
Chapter 221 Space Failure

Although he was very keen on the crystal core, due to the constraints of the power of the contract, he only had one idea in his mind.

That was to fulfill Lu Liuliu's instructions and deliver the crystal core safely to her.

late at night.

Qingqing Community, in an abandoned villa 2 kilometers away.

Zhang Lang handed the oversized plastic bag filled with crystal nuclei to Lu Liuliu.

Lu Liuliu's eyes widened when he looked at the big bag full of shiny crystal nuclei.

"Is this one million low-level crystal nuclei?"

Lu Liuliu couldn't believe it.

She originally thought that it would not be easy for Zhang Lang to negotiate with those people and get one million crystal cores.

did not expect.

In just half a day, Zhang Lang got the job done.

"Master, here is not a million crystal nuclei."

Lu Liuliu's happy mood dropped, "Hey! Don't be discouraged, you have done a great job!"

"Even if you don't get one million, you get fifty "Ten thousand is not bad."

"Master, that's not the case. There are not 500,000 crystal cores here."

"How much is that?"

"1.5 million low-level zombie crystal cores, 20,000 high-level zombie crystal cores." "

"What?" Lu Liuliu's ears twitched, thinking he heard wrongly.

Zhang Lang had no choice but to repeat the number of crystal nuclei again loudly.

After Lu Liuliu heard this, he quickly looked towards the gate, fearing that someone would hear her conversation with Zhang Lang.


Lu Liuliu couldn't help but give Zhang Lang a thumbs up.

"Master, look, did I do well this time?"

Lu Liuliu heard his cautious question, and of course he knew what this zombie boy wanted to do.

She took out a plastic bag from the space and a ladle for scooping water. The ladle was held in her hand.

She scooped up low-level crystal nuclei the size of rice grains and filled them into a plastic bag.

Good guy.

This guy is so awesome.

It must be greatly rewarded.

Soon, Lu Liuliu filled a plastic bag full of crystal cores, and she handed the plastic bag to Zhang Lang.

"Well done, here are these for you."

Zhang Lang saw a large bag of crystal nuclei and laughed happily "hehe".

Lu Liuliu waved his hand and instantly received all the crystal nuclei in a large snakeskin bag into space.

"Zhang Lang, you watch here, I have something to do when I enter the space."

Zhang Lang was immersed in the joy of the crystal core and nodded repeatedly.

He sensed scattered zombies nearby and ordered them to surround the villa.

Survivors nearby, seeing so many zombies here, should probably take a detour and leave.

Intermediate zombies are not something ordinary chickens and dogs can deal with.

More than enough to deter those ordinary flies.

Zhang Lang sat on the floor, grabbed a handful of low-level zombie crystal cores, threw them into his mouth and chewed them.

Lu Liuliu saw him playing with crystal cores and dodged and entered the space.

She had just entered the space and couldn't wait to mobilize the crystal core to upgrade the sixth door.

Blinking his eyes, the crystal nuclei in the snakeskin bag instantly evaporated into wisps of fine white smoke, which was sucked into the space of the sixth door.

3 seconds later.

Lu Liuliu was looking forward to connecting to the sixth door with his consciousness and wanted to see what was inside.

However, her vision suddenly went dark.

It was forcibly ejected from the space.

"Wow, wow, wow -"

Xiao Wu, who was playing, had his eyesight darkened. He originally only had an IQ of one and a half years old, but although he was well-behaved, his IQ development was far higher than that of his peers.

But after all, it only has the understanding ability of a child under 3 years old.

He was also startled by the sudden darkness in front of him, and he cried "Wow wow wow" unconsciously from his little mouth.

"Master, why are you out?"

Lu Liuliu looked in the direction of the sound with a confused expression.

Due to the darkness in front of her, she could only see a pair of eyes with a dark light staring at her in the corner of the villa.

Lu Liuliu's scream was stuck in his throat.

Before she could recover from her panic.

A furry paw suddenly grabbed her ankle.


Lu Liuliu thought he had seen a ghost and couldn't help but scream.

Kongkong was lying on the ground, frightened by Lu Liuliu's scream, and started to scream too.

Lu Liuliu heard Kong Kong yelling "Ahhhh" at her feet, and suddenly his face was speechless.

The fear immediately disappeared.


It turned out to be empty.

At this moment, Zhang Lang in the corner suddenly turned on a flashlight, illuminating the dark master bedroom of the villa.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

What's wrong?

I'm not scared by you two!

If someone scares you, you'll scare them to death, right?


Zombies and monkeys are scary, they will scare people to death, okay!

Lu Liuliu let out a long breath. She stretched out her hand, took out a bright yellow desk lamp from the space, and placed it in the room.

In an instant, the originally dark room was illuminated by warm yellow light, giving it a warm glow.

Lu Liuliu calmed down, and she softly comforted the frightened Xiao Wu in his ear, "The baby is not afraid. Mom is here, so don't be afraid."

Xiao Wu saw Lu Liuliu's blurry outline and listened to her gentle voice. The crying gradually stopped.

Lu Liuliu summoned a crib, and she gently placed Xiao Wu in the crib.

Xiao Wu squinted his eyes and saw Lu Liuliu conjuring a stool. She was sitting on the stool, looking down at herself.

Feeling full of security, Xiao Wu slowly closed his eyes and breathed evenly.

Lu Liuliu sat on the stool and calmed down a little.

She mentioned Kong Kong and asked doubtfully: "Were you forced to eject it too?"

Kong Kong looked aggrieved, "Ah, Master, I am telling the baby a story about selling little matches to girls."

"I don't know why, Suddenly everything went dark, wow, wow, wow, that scares me to death!"

Kongkong showed an aggrieved expression of fear, "The little monkey needs a peach to relieve his fright!"

Three exclamation marks appeared on Lu Liuliu's forehead! .

"First of all, it's not a little match seller, it's a little match girl!"

"You can't mislead Xiao Wu! When you tell a story, you must tell the name of the story clearly."

Kong Kong stared aggrievedly with his golden eyes.

The master is so cruel.

He had obviously seen it in one place, selling small matches to girls.

The owner must have made a mistake.

Wuwuwu, the master is right, even if the master is wrong, she is also right.

Kongkong listened carefully to Lu Liuliu's lecture.

"Second, why was I suddenly ejected from space? Did this kind of sudden ejection happen when you were with other masters before?"

Kongkong thought hard, then shook his head, "No."

Lu Liu Liu was immediately flustered.

Space is her biggest support, the materials in the space, the magical spiritual spring water, and the planting land.

And those hundreds of thousands of unused crystal cores...

If the space is blocked, her biggest reliance will be lost.

"Master, think about it carefully. Did you do anything strange to the space before we were ejected from the space?"

Chapter 222 Video in Distress

Something strange?

Lu Liuliu was reminded by Kong Kong and suddenly remembered that she was waiting for the space to open the sixth door.

Could it be?

The space forced them out because of the sixth door?

"Master, did you think of something?"

"Well, before I was ejected, I just opened the sixth door."

The boss stared blankly.

Upgrading the sixth door requires more than one million energy.

This master named Lu Liuliu actually opened the sixth door in just over a month?

This is incredible!

Kong Kong danced excitedly.

Lu Liuliu saw it dancing happily, his mouth bulging with anger.


Why is this monkey always such a nuisance to the scenery?

Don't you see that she is worried about not being able to use the space?

There is nothing to be happy about!

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Lu Liuliu stopped the excited and crazy Kong Kong, "What should I do now? You are a product of space. Is there any way for me to re-enter the space?"

Kong Kong looked at Lu Liuliu's frowning face and thought in his heart. Very happy.

Space upgrades take a certain amount of time.

During this time, it can finally play outside.

It has long been tired of seeing it in space.

However, Happy didn't dare to let her master find out that she was anxious about not being able to enter the space.

Kongkong comforted him: "Master, you don't have to worry, the space is being upgraded. After the upgrade is completed, you can re-enter the space!"

Lu Liuliu felt a little depressed when he heard Kongkong's explanation.

After the apocalypse broke out, she had been relying heavily on space. Now the space suddenly failed, making her feel very frightened and at a loss.


She has Zhang Lang and Kong Kong helping her.

Moreover, her own physical fitness has been increased threefold, and her strength is pretty good compared to ordinary people.

Lu Liuliu looked at the abandoned villa with bare walls and tried to take out the materials in the space.

She stretched out her hand, and a fresh and hot fried chicken steak appeared in her hand.

An overbearing and strong aroma of fried chicken wafted through, making the hooker drool.


Although the space is inaccessible, the supplies she had stored in the fresh-keeping area can still be taken out and used.

Lu Liuliu tried to open the five front doors again and tried to remove the products inside.

However, the five doors that were previously opened became closed.

It should be affected by the sixth door and cannot be opened now.

Immediately afterwards, she tried to put the things out of the space back into the space.

These things appear to be in a state where they cannot be collected by space.

This is very troublesome.

Due to the upgrade, the space can now only be exited but cannot be entered.

In the future, when I see useful supplies, I can only stuff them in the car.

Fortunately, the space gave her permission to get supplies, otherwise it would be harder to find something hot to eat than to reach the sky.

She didn't want to run into the shelter and bump into Zhou Yining's men.

Now that we have lost our biggest support in space, it is better to be careful.

Also, Zhang Lang had just traded a large number of crystal cores with officials.

With the number of these crystal nuclei, the officials would definitely not let him go so easily.

Lu Liuliu always had an ominous premonition, and she immediately told Zhang Lang, "Let's go back to Peacock Villa to rest."

Zhang Lang whispered, "Master, are you worried that my whereabouts will be exposed?"

"Don't worry, I'm back. At that time, the box where the locator and monitoring equipment were officially installed has been thrown away. "

"It's impossible for them to find our location."

Lu Liuliu shook his head, "Official methods are endless. Nowadays, strangers and capable people are emerging in large numbers. We'd better be careful and safe."

"Okay, I'll drive now."

Zhang Lang immediately walked out of the villa and moved the nearby zombies away again.

Kongkong stared at the fried chicken in Lu Liuliu's hand, "Master, it's very inconvenient for you to carry the food. Why don't you let me help you with this food."

Lu Liuliu handed the fried chicken box to Kongkong angrily.

Kong Kong opened the box, put one hand in a disposable glove, and stuffed delicious fried chicken steak into his mouth.

Although Lu Liuliu was also hungry, this was not a good time to eat.

She hurriedly pushed the stroller out of the abandoned villa area.

Zhang Lang helped her put the stroller into the back seat of the off-road vehicle and pressed the safety brake button to prevent the car from rolling away.

Lu Liuliu opened the door and got into the SUV.

As soon as she turned the key, she suddenly noticed that her bracelet lit up.

[Liuliu, I may never see you again...]

[In the next life, we will still be good sisters. ]

[By the way, Brother Xiao left a box for you. I always carry the box with me...]

[Liuliu, it's very dangerous here. You must not come to me. ]

[Also, I'm sorry, I can't hand over the things that Brother Xiao left to you personally. ]

Lu Liuliu saw Jiang Yiyi's message and hurriedly replied.

[Yiyi, where are you? Are you in danger? 】

Lu Liuliu sent two messages in succession.

But I didn't wait for Jiang Yiyi's reply.

Just when she was frustrated, she saw Jiang Yiyi's profile picture light up.

Immediately afterwards, she received a video from Jiang Yiyi.

in video.

Countless zombies surrounded the densely packed survivors.

The screams were endless.

Jiang Yiyi's face was pale, and Yan Feiyu was not seen beside her.

At this moment, Jiang Yiyi looked very weak. She was sitting in a large truck, and noisy crying and shouting came from the truck.

[Liu Liu, the official has bought us 1 minute of communication time. As you can see, we are surrounded by zombies and may not be able to escape...]

Jiang Yiyi's video stopped abruptly when it played for 30 seconds.

Before Lu Liuliu could reply, he suddenly saw her profile picture dimming.

This shows that Jiang Yiyi has no signal there.

Lu Liuliu frowned.

