
I woke up and went out to fly but Luna wasn't there neither was toothless. So I went to go get dad,but he was gone too!
"Grandma, oh thank goodness your here I can't find dad or qq or Luna!"
"Oh, your dad just took them out for bit don't worry."
"At least someone's here to tell me!"
"Calm down your dads just trying to show people she's not dangerous."
"What if he touches her on the scar he's dead! I gotta go!" I ran and ran util I had to push through the crowd but dad wasn't there it was just everyone looking at a stupid paper with names on it.
"Maybe...Gobber's!" I widowers while I ran back out of the way and over to Gobber's hut.
"Awe gosh darn is hold have gone to the cliff, you know me too well!" Dad said and then I noticed a new saddle behind him.
"Why are you building a new saddle for me I broke your rule?"
"Honey I knew you broke my rule a long time ago, I was okay with it because I knew Toothless would never let you get hurt; but now your own dragon and I know that she will never let you get hurt. And so it was only proper I made you a new saddle for this kind of work, so you don't tare it up."
"Oh well then I suppose you might have competition old man!"(giggles)
"Oh so that's how it is huh! Then I challenge you to a gliding test whoever goes the farthest wins!"
We got to the usual spot. Where we glide
"Alright on three 1,2,..."
"3!" I screamed and jumped. Followed by dad who quickly spread his arms and flung upward but knew something he doesn't...
"Beth!" He screamed as I plummeted down ward but then I spread my new suit. (It's like the ones in real life with the spread in between the legs and with a triple back fan.)
Dad was so socked and I went up twice the height he did and then I curled and I split my flaming sword and set it to explode (to explode the gas trail) and then I uncurled.
"Three,two,one... Boom!"
I said while mimicking the explosion and I moved twice as far in less than half the time. And then dad crashed in the snow with toothless.
I whistled and toothless came up behind me while slightly under me. I set my foot on his nose and he slowly directed me to the ground all in one motion and on one wind so that my arm flaps never fell. I stepped onto the ground in almost a jump and started putting away flaps.
"What was that!" Yelled dad with excitement.
"Just added some new things to your old design."
"That was insane! How did you make Toothless do that?"
"Just some advice from grandma and a lot of training."
"Darn, I wish I would have known when I was twenty oh the times that wouldn't have crashed!"
"What do you do now so that you don't crash I mean you clearly didn't know that I made toothless tail an optional automatic?"
"Wait what do you optional?"
"There's a little switch under his ear that her can flick on and off, however he likes it off."
"Oh, I never really figured out a way to land other than hooking to Toothless."
"Looks like the student has become the teacher."
"Hey let's head back," said dad.
I whistled really loudly and at a different sound and Luna came speeding downward from up to the clouds.
When we got back there busy people running about and then a man walked up to dad and said...
"He's escaped, gotten out, he's gone!"
"Let's go!" Dad yelled
"But sir you can't bring your daughter what if she gets hurt?"said the villager
"I was the one to put him behind bars in the first place! And I'm twice as strong as my dad when he my age and mom! If you want to question why I would want to go, go ahead but going!" I said angered and flew off to the prison.
When I got there I found the door open with dragon bit cuffs on the ground, a rose and a note saying that Dagur was in love with me and that he was going to miss our 'meet ups', interrogations, and that he sad to leave but he had too.
"Ugh that creep! But wait this flower it's from the fields on the west side of the island and this bite hmm terrible terror but with really sharp teeth hey look blood huh must have bitten Dagur too. (Giggles) okay the blood goes to the west and these dust trails go south so that's it he went north!"
(Hiccups POV)
"Really, you had to make her mad?" I said and was about to go after her when the villager said...
"No, chief, you must get the prisoner he will be a threat to Berk if he gets free."
"Ugh,alright let's go when we got the prison Ifound a weird note bitten hand cuffs and a rose.
"This rose is from the eastern side of the island he must be there let's go!" Said the informer.
"Alright we can start there" I said not giving a second glance.
(Beth's POV)
I found Dagus ship and landed taking out my sword.
"Awe I knew you would find my love!"
"Ugh your disgusting and insane Dagur, now where is it?!"
"Where is what?"
"Ugh the thing you stole, no one breaks out of a prison without being herd without stealing something."
"Oh, that thing well how do I put this that thing is you!" He said in a malicious tone and men came up from behind me and took my sword and grabbed my arms.
"Now that is quite the weapon I never figured out how to use your dads, but now I won't have to! Hahahaha!"
"I won't let you get away with this!"
"Hahaha, don't you see? I already have!"
Then dad burst in and I used the distraction to take out the two goons behind me with my dagger and jumped on Dagur and tried to cut his throat.
"Stop!"yelled dad and I got up off of Dagur who started coughing.
"Didn't think you where as smart as your daughter." Said Dagur then he spat out some blood.
"Oh just hush up, Dagur you have crossed every line I have to cross you threaten Berk, you escape prison, and you kidnap my daughter!"
I knew what he was doing he was stalling, we where in Gigantica zone where the biggest dragon ever lies and waits and let me tell you that bubble was not always there.
"Dad," I tried to tell him about the bubble.
"You stay out of this your also in trouble you went off without me while a psycho was loose who left a note saying he was crazy about you." Dad said sternly. "Common where leaving, break every sail destroy every anchor, I want anything that can somehow get him out of this spot gone." Ordered dad but I just got on Luna and got her ready to leave.
When we left the bubbles where huge and constantly moving, but then we turned to watch and then she came up and Dagur was gone forever.
The End

"Hey I wonder what would happen if Luna and Toothless had a pup?"
The next book is called Mr.Kooper? Please read!

Hey please email me and talk I so want to hear your ideas and even help others write their books(I mean nothing bad, just suggesting) at [email protected]
