Chapter 17 - HOLIDAY

Having Tony and Ryan around proved to be the help the family needed. The two men settled into their jobs quickly and would agree between them who would do which shifts. Most importantly they were fully supportive of Jake's life sentence and his regime within the walls of the house. Jake grew to fear the two men quickly. He was the most scared when he was alone with Alex, Tony, or Ryan, Danny less so. He had appeared to calm down and be a little less angry over time, although Jake was still extremely wary of him. Lorraine mostly kept out of his way and they were rarely in the same room together at the same time, apart from the occasional times when she would usually ignore him. He knew where he stood with her, he could cope with being ignored. He was wary of Sir, but he felt oddly calm around him most of the time, he knew that Sir was to be feared, but he also knew he was more level-headed than the other men and as long as he did as he was told and didn't make him angry he would usually be alright

''You are here as punishment, not for punishment'' Sir told him numerous times. ''Being here, serving life here, the loss of freedom and not seeing your family again, is the punishment. You only attract other punishments when you misbehave and earn them. As long as you behave you'll avoid them''

''Yes Sir'' he had replied. He understood what Sir was saying perfectly. but others didn't. He knew they would love to be cruel to him just for the fun of it if they could, but Sir was always monitoring what was going on and making sure nothing got out of hand.

Chloe, of course, was the only one he felt truly safe around. All the time Chloe and Sir were around he felt nothing too bad would happen. When he was left alone with the other men he never felt safe and felt that anything could happen. He felt that they were unpredictable and sometimes they just wanted Sir out of the way so they could do what they wanted to him

It was summertime and Jake had been doing some gardening. It was hard work but he enjoyed gardening and being outside, it was miles better than being stuck inside the house and basement. The sun was out and it was hot and he had his shirt open as he worked. They didn't mind if he was shirtless or had his shirt open, no one ever told him to button it back up. He was supervised by Ryan and Alex today. They were sitting, shirtless, watching him like a hawk, having a few beers. Being Shirtless meant they were able to display their impressive bodies, they were at the gym most days building up the muscle. Jake felt that sometimes they did this just to show him what he was up against if he tried to take them on, Jake had become skinny. He still had his six-pack and he still did some exercises in the basement but he didn't have access to a gym like they did. He wasn't being fed that well, he was given enough to get by and that was it. He couldn't compete with them. in a fight. He knew it and they knew it.

Chloe came out to reapply some sunblock on Jake. She had applied some a few hours earlier

''Why can't you leave him alone and stop fussing over him?'' asked Alex with annoyance

''I don't want him to get burnt'' she replied ''and if you two have any sense you will apply some too. You're already looking a bit red and sunburn is no laughing matter!''

''Anyone would think he was your baby the way you fuss over him sometimes Sis'' Alex opined

Once Jake had finished the garden he was permitted to shower as he was sweaty and dirty. After that, he was expecting to be returned to the basement like he usually was at the end of work. But instead, he was told that Sir wanted to see him and taken to the study. Jake was concerned as often when he was taken to see Sir in the study it meant that he was going to be punished for something. He really couldn't think of anything he had done wrong today but, knowing what they were like, Ryan and Alex could have found some trumped-up charge to use.

Sir was sitting behind his desk like he usually was when Ryan and Alex brought Jake in

''On your knees'' he was instructed

He knelt in front of the desk

''Sir, I haven't done anything wrong I swear it'' he said immediately ''despite what you may have been told''

''Who says you did anything wrong?'' asked Sir

''Well I couldn't think of any other reason for why I was summoned here, Sir''

'You are here because I need to tell you something. It's summertime and people go on holiday in the summer and that's exactly what Lorraine, Chloe and I are going to do. The three of us will be going to Cyprus for a week. We leave tomorrow. This means that while we are away it will be down to the four men to look after you between them for a week''

Jake glanced up at where Alex and Ryan were standing. They peered down at him with huge delighted grins

''That will be fun won't it lad! said, Ryan

''I am sure everything will be fine while we are away'' Sir continued ''I cannot see why there should be any problems''

''Course, not Dad, everything will be just fine'' Alex assured him

''Anything you would like to say to me, boy?'' Sir asked Jake

Jake shrugged ''Have a nice holiday I guess Sir'' he replied

''Ok he can go now, I'm finished with him''

Jake got up off his knees and was taken away again

''Hear that eh, we'll have you all ourselves for 7 whole long days!'' Alex taunted him as they escorted him back to the basement

''Yes 7 days of fun...for us anyway'' added Ryan

The two men laughed wickedly. Jake had never felt as scared as he did right now. He didn't even want to think about what was in store for him yet.

Much later on Jake was sleeping when he was woken up by someone shaking him. It was Chloe

''I'm sorry to wake you Jake, but I wanted to make sure you are ok'' She said ''Dad told me that he told you about the holiday. How do you feel about it?''

''I feel scared''Jake replied. He felt he could be honest with Chloe ''I'm scared of what they are going to do with me while Sir isn't here to keep them in line''

''I know, I've told them not to do anything to you, I've warned them''

''They aren't likely to listen to you are they''

''Dad warned them to Jake, it will be ok. They listen to him. They will behave and treat you ok or else dad will be mad at them when he gets back''

Jake wished this could help him feel less scared, but it didn't

''I wish you weren't going'' he said eventually'' You're the only one here who makes this bearable Chloe''

''I'll only be gone a week. it will fly by''

''I know but I still wish you weren't going''

Chloe hugged him. ''I'll bring you back a present'' she said

''You don't have to''

''No, but I want to''

''Well ok then, thanks. I hope you have a good time!''

''I'll try to. This is our first holiday since Liam's death. I think it should be good''

''I wish I was going on holiday. Not much chance of that though is there? I don't know how I can carry on living like this, I am missing out on so much. There are so many great things I can't do and I'm never gonna do them cos I'm doing fucking life''

Jake was starting to get upset but tried to hide it. Chloe gave him a hug, to his surprise. It was a nice surprise though

''I'd best go now, I am not supposed to be down here. Goodnight Jake'' Jake suddenly noticed that there was no one else supervising from above like there usually was. Chloe had come to see him on her own. This had never happened before

''Goodnight'' he said. He was stunned that Chloe had come on her own.

Jake watched as she climbed back up the ladder. It occurred to him that he could quite easily follow her up now and try to make an escape if he wanted to. He could probably overpower her, and hurt her easily. But he didn't want to do that, not to Chloe. Anyway, she'd get into trouble for coming to see him, and she'd get the blame for him escaping, and he didn't want that either. Furthermore, he might try and get away and fail and he was terrified of what the consequences would be for that too

Chloe pulled the ladder back up, closed and locked the door, and was gone. Too late now anyway. That was the best chance of escaping he had had so far in all these months, and he had just let it go in order to protect some girl, was he mad he wondered? Maybe he had feelings for Chloe, which had crossed his mind a few times before now.