Zhang Lang walked to her car window and said, "Master, we are leaving now. I have removed the zombies near the villa."

"Zhang Lang, hurry up and find out where the recent official search and rescue troops have gone. Go and help ." I saved my friend."

Lu Liuliu sent Jiang Yiyi's video to Zhang Lang, "This is what she looks like."

Zhang Lang's bracelet lit up, and he saw Jiang Yiyi's face and her back. A brutal battle took place.

There are...

so many zombies, at least tens of thousands of them by visual inspection.

The actions of these zombies seem to be directed?

Zhang Lang looked at the search and rescue team truck surrounded by zombies and sighed secretly in his heart.

Such a loud zombie riot must be caused by the appearance of a zombie king above the special level.

Only then can a zombie group of tens of thousands be mobilized.

Members of the official search and rescue team are in danger.

This friend of the master.

When he finds it, I'm afraid...

"Master, I left. I'm afraid you won't be safe alone."

Zhang Lang said worriedly.

Chapter 223 Qiuqiu Farm

"I'm free to help. I won't be in danger if I don't go out."

"Go and inquire about the news first. Once you find out Jiang Yiyi's address, tell me immediately."

Lu Liuliu found two walkie-talkies in the space, and she took one with her Put it in the crossbody bag and hand one to Zhang Lang.

"This is a walkie-talkie developed by "Yunshang" technology. After it is turned on, it can communicate with each other by sound within a range of 2 kilometers."

"Take it with you. When you find out clearly, I will drive over to meet you immediately."

"No. , Master, I must send you to a safe place first."

Lu Liuliu felt very irritated when he thought about Jiang Yiyi's life hanging by a thread.

Moreover, she still had something left for her by Xiao Jiu.

Maybe, when she gets that thing, she can figure out what happened to Xiao Jiu.

"Don't be impatient, go quickly, I'll drive back to Peacock Villa and wait for you."

Lu Liuliu didn't wait for his reaction, called Kong Kong, and drove away in the direction of Peacock Villa.

Zhang Lang sighed helplessly. He followed Lu Liuliu and immediately set off to go to the gate of Lin Wan's shelter to spend a lot of money to find survivors and inquire about the whereabouts of the official search and rescue team.

It's quiet at night.

Zhang Lang and Lu Liuliu went out separately.

They had just left about half an hour ago.

The abandoned villa was surrounded by a team of officials.

Under the leadership of Nangong Zhu, they entered the abandoned villa to search for something.

"No one was found."

"No one was seen here."

Nangong Zhu's arrival searched all the abandoned villas nearby.

Except for a few small groups living near the villa, there was no trace of Lu Liuliu and Zhang Lang.

Nangong Zhu greeted a group of people back to Lin Wan Shelter.

Lin Wan Shelter.

A temporary resting place for the Nangong family.

Nangong Mei looked anxiously at Nangong Youran lying on the bed.

"Sister Mei, we went and saw no one there."

Nangong Mei looked confused.

This is impossible.

She had the positioning instrument disguised as a crystal core, and the location finally displayed was in the abandoned villa area.

"Did you find the locator?"

Nangong Zhu shook his head, "When we went there, we completely lost contact with the locator."

"Maybe the other party left the shelter and went to a place with no signal, so she couldn't be located. "

Keep watching. Once you find the positioning signal, you will find a way to bring the person back."

After hesitating for a moment, Nangong Zhu said in a low voice, "Master said, let's not scare the enemy for the time being."

"Don't worry, Master ." Wake up, blame me, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Nangong Zhu felt reassured after hearing Nangong Mei's assurance.

Nangong Megan and the three of them are different.

They are members of the Nangong family with a foreign surname. They were raised since childhood to obey Nangong Youran's orders.

But Nangong Mei has the blood of the Nangong family flowing through her body.

Nangong Mei is a distant cousin of Nangong Youran.

Her status is far higher than the three of them.

The young master will not punish Sister Mei excessively if she disobeys his orders.


They also want to kidnap the girl named Lu Liuliu back.

It was a million-level crystal core, and it was just left to the people around Lu Liuliu to take it away.

Too unwilling.

These crystal nuclei are all the inventory in the warehouse of the Nangong family after the outbreak of the apocalypse.

They did not have Nangong Mei's status and did not dare to disobey Nangong Youran's orders.

This comes from the deep-rooted habit of obeying orders since childhood.

They were trained by the Nangong family using special methods.

Only Nangong Mei is an exception.

"You go out first, I'm watching here."

Nangong Zhu glanced at Nangong Youran who was sleeping on the bed, and quietly exited the room.

Five hours later.

Around 1am.

Zhang Lang finally found out the whereabouts of the latest batch of official search and rescue team members.

"Brother, they went to a farm in the suburbs. I heard that it used to be one of the official granaries."

"A large amount of grain was stored in those warehouses."

"I remember that the farm was called Qiuqiu Farm."

Zhang Lang transferred the reward to the person who provided the information, and immediately drove away to Peacock Villa.

When he was 2 kilometers away from Peacock Villa, he tried to use the walkie-talkie to page Lu Liuliu.




After a harsh sound of electricity, Zhang Lang spoke slowly, "Miss Lu, this is Zhang Lang. Please reply when you receive it."

"I'm here. "

Lu Liuliu rubbed the corners of his sore eyes and replied weakly.

"I found out that Miss Jiang went to Qiuqiu Farm."

Lu Liuliu sat up from the back seat of the car, "Kongkong, look at the baby while we go find Zhang Lang."


Lu Liuliu drove the car. , about 5 minutes later, she and Zhang Lang met at the three-way intersection in front of Peacock Villa.

"Master, I'll go check out the situation at Qiuqiu Farm first. You can find a safe place to hide for the time being."

"When I find Miss Jiang, I will definitely find a way to bring her to you."

Lu Liu Six's space at this moment has lost its function of entering.

She also had Xiao Wu with her.

Jiang Yiyi and Xiao Wu's safety must not be put in danger just because of what Jiang Yiyi and Xiao Jiu left for her.



Lang drove immediately and set off for Qiuqiu Farm.

Lu Liuliu always kept a certain distance from him.

The car drove on the dark road for about 2 hours.

Finally came to the area near Qiuqiu Farm.

Zhang Lang saw the gate sign outside Qiuqiu Farm at the entrance and said to Lu Liuliu: "Master, you wait here first. If you encounter danger, you can drive away from here quickly."


After Zhang Lang gave his instructions, he drove the SUV and quickly rushed to Qiuqiu Farm.

As soon as he entered a wide pavilion about 800 meters away from Qiuqiu Farm, he immediately felt that there were a large number of zombies gathered here.

The zombie groups are distributed in Qiuqiu Farm, in three directions: southeast, north and south.

Zhang Lang randomly selected a direction and went to the rescue.

Soon, his SUV came to the east area.

The roar of the car attracted the attention of many zombies.

These zombies heard the sound and walked towards the car one after another.

Zhang Lang turned off the engine and got out of the car. He looked at the densely packed thousands of ugly zombie companions, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of fear or disgust.

Because when he gets close to these companions, he instinctively feels a sense of sympathy for the same kind.

"Hey guys, go play in the square over there."

Zhang Lang used his high-level zombie suppression ability and his special zombie mental control to control about half of the zombies and leave the surrounding warehouse.

The remaining zombies still rushed towards the warehouse tenaciously.

"You guys are so stubborn!"

Chapter 224 Fairy Water

Zhang Lang was very surprised to see that half of the low-level zombies were not under his control.

This is impossible?

He is a high-level one, and most of the nearby zombies are low-level ones.

There are only a dozen in the middle level.

These zombies should be easy to control for a high-level person.

Why, now half of the zombies don't obey his orders.

This is simply unreasonable!

Zhang Lang continued to fire the mental control ability that only the zombie king could awaken, trying to control the besieging zombies and leave the warehouse.

He saw it from a distance.

This warehouse is besieged by zombies.

There were many official personnel and survivors holding guns and shooting at the group of zombies at the front.

Zhang Lang immediately got in the car and drove to hide in a corner next to the square.

He was in the car, trying to continue controlling the low-level zombies to leave.

The remaining half of the low-level zombies were affected by his spiritual power and began to take action.

They began to turn around, striding to follow the footsteps of the previous group of zombies, and gathered towards the square in the distance.

To prevent these zombies from being bored for long periods of time.

Zhang Lang gave them unified instructions, "Do frog leaps until dawn, then find a place to hide from the sun and sleep."

The sun's ultraviolet rays will cause a burning sensation to zombies like them.

If you are not careful, your skin will be burned.

After being burned, a lot of crystal core energy in the brain is needed to slowly repair the wound.

Low-level zombies were originally chaotic and without consciousness.

When they received Zhang Lang's instructions, they gathered around the wide square without hesitation and squatted and stood up.

Zhang Lang smiled when he saw these low-level zombies.

"I am a high-level zombie now, how can I not deal with you low-level minions?"

Just when Zhang Lang was complacent and planned to drive into the warehouse to inquire about Jiang Yiyi.


He saw that some of the boys who were squatting and standing in the square began to disobey his orders again.

They roared a few times and rushed towards the warehouse again.

Zhang Lang was stunned.

It shouldn't be, these zombies are already under his control.

Why would you still rebel?

Zhang Lang's temper rose.

He continued to use his powers to control this part of the out-of-control zombies, returned to the square again, and squatted and stood up.

Low-level zombies and mid-level zombies were controlled back and forth, jumping repeatedly across the warehouse gate and in the middle of the square.

The survivors who were hiding in the warehouse to protect the food noticed the strange movements of the zombies, and their eyes showed doubts.

"Captain, what are those zombies doing?"

"Don't worry about what they are doing. Now is a good opportunity. Quickly move the food to the car and drive away from here!"

"Everyone, load the food and leave Qiuqiu Farm."

said the official search and rescue team Several squad leaders gave orders to the survivors.

After receiving the order, the survivors took action.

After about 5 minutes.

Zhang Lang began to feel dizzy.

At this moment, he also reacted.

The strange behavior of these zombies in Qiuqiu Farm must be controlled by higher-level zombies who have awakened their consciousness.

Can control more than 10,000 zombies at the same time and execute orders.

Such zombies were the same as he had judged from the video on the bracelet.

It must be a special zombie.

Zhang Lang noticed this, and his pale face turned even paler.

He saw the granary to the east being emptied by the survivors, and immediately stuffed a handful of crystal cores into his mouth to replenish the energy consumed by releasing the zombie powers.

Wait for the last survivors to drive away in trucks.

Zhang Lang stopped fighting with the super zombies who controlled this group of zombies.

He immediately drove away from the eastern area.

5 minutes later.

Zhang Lang saw Lu Liuliu talking to officials on a truck.

"Excuse me, have you seen this girl?"


"I don't know her."

"Miss, run away. It's very strange here. The zombies seem to have awakened their consciousness."

Lu Liuliu asked again and again. Several cars of people.

No news about Jiang Yiyi was received.

She felt very discouraged.

After Zhang Lang and all the survivors left in the truck, they came to Lu Liuliu.

"Master, wait until I recover my energy and continue going in to find people."

Zhang Lang said breathlessly.

"You are a high-level zombie, how come you use up your energy so quickly?"

Zhang Lang yelled, cursing, "It's not like a high-level zombie or above appeared in Qiuqiu Farm. That guy, like me, has awakened to control zombies. Similar abilities."

"I just fought with that monster for three hundred rounds, and all the energy in my brain was exhausted."

"Hehe, that guy's ability should be similar to mine."

Lu Liuliu was very curious. High-level zombies with the ability to awaken and control appear.

"Kongkong, can you help me contract the zombies inside?"

Kongkong shook his head, "Master, pet contract, in my memory, you can only contract one in your life. You have already contracted with Zhang Lang, and you cannot contract with others. It's a zombie."

"If you insist on changing pets, you can cancel the contract with Zhang Lang first, and you can form a contract with a more powerful zombie."

Zhang Lang felt a sense of crisis in his heart when he heard Kong Kong say this.

"This is impossible!"

