At 1 am I left. No, not for good though. As I tip-toed through the halls I bumped into Winter, who is as cold as his name. (PUN INTENDED)

"Hasn't anyone taught you to watch where you're going?"

"Sorry, Winter," I noticed I dropped his books and started to pick them up," I just noticed that we have the same taste in books!" He scoffed and walked away. Jeez, how does Qibli put up with him? They are complete opposites, ugh I just don't understand people. As I walk in my dorm I find a very upset mom, worried best friend, and concerned boy.

"H-Hi! What are you guys doing here this late?" I asked terrified of the answers to come.

"We could ask you the same thing," Kina snapped back. Crab, what am I going to say now?

" I-I was-was um you know um looking for a cat! Yeah! I was looking for a cat. When I ran into my older cousin,Deathbringer," Luckily, I was able to distract Kina for a second.

"My older sister has a crush on someone namedDeathbringer! Do you know her? Her name is Glory."

"Yup once he ditched me to see her when he was supposed to take me to get ice cream before he left for college. Traitor," we laughed, well until Qibli interrupted.

"You know she's distracting you right and I know we only met but you are a terrible liar. Talk to me when you are ready, to be honest," I didn't understand why he sounded so hurt. As he walked out he whispered, "Glad your safe."

I looked at them, and with their approving nods I ran after him. I grabbed his arm and told everything. I fought back tears as I stared into his eyes. Something was about to happen as I began to feel the warmth of his breath on my cheeks and our faces grew near, when no other than Kinkajou yelled SHHHIIIPPPP!

Thank you for reading; this update is...

Who knows? Anyways please vote and comment.

