Crying Daddy Wold part 1

Elena walked down the stairs towards the kitchen wearing black shorts over black ripped tights, a dark blue sports bra, one of Damon's button up which she had...borrowed... and her combat boots and feeling annoyed.

Stefan had convinced her to let John stay at the Gilbert house to protect her. She didn't need protection for fuck sakes!

She saw John shut off the tv just as she walked into the living room on her way to the kitchen.

"Morning." John looked at her.

"What are you doing here?" Elena was done with being nice and polite.

"Coffee?" John followed her to the kitchen.

"We're not doing that." Elena glared at him. "I gave you a pass last night because Stefan and his fucking puppy eyes. No more avoiding. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to protect you." John told her. "That's all I can say at the moment."

"And why can't you tell me more?" Elena felt irritated.

"I'll tell you more when I'm convinced, I can trust you." John said as Jenna and Alaric made their way into the kitchen.

"Oh God, I'm late." Jenna groaned, not registering that John was in the kitchen.

"That's what you get for hitting the snooze button three times!" Alaric chuckled.

"What the hell?" Jenna froze as she noticed John.

"It's okay that I'm confused, right?" Jenna looked around at the others. "Because we were not expecting you, like, ever."

"Well, I got in late last night." John shrugged. "Elena let me in."

"He and Stefan guilt tripped me into letting him stay." Elena grumbled.

"I..." John started but stared at Elena when she interrupted him and told Jenna the truth about the whole guilt tripping.

"You know, I'm uh, probably just gonna take off." Alaric kissed Jenna softly and left.

"I'm still confused." Jenna admitted.

"I decided to come back and stay for a while." John informed her.

"Not here, you're not." Jenna denied.

"Actually, you can't stop me from living here." John said smugly.

"Actually, I can, as Jeremys legal guardian and Elena's proxy." Jenna smirked back at him,

"Yeah about Elena, do you want me to explain the situation, or would you like to do the honors?" John hummed making Elena want to punch him in the face...again.

"Okay, what's going on?" Jenna asked as she looked from Elena to John and back.

"Well it seems John thinks I'm keeping something from you..." Elena began.

"I'm Elena's biological father." John interrupted. "There, now you know."

"Oh, I thought you were going to tell me something I didn't already know." Jenna chuckled as John walked away.

"You knew already?" John stopped in the doorway.

"Yeah, Elena told me as soon as she found out." Jenna smirked.

John just huffed and left with a glare thrown back towards the two woman.

Elena pulled out her phone and sent to send a text.


Our deal had nothing about me killing people, right?


No, why do you ask?


So, if I would accidently on purpose kill my sperm donor, would our deal still be intact?


Yes, but why do you want him to die?


He's a hypocritical dick that thinks just because he fucked my biological mother without protection, he has a right to decide things in my life >:(


And so, your automatic response is to plan murder?


Yup :D

Would it still be considered patricide if basically no one knows he's my father?





Thanks for clarifying our deal :)


You're welcome.

After she was done texting Elijah, she had decided to start some music and just dance for a while, letting the music guide her movements without caring about what anyone else would think.

Elena had been dancing around the living room for a while when there was a knock on the door.

"Damon?" Elena asked confused as she opened the door.

"Where's John?" Damon walked in.

"He's not here, he left. I don't know where he went." Elena shrugged. "He just blew in, tried to shock Jenna by telling her that he's my sperm donor and then he took off."

"He's probably sulking that Jenna already knew." Damon smirked.

"Wouldn't surprise me at all." Elena chuckled.

"Are you okay?" Damon looked at her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Elena reassured him. "I just have this weird, unexplainable urge to commit patricide for some reason."

Damon gave a barking laugh. "He said what he was doing here?"

"Nope, apparently he doesn't trust me or something." Elena hummed. "You know, Stefan thinks that he's telling the truth about wanting to help me."

"Do you believe him?" Damon wanted to know.

"Not even a little bit." Elena huffed.

"Me neither." Damon nodded.

"What are we going to do?" Elena asked slowly.

"Kill him." Damon turned to leave.

"Not without me you're not." Elena grabbed her keys and followed him.

"You do know that I most likely am not gonna kill him, right?" Damon looked at her as they made their way to his car.

"Yeah but there is a teeny tiny chance and if it happens, I want to be there." Elena smirked.

They made it to the grill and saw John with Jenna and Alaric.

"Damon you might have to hold me back from ripping his throat out, just so you know." Elena whispered to Damon.

Damon smirked at her as they walked up to John. "John, buddy, how have you been?"

"I've been alright, Damon." John answered. "It's good to see you."

"Liar." Elena coughed.

"So, John." Damon said slowly as they started to light some candles for the victims of some tragic event. "Rumor has it...."

Elena left them to whatever they were going to do and walked over to a table to call Lexi.

"Hello beautiful." Lexi answered her phone quickly.

"Hey gorgeous." Elena said back with a chuckle. "How are you and Lee?"

"We're fine, especially since you sent the daylight jewelry." Elena could hear the happiness in Lexi's voice. "We are in the Caribbean at the moment, on a cruise."

"Oh, that sounds dreamy." Elena sighed longingly, she wanted to go somewhere warm.

"It is." Lexi laughed. "I actually sent something to you a day or so ago and it should arrive any day now."

"What is it?" Elena asked excited.