"Master, you already have me, how can you abandon me when you see other zombies?"

Zhang Lang knew the power and mystery of Lu Liuliu.

No matter what, he didn't want to leave Lu Liuliu.

"Don't worry, I won't terminate the contract with you."

Lu Liuliu comforted Zhang Lang and said.

Zhang Lang was relieved at this, he had only recovered one-third of his energy despite himself.

"Master, I am better than that zombie!"

"Don't worry, I will go in right now and surrender this zombie. As long as it is surrendered, all official survivors can be rescued."

"In this way, your friends will also be Will be rescued!"

Lu Liuliu saw Zhang Lang gasping for breath.

She thought for a while, took out a small bottle of diluted vitality water from the space, and handed it to Zhang Lang.

Vitality water was able to treat Zhang Lang's injuries before.

After Zhang Lang uses it, he should be able to enjoy the restorative power of the vitality water.

"Master, thank you. I'm a zombie and I'm not thirsty."

Zhang Lang saw the mineral water bottle, his eyes full of resistance.

Now, nothing but fresh blood and raw meat.

He is not interested in all the food and water provided by humans in his previous life.

"If you're not thirsty, drink this too." Lu Liuliu threw the mineral water bottle to Zhang Lang.

Facing Lu Liuliu's order.

Zhang Lang opened the bottle of mineral water with great embarrassment and tried to take a small sip.

The next second.

Zhang Lang felt that the core of his brain was instantly filled with one-third of the energy.

"Here, what kind of fairy water is this?"

"This is too outrageous!"

"Don't wait any longer. After your energy is restored, hurry in and help me find my friend."

Chapter 225 Warehouse Rescue

"No problem!"

Zhang Lang immediately drank three sips of vitality water.

After a few seconds, all the energy he had consumed was replenished.

"Master, I'm going!"

Zhang Lang drove quickly towards the north.

10 minutes later.

He ran back to Lu Liuliu panting.

"Master, do you still have the fairy water you just had?"

Lu Liuliu continued to throw him a bottle of diluted vitality water.

After Zhang Lang recovered, he rushed to the warehouse area to the south.

Another 10 minutes later.

Panting, he ran to Lu Liuliu's side.

"Master, that guy is too difficult to deal with. I need vitality water to continue fighting with him!"

Lu Liuliu frowned.

Zhang Lang went in and out three times.

The official survivors also left in three batches.

Among these three groups of people, she never heard about Jiang Yiyi.

"Zhang Lang, don't forget the mission I gave you. The most important thing is to find my friends first."

"Master, don't worry, I have sensed the last gathering place of survivors in Qiuqiu Farm!"

"I'm sure of it! , Your friend must be over there. "

The hateful zombie who is against him must be over there too!

Lu Liuliu held on to his last glimmer of hope and threw Zhang Lang a bottle of vitality water.

Zhang Lang immediately drove and rushed to the warehouse area in the center of Qiuqiu Farm.

At this moment.

It's just dawn, and the sun has exposed half of its head.

Fierce gunfire was heard near the warehouse in the central area.


"Bang bang bang..."


came from not far away There were shrill screams and a series of gunshots.

Zhang Lang frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart.

He stopped the car urgently, got out of the car, quickened his pace, and ran towards the central warehouse.

On the way, he passed around a pile of corpses.

What he saw was the remains of survivors' limbs and flesh all over the ground. This sight made his stomach churn.

He didn't dare to take a closer look, he just covered his mouth with his hand, trying to hold back the feeling of nausea.

As he got closer and closer to the warehouse, the sounds of gunshots and screams became clearer and clearer. He kept praying in his heart that Miss Jiang, whom the master was looking for, was still alive.

Finally, he arrived near the warehouse.

The scene before him stunned him.

The door of the central warehouse was damaged and it was a mess.

A large number of bullet casings and bodies were scattered on the ground.

Zhang Lang looked along the door of the destroyed warehouse. Among the embarrassed survivors, he saw Miss Jiang, the friend the owner was looking for.

She and the survivors gathered by the authorities were fighting a fierce battle with a group of zombies.

Jiang Yiyi's eyes were filled with despair.

If I had known that I would encounter super zombies when I came out with Feiyu...

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as early knowledge and no regret medicine in this world.

During this period, she would occasionally chat with Lu Liuliu when her profile picture lit up.

Liuliu said.

In her previous life, she died in the gym just after the end of the world.

It has only been a month since the apocalypse broke out.

She still suffered the same fate as before.

Is this God's will?

Or is she already on death's list?

Jiang Yiyi clenched the ordinary gun in her hand and aimed at a zombie that was rushing towards her and shot.

During this time, she and Yan Feiyu have been going to the training ground to train.

In addition, she has always been an outdoor sports enthusiast, and her shooting skills can achieve a hit rate of over 80%.

This is also the reason why Yan Feiyu is willing to take her with him.

What's more important is that Jiang Yiyi has been under the influence of several months of vitality water and her own quality of long-term exercise.

After Yan Feiyu's test, he has reached the passing level of ordinary official men.

Jiang Yiyi panicked and blamed herself.

The things Xiao Jiu left for Liuliu could not be delivered to Liuliu.

Yan Feiyu, also in the chaotic battle, was transferred by the team leader to a nearby warehouse to fight against the mutated super zombies.

During the battle, she and Yan Feiyu got separated.

He must be fine.

Jiang Yiyi held the gun, sweat soaked her forehead.

As the gun in her hand danced, bullets continued to spray out, knocking down the zombies one by one.

Blood and brain matter splattered around her, creating a horrific scene.

After Zhang Lang replenished his physical strength, he immediately began to release the zombie leader's control ability.

This time.

The zombies surrounding the warehouse door were easily dispatched by him.

It seems.

I had been fighting with that super zombie before, and it was still very difficult for it to control more than 10,000 zombies at the same time.

After several rounds of tug-of-war.

He had the magical vitality water given by his master to replenish his physical strength, but that super zombie was consumed by many survivors, guns, and official superpowers.

Energy has gradually bottomed out.

This resulted in him not caring about the control of some warehouse zombies.


Jiang Yiyi found the zombies surrounding her and began to retreat.

The bodies of the terrifying and disgusting zombies were frozen instantly.

All the survivors in the warehouse were dumbfounded.

The next second.

These zombies turned around and ran away quickly.

"Captain, do we want to catch up?"

an official asked in the warehouse.

"What are you chasing after? Our ammunition is at the bottom!"

"There is a lot of movement over there with the superpowers. Are we going to support him?"

The captain of the warehouse team really wanted to slap this idiot to death with a brick. bird.

They are ordinary people, made of flesh and blood.

What I heard on the intercom was that it was a super zombie.

They went to deliver food!

People with superpowers are much, much stronger than them, they are not on the same level.

If the superpowers couldn't deal with it, they would just kill the super zombie king.

"Shut up!"

the captain of the warehouse yelled, "Hurry up and get in the car and retreat. If you ask one more question, I will kill you with one shot!"

This cute new official member's passionate words were hit by the captain's words. Go into the stomach.

Could he really not ask another question?

"Come on, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?"

A team member quickly pulled the passionate young man.

A group of people quickly cleaned up the zombies on a large truck.

The four tires of the truck were purposely destroyed by this group of zombies.

Fortunately, every truck has a spare tire.

Officials found four spare tires on four abandoned trucks and replaced them. They also pumped out the gasoline in the vehicles as backup.

Jiang Yiyi followed the group and climbed into the truck.

She sat in the truck, her heart pounding.

In the darkness and confusion, the captain and an official driver of the truck immediately got in and started the vehicle.

The truck's engine roared, and the loud noise during acceleration attracted the attention of the zombies.

The zombies turned towards the approaching truck.

The truck driver skillfully drove the truck and nimbly avoided their attacks.

Zhang Lang has been following the truck now to ensure Jiang Yiyi's safety.

When he saw the zombies near the truck getting out of control again, he immediately used the zombie leader's ability to drive away the zombies.

Chapter 226 This old 6

Jiang Yiyi followed the group and climbed into the truck.

She sat in the truck, her heart pounding.

In the darkness and confusion, the captain and an official driver of the truck immediately got in and started the vehicle.

The truck's engine roared, and the loud noise during acceleration attracted the attention of the zombies.

The zombies turned towards the approaching truck.

The truck driver skillfully drove the truck and nimbly avoided their attacks.

Zhang Lang has been following the truck now to ensure Jiang Yiyi's safety.

When he saw the zombies near the truck getting out of control again, he immediately used the zombie leader's ability to drive away the zombies.


This time he discovered that his powers were out of control.

These zombies are completely no longer under his control.

Zhang Lang immediately realized that the super zombies must have been angered by his repeated provocations.

In addition, all the survivors in the three areas have been evacuated.

As a result, the number of zombies that need to be controlled by super zombies is instantly reduced.

Although most of its energy was consumed, the pressure from the hierarchy sent orders to these zombies at fixed points.

As a result, his superpowers completely lost their effect.

Zhang Lang suddenly frowned.

Keep going like this.

It is simply an impossible task to save Miss Lu's friend!

In just ten seconds.

The controlled zombies immediately chased the truck like crazy.

"Ahhhh! They're catching up!" an official shouted.

Jiang Yiyi couldn't help but exclaim, "So many zombies!"

Just now, she saw a glimmer of hope.

The hope now turned into despair.

Jiang Yiyi's whole heart was numbed by the stimulation.

Just when she was about to collapse in despair, she suddenly saw an SUV behind the truck.

People on the truck also saw the SUV driven by Zhang Lang.

They couldn't help but think that the zombies suddenly left just now, maybe this person who suddenly appeared was helping them.

This group of team members suddenly thought of the superpowers who were transferred to deal with the stunt zombie king.

When they saw Zhang Lang's car, a glimmer of hope emerged from the despair in their eyes.

"Here's help from the superpowers. Let's do this!"

"Death to these monsters!"

"Death to me!"

The survivors on the truck picked up their weapons and shot at the zombies' brains.

As more and more zombies come to surround you.

The truck was forced to stop in the middle of the square.

The people in the truck were all furious.

Zhang Lang saw the truck stop and immediately rushed to the group of zombies.

Because of his special physique.

These zombies completely regarded him as their own kind, so they didn't want to harm him.

Zhang Lang sneaked around and successfully arrived at the truck.

at this time.

Many survivors in the truck.

At this moment, they discovered that their ammunition had run out.

"What should we do? We are really going to be doomed this time."

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't want to die, get out of the car with me and cut a way out."

The team members in the truck heard the captain's instructions.

They cheered up and jumped out of the truck to chop zombies instead of picking up the official Tang knives.


A member of the official team forcefully inserted the Tang knife into the zombie's brain.

The next second, he pulled out the Tang Dao and inserted it again...

The other team members also held the weapons in their hands tightly and slashed at the attacking zombies desperately.

All of a sudden.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the sound of broken bodies echoed in the air.

Zhang Lang took advantage of the chaos and approached the guardrail of the truck where Jiang Yiyi was, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Jiang, come with me quickly."

She felt very sad when she saw Zhang Lang standing next to the truck, less than one meter away from the zombies. disturbed.

At the same time, a warm current also rose from the depths of her heart.

Jiang Yiyi was moved and said, "Sir, superpower, please leave me alone and take me with you. None of us can escape."

She was very grateful to this superpower for coming to save them.

But she, she was more afraid of harming the precious superpowers.

Zhang Lang shook his head desperately. He didn't dare to let go, because his mission goal this time was to send Jiang Yiyi to a safe place!

Seeing that the situation was critical, Zhang Lang immediately said to Jiang Yiyi: "Miss Jiang, it was Miss Lu who asked me to rescue you. She is waiting for you at the gate. Come with me quickly."

Jiang Yiyi was stunned for a moment.

After wandering through life and death countless times, she had a complicated expression on her face.

"Did Liuliu ask you to come?"

"Uh-huh, Liuliu, Liuliu is the best to me."

Jiang Yiyi has always been strong against zombies when facing life and death.

