Chapter 20 "War"



I have been gaining a foothold in the baking industry. I have been asked about the hero chart that they are doing in February and I think of declining it. I was with Yumi on the weekend and we were at her Parents house for New Years. I still did hero work and I started to lean towards the night in the rougher areas of the city for more villains. I was told to record the amount and right now I am at the total of about Eighteen thousand villains. There has been a crime drop after I started to go full time and absolutely destroy the villains and I have a hit on me if I'm correct. I took them out and some other groups and also have been doing charity work along with some other stuff and the game was a hit and villains and Heroes alike play it. I also played in an Alt Account and am very good at it. I also have been noticing that the decrease is pretty noticeable and I am starting to worry.

(UA Dorms 1/1/XX)

I walked around as I have been awake for about forty hours now and haven't slept. I wasn't tired but decided to sleep. We were going to celebrate until Aizawa came in and told us to get ready. I was already in costume so I was good and headed with him. He got a phone called and told me that we and Present Mic were called to Tartarus. We left and met with Mic on the way there.


We were being led to a cell that held Kurogiri. They proceeded to explain and I quickly understood what I needed to do. I was told to do my thing and I did. I used Genjutsu to get into Kurogiri's Head. I saw the Purple Fog and a person that looked similar to my age. The fog clouded the person and I started to destroy the fog and it started to fade away and I could see more properly. I looked at the purple fog as it disappeared from his mind. I broke out of his head and the fog disappeared from around the dude. The man quickly recognized what happened and I felt uncomfortable to burst their bubble so I wait instead.

(Hospital Raid)

I was called and some other Pros to raid some hospital and we did. We had no problems or well I didn't and we arrested some doctor fuck and his manufacturing of Nomu's. I came in and shut that shit down. The shit had no problems with it and barely and real resistance. I realized what was going to happen soon. Shit! The Villains must have been staying low to make a huge attack soon. I had trained Tensei with Chakra so he can do jutsu mostly revolving around wind style like making him faster and slicing through wood and stuff.

(After School)

I met the man named Oboro and was able to actually talk to him. He was happy and other than that I was invited to a hangout from the class. I decided on whether or not I would go. I am in a decent mood so why not. We went to the mall where it was generally full with people and I had a hood on to hide myself and was following the rest. "Hey guys let go eat stuff at that new food place that's around the corner." "Alright that sounds fun" "Why are we here again" I feel negative emotions. I looked around and saw a man with a couple of others. I teleported my hero suit to me with clones and changed after telling them I'd be back. It wasn't too weird to see people with cloaks because of my popularity so they thought nothing of it and I hid as I watched them.

 "Alright do you have the things for the plan" "Yeah for the Assassination" "Shut up man no one can know about this plus we only need the pro hero to come to it." I wondered who this hero was but I saw that the four men were pretty relaxed. I jumped down and kicked one of the guys into the other two and the fourth one ran at me with a knife. I grabbed the knife with my hand and cut it. I managed to pull the knife away and took out a Kenai as he pulled out the gun. I stabbed him and he shot, alerting everyone. I kicked him in the head knocking him out. The other three came at me but I just used a Resengan on them. The four men tried to Assassinate a pro hero so I checked and saw a note in one of the guys pockets.

"Hit List"

Pro Hero: Crimson Riot

Pro Hero: Itachi

Well shit, they were on my head too. I took them to the police along with everything and I healed myself. I was questioned about it and went back to eat. I took off my hero clothes when I returned and ate with the rest after they found out about the thing. It was some American-style place that had burgers and stuff and also very greasy.


(7:00 AM)

I awoke and started my day and I did my usual and I was told that we had the day off. I sat in the living room while everyone did their things. I decided to help with the company while doing hero work. I had my clone at the company and me at the city. I decided to use sage mode since it had been a while. (BTW That Quirk Cup thingy they talk about in the manga increases with chakra meaning you can hold (more) quirks). I saw bakugou seeming weird so I decided to check out. Bakugou collapsed to the ground as I took him to the hospital as he was dying for some reason. I was healing him myself but it was as if he was aging too quickly. He was in a hospital bed and All Might and his parents came.

