Part 6

As we pulled up I check my phone to see a message from mason asking me if he could ft me and I reply with sorry I just got to Phils house and turn my phone off "you okay?" I hear becca ask me I nod undoing my seatbelt and opening my door and closing it. I start walking to the house soon enough becca grabs my hand and we walk in "their probably in there" she points to a room which had the doors closed I take off my shoes and open the door to see Ronnie, Phil and a person I've never seen before "y/n, HEY" Phil jogs over to you and hugs you he let's go and you feel a tugging on you jacket you look down and see Ronnie you bend down "hello trouble" I hug him and then hear someone clear their throat I look up and see a tall man with slicked back hair and stand up "y/n, right" I nod with a smile "and you must be jack" he goes to give me a hand shake but i look at his hand and smile I give him a hug instead he hugs me back "ah so you have met jack" I pull away hearing Phil say this "well I was gonna meet him at some point of tonight" I pick up Ronnie and walk over to the sofa with him as Rebecca walks in and sits next to me "I think it bedtime for you" I hear Rebecca say and pass Ronnie over to her and she takes him upstairs to bed "you play?" I look up at who asked me that and see jack holding a PS4 controller "no I don't" Phil looks at me "yeah you do" I roll my eyes at Phil "what scared that I'll win" I hear jack say I raise my eyebrows and scoff "No I just don't feel like playing but since you think you'll win I'll play" I take the controller from jacks hand I pick my team Chelsea of course a few rounds in jack is winning I'm starting to give up I pass to Ben and thinking he wouldn't get it in till I see the score change to 3-3 I smile and by the end of the game it's 4-3 "what scared that I'll win" I mock jack putting the controller down "funny, your a funny girl yuno" "I know" I look at my phone 10:30 pm "well I better get going" I say getting up and going to put my shoes on "my Uber is in 5 minutes" I look up and see Ronnie coming down the stairs "beck someone's coming to see you" she comes out and picks up Ronnie I look out the door and see my Uber "see you all later" they all say bye and I get in the uber and put my AirPods in and start sharing my location with mason just in case something happens. I soon arrive at my apartment and put everything down and go straight to bed.
