Miss Undercontrol

Elena woke up on Tuesday morning with a feeling of...something. She tried to figure out the feeling as she stood in the shower but it was like something was blocking her so she chooses to ignore it for now.

Elena decided to put on dark eyeshadow and dark red lipstick today to match her new dark red top, skintight black pants, with a matching leather jacket and her favorite knee high, high heeled boots.

"Come on Jeremy!" Elena called out as she passed Jeremys bedroom door. "Time to go to school and if you are not down in the next five minutes, I'll leave without you!"

"No, you won't." Jenna chuckled from the living room.

"True, but he doesn't know that." Elena smirked as she picked up her helmet and opened the front door.

"Elena!" Uncle John smiled with his hand raised, ready to knock. Elena had never liked his character on the show, the hypocritical speciesist that he was. The only good thing he ever did was sacrificing his life for Elena and give the Gilbert ring to Jeremy.

"Aunt Jenna." Elena called in towards her aunt. "Seems like someone left a big pile of trach on our porch."

"Jenna." John smiled to hide the flash off hurt in his eyes.

"John, you made it." Jenna sounded less then trilled.

"I said I would be here before noon." John shrugged.

"What you say and what you do are usually two very different things." Jenna hummed.

"Uncle john, what's up?" Jeremy slapped john on the shoulder as he grabbed his helmet and walked out the door.

"I'm his ride so," Elena started to walked out to. "See ya!"

As she walked out, she could see Jeremy impatiently waiting by her brand-new dark blue, almost black Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14R.

It had cost her a pretty penny but it was so worth it!

"Excited?" Elena smirked as she put on her helmet.

"Definitely." Jeremy chuckled. as he got on the bike behind Elena. "What I'm not excited about is having to beat every guy off you."

"Eh, don't be dramatic." Elena laughed freely as she sped off towards the school.


Elena talked to Matt as they walked down a corridor at school. "I wonder how long he'll stay?"

"Uncle John." Matt muttered. "I never really liked that guy."

"Does anyone not suffering from a brain deficiency do?" Elena smirked.

"I'm here for moral support if you need me." Matt smiled at her.

"Thanks, but you have suffered enough, you don't have to suffer uncle John to." Elena placed her hand on his arm in support.

"Thank you by the way for everything you did at Vicki's funeral and memorial." Matt looked down sadly. "I couldn't have done it without you."

"Of course, Matt." Elena smiled. "What are friends for?"

They walked in silence for a while until Elena smirked. "So, was Caroline baking for you guys around the clock?"

"She finally went to her dad, which is a very good thing because I think my mom was going to strangle her if she dropped of one more lasagna." Matt chuckled as they went their different ways.

Elena stood looking out of the window in the history classroom, waiting for the other students to leave. She tried to remember what was going to happen, she knew that sometime in the future the originals where coming to town and there was going to be werewolves at some point but the details where murky at best and completely blank at most.

"Elena." Alaric called out from behind her.

"Hmm?" She turned to look at him.

"The reason I asked you to stay behind is this," Alaric held out a pile of papers to Elena. "I made a copy of a paper Jeremy wrote for me. I think you should take a look at it."

"Jeremy wrote this?" Elena sounded impressed. The title read 'Truth or Fiction: The truth about vampires in Mystic Falls.'

"Yeah and I got worried that he was figuring things out." Alaric told her.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that." Elena hummed as she flipped through the paper.

"So, how do you deal with it?" Alaric asked slowly.

"With what?" Elena looked up and handed the paper back.

"With all the lies and the secrets?" Alaric groaned. "You have to lie to everyone who's important to you."

"What are you on about?" Elena sighed.

"For example, you have to lie to Jeremy." Alaric gestured to the paper. "You just told me that I didn't have to worry about Jeremy finding out."

"Yeah, and you don't." Elena smirked. "He already knows."

"You told him?!" Alaric gasped.

"Yup." Elena shrugged, not feeling like it was a big deal.

"That could get him killed!" Alaric glared at her.

"You listen to me and you listen well." Elena said coldly. "It is better that he knows about the supernatural and everything that entails. It is always easier to defend yourself against a known threat instead of an unknown one!"

With that Elena stormed out of the classroom, her brown hair flowing behind her. Students got out of the way as she walked past, not wanting to be on the receiving end of her dark glare.

After school Jeremy and her walked through the front door of the Gilbert resident, laughing and joking. Elenas smile dropped when she saw John sitting at the breakfast bar with Jenna standing by the fridge.

"I'm going to go call Stefan." Elena muttered to Jeremy and made her way up the stairs.

After she had called Stefan and asked him to come over, Elena decided to take a shower, needing something to distract her so she wouldn't just go down into the kitchen and punching John in the face.

