloe said suddenly, remembering her brother ''they locked him in the basement and if they get back there before us I don't know what they will do to him''

Jake's parents were not keen on this idea of going to the house, it was far too risky ''We'd be better off driving to a police station'' they told her ''we haven't got time, we have to go and get Danny now, the others will hurt him if we don't'' Chloe said desperately

''Please mum dad, we have to get Danny, he helped us and now we have to help him'' Jake pleaded

''We have the gun, we'll be OK'' Chloe said confidently. Jake's parents agreed to go to the house to rescue Danny

Back at the crash, Donald was hysterical about Lorraine she needed help and they couldn't get a signal. Alex was also bleeding and Mandy had tied her jacket around the wound to stop the bleeding. Another car was spotted driving towards them and Alex flagged it down. An elderly man was in the car and he promised to drive to a phone and get an ambulance but Alex opened the car and dragged him out ''SORRY OLD MAN BUT I NEED TO BORROW YOUR CAR OK'' Alex told the man and he and Mandy got in the car. The old man tried to protest and put up a fight but he couldn't do much against Alex ''DAD I'LL GET AN AMBULANCE FOR MUM I SWEAR, YOU JUST STAY HERE AND LOOK AFTER HER UNTIL HELP COMES OK'' Alex called out to Donald as he and Mandy drove away. Donald was holding Lorraine's hand and promising her that help would arrive soon.

The others arrived at the house and Jake and Chloe rushed ahead to the basement to let Danny out. Up in the kitchen, they hugged him and asked him if he was OK, and told him what had happened. They introduced him to Jake's parents

'How did you stand it down there?'' Danny asked Jake, glancing back towards the basement ''I was only down there for a few hours and it did my head in, how have you managed it for months and months without going crazy?'' Jake shrugged ''After a while, I got used to it I guess, but I never liked it I just found ways to cope with it somehow''

Alex drove along fast ''We must get an ambulance for your mother'' Mandy told him ''We will'' he replied ''but we have to go back to the house to use the phone and if the others are going to do what I think they are going to do we can hopefully catch them at the house with Danny and deal with them all''

''But Chloe has the gun, how will we fight them? we'd be better off just going on the run right now tonight. We can go and collect Ellie from my mother and go away somewhere together'' Alex shook his head '' no way and I don't care about Chloe having a gun, I am not going to give up that easily''

They arrived back and saw that Jake's parent's car was there. Alex ran into the garage and came out with another gun ''I always have a few spares just in case see'' he told Mandy

Inside the house, Jake's parents were eager to leave

.''Come on we have to leave now'' Jake's mother said ''I don't want to stay here, we must go''

''We will but I want to call an ambulance for my mother and while I'm at it we'll ask for the police too'' Chloe said and picked up the phone

''Stop there'' Alex said suddenly from the doorway, pointing his gun at them ''put the phone down, I'm back in charge again now''

The others all looked at Alex with fear and shock but Chloe still had the other gun in her hand too and there were more of them than there were of Alex. Alex only had the unarmed Mandy on his side.

Chloe pointed her gun at Alex ''You aren't quite in charge darling brother'' she told him ''you might find that you won't get everything your way this time'' The others all looked very tense as Chloe and Alex stared each other down, both pointing their guns at each other.
