Chapter 15 "Raid & Provisional's"

July 12, 2XXX (12:00 AM)

Izuku "Itachi" Midoriya 

Company Owner, Hero In Training, (Former Private)

Kamino Ward, Japan

I was told to stand by as the Backup. I brought my phone and waited while looking on my phone. I waited and then the raid started. I put my phone away and saw s I merging off about this so I moved as fast as possible and put a mark on shigaraki. I returned and I saw a huge explosion and I went to look with my senses and saw a man who looked as strong as All might and it must be the mastermind of the League of villains. I watched as he and All might fought. All might was being beaten down I saw All might and him punching their strongest. I saw as All might flew away as he crashed into the building and a helicopter hovered over as All might got back up and he kept trying as he eventually fell. I saw him about to get killed so I jumped and moved him in an instant. I returned as he looked at me if he could see.

 "What's is your name young one" "You should know my name but I must know yours" "Very well then my name is All for One as you will die today I might as well tell you" "Hmph Cocky that's nice while I watch you lose" we moved away as I started to use my Susanoo power and condensed and he went towards me I was glowing dark purple with a fire sword literally. I put it away as I punched All for One and it was useless so I decided to get real with this fight. I used amaterasu on my blindfold revealing my eyes as I opened the first gate and went at him with Chakra filled punches I attack at was faster speed putting I'm closer to the ground I used a strong uppercut and threw him into the air as I used universal pull and sent him to the ground. He got up and I decided to end this "Seventh gate of Wonder!!" As I turned blue he charged up his punch and I decided to use a technique that is dangerous to my body if overused. We were close so I used "HIRUDORA!!" As I was too close for him to run as I sent it to him knocking him into the ground and he was out for good as he cracked his mask.

 I went to All might and brought him back and healed his wounds and the police came over and took All Might and AFO. I honestly half assed it since I could have easily beat him but you know what fun I had. I went towards the L.O.V. as I saw Kurogiri about to open a portal I knocked him out and took down the entire team in an instant. I returned and fist pumped the air. 



Everyone jumped as they chanted All Might's and Izuku's Name or hero name. Bakugou cried as All Might was beaten and everyone cheered in their homes. Aizawa, Nezu, and King Vlad watched as they saw the new symbol... The new Symbol Of Youth!! People saw as the newest hero was stronger than All Might seen to be almost impossible to catch up too. 

July 12, 2XXX (12:47 AM)

Izuku "Itachi" Midoriya 

Company Owner, Hero In Training, (Former Private) SYMBOL OF YOUTH

Kamino Ward, Japan

I helped everyone be taken away as I asked to see Kurogiri as he was strange to me. I had a couple of broken bones but I healed myself and kept going. I went to my house and I felt slumped and I posted to not call me this late on my work phone since I won't answer and I went to bed with Yumi.

July 12, 2XXX (7:42 AM)

I woke up and got ready for today. I went to the kitchen and started cooking as I was really hungry. Yumi came down the stairs very tired and latched on to me as she was still sleepy. She had to go to school and I made her food and I sat with her and I made sure she was okay for today. She left and I didn't know what to do. I sat there and I called Nezu and asked about the Dorms and if my room was to be bigger since I didn't  want to leave Yumi alone. He reluctantly agreed and told cements to change a room on the top to be bigger. I was glad since I could just take her to school via running at mach speeds. I was happier and I went to work on the projects that I wanted to finish. I had a new blindfold that looked somewhat the same minus the blood. I worked on it for about six hours and I eventually went home. 

July 12, 2XXX (1:50 PM)

Izuku "Itachi" Midoriya 

Company Owner, Hero In Training, (Former Private) SYMBOL OF YOUTH

Near Hosu, Japan

I started on remodeling some stuff and I decided to read the book from Sasuke. I found a page called "The Forbidden Jutsu"

I read the first one called "Sexy Technique" I read it and I could look like a woman. I was feeling strange knowing that. I continued to read it and I tried it. I was in my room and there was smoke and I looked down and I had about the same bust as Yumi and I was naked. I was able to maintain it for ten minutes. I felt different. I felt curious about my body and decided to test the extent of it.

(3:30 PM)

I stopped as I expected to see Yumi and I waited into the entrance room and Yumi came and I had my clothes on. I asked Yumi if she wanted to see something and she agreed. I led her to the bedroom and showed her if and we spent time doing things.