At this moment, she suddenly heard that Lu Liuliu had sent someone to rescue her, and her tears couldn't stop falling.

The tears, like a faucet, flowed more and more and couldn't stop.

Jiang Yiyi wanted to wipe her eyes, but didn't dare.

There is a lot of mucus splattered from killing zombies on your body. If you rub the zombie mucus now, you may be infected with the zombie virus.

Zhang Lang was a little speechless when he saw that the girl who was originally heroic and killing zombies suddenly turned into a whiny monster.

He stretched out his hand wearing black leather gloves and said, "Miss Jiang, come with me quickly."

Jiang Yiyi saw a trace of confusion in her eyes when she saw the team members who were fighting zombies.

The superhuman in front of her was sent by Liuliu to save her.

Liuliu's efforts must not be in vain because of temporary pity and the Holy Mother's heart.

Jiang Yiyi did not hesitate to use Zhang Lang's hands to jump out of the truck.

Zhang Lang immediately activated his power and controlled four nearby mid-level zombies, standing next to the SUV.

He brainwashed the four mid-level zombies, "Children, help Dad take care of the car. Except for Dad and Dad's friends, don't let other bad boys come over to cause damage."

"As long as you help Dad take care of the car, everyone will complete the task. All good children have energy cores to eat. "

There is class suppression, coupled with the temptation of crystal cores.

These zombies are very obsessed with Zhang Langhua's cakes.

The four mid-level zombies were originally unconscious, but the special brain waves Zhang Lang sent to them could clearly let them understand Zhang Lang's meaning.

Four zombies stepped out from the crowd of zombies.

Other low-level zombies controlled by the special-level zombie king instinctively avoided and gave way after seeing the mid-level zombies.

This is completely the instinctive suppression power of the zombie class.

Although super zombies can control many zombies.

However, under Zhang Lang's specially targeted super energy control, he still managed to find four rebellious mid-level zombies.

Under the cover of four mid-level zombies, Zhang Lang protected Jiang Yiyi and led her to escape to the SUV behind him and sit down.

In order to prevent the special-level zombies from discovering him, he controlled the mid-level zombies at a fixed point.

Zhang Lang deliberately increased the output energy of brain waves.

The super zombies were in another warehouse, fighting fiercely with the superpowers.

When it sensed Zhang Lang, the sixth child, it couldn't hold back at all.

It looked up to the sky and roared, and let out a deafening roar from its huge mouth.

Chapter 227 Super Zombie King Five

"Ah ho——"

"good, very good, excellent!"

"A traitor actually appeared among the zombies, ah ho——

"Go to hell!"

Instantly, blood spurted out, and the pungent smell of blood spread in the air.

The sharp claws of the stunt zombie King Wu slashed through the air and hit a person with supernatural powers.

in a blink.

This superpower was instantly torn into countless pieces of flesh and blood.

The other superpowers were all frightened out of their wits by the miserable state of their companions.

Just now, this special zombie was not so ferocious.

What is it that makes it so angry?

In the hands of the super zombie king, he grabbed the brain of the superhuman and threw it into his mouth to chew it.

All superpowers know that super zombies riot for whatever reason.


They are all destined to die.

The captain of the superpower team gave a final roar in despair: "Defense, everyone, look for opportunities to continue the attack."

I have just evolved into the super zombie king five. After eating the brain of this superpower, I feel a lot more energetic.

It stretched out its sharp claws again, grabbed a person with superpowers, tore him into pieces like a fruit, and threw the brain and core into its mouth to replenish energy.


One scream after another came.

The super zombie king killed ten superpowers in a row. It was not until he realized that his energy was replenished that he stopped his killing claws.

"Ants, you should be lucky, ah ho ho—"

The super zombie king, who was full of food and drink, no longer paid attention to the harassment and attacks from time to time by the superpowers.

His copper-bell-sized eyes focused on the area where Zhang Lang was.

The superpowers were all confused when they saw the stunt zombies suddenly letting go of attacking them.

After the super zombie Wang Wu finished speaking, he turned around and ran wildly, chasing Zhang Lang in the direction.

The other 70 or so people with supernatural powers who survived all had expressions of fear.

Among them, a team of superpowers who had gone through many battles and were very keen on the special zombie crystal core asked without fear of death:

"Captain, should we give chase?"

"Perhaps this zombie has reached the end of its strength and wants to escape?"


The captain of the superpower team was speechless.

Look at this terrifying special-grade zombie, there is no trace of it that is at the end of its tether.

The posture and movements it took just now to throw away its arms and take a long stride were like a gust of wind, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

How can you catch up at such a speed?

Catch up and continue to serve it as a snack?

"Retreat and call headquarters for rescue."

The leader of the superpower team made a prompt decision, took a hundred superpowers under him, got on the truck and left.

As for the food in the warehouse that was contaminated with zombie blood, they had no intention of taking it back to the shelter.

First, most of the truck was lost in the battle, leaving no room to carry food.

Secondly, it is very troublesome to bring this food back. The logistics department may not necessarily recycle the contaminated food.

Such a thankless job is not worth doing.

The most important point is that special zombies may suddenly come back at any time.

Moving food will take time.

It's really not worth losing your life for such a small amount of food.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood.

in a blink.

Almost all survivors in the entire Qiuqiu Farm, except those trapped in the central area, were evacuated.

Of course, this operation brought two thousand members to participate in the mission.

The casualty rate exceeded 60%.

2 minutes later.

The super zombie king Wu quickly arrived at the central area of Qiuqiu Farm.

Zhang Lang was now less than 800 meters away from the gate of Qiuqiu Farm.

It only takes 1 minute.

He can successfully take Jiang Yiyi out of here.


He suddenly felt a dangerous aura approaching.

The next second.

The SUV he was driving was instantly grabbed by Super Zombie Wang Wu and was thrown to the ground.

Zhang Lang and Jiang Yiyi, who were sitting in the back seat of the car, were suddenly thrown to pieces.

Jiang Yiyi only felt that her eyes were on the five-pointed star.

She noticed drops of viscous liquid on her forehead sliding down onto her face.

So, she subconsciously reached out and touched it, and her hand suddenly became bright red.

Zhang Lang was in the body of a zombie. After being briefly dizzy, he immediately reacted, opened the door, and immediately carried the dying Jiang Yiyi out of the car after getting out of the car.

"Ho ho——"

"Traitor, why do you want to help humans deal with me?"

A strange and gloomy growl came out of Wang Wu's mouth.

Zhang Lang saw his huge body rising from the ground, and his entire body was completely incompatible with humans.

No matter who sees Wang Wu, they will only think that it is a terrifying monster.

Zhang Lang inexplicably felt that he was lucky to become a zombie.

At the very least, after the mutation, in addition to his strange skin and eyes, his smell was disgusting.

They looked more normal than the super zombies in front of them.

"You already called me a traitor, why are you asking so many questions?"

Zhang Lang picked up Jiang Yiyi and ran while shouting.

Special-level zombie Wang Wu sensed that Zhang Lang was one level lower than him.

It calmly looked at Zhang Lang's escaping figure, with a hint of amusement in its copper-bell-sized eyes.

Little mouse, I want to play with you today.

Wang Wu laughed and ran out after Zhang Lang unhurriedly.

As they leave.

The superpowers who were about to retreat from the central area suddenly received a distress signal from the official personnel of the central area on their walkie-talkies.

"Captain, can we save him?"

The captain of the superpower team was in a dilemma.

Their main task is to assist ordinary official personnel, protect their safety, eliminate dangers in Qiuqiu Farm, and obtain the food stored in the farm.

However, the special zombie just now was really terrifying.

"Call the superpower, the super zombies have already fled towards the door, and only ordinary zombies are left in the central area."

"Requesting support from the superpowers."

The superpowers are still frightened at this moment.

No one originally wanted to take a trip into this muddy water and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

At this moment, they heard the call from the central area, and felt a little shaken in their hearts.

"Captain, can we save him or not?"

The captain of the superpower team did not believe the words of ordinary official personnel.

Who knows, they are dying and want to drag them into the water in order to survive.


He immediately sent a member of the team who had awakened the power of flying, and asked him to fly into the sky with a person who had awakened the power of clairvoyance to check whether the super zombies had really left.

30 seconds later.

The flying superpower fell from a high altitude panting.

"How's it going?"

"The super zombie king ran towards the gate, as if he was chasing someone."

"Let's go rescue the other official team members."

The leader of the superpower team now analyzed the pros and cons.

He rushed to the central area with his people and assisted the more than 200 surviving official members in killing zombies.

Chapter 228 Grandpa Lang, I was wrong

Soon, Zhang Lang handed over the injured and unconscious Jiang Yiyi to Lu Liuliu.

"Master, take Miss Jiang and flee to Peacock Villa first."

"I will come back to you after I finish taking care of this grandson."

Lu Liuliu took out the vitality water he had stored in the space.

This batch of vitality water has only been diluted once and has a very high concentration.

After drinking one bottle, it can enhance the human body three times.

Hopefully, after Zhang Lang drinks this bottle of vitality water, he will be able to triple his physical fitness like humans.

This way.

It shouldn't be a problem for him to deal with this super zombie.

"Drink this."

Zhang Lang saw the energy water handed over by Lu Liuliu and drank it without thinking.

He didn't know that what Lu Liuliu gave him this time was ultra-high concentration vitality water.

Lu Liuliu was worried that his physical fitness would not increase in the future, so he gave him a few bottles of vitality water to last.

"Remember, if you can't defeat him, you'll lose him. If you can't defeat him, you'll run away."

"No problem!"

The conversation between Zhang Lang and Lu Liuliu took place in a very short few seconds.

Lu Liuliu immediately drove and took Jiang Yiyi away from the main road.

The super zombie king saw the car leaving and was indifferent.

In its eyes, it only saw Zhang Lang's short stature.

This traitor!

Everyone is a zombie who has awakened the ability to control his mind. Why does he want to help humans deal with him?

Wang Wu couldn't figure it out.

Now that I have become a zombie, can I have some zombie backbone?

Until now, do you still think you are human?

Want to be a savior?

How can zombies and humans co-exist?

How ridiculous!

"What's your name?"

Wang Wu curiously asked Zhang Lang, who looked like he could crush him with one kick.

"Why are you asking so many questions?"

"If you want to fight, fight quickly!"

Wang Wu saw that Zhang Lang was only a little weaker than himself, and he wanted to recruit him to form a zombie army, kill all the survivors, and dominate the entire Aquamarine Star. .

Let this become a zombie country.

When he becomes the king of the zombie country, he might be able to show mercy and reward this little brother with a high official.

Let's all play with female zombie Internet celebrities and celebrities...

Don't live too happily.

But the people of the same kind in front of me really don't know how to praise them.

Wang Wu immediately activated the special ability of the high-level zombies, mental control.

Zhang Lang noticed his intention and immediately activated his mental power to fight.

The two mutated zombies who had awakened their self-consciousness were just standing at the gate, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and releasing their mental power to control each other.

Half an hour later.

Zhang Lang found that he didn't have much energy in his body.

Wang Wu also noticed that he was about to be hollowed out, and couldn't help but laugh proudly.

"Either surrender to me and be my zombie dog."

"Or die!"

Wang Wu said to Zhang Lang arrogantly.

"Bah! I am the owner's dog. If you want me to leave the owner and be your dog, you might as well eat shit!"

After Zhang Lang finished speaking, he immediately picked up a bottle of energy water and drank it.

Wang Wu saw that he still couldn't change his ways and was on the verge of death, but he didn't forget to drink a bottle of mineral water.

"Hoho, you are really a scum among zombies."

Zhang Lang's expression remained unchanged in the face of its insults.

Wait until I drink this bottle of vitality water given by the master and continue the fight.

3 minutes later.

Zhang Lang regained full power during the confrontation with the super zombies.

Wang Wu also noticed that Zhang Lang's energy suddenly surged.

He was suddenly shocked.

What was he drinking just now?

Wang Wu noticed something was wrong, but it was already too late.

At this moment, Zhang Lang had been baptized by high-concentration vitality water for more than half an hour.

