Part 28

As I pull into the garage I see her sleeping on the seat I quickly grab her and lock my car before entering the lift and pushing the button for my floor I quickly step out the lift and head to my apartment I open the door and to my surprise I see mason and jack sitting in the sofa and the apartment is clean I close the door and I turn to see them two standing behind me I jump and cling to the dog mason puts his arm out for the dog and I hand her to him before sitting down and closing my eyes "it's a she thinking of naming her Bella" I say with my eyes still closed "I'm going to bed" I say standing up "what about this one" I go up to mason and grab her "she's is staying with me tonight" as I walk into my room
I wake up to yelping and turn to see the tiny little puppy at the door "alright okay I'll have to give you a name today" I say picking her up and taking her to the living room seeing jack asleep still I put her on top of him it didn't take long till she was licking him I laugh to myself and make some breakfast I hear jack talking to her and walk back into the living room "does she have a name yet" I shook my head "I got to go to the pet shop and get some things" "you should name her Bella" I smile at him "Bella it is" I say and continue to eat my breakfast I quickly finish my breakfast and wash up the bowl and go into my room to get changed I put my hair in a ponytail before putting on a mascara and a lipgloss I walk out my room and towards jack who was playing with Bella "okay I'm going to the pet shop I need to take her with me" I say picking her up and grabbing my car keys "I'll be back in abit" before walking out and heading to the pet shop
I get the stuff the lady suggested for Bella and go to pay as I'm paying a girl catches my eye she was just staring at me so me being me I stare back at her before paying for the stuff and walking out with Bella in my hand as I'm walking back to my car I hear a faint voice calling out "excuse me miss" I turn around it's the girl from the pet store she was only a teenager she must be a fan or something I think to myself "I'm so sorry to ask you this but do you have know" I raise an eyebrow "do I have any what?" I say back to her "you know" she sighs and mumbles "pads" my face drops from confusion into a smile "yeah I have some in my car follow me" I say walking to my car opening the passenger side door putting Bella in the back "there in my glove box I'll put these in the boot take as many as you want" I say going to put the things in the boot before noticing she has a stain on her jeans "oh love, you have a stain on your jeans but don't worry come with me I'll get you some new ones" I grab Bella "no no it don't matter it's fine I have my jacket it can cover it" I look at her "do you want a lift home?" I ask "really thank you so much" I smile at her and get in the driver side "okay so where do you live"
As I get back into my apartment I see mase and jack playing fifa I put Bella down and sit on the floor "what took you so long" I hear mason ask "I had to take a girl home" they both look at me with their eyebrows raised "why" jack asked "doesn't matter" I see mason start to understand why I had to take her home "ohhhh I know why" jack looks at him "whose winning" I ask changing the subject "mason" I smile "mounts always win" I say before going into my room