I took a shower and I decided to play the guitar and sing for a bit and I got to play songs. I made sure that everything was good and I told Yumi about having to pack up and I already packed up everything and I knew what I needed. She packed up everything and I continued playing songs and I waited for the day to end. 

July 14, 2XXX (6:00 AM)

Izuku "Itachi" Midoriya 

Company Owner, Hero In Training, (Former Private) SYMBOL OF YOUTH

Near Hosu, Japan

I took my stuff and her stuff and took them to the room and she was already to leave and I basically woke up early and she had everything ready and I put the stuff needed and I waited for seven when we were told to get there. 

(1 hour later)

I made it there and put a seal on the fifth floor as I remembered the dorm room. I opened all the doors to make sure that my dorm was mine. I saw mine in the location where it was supposed to be. Teleported all the stuff into my room and kissed Yumi bye for now. I saw something wrong and changed the flooring to tigerwood with all the extra planks of wood I had. I went down stairs and made it outside without being seen. 

I saw more and more arrive until everyone was here. Aizawa told us about the place and I actually looked around unlike last time. I went to my room and decorated it and I painted it and I made it dry very fast. I then teleported to a bed to the right corner of the room and I had a closet in the other corner of the right and a desk one for writing and reading, another for blueprints and a computer desk with a three monitor set. I had used up some of the room and there was the left side if she wanted to decorate. I decorated the balcony and I had most of the room done. I had about ten to twenty percent of the room to be decorated but Yumi will decorate it. It had Red walls with some dark red and green here and there. I just put my stuff in and saw it was three in the afternoon. I went to the common room and sat there for now on my phone doing nothing.

I became bored so I decided to exercise my body and I got a call from Yumi to pick her up. I ran at mach speeds, grabbed her and took her all the way up the wall and into the dorm room. "It looks great here but is it not done?" She said and I told her that I wanted her to put some of her stuff so that she had some input on decorations. She was drained from work so she went to shower while no one saw her. She came back mostly undetected and she went to cuddle me. I willingly let her and she did so I made food downstairs and brought it up to our dorm and gave her food before bed as she was hungry. She was asleep at five and It was mostly a soundproof room. 

I had a locking mechanism in place if anyone tried to enter my room it would lock itself. I left her there and went downstairs into the common room where the girls said something about dorm competition stuff and I disagreed but they still did. I went back to my dorm and I got clothes to shower. I showered and made food for everyone and I ate as everyone was to and I went to bed locking the door temporarily. 

July 15, 2XXX (7:00 AM)

Izuku "Itachi" Midoriya 

Company Owner, Hero In Training, (Former Private) SYMBOL OF YOUTH

UA Grounds, Japan

I made food for Yumi as I ran her at mach speed to school and she did her work. I went back to UA and finished cooking for the class and I ate. I saw Iida come down the stairs and saw that I made food for everyone and thanked me for the food. I was already ready for class and Tensei was doing whatever he did. I went to class and waited for class to start. We had classes and eventually we started to work on super moves and the things were normally supposed to be in June but were delayed to July. We had Training and we were sent to the Provisional Hero License Exam. 

July 21, 2XXX (7:00 AM)

Izuku "Itachi" Midoriya 

Company Owner, Hero In Training, (Former Private) SYMBOL OF YOUTH

UA Grounds, Japan

We were at a building and we were supposed to hit something specific. The first event was going to start and I didn't want anyone to lose. I told the class that we were most likely to be targeted by everyone. I had a plan that would make the entire class pass the first one. Intentionally was last and I got three out and passed the first part easy. The second part was harder thought I jumped from area to area while we had clones make a medical rent area thing. I did basically what I did in a real situation and it was easy. The part that was hard was the surprise attack from the gang orca's crew.

 I made a clone to save others and went to the battlefield and confronted gang orca with a fire dragon to the face and then I did a sweep of the "Villains" and kept them back away from the tent and any civilians and eventually knocked down The Gang Orca. It ended after the fall of gang orca and I had a friendly fire problem with todoroki and some idiot hitting each other. I walked home with the Provisional Hero License in hand and we went home as Yumi went to a friend's place. I picked her up and we went home.

(2,041 Words)


I need to catch up with the timeline so yeah.