And the blessing of multiple bottles of vitality water before coming.

Although he is a high-level zombie now, his physique and abilities have more than doubled.

Wang Wu suddenly discovered that Zhang Lang had a vague tendency to overwhelm him.


Zhang Lang also discovered special changes in his body.

He knew very well that before this, he had only drank the vitality water given by his master.

The first time she met her master, she poured a transparent liquid on herself, and his injuries suddenly became intact.

The second time, he traded vitality water with the official on behalf of his master. The official was actually willing to pay millions of crystal cores for a small bottle of vitality water?

This time, it is also the third time.

Zhang Lang finally understood why the officials were willing to spend such a high price to buy a bottle of inconspicuous vitality water,

because this vitality water was so unbelievable.

He actually made the high-level zombies grow by leaps and bounds in strength.

The master casually gave him several large bottles of vitality water?



Zhang Lang was immediately moved to tears.

However, as a zombie, he was moved for a long time but could not squeeze out a single tear.

As time goes by.

Zhang Lang felt that the power in his body was gradually and steadily increasing.

Wang Wu also became more and more strenuous.

He suddenly had the urge to run away quickly or else he would have to confess his thoughts here.

Just when the two of them were fighting with each other.

The official superpowers took a group of ordinary official members and took a detour through the path next to the farmland around them.

Dozens of large trucks, dragging the group of survivors who had narrowly escaped death, ran very fast.

They didn't dare to look back at the special zombies.

Both of them were panicked and unsure of themselves.

I was afraid that this super zombie, who had been standing there in a daze for a long time, was playing some kind of 123 wooden man game.

Until their car drove out of the range of Qiuqiu Farm.

Everyone let out a long sigh.

As for the super zombie in Qiuqiu Farm, we can only wait for the official headquarters to send more powerful weapons to deal with it.

The interior of Qiuqiu Farm at this moment.

The confrontation between Zhang Lang and Wang Wu has become one-sided.

Wang Wu, who was five meters tall, was pressed to the ground and rubbed by Zhang Lang, who was just over 1.8 meters tall.

"I called you arrogant, how dare you yell at me, Grandpa Lang?"

"Oh, Grandpa Lang, I was wrong."

"Please let me go!"

Wang Wu lay on the ground and wailed. beg for mercy.

Zhang Lang beat him so hard that his hands were a little sore, so he jumped off Wang Wu.

"Come on, beat yourself up, harder."

Wang Wu cried sadly and was forced to do so.

"I was wrong, I couldn't see the mountain, I'm guilty!"

Wang Wu slapped himself so hard that his face made a "pop" sound.

Zhang Lang watched it for a few minutes and found it boring.

He thought for a while, but there were still too few protectors around his master.

Things like today are very sudden.

He is the only one who can fight.

That monkey is unreliable.

The master took the child with him again.

The monkey said that the owner's space cannot be entered.

During this time, the more helpers the better.

"Do you want to hang out with me?"

Wang Wu didn't dare to say a word at the moment.

He finally survived and became a big boss in this area.

He said he didn't want to be so cowardly as to have his crystal core snatched away by his fellows, and die here.

"Grandpa Lang, I do, I do!"

Chapter 229 His Letter

"Okay, you will be my little brother from now on."

"Hurry up and hand over your core control to me."

Wang Wu just wants to survive now.

He could only obediently take out the rice-sized kernel in his brain and give it to Zhang Lang.

Zhang Lang took a look at the core, threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

In an instant, an invisible shackle appeared between him and Wang Wu.

As long as he has a thought, the core in Wang Wu's mind will explode.

Zhang Lang subdued Wang Wu and warned him, "Did you see my master just now?"

Wang Wu thought of the man leaving in a car.

He nodded, then shook his head.

"I didn't see clearly."

Zhang Lang was speechless for a while.

"Okay, go in quickly, dig out the crystal nuclei in Qiuqiu Farm, and then go back with me to find the owner."

Wang Wu obeyed and ran to Qiuqiu Farm to find the crystal nuclei in the brains of low-level zombies.

Half an hour later.

With his zombie control ability, he controlled more than a hundred surviving intermediate zombies nearby and helped dig out all the crystal cores and take them away.

These crystal nuclei were too late for official personnel to dig out.

Compared to the crystal core, their lives are more important.

Moreover, these zombies don't know how to dig crystal cores. If they are left here for the time being, sooner or later they will still be theirs.

There is a giant Buddha of super zombies in Qiuqiu Farm, and no one dares to enter.

These people leave with this in mind.

But they didn't expect it.

The one who was more speechless than the zombies was Zhang Lang, the old man.

"Grandpa Lang, the crystal cores are all here."

Zhang Lang took a look, unzipped his backpack, "Throw it in."

Wang Wu respectfully obeyed.

"Let's go, follow me back to find the owner."

Zhang Lang found a truck at Qiuqiu Farm and drove away in the direction of Peacock Villa.

Wang Wu's huge body huddled on the truck in the open air and left with Zhang Lang.

Under Zhang Lang's instructions, he controlled and took away all the zombies he encountered on the road, and brought them all to the outskirts of Peacock Villa, where he was responsible for setting up a natural cordon.

Most of the zombies here are mid-level.

Even Wang Wu and Zhang Lang looked down upon the low-level zombies.

Occasionally, when he encounters one or two beautiful-looking female zombies, Wang Wu will hide his selfish motives and take them away from his entourage.


In a boring life, it would be a wonderful thing to have a few beautiful zombies to massage your back.

It was about afternoon.

Zhang Lang drove alone and returned to Peacock Villa.

Wang Wu was left behind by him to do security work under Peacock Villa.

"Master, I'm back."

Zhang Lang said, taking the pager given by Lu Liuliu.

Lu Liuliu heard Zhang Lang's voice and replied, "I'm busy, you can play by yourself downstairs for a while."

After that.

She looked at Jiang Yiyi's face lying unconscious on the bed.

At this moment, she was very haggard.

There was a big wound on his forehead.

After Lu Liuliu gave her a simple treatment with the diluted vitality water in the space, he covered her with a quilt and waited quietly for her to wake up.

Before Jiang Yiyi woke up.

She quietly left and came to the next room.

Kong Kong was lying leisurely on the carpet next to the crib, playing with a game console in his hand.

Lu Liuliu looked at the child and made sure that everything was fine.

Then start taking things out of the space.

She took out enough food supplies for a month and placed them in the corner of the room.

These things must be taken out in advance.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain Jiang Yiyi when she woke up.

After Lu Liuliu simply tidied up the room, he added some electrical appliances and tools that can generate electricity using solar energy.

Peacock Villa has long been out of power.

The weather is getting hotter day by day.

Things like fans are essential.

After she settled in her room, she collapsed on the bed tiredly.

I lay there for about ten minutes.

Lu Liuliu felt very hungry.

Only now did she remember that she hadn't eaten much all day.

So, she took out a packed four-course lunch box and a cup of improved latte coffee from the space, and had a simple lunch together.

After dinner.

Lu Liuliu came next door to check on Jiang Yiyi.

Jiang Yiyi's face was pale and she was still in a coma.

Lu Liuliu thought for a while and called Kong Kong over to look at Jiang Yiyi.

She herself went back to the next room to take care of Xiao Wu.

until midnight.

Lu Liuliu heard a hollow sound coming from the door.

"Master, Miss Jiang is awake."

Lu Liuliu immediately sat up from the bed.

"Kongkong, you stay and take care of the child."

Lu Liuliu explained, opened the door and entered the next room.

She had been unable to sleep all afternoon until now, and finally waited until Jiang Yiyi woke up.

At this moment, Jiang Yiyi's eyes were confused and she looked at a loss.

Lu Liuliu walked to the bed, "Yiyi, how are you feeling?"

Jiang Yiyi heard Lu Liuliu's voice and slowly came back to her senses, "Liuliu..."

Lu Liuliu saw her dry and flaky lips, He immediately helped her sit up and gave her a bottle of mineral water.

"Drink some water first."

Jiang Yiyi's eyes moved to the mineral water handed over by Lu Liuliu.

She took the mineral water and drank most of the bottle in one breath.

"I'm really alive, you saved me."

Jiang Yiyi murmured to herself, and the moment she raised her head, she suddenly hugged Lu Liuliu.

"Woooooooo, Liuliu, you saved me."

"Good sister, you saved me again!"

Jiang Yiyi was very excited, hugging Lu Liuliu and crying for a while.

It was the first time that Lu Liuliu saw her lose her composure and allowed her to hug him and mutter.


After a long time.

Lu Liuliu waited for Jiang Yiyi's mood to stabilize, and couldn't help but ask, "Yiyi, are the things Xiao Jiu left for me at your place?"

After Jiang Yiyi was stunned for a moment, she nodded, and she reached out to touch her body. Bag.

Lu Liuliu watched her unzip the bag and pour out the supplies and a lot of outdoor survival gadgets.

After Jiang Yiyi poured out the obstructing supplies, she reached out to open the compartment of the bag. She took out a white envelope from the bag and handed it to Lu Liuliu.

"Liu Liuliu, this is what Brother Xiao asked me to hand over to you."

Lu Liuliu's hands shook uncontrollably. She held the white envelope tightly and whispered to Jiang Yiyi: "Yiyi, eat something and rest first. I'll go next door for a while and be back soon."

Jiang Yiyi knew that she wanted to read the letter Xiao Jiu wrote to her.

She understands this.

I always feel shy when reading letters from people I like.

"Okay, go quickly."

Jiang Yiyi urged Lu Liuliu to leave. As she said this, she picked up a pack of compressed biscuits on the bed, opened it and stuffed it into her mouth.

Lu Liuliu saw that she could eat and drink, and she should be fine.

She also felt much more settled in her heart.

So, she turned around and took the white envelope and returned to the next bedroom.

When Kongkong saw her entering the room, he immediately sat upright and hummed a children's song softly.

Chapter 230 Explosion in the middle of the night

Lu Liuliu looked at the snow-white envelope and tried to take a deep breath to calm down the excitement in his heart.

She carefully opened the envelope, only to find that there were only two small square pieces of paper inside.

There is a line of small words written on the back of the paper, please stick it to your skin.

Lu Liuliu was confused.

She turned the letter over and over again, but found no other useful information.

Right now, all I can do is stick the paper to my skin and see what Xiao Jiu is going to do.

This sticker is very similar to an ordinary tattoo sticker, but the difference is that there is no pattern on the side that is attached to the skin.

When Lu Liuliu stared at her wrist in confusion, he suddenly saw that this ordinary sticker was instantly absorbed into her skin the moment it touched her skin.

3 seconds later.

A pattern with small wings appeared on her wrist.

What on earth is this?

Lu Liuliu was suddenly shocked and confused.

She looked at the other sticker on the table and understood.

This one must have been left by Xiao Jiu to Xiao Wu.

Lu Liuliu waited for a while and didn't feel any discomfort.

She came to the crib and saw Xiao Wu sleeping soundly.

After a brief hesitation, Lu Liuliu chose to put the sticker on Xiao Wu's arm.


A small white wing pattern also appeared on Xiao Wu's arm.

Lu Liuliu waited patiently for a long time, but nothing happened in the room.

Xiao Jiu, what does this mean?

Two white wings tattoo stickers for her and the kids?

Lu Liuliu felt puzzled.

She studied in the room for about ten minutes, but still had no clue.

So, she could only open the door and go next door to see the frightened Jiang Yiyi.

"Liu Liu, what did Brother Xiao write to you?" Jiang Yiyi asked.

"He didn't write anything."

Lu Liuliu thought for a while and did not tell Jiang Yiyi the truth.

Even if she said it, it would only add one more person with the same crazy thoughts as her.

"Liuliu, I..."

Jiang Yiyi hesitated, looking at Lu Liuliu hesitantly.

"I want to go out."

Jiang Yiyi still mustered up the courage to speak her mind.

"Get out. It's early morning. What are you doing out there?"

"I'm going out to find Feiyu. He went to the farm with me to kill zombies. However, during the battle, I got separated from him."