As Elena walked out of the bathroom in just a towel, she saw Stefan sitting on her bed and she smiled a bit teasingly, "You really have something against using the front door, haven't you?"

"The window is more efficient." Stefan smirked even as he had an embarrassed look on his face.

"If you say so." Elena laughed and picked out some plain underwear, a spaghetti strap top and a pair of worn soft pajama pants.

"I do say so." Stefan nodded and closed his eyes so that Elena could put on her clothes.

"How are you doing?" Elena walked over and sat down beside Stefan on the bed.

"I'm much, much better." Stefan smiled at her. "I'm still a little jittery and a little bit on edge but I'm going to be okay."

"I was getting worried when you didn't come to school today." Elena told him softly.

"I just needed to lay low for a little while and let my body readjust." Stefan explained. "It's only been a few days."

"You are my friend Stefan; I'll always worry about you." Elena smiled. "Even if you are an old man."

"Thanks, I guess." Stefan chuckled and pulled her into a hug.

Elena hugged back, trying to leech as much warmth from him as possible as she was starting to get cold. Then she hissed in pain as sharp teeth buried themselves in her neck.

"Stefan..." Elena said softly. "Stefan you need to let go, okay?"

Stefan didn't respond and just kept drinking from her even as she tried to get his attention.

"Stefan!" Elena said loudly as she brought her wrist with the vervain armband into contact with his skin.

Stefan groaned in pain and pulled back with a glare, then the glare turned into a look of horrified realization as he saw what he had done. "Oh God...."

"It's okay, Stefan." Elena tried to reassure him even as she placed a towel against her still bleeding neck.

"I'm sorry." Stefan said and then he had disappeared out of the window again.

"Shit." Elena muttered, more worried about Stefan and that he would do something stupid then about herself.

With the towel pressed against her throat she walked over to her phone and called Damon, asking him to come over as she didn't want to talk about this over the phone.

Around ten minutes later there was a knock on the door and Elena snuck down to open it, not wanting to worry Jenna and Jeremy if they saw the blood on her neck. She had done her best at wrapping her neck with a scarf and cleaning up the blood but the bleeding wouldn't stop and she was getting dizzy.

"Good you're here." Elena smiled a she opened the door.

"You ask, I come." Damon smirked as he stepped into the house. "I'm easy like that."

"Come on." Elena grabbed Damons arm and started pulling up the stairs, a bit surprised that he hadn't smelled the blood yet.

"No Elena." Damon said loudly as he saw Jeremy sitting in the kitchen. "I will not go to your bedroom with you."

Elena chuckled as they made their way into her room. "Really?"

"Ah, just like I remember." Damon smirked but the smirk dropped as he took a deep breath. "Why are you bleeding?"

Elena sighed and slowly unwrapped the scarf from her neck, showing Damon the still sluggishly bleeding bite.

"What happened?" Damon tilted her head gently to see the wound better.

"Stefan was over earlier and we were just talking and stuff." Elena explained. "Then he hugged me and after a while he just bit me. And I'm not actually pissed about that, if you or Stefan need some blood you can have mine" Elena shrugged. "What worried me was that he didn't stop when I told him to and I had to burn him with my vervain armband for him to let go."

"This is bad," Damon groaned. "Almost as bad as your uncle kicking it with the Founder's Council."

"Yeah that's worse." Elena admitted. "You win worst day award... Oh wait, the prize goes to me for actually being related to the fucker."

"Here." Damon laughed and offered her his bleeding wrist and Elena accepted it gratefully.

"You know." Elena said with a chuckle as she pulled back, her neck already completely healed. "I drink more vampire blood then I do water."

"You should stop getting injured." Damon smirked.

"Nah, what's the fun in that." Elena smirked back, then she frowned. "I'm worried about Stefan. When he saw that he had bit me he looked horrified and just ran out and I'm scared that he'll do something stupid."

"It will take him a few days to get back to normal." Damon started to look around her room. "It's like an addict that has been clean for years and then they have one hit and everything crashes."

"So, he has to go cold turkey?" Elena asked as she watched Damon walk over to her dresser and open it.

"I don't think he needs to and from what I know about you, you don't really care either as long as he is happy." Damon hummed and pulled out a dark red lacey bra from the drawer.

"You're right, I just want him to be happy and accept himself for what he his." Elena sighed, not caring that Damon was looking through her underwear.

"I'll go talk to him if it would make you feel better." Damon walked over to her, getting into her personal space.

"Thank you, Damon." Elena smiled up at him. "I'll owe you one."

Damon hummed with a smirk as he looked her over slowly from top to toe and then he was gone with a chuckle.
