
"As soon as we land I'll explain everything." I told dad as we looked for a spot to land on the strange island; which I had dicided to call The Ile of Night as we landed the new female night fury came up to us and hissed, dad almost fainted. "It's okay I brought food ." I told her and she sat as I brought out a cod from toothless' saddle bag. "This has to be a dream!" dad yelled. Dad spent three years strait looking for another night fury; I'd be prity upset too if somone else had just stumbled upon one epecially this close to berk, especially if it was a girl. "I was thinking on naming her Luna, what do you think dad?" I asked almost regreting that I said it at all. "She's a she?!!!!" he asked. "Yeah toothless told me when he was comanding her so I could see luna," I replied. We didn't say much after I explained how we met and that we connect the same way that he and toothless did. He was still a little shocked when I finshed and tried to get the saddle on luna. After about an hour of running around she finally let me ride her. On the way home we flew up ino the clouds and she changed. She shifted in a way and her scales completly changed color, instead of being a black with a slight shine of purple, they where now pure white with a slight blue shine. We then looked back at toothless who had his jaw so low it could touch the ocean and dad was a mirror image. I shruged while luna rolled her eye's at toothless like it was aneveryday thing and he shouldn't be so surprised. which is interesting because toothless did grow up at the nest maybe night furys are supposed to grow up together or something. As we moved lower luna shifted color's again and we landed on berk and by then everyone was in for a surprise.
