
The following morning I decided not to talk to Kina about the following events last night but why I was late.

"So are you like the school bad girl with Mr. popular. Oh perfect headline let me know when you two start dating," for one thing, I wasn't even planning on talking to him about that. I didn't plan on talking to him at all. 

"Kina? I don't know if I want to talk to him."


"I guess I am just scared. What if he doesn't like me?"

"Girl- He-of course.Ugh, nevermind. Come on we are going for a walk."

We ran into a note on the floor with our names on it. I pick it up looking around to see if anyone around left it. It reads If you want to leave with us meet us in the alley at midnight. She looks at me and runs in the building. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and everything went black I heard people calling my name, crying, and an ambulance, then my senses turned off.

When I am in what I believe is the hospital I hear the doctor say some weird medical things, that when slowly my senses came crawling back. Once I muster up enough strength to open my eyes I see Dusk staring at me and heard a faint noise coming from the air vent. 

"We know who did this. You were beaten by a Clover, they branded you. Don't speak. Now, remember how we always have to fight to keep our reputation as the Spades. Well recently we beat them in front of other gangs you know it is all a card game anyway there here for revenge, good luck, "Just as the vent closed the door opened.

"Your daughter is very strong, Ms. Nightshade. She is healing faster than expected. She should be ready for school in no time, though no P.E of any sort and no extracurricular activities that require physical strength which she is low on. Her body is adapting to the pain well so no medication will be required. Anymore ques-Hello Moon, nice to see your awake I'm doctor Bullfrog and as I was asking your mother do you have any questions?" The doctor asked as he went to check my medical sheets.

"How long have I been here?" I asked in a small voice.

"Only a week you were hit in the back of the head with a bat and stabbed in the stomach," my mom responded in an upset voice.

"Do you have any idea why and who did that to you?" Dr. Bullfrog asked briefly. I wanted to say yes but I'll tell mom about it later.

"N-no no idea."


"Who did it?"We were in my mom's apartment when she asked in a stern voice.

"Clovers," I replied briefly, and I watched as fear dawned across her.

Thanks again for reading this stuff. 

misslittlebook :D