Lu Liuliu frowned. .

When the official people came out of the farm, she didn't see Yan Feiyu.

Could it be that he...

Lu Liuliu had a bad guess in his mind.

But when she saw Jiang Yiyi's worried look, she chose to comfort her and said, "It's too late today. You have a good rest. I'll ask my little brother to find Yan Feiyu."

Jiang Yiyi looked out the window.

At a glance, there was nothing visible in the rich night sky.

She also knows that zombies are most active in the early morning and have the highest combat effectiveness.

"This will be very dangerous. I...I will go by myself."

Lu Liuliu saw the backpack that Jiang Yiyi had packed by the bedside and persuaded him: "My little brother is a superpower. He is very strong. Don't worry. If he helps find someone, he will be found."

Jiang Yiyi recalled the scene where the zombies nearby seemed to turn a blind eye to Zhang Lang when he rescued her.

"Would this be very troublesome?" Jiang Yiyi said hesitantly.

"No, you can rest peacefully. I'll go down now and let him find someone."

Lu Liuliu comforted Jiang Yiyi for a few words, then turned and went downstairs.

She sensed Zhang Lang's breath in a corner at the gate of Peacock Villa.

"Master, I have something great to tell you!"

Zhang Lang said excitedly: "The super zombie in Qiuqiu Farm was tamed by me!"

"Huh? It can actually be done like this."

Lu Liuliu was a little surprised, "Are you sure that monster won't hurt anyone?"

"No, that super zombie has also awakened consciousness. He has a brain!"

"Master, the water you gave me to drink is really awesome!"

"I The current physical fitness is better than that of a super zombie."


Lu Liuliu interrupted Zhang Lang's thoughts after hearing his rainbow fart.

"Go back to Qiuqiu Farm and find someone for me."

Lu Liuliu opened Yan Feiyu's dim portrait and showed it to Zhang Lang.

"Remember, if you want to see a person alive, you want to see a corpse if you die."

Zhang Lang nodded immediately, "I'll go right away."

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the car parked in the square. Halfway through, Zhang Lang turned around and said , "Master, I have arranged for the special zombies to be watched below the villa."

"It is very safe here."

Lu Liuliu was very satisfied with Zhang Lang's attentiveness.

She watched Zhang Lang drive away and then turned back to Peacock Villa.

Inside the villa, it was pitch dark.

Lu Liuliu took out a strong flashlight and illuminated the path to the stairs.

She followed the original path and returned to the bedroom next to Jiang Yiyi to rest.

After Lu Liuliu fed Xiao Wu once, he lay on the bed and rested in his clothes.

The bedding is very simple, but it is better than clean.

You can't store things in the space now, and people can't enter it either.

As a result, she now thinks twice before taking out anything from the space.

Lu Liuliu closed his eyes, lay on the bed, and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Although Kongkong was very sleepy, he always sat by the window and stared outside on guard.

Once an abnormality occurs, it can wake up the owner immediately.

Lu Liuliu was confused and saw the vague shadow of Kong Kong guarding the window.

Gradually, her eyelids felt heavier and heavier.

Until, a deafening explosion suddenly came to her ears.

When she reacted, she found that Kong Kong was standing on her quilt, pointing outside, scratching her ears and head anxiously.

Lu Liuliu immediately stood up and walked to the crib.

Xiao Wu was frightened by the explosion outside and shouted "Wow!"

Lu Liuliu was heartbroken. She hurriedly held Xiao Wu in her arms and comforted him softly.

"Kongkong, what's going on outside?"

"Master, you take the little master and hide, I'll go out to explore the way first."

"Okay, be careful yourself, if something goes wrong, run away."

"Yes." Kongkong opened the door, He ran out of Peacock Villa nimbly and came to the place where the big explosion occurred at the foot of the mountain.

A few minutes later.

It turned over in the air and came to the bottom of the mountain. It climbed up a big tree with dexterity.

With the help of the shelter of the big tree, it hid in the shadow of the big tree, staring at the place where the fire was soaring with a pair of golden eyes.


Why did so many people come suddenly?

Are these people here to capture the master?

Kong Kong scratched his head anxiously.

"Captain, this super zombie is so damn good at running away. In such a short time, it actually came to this place where no one can poop!"

"Stop talking nonsense and quickly have the team members line up to attack."

Kongkong heard vaguely . Someone is talking.

It could tell that these people were here for the special zombies.

As long as you don't deal with the master and the little master!

Kongkong continued to hide in the tree, watching the official personnel launch colorful super powers on the special zombies.

Chapter 231 Jiang Yiyi leaves

"Damn, these ants are really haunting."

Wang Wu was very angry when he saw the menacing official superpowers.

He was enjoying the massage given by the beautiful zombie, when suddenly a group of ants came and greeted him without any explanation.

Wang Wu immediately directed all the mid-level zombies he controlled on the road to fight with the official superpowers.

The boss said that the owner of the boss lives upstairs.

Tsk tsk, these people are targeting him.

It would be bad if the boss's owner was disturbed.

Wang Wu thought for a while and left more than twenty of his younger brothers on guard.

He gestured provocatively at the official superpower and ran outside quickly.

The official target is Wang Wu.

When they saw Wang Wu running away, they immediately ordered the superpowers to run away after Wang Wu.

Kongkong listened to the sound of explosions and battles from the superpowers launching their superpowers.

It quietly jumped down from the tree and ran back to Peacock Villa.

5 minutes passed.

Kongkong returned to the room panting, dancing and telling Lu Liuliu what happened downstairs.

"In other words, their target is that super zombie?"

"That's right!"

Lu Liuliu stretched out his hand to rub his forehead and said helplessly: "This Zhang Lang is really good at doing bad things."


In fact, you can figure it out if you think about it.

This should be the first time this kind of super zombie appears.

The crystal core of a super zombie, coupled with the effect of vitality water, after swallowing it and awakening into a special power user, its power cannot be underestimated.

The official side is waiting to get the special zombie crystal core and cultivate a powerful superpower for their family.

Lu Liuliu himself was also very jealous.

However, she always remembered what Xiao Jiu said to her.

Now is not the best time to awaken your powers.

A year later, the zombies will reach their peak development. At that time, if you get the crystal core in their brains and awaken their superpowers, they will be many times stronger than they are now.

In order to become stronger and more malleable, we can only wait.

"Master, you can rest peacefully while I go downstairs to look after the door."

Kongkong said very sensibly.

Lu Liuliu rubbed its head, took out a peach from the space and handed it over, "Thank you for your hard work."

Kong Kong's golden eyes immediately became energetic after seeing the peach.

"It's not hard work! Being able to help the master guard the door is a blessing I have earned in eight lifetimes!"

Kong Kong happily took the peach, left the room happily, and went downstairs to look at the door.

After Lu Liuliu left, he felt that his eyelids were fighting up and down.

Unable to resist the onset of sleepiness, she lay down on the bed again, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

It was about dawn.

Lu Liuliu was awakened by Xiao Wu's chirping voice next to him.

She picked up Xiao Wu, lifted up her clothes and nursed him.

After Xiao Wu finished feeding, Lu Liuliu put Xiao Wu in the stroller and pushed the stroller out.

Xiao Wu opened his big dark eyes and stared outside curiously.

Jiang Yiyi, who was sleeping next door, heard the noise. She opened the door and carried the stroller downstairs with Lu Liuliu.

"Yiyi, don't worry too much, Yan Feiyu, he will be fine."

Lu Liuliu saw the worry on Jiang Yiyi's face, so he comforted her in a low voice.


After the two people went downstairs, they sat on the outdoor chairs in the villa square and chatted.

Xiao Wu lay quietly in the stroller, listening to their whispers.

after awhile.

Lu Liuliu went upstairs and took two pieces of self-heating rice, and he and Jiang Yiyi ate one each for breakfast.

After a simple breakfast.

Zhang Lang drove back.

Jiang Yiyi's eyes lit up when she saw the SUV.

Zhang Lang got out of the car and stood two meters away from Jiang Yiyi and Lu Liuliu.

"Miss Lu, there is news about the person you asked me to find."

"Tell me."

"He was injured and fainted at Qiuqiu Farm, and was taken back to the shelter by official personnel. I heard that the official medical staff, He is being treated."

Jiang Yiyi had mixed feelings when she heard the news from Zhang Lang.

Fortunately, he is still alive.

Worryingly, he was injured and fell into a coma due to yesterday's action.

Lu Liuliu looked at Jiang Yiyi, "You want to go back to see him?"

Jiang Yiyi nodded, "Liuliu, I can't see him, I feel uneasy, I can't control myself not to think about him."

"I let Zhang Lang will send you back to the shelter."

Lu Liuliu had no intention of forcing Jiang Yiyi to stay with her.

Jiang Yiyi has her own emotional life and the path she wants to take.

It was better to go back to the shelter than live with her in the wilderness.

The conditions there were much better than here, and she could see Yan Feiyu often.

"Liu Liu, won't you go back with me?"

"I have offended Zhou Yining, so I can't go back yet."

"You can go to other shelters, you don't have to go back to Lin Wan."

After Jiang Yiyi finished speaking, she suddenly remembered, Lu Liuliu mentioned it.

A year later, only Lin Wan's shelter could accommodate people.

She couldn't help but fall silent.

Lu Liuliu pretended to smile happily, "Don't worry, as you said, I can go to other shelters to stay temporarily."

"Before a year is up, as long as I don't return to Lin Wan Shelter, other shelters will also It's just as safe."

"Come on, I'll accompany you upstairs to pack your things."

Jiang Yiyi looked at Lu Liuliu, who was smiling, and her mood became lighter.

She and Lu Liuliu went upstairs together. After briefly packing their things, they came to the door to say goodbye.

"Liu Liuliu, when you return to other shelters, remember to keep in touch when you have time."


Lu Liuliu and Jiang Yiyi hugged each other and watched her leave.

Zhang Lang opened the car door and drove Jiang Yiyi back to Lin Wan Shelter.

Lu Liuliu looked at the eerily quiet Peacock Villa, feeling lonely for no reason.

Kongkong noticed that Lu Liuliu's mood was not right, and it jumped out from the side and said with a smile, "Master, I have learned a new dance, let me show it to you."

Lu Liuliu was diverted by Kongkong, and the feeling disappeared. The feeling of loneliness I had felt dissipated unconsciously.

The sun and the moon alternate, and the stars move.

Since Jiang Yiyi left that day, Lu Liuliu has been living in Peacock Villa with his children and Zhang Lang.

Lu Liuliu raised his left wrist and saw the time displayed on it.

August 1, 2060.

In the blink of an eye, she had stayed at Peacock Villa for more than half a month.

Due to the upgrade, the space failure has still not been restored.

Lu Liuliu could only wait patiently.

Before the space could not be restored, she did not have the confidence to go to the shelter, and she did not dare to take Xiao Wu, who was only two months old, out to explore.

Outside, there was nothing worth exploring at the moment.

It's better to take advantage of this rare leisure time to spend time with your children.

Lu Liuliu held Xiao Wu's limp body and walked around outside Peacock Villa before returning to the house to escape the heat.

Chapter 232 Wang Wu, come here

Inside the lobby of Peacock Villa, she placed a RV.

The RV is connected to water and electricity, making it convenient for her and Xiao Wu's daily life.

The space is out of order and farming is temporarily unavailable.

Lu Liuliu was bored and cultivated two vegetable plots next to Peacock Villa.

In her spare time every day, she cultivates the land and organizes things in the space to pass the time.

Zhang Lang stayed under the Peacock Villa every day, chatting with the young men he received.

After the first rain in August.

The level of all zombies has been raised by one level out of thin air.

The zombies at this stage are almost at a high level per capita.

The strength of the zombies instantly increased.

Zhang Lang and Wang Wu moved almost all the zombies they could find to the vicinity of Peacock Villa.

"Boss, tell us again how you escaped from the pursuit of tens of thousands of people with superpowers and escaped from death."

A zombie who had awakened the ability of higher consciousness looked at Wang Wu with admiration.