"Auntie" asked what happened and I explained that I was in the city jumping from a building when I saw him collapse in an alleyway. I know they are hiding something but it is getting him killed. I transfered small amounts of chakra to see if it would help him to speak but wasn't able to scream. All Might took one of Bakugou's hair and ate it. I was confused on why that bastard did but not questioning it. Bakugou was very strong but his body didn't seem to be able to handle it. I retook my chakra and felt a presence in between my chakra and quirk. I felt eight people and it raised an eyebrow on why? He started to die and eventually died. All Might and his parents cried as I told the nurse and they came in. We were told to leave and All Might seemed guilty of something. I then heard an emergency news flash where it showed a humanoid creature.

I was there and used a strong attack. I made a huge Rasen shuriken and used Amaterasu on it as it exploded on impact. I saw it go into some form of mode so I used a stronger attack. "Sixth gate open" I then took out my sword. I slashed with my flaming sword as it made huge slashes with wind pressure as well. I then looked at its eyes and used Tsukuyomi on it. It stopped and villains appeared everywhere and I used Susanoo to kill it. I deactivated the sixth gate and started to take down Villains with clones as I realized something. I used too much fucking chakra I also did waste a lot on bakugou so yeah. 

I was sticking with sage mode and saved most heroes including midnight who was about to be killed/raped by villains. I then healed but my chakra was already too low as I had been using chakra a lot but never this much and with not much rest I never fully restored my chakra. I still kept going and we retreated to the city where a sleeping CEO was sleeping and looked like he was a villain. I awoke him as I destroyed the tank he was close pushing him off. (I used all of my chakra for a super-condensed Rasengan hitting him. 

He tried to steal my quirk but couldn't so I infiltrated his mind. I saw the AFO quirk and saw AFO there and the man I literally killed the man and AFO as his quirk entered my body but the two owners died. I fell to the ground and got up as I started to attack them with my physical capabilities and I had only enough to keep me alive. I took down everything with sage mode and summoned my wolf. He was still happy but could bite them. knew that this would be hard with AFO inside me. I eventually got into a fight with a strong villain she attacked with a knife and I collided with my sword and slashed her arm and got back. I stabbed her and got back as the sun fell there was a treaty for night time to recover and day to fight. I got to the building as I was treated by a nurse and I went to sleep to recover.















I awoke at ten when they were fighting outside. My body had recovered Twenty percent chakra and ten percent of AFO. All Might was healed a little but he was only able to fight for an hour. I continued and we fought for days as they spent the night looking for places to hide in. There were an estimated eighty thousand troops and we were winning. The fight went on for days while villains were steadily falling so was my chakra. All Might was down as he was stabbed on the third day and I kept on doing my own thing.

(Fifth day)

Chakra: 72%


(More chakra means faster adjustment for AFO.)

AFO was turning good making it into a light grey instead of black. I need time for it to reverse the evil. I would have been at 100% if there weren't so many people that need healing. I also learned about OFA the quirk that is trying to destroy this one is wielded by All Might. I was able to connect with OFA through the quirks and could see people in his head. I decided to ask later and I won't ever use this quirk in public. I had quirks that boosted recovery and I recovered quickly. I beat down many people and my body is more used to AFO now. I beat down countless villains seeing people being killed boosted my power to its limits. The hero alliance was beating the villains but heroes were dying too. UA staff heroes returned to UA as they were too traumatized to continue fighting. Heroes were dying and Endeavor was beaten down, everyone kept going and eventually only 10 thousand left. I used my teleportation and took hundreds down.

(Final Day) aka 7th Day

AFO: 84%

Chakra: 100%

I awoke as the last three thousand were fighting.

(3:00 PM)

I was taking down the last hundreds and they surrendered. One person decided no and decided to fight me. It was a man that had no clue of his quirk. I fought with him as he could have very strong muscles and could change his appearance. I kicked him back and he punched my leg pushing me off balance and hurting me. I hit him and I saw a bright flash from a mountain and I dropped as I heard a shot wring out and the man fell behind me as he was choking on his own blood. I took his quirk as he passed away. I sent a lightning bolt at the scope and shocked whoever shot. We celebrated the win as it was being broadcasted by Government officials.