"You'll just have to wait and see, won't you." Lexi hummed teasingly.

Elena and Lexi talked about Lexi's and Lee's trip and what Elena had been up to even though Elena kept a lot about what was going on in Mystic Falls a secret.

"Seems like I need to go." Elena said as she saw Damon walking towards her.

"Say hello to everyone for me." Lexi chuckled and hung up the phone.

"You okay?" Elena asked Damon as he leaned against the table beside her.

"Yeah but I sort of want to kill you father." Damon shrugged.

"Get in line." Elena smirked at him and then her phone rang.

"Stefan?" Elena answered the phone. "What is it?"

After both her and Damon had listened to what Stefan had to say they regrouped in the restroom.

"They have Caroline, what are we going to do?" Elena started to pace.

"We'll just rescue Caroline and kill the mutts that took her." Damon declared.

"I'm going to spray the fuckers with wolfsbane." Elena growled. "And I even think that Tyler would help."

"Do you mind?" Damon glared at John who had entered the room.

"What's going on?" John asked.

"Nothing." Elena snapped.

"It doesn't look like nothing." John looked at her.

"Well guess what John, trust works both ways." Damon sneered. "Get out."

"Look, we don't have time for this." Elena grumbled. "We need to get Caroline back."

"I want to tell you to stay out of it but I also know that you are a stubborn little bitch." Damon groaned. "And the whole thing when we saved Stefan proved that you can take care of yourself."

"I have actually been keeping tow water guns in my bag at all times." Elena smirked. "One filled with vervain and the other filled with wolfsbane."

"Then let's go." Damon and Elena walked out of the room leaving a reeling John behind.

An hour later Stefan, Elena, Tyler and Damon arrived in the woods where Jules and her pack where staying.

"I know you're out there." Jules called out.

Stefan, Elena and Tyler stepped out of the woods and Stefan asked, "Where's Caroline?"

"Locked up tight." Jules smirked.

"Let her go and I'll release Tyler." Stefan said slowly. "It doesn't have to get any messier than it already has. I'm not your enemy, Jules."

"It's a little late to be waving the white flag, don't you think?" Jules sneered.

"You need to leave town." Stefan tried again. "No one else has to get hurt."

"I'm not leaving without Tyler." Jules declared.

"And if Tyler doesn't want to go with you?" Elena hummed looking bored.

"My brother the peacemaker." Damon walked out of the dark. "Since Stefan was with Tyler when we found out you had taken Caroline, I'm going to let him try it his way before I resort to my way, which is a little bloodier. So, give us Caroline."

"Let go of Tyler." Jules demanded.

"Give us Caroline." Damon repeated darkly. "Without a full moon it's not exactly an even fight and you know it. We will take you."

"I'm not so sure about that, though guy." Jules smirked and whistled.

The rest of her pack walked out of their hiding places, all of them holding weapons including stakes, cross-bows and a flame-thrower.

"Damon." Elena piped up in excitement. "I want a flame-thrower for Christmas."

"We'll see what we can do, my litter psychopath." Damon chuckled.

"Let's try this again." Jules smirked again. "Give us Tyler."

"You heard her." Damon looked at Tyler. "Get over there."

Tyler walked over to Jules slowly, knowing that his task in this was to find and free Caroline.

"Which one of you killed Mason?" Brady asked.

"That's the thing." Elena hummed as she made herself ready for the fight. "Mason isn't dead and he told us that you guys weren't his pack at all, even though you wanted him to join you."

"Yeah, we helped him fake his death to protect him." Damon smirked. "And he is now tying up loose ends so he can make the move to Mystic Falls more permanent."

"Make sure that that one suffers." Brady ordered as he gestured towards Damon, then he turned to Elena and looked at her up and down with a sleazy grin. "Keep that one alive, we could use a pack breeding bitch."

"You just sealed your own doom." Stefan growled as he glared at Brady.

"Let's do this..." Damon glared and rushed at Jules.

Elena quickly lost track of Damon and Stefan as she fought. She used one of the tricks Damon had taught her because of her size; quick in and out jabs aimed at vulnerable places. After she killed the first one a second quickly took his place.

She sprayed him in the face with wolfsbane and then as he was screaming in pain, she slit his throat. Elena started to make her way over to where Brady is about to stake Damon, but before she can make it there, all of the werewolves except Tyler and another young man began to scream in pain.

"What's happening?" Caroline asked as the werewolves grab at their ears and fall to the ground in pain.

"What the hell is going on?" Tyler looked around shocked.

Jonas Martin appeared, walking towards them with his hands held out while he's casting a spell on the werewolves.

"Elijah made a promise to Elena." Jonas said as Stefan and Damon got up from the ground. "I'm here to see it's upheld. You need to get out of here, now."

Tyler and Caroline were the first to leave with the help of Stefan. Damon and Elena started to leave until Elena stopped and turned towards Jonas.

"Tell Elijah thank you and that I owe him one." Elena smiled and then Damon picked her up and vamp-sped away.

A while later Elena and Bonnie knocked on Carolines door.

"What are you guys doing here?" Caroline asked with a small smile.

"Well, you have been through a lot in the last few hours." Bonnie said softly.

"So, we're going to slumber it!" Elena beamed at her.

"We haven't done it in ages." Bonnie smiled.

Caroline started to cry and Elena and Bonnie quickly walked in and hugged her, closing the door behind them.