"Hahahaha, since you want to hear it so much, I'll tell you one more time, listen up!"

"That day, I fought with ten thousand people with powers, and the situation changed..."

A few times A high-level zombie who had awakened his consciousness sat on the ground and listened quietly to Wang Wu's story of his glorious deeds.

Until, Zhang Lang came over.

Wang Wu's throat seemed to be strangled by an invisible force. He sent away the high-level zombies who were watching and rushed to Zhang Lang.

"Grandpa Lang, what are your orders today?"

"Find a few female Internet celebrities to give me a full-body massage."

"If you want strong ones, let them wash them off. If you don't, don't."

"Okay! I'm a little kid . I'll make arrangements right away."

Wang Wu activated his power, and he quickly found 4 young and beautiful ones among the more than 10,000 high-level zombies nearby.

As for whether these are Internet celebrities, no one can say.

Even their own mothers might not be able to recognize the appearance of these zombies now.

Zhang Lang lay on the old man's chair and squinted his eyes.

He held a 2L blood bottle in his arms.

These were the snacks he had asked Lu Liuliu to help store in the space, and they were human blood of various blood types obtained from the hospital.

Zhang Lang took a sip from the blood bottle.

Yes, Not Bad.

Today's blood type is type O. It tastes delicious and strong!

Zhang Lang enjoyed the massage from the beautiful zombies, drank fresh human blood, and lived a comfortable and comfortable life.

The days passed.

Three days later at night.

Lu Liuliu drank too much water before going to bed. She was drowsy and woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

In a daze, she suddenly felt that the space seemed to be accessible again.

This discovery made her feel instantly energized.

She couldn't wait to try to enter the space.

This time, it was indeed smooth to enter.

Lu Liuliu saw the long-lost space and immediately checked every door one by one.

The five doors at the front are about the same size as before.

The Jade Pond was also filled with another pool of Jade Pond Liquid.

The crops in the planting area have already matured.

Lu Liuliu immediately became busy. She collected jade pond liquid, harvested crops, and sown a round.

After everything was done, she focused on the sixth door.

Lu Liuliu was not sure whether this sixth door could be entered.

Therefore, her body rested in the bamboo house, and her consciousness entered the sixth door to check.

The sixth door is a small space, about ten square meters.

In the center of the space, there is a wooden shelf, and on the wooden shelf is a wooden box.

Lu Liuliu controlled the box, flew out of the sixth door, and came to the bamboo house where she was.

One million crystal nuclei?

Get what's in the box, what's in it?

Lu Liuliu opened the box with great expectation, and there was a booklet lying inside.

She picked up the book and looked at it curiously.

The booklet is very thin, with 20 pages in total.

The first page is a simple explanation. In the introduction booklet, there is a body training method. Each time you reach a level, your physical strength will double.

The last page is about how to deal with unexpected situations during exercise.

After carefully examining the eighteen pages, Lu Liuliu came to a conclusion.

Isn't this the modern version of yoga?

However, it is much more anti-human than modern yoga.

This first pose required her to rotate her neck 365 degrees from front to back according to the exercise method provided in the booklet...

it was almost impossible.

Anyone who could do such an action would have died long ago!

Lu Liuliu carefully looked at the little figure in the booklet.

After all, did you spend a million crystal cores to get it, or should you give it a try?


She twisted her neck hard and twisted her neck back according to the instructions in the booklet.

Twist left, twist right.

Lu Liuliu worked hard for a while, and finally found that no matter how he twisted it, he could only twist it to 90 degrees.

She angrily threw the book into the small room at the sixth door.

What rubbish technique?

Can people practice this successfully?

By the way, humans can't?

What about zombies?

Lu Liuliu's eyes suddenly lit up. After remembering the Q-print pattern on the first page and the explanation text of the pattern, she immediately exited the space.

Xiao Wu was taken back into the space by her.

Lu Liuliu hurriedly ran to the foot of the mountain below Peacock Villa.

Several high-level zombies who had awakened their consciousness nearby saw her, and they all showed what they thought were kind smiles and said hello to her.

"Good morning."


Lu Liuliu saw the terrifying faces of these zombies and smelled the smell of corpses on their bodies. He immediately waved his hands and said, "Let's go and stay here."

The zombies said He ran away very hurt.

Zhang Lang had just finished enjoying the massage from the female zombie and was feeling very refreshed.

He sensed Lu Liuliu approaching and immediately got off the massage table and ran towards Lu Liuliu.


"Zhang Lang, I have a good thing here, do you want to try it?"

Zhang Lang nodded repeatedly when he heard the good thing, "Okay!"

Lu Liuliu said to Zhang Lang with a smile on his face, "You Now listen to my command and rotate your head 180 degrees."

Zhang Lang thought he heard wrongly, and asked uncertainly: "Master, do you mean to ask me to rotate my head 180 degrees?"

"That's right."

Zhang Lang suddenly looked bitter.

Has he done something wrong recently, and the master wants to punish him like this?

Zhang Lang's younger brother Wang Wu was on the side and almost laughed out loud when he heard the conversation between him and Lu Liuliu.

Humans cannot survive if their heads are rotated 180 degrees. Can zombies survive if their brains are rotated 180 degrees?

Wang Wu is very interested in this issue.

He couldn't help but smile evilly and stared at Zhang Lang's sad face.

Maybe it's because his eyes are too intense.

Zhang Lang found Wang Wu watching the show. He waved to Wang Wu, "Wang Wu, come here."

Wang Wu suddenly felt a chill on his back, and subconsciously wanted to find something for himself to do quickly, and then Or, pretend not to hear and get out of here.

"Wang Wu, come here quickly!"

Chapter 233 Leisure

Zhang Lang's voice almost sounded like a roar when he spoke this time.

Wang Wu could no longer pretend not to hear.

His five-meter-tall giant body slowly walked to Zhang Lang and stood next to him.

"Master, such a simple action does not require my intervention."

"In this case, I will ask my little brother Wang Wu to demonstrate it to you first."

"He is tall and has a big forehead. Demonstration will be more effective. You can see it more clearly."

Lu Liuliu saw Wang Wu's huge forehead and thought what Zhang Lang said made sense.

"Well, okay then."

Zhang Lang urged Wang Wu: "Wang Wu, come on, rotate your head back 180 degrees to show the master the flexibility of your brain."

Wang Wu was stunned. live.

He was just a melon-eater. Why did he become the injured person?

"Wang Wu, don't be stunned. Now is a good opportunity for you to perform."

"As long as you perform well, I can consider giving you a glass of the energy water in my hand."

Energy water?

Wang Wu Tongling's big eyes widened. He turned his head, and after checking their eyes with Zhang Lang, he looked back at Lu Liuliu and grinned.

Lu Liuliu frowned and took two steps back when he saw his ugly figure.

Wang Wu turned his head, which was three times larger than the average person, with confidence.

A crisp sound "click" sounded.

Lu Liuliu saw Wang Wu's head rotate 120 degrees, and at the same time, an inexplicable chill appeared on her neck.

"Wang Wu, your degree is not enough, you are still short of 60 degrees."

Zhang Lang suggested from the side.

Wang Wu continued to twist his neck.

As he twisted, bursts of "clicking" and "clicking" sounds kept sounding.

It wasn't until Wang Wu's entire face turned to his back that he stopped and opened his mouth to speak.


The bones in his neck were forcibly broken and had no support, causing his huge head to hang entirely on his back.

Wang Wu was stunned for a long time and couldn't say a word.

When Lu Liuliu saw it, he immediately swallowed his saliva.

Good guy.

If an ordinary person practiced this "Eighteen Posture" technique, the "First Posture" alone would definitely kill him.

so far so good.

Let the zombie boys test it first.

Zhang Lang saw that Wang Wu remained silent and broke off a branch from the big tree next to him.

He stretched out the branch and pushed up Wang Wu's head.

"Wang Wu, are you still alive?"

Wang Wu was almost dying of anxiety.

The bones in his neck were broken and his windpipe was displaced. Now he can't speak at all.

"Are you dead? You can't waste the crystal core if you're dead."

Wang Wu became even more anxious after hearing this.

Seeing that Zhang Lang wanted to take away the core of his mind, he raised his foot and stepped on the ground.

The concrete floor of the square was instantly stepped on and a big hole was created.

"Hey, are you still alive?"

Zhang Lang found out that Wang Wu was not dead and immediately said to him: "Hurry up and turn your head back."

Lu Liuliu suddenly stopped: "Wait, let him turn his head back 180 degrees Degree."

Zhang Lang's face was full of disbelief.

In his heart, the master has always been a very simple and kind little fairy.

Why would she make such a request today?

Zhang Lang even suspected that the owner in front of him was fake and had been replaced by someone else.

Otherwise, why would you make such a nonsensical request?

Zhang Lang suppressed the doubts in his heart. He looked at the zombies and said, "Wang Wu, do you hear me? Rotate your head 180 degrees again in the direction just now."

At this moment, Wang Wu's heart was filled with 10,000 straw and mud horses.

With tears in his eyes, he stretched out his hands and turned his limp head 180 degrees again.

Lu Liuliu walked around Wang Wu, her eyes staring back and forth at Wang Wu's head held in both hands for a long time.

Finally, she looked at the sky and sighed.

This technique is not practiced by humans, but by zombies, creatures that will not die due to their body structure!

Lu Liuliu sighed.

He casually took a photo of the 18-position, used the printer in the space to print out the upper half of the 8-position, and threw it to Zhang Lang.

"This is a precious... ancient skill worth millions of crystal cores."

"After you practice it, it will be extremely powerful. I give it to you."

Lu Liuliu threw the printed and copied first half of the "Eighteen Styles" to Zhang Lang, then left here disappointed.

Zhang Lang heard that Lu Liuliu had given him an "ancient" skill that could improve his strength. He immediately took it with both hands and felt as if he had found a treasure.

But when he turned to the practice moves on the first page, his whole face turned green.

[Grandpa Lang, I have completed my mission now. Can you give me some vitality water to try? 】

Wang Wu couldn't speak at the moment. He could only hold his head with his hands and use his mind control ability to talk to Zhang Lang.

"No, your task is only half completed, and there is still half."

"Come on, try to turn your head 360 degrees. Don't use your hands to assist. When you turn your head, your body remains immobile."

Wang Wu said in his heart: " I may not be a human being, but you are really more human than me."

Zhang Lang saw Wang Wu staring at him and said loudly, "Why are you looking at me? Don't you want the vitality water? Just go on. Do it."

Wang Wu was worried.

I figured I'd finish half of it anyway, and if I finished the other half, I'd get the energy water.

If you give up now, you will gain nothing.

So Wang Wu compromised.

Zhang Lang: "That's wrong of you, my shoulder moved just now!"

Zhang Lang: "It still doesn't work, I have to do it again!"

[Grandpa Lang, I won't do it. I don't want the vitality water anymore. 】

Zhang Lang: "Huh? You don't want the vitality water just because you said you don't want it? The people under me can't give up halfway. Come on, keep working hard!"

Wang Wu: "¥%......"


Lu After Liuliu handed Zhang Lang the "Eighteen Styles" skills obtained from the sixth gate, he turned around and followed the road up the mountain, returning to Peacock Villa again.

By the time she returned to the villa, it was getting late.

Lu Liuliu didn't intend to cook under such circumstances.

She returned to the RV parked in the villa, took Xiao Wu out and put him in the stroller in the RV.

Then, after sorting through the space, she chose what she wanted to have for dinner tonight.

A portion of grilled mutton skewers + fresh meat soup dumplings + pearl milk tea + vanilla mousse cake.

After Jiang Yiyi said goodbye to her and left.

She will feel lonely occasionally, but other than that, she can do whatever she wants.

You can take whatever you want without worrying about anyone discovering the secret of the space.

Lu Liuliu ate his dinner happily.

Kong Kong, who was sleeping in the corner, smelled the fragrance and ran to the carpet at Lu Liuliu's feet to rub it.

"Kongkong, have you washed your hands?"

Kongkong nodded vigorously, "Wash it!"