The people celebrated as Izuku and the heroes went to rest after capturing all of them. Most are traumatized by the war and can't really sleep well at all. The heroes won and most surprisingly All Might was fighting. Izuku had nightmares of the fight as he had seen people die like flies. He tapped out after returning and went to sleep for a bit. He dreamed of fights he had recently.

(Izuku POV)


I slashed people and used the sixth gate and got into a fight with a villain who was very good and was beating Mandalay and her team. I took it and turned it to a 1V1 since they were too hurt to continue fighting so they returned back to base. I started to use chidori just to conserve chakra. He ran at him and slashed as she avoided most of the damage and was able to only get cut. I ran at her and slashed while making chidori longer, cutting into her hip. She was able to get away as she clutched onto her hip making sure she didn't lose her guts. I knocked her out and revealed her hip and captured her. I also did have to reseal other cuts that I did like cutting her chest area as she was trying to duck under my low hit. I had to reseal her left breast or she would die. I felt weird touching her body but it was for the best until I remembered that I could heal people. I flashed through my mind as I watched people dying.


I awoke with a cold sweat as the wind breezed in and looked around as Yumi was studying for her test that she has and the war didn't really affect her academics like me. I laid down as Yumi turned towards me. "Izu you okay?" "Yeah don't worry" She could tell that I was lying through my teeth. "Don't lie to me" "I don't feel okay I don't know if I can sleep" "I'll come with you so you can sleep if you want" "NO, it's fine you don't need to worry" "Stop lying it's obvious" She closed her book and put away her stuff as she came over to the bed and laid down next me. She was already tired of waiting for me since it was a bit sudden. I laid there as she fell asleep and clung to my arm. I was becoming more tired and sleepy so I fell asleep as well.

(Aizawa POV)

I haven't slept and sat next to Joke as she slept. I got up since I haven't been able to sleep much and I react in the slightest sounds like if Joke dropped something I would immediately look over in the direction. I have been writing all of my work since I can't really sleep.

(Itachi POV)

(Next Day)

(Day of the conference)

I awoke as I was told that I would be at some conference or sum. I got up and made coffee for me and Yumi. I had black coffee and Yumi had her own usual. I decided to help Yumi out and just taught her the entire book she had to learn by the end of the year. I went to the corporate office and had a meeting with a Red tuxedo that had its own protection like having a layer of Kevlar and carbon fiber woven into the suit. I had three suit sets Black, Red, and White. I ordered a green one before the war so it was delayed and Yumi also has dresses for any occasion that would be appropriate. (Points towards me the Creator) (It's for story man and for my weak brain to have some sort of filler for story) I left the meeting and headed towards the bigger conference about heroes. I wore the Black suit and waited for it to begin.

(Conference Start)

I walked to the table as a hero in training and as an owner of a company and other things. There were questions for heroes like the next symbol of peace since All Might is basically in retirement for the rest of his life. "I do not believe that a symbol of peace should exist because villains would only feel like they are free to do whatever if there is no symbol of peace and cause huge amounts of crime." Nobody had actually thought of it like that as they only saw the good but I knew that I unwillingly would become the symbol of peace or at least the effect on villains. I and the other heroes were asked questions about how the future would be stable. Endeavor one of the most beaten up out of us all said it would be fine as long as we keep doing our parts. I know it is only a matter of time until...

 "Why did you allow a Hero in training in the fight" "Well he alone rivals All Might or well would beat All Might" Miruko (I make purposeful mistakes to annoy you L) "He is already past Hero in training since he is way stronger than your average Pro Hero and is already done with the entire hero curriculum he is only there for a formal way to graduate early instead of just graduating during the school year." Nezu chimed in speaking for me. I then answered myself and we continued with our questions and mostly easing all of the tense air. (BTW Endeavor is more verbally abusive than actual abuse so basically, instead of being as brutal he is just meaner) We eventually turned to other topics and ended the conference. I decided to head to the company to help out.

(2,991 Words)


I am speedrunning chapters because of parties left and right,  Also sorry for not uploading sooner.