Lu Liuliu's eyes swept over Kongkong's hands with disposable gloves and said to him: "Sit across from each other and eat together."

Kongkong He happily jumped on the chair and played skewers with Lu Liuliu.

After they finished their dinner, Lu Liuliu hugged Xiao Wu and entered the space to rest.

Chapter 234: Settling accounts with a scumbag

Time flies by.

Lu Liuliu spends his time organizing things in the space and planting crops every day in the company of Zhang Lang and Kongkong.

Until the morning of August 15th in the Gregorian calendar.

Lu Liuliu got up and saw the Gregorian calendar hanging in front of the RV dining car showed that today was August 15th.

Although it is August 15th in the Gregorian calendar, it has not yet reached August 15th in the lunar calendar, so it is not considered the Mid-Autumn Festival in the traditional sense.

But this day still made Lu Liuliu feel reunited in his heart.

She missed Xiao Jiu.

It has been a month and a half since Xiao Jiu left in a hurry.

During this time, too many things happened around me.

The temporary malfunction caused by the space upgrade brought her a strong sense of uneasiness.

Fortunately, this uneasiness has now been regained due to the loss of space and is back again.

Lu Liuliu took out the small airplane model Xiao Jiu gave her and played with it in his hand.

In order to prevent the space from suddenly failing again or other accidents.

After Lu Liuliu thought carefully, he decided to string the plane that Xiao Jiu gave him with a strong nano-molecular rope and hang it around his neck.

In the future, even if there is a brief space failure, she will not worry about suddenly losing all means of escape.

Lu Liuliu put the airplane model neatly in his clothes to cover it.

She walked out of the RV, stood in the lobby of Peacock Villa and looked towards the foot of the mountain.

The view is filled with green mountains and green trees that cannot be filled in the eye.

She has been admiring this natural scenery for many days.

It's time to set off to find Xiao Jiu.

She's been here, waiting too long.

With space as a trump card, the high-tech aircraft provided by Xiao Jiu, and Zhang Lang and Wang Wu, she was confident that no matter what Xiao Jiu encountered, she could help.

This is no longer the reason why Xiao Wu lacks father's love.

But she really missed him.

Every time she saw Xiao Wu's face in the dead of night, she would think of Xiao Jiu.

This was something she had no control over.

In her previous life, she met Ma Weizhou, a hypocrite who trusted others.

In this life, Xiao Jiu's various behaviors told her that he and Ma Weizhou were two completely opposite men.

He talks little and is very straightforward.

There are not many rhetoric, but what he wants to do will be expressed directly through actions.

When I exchanged vitality water with her, I gave her a water purifier and a model airplane.

These are not much less valuable than vitality water.

Lu Liuliu knew this very well.

Before going to find Xiao Jiu, she had one more thing to do.

That is, first kill the scumbag Ma Weizhou.

Of course, it would be more appropriate to leave this last blow to Zhang Lang.

When Zhang Lang died, it was much worse than hers.

Lu Liuliu retracted her gaze from looking at the nearby scenery. She returned to the upstairs of Peacock Villa, put all her luggage back into the space, and drove to the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain.

Zhang Lang was playing Landlords with several zombie boys who had awakened their consciousness.

When he sensed that Lu Liuliu was getting closer, he immediately ordered his younger brother to put away the playing cards and wait for Lu Liuliu to arrange things.

Lu Liuliu parked the car next to Zhang Lang and said to him: "Zhang Lang, if I remember correctly, you seemed to have been betrayed and killed by someone, right?"

Zhang Lang nodded numbly, "Yes."

"Let's go. Let 's go and avenge him."

Zhang Lang heard Lu Liuliu speak calmly and said with some hesitation: "Master, during this period, I have arranged for my younger brother to inquire about it."

Hide in the shelter and don't come out, otherwise I would have turned him into a zombie."

Lu Liuliu's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard "turn him into a zombie."

This is a good idea.

If you are unhappy one day in the future, you can use this scumbag as a punching bag to vent your anger.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way to lure him out."

"You are responsible for turning him into a zombie!"

Lu Liuliu asked, "Are you 100% sure that you will turn him into a zombie, and you will not turn him into a zombie? Turn him into a superpower?"

"Master, don't worry about this!"

"If this kid doesn't become a zombie, but becomes a superpower, I will stab him to death."

Lu Liuliu was satisfied. The nodded.

This is a good idea.

After all, a scumbag cannot escape death.

"Let's go."

Lu Liuliu closed half of the car windows and waited for Zhang Lang to drive and lead the way.

Zhang Lang immediately trotted to Wang Wu and said to him: "Wang Wu, I want to go out with the master. You stay here and practice hard. Don't run around."

"When I come back, if I check that you have not completed the 360-degree turn, The consequences for the head task will be serious!"

Wang Wu said with a sad face and nodded repeatedly.

At this moment, he couldn't say a word.

[Grandpa Lang, I will practice diligently. ]

Zhang Lang heard his promise, turned around and drove, and went to the central shelter with Lu Liuliu.

Wang Wu stopped practicing immediately after Zhang Lang left.

He directed two beautiful zombies to climb on his shoulders, one on the left and one on the right, to help him drag his head.


It can be considered that these two people are gone.

Finally able to have a good rest for a day.

Wang Wu ordered two beautiful zombies to drag his head without bones. He walked to an empty house, leaned his back against the wall, and hid in the shade of a tree behind to sleep.

After seeing it, several zombie boys nearby lowered their "ho ho" sounds.

They directed other high-level zombies to go to the nearby mountains together to find wild animals to fill their stomachs.

no way.

Who told the boss's master not to let them kill people.

Moreover, the people in that city are becoming increasingly difficult to kill.

Accidentally, I met a man with special powers and a laser weapon, and he was told to be outside in a matter of minutes.

The mountains are nice.

Mountains of gold and silver are green trees and green hills.

There are many animals in the mountains, which are delicious.

A group of high-level zombies, led by two high-level zombies who had awakened their consciousness, teamed up with each other to look for prey in the mountains near Peacock Villa...


Two hours later.

Lu Liuliu's car successfully arrived at the gate of the central shelter.

She drove the car straight to the security booth on the left.

The security guard at the gate of the shelter saw that Lu Liuliu didn't know the rules, so he stepped forward and wanted to teach her how to behave.

When Lu Liuliu opened the door and got out of the car.

The security guards immediately changed their faces.

They remembered that this girl was an aunt and a rich man who had been confessed by Captain Zhang San himself, and was offered up after meeting him.

But you must not offend.

"Miss Lu, are you back?"

"I will notify the captain right now and ask him to help you get your luggage."

Lu Liuliu waved his hand, "I didn't bring any luggage, so there is no need to alert Captain Zhang."

"How can this be done? "What?"

"Our captain has said that if we see you, we will notify you as soon as possible."

"It's really not necessary."

Lu Liuliu thought about it, opened the bracelet, and sent a message to Zhang San, "Don't bother the door ." "The security guard, I asked them not to notify you."

"I have sent a message to your captain, don't worry, he will not embarrass you."

Chapter 235 Heart sinks

"By the way, I have to trouble you to help me take care of the car."

"This is your reward for Captain Zhang."

Lu Liuliu took out two huazi from his bag and handed them to the members of the security team.

"Miss Lu, you can go about your business with peace of mind. The car will be taken care of by us."


Lu Liuliu nodded lightly, looked at each other with a member of the security team, turned around, scanned the code, and entered the central shelter.

5 minutes later.

She arrived at the central shelter with ease, inside the check-in hall.

Lu Liuliu came to the front desk and found a front desk staff who didn't look very busy.

"Hello, madam, are you checking in for accommodation?"

Lu Liuliu shook his head gently, "No, I want to know where a friend lives."

"Madam, we keep the guest's information confidential here."

Lu Liuliu Hearing the rejection answer, I felt a chill in my heart.

She knew very well that in a place like this, information about the residents would be kept confidential.

She came here just with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

Lu Liuliu turned around in disappointment and prepared to leave.

"Madam, you can add me as a friend for your convenience. If you need to check in in the future, you can come to me at any time."

The front desk said to Lu Liuliu with a soft smile.

Upon hearing this, Lu Liuliu turned around and met the meaningful eyes of the receptionist.

She had some clarity in her mind and chose to add the receptionist as a friend.

Wait for your friend to pass.

The receptionist was very surprised when he saw Lu Liuliu's real name.

Isn't this the girl the customer is looking for?

This is good, both sides can make another dollar.

The girl working at the front desk smiled brighter and brighter.

Lu Liuliu turned around silently, waited for her to walk out of the office hall, turned on her bracelet, and saw a message from the front desk lady.

"Miss Lu, what is the name of the person you want to ask about? I can check it for you."

Lu Liuliu then typed out the three characters "Ma Weizhou".

When the girl at the front desk saw this name, she just screamed.

These people who come to inquire about people are basically the same family.

"Miss Lu, it's a coincidence that you said this. Mr. Ma also came to me to inquire about your residence some time ago."

Lu Liuliu's heart sank.

What a scumbag, why bother asking where she lives?

What else do you want to covet from her?

Fortunately, she doesn't live in this shelter.

Otherwise...it will be annoying to death.

After finding him, let Zhang Lang kill him.

I will never have this kind of trouble again!

"Oh? Really."

"So, where does he live now? I just happened to see him for something."

How could the young lady at the front desk let Lu Liuliu find Ma Weizhou right away.

She also wanted to make money from Ma Weizhou again. Of course, after getting it, she would tell Lu Liuliu Ma Weizhou's specific address.

Otherwise, if these two people meet up quickly, she will earn 10 less points.

"Wait a moment, we are checking for you here."

The girl at the front desk quickly found an excuse to go to the bathroom and took the opportunity to contact Ma Weizhou.

"Mr. Ma, there is news about the girl you asked me to find."

"Same as before, only 10 points are needed."

Ma Weizhou, who was eating in the cafeteria, suddenly became energetic. He put down his chopsticks and asked: " Where is she?"

"10 points, Mr. Ma."

Seeing that she wanted points, Ma Weizhou could only hold back his anger and transfer the 10 points.

The girl at the front desk was standing in the bathroom. After receiving the points, she sent a message, "Miss Lu is at our front desk right now. She is asking for news about you."


Ma Weizhou suddenly felt overjoyed.

Sure enough, Lu Liuliu looked sarcastic towards him on the surface, but in fact, he still had lingering feelings for him.

After such a month, he also thought clearly.

It didn't matter that Lu Liuliu had sex with other men.

As long as she is willing to look back, be with him, and let him have some fun.

He could also turn a blind eye and not care about her past.

Anyway, he has played with many women.

After all, chasing her over the past five years has taken too much time and energy.

It's really annoying that I haven't been able to get it.

"Of course it's true. Look, this is the Miss Lu you are looking for."

The front desk staff sent the secretly photographed photo of Lu Liuliu's back to Ma Weizhou.

When Ma Weizhou saw the photo, it turned out to be the check-in hall of the central shelter.

His heart was burning, and his eyes were filled with a green light that was bound to win.

"Tell her that I miss her very much. As long as she is willing to admit her mistakes and come to Lin Wan Shelter to find me, I will forgive her."

"Mr. Ma, don't worry, I will give you a nice word, just for this point ..."

Ma Weizhou confirmed that Lu Liuliu was really at the front desk and immediately transferred 10 points to her again.

"Mr. Ma, just wait for my good news."

The front desk accepted Ma Weizhou's 20 points.

He turned around and found Lu Liuliu.

"Miss Lu, I have already found out where Mr. Ma lives."

"Look, I can't help you check people for nothing, right?"

Lu Liuliu was too lazy to bother with her.

Such unofficial staff often make some gray income.

As long as she reports the other person, the person will be laid off immediately.

But she wouldn't do such an immoral thing.

Because there are many people in the shelter whose wives and children have been separated, perhaps they can reunite with their families through such a channel.

In essence, what this front desk does is not harmful to nature.

On the contrary, her introduction can help her achieve her goal.

"Tell me how many points you want."

"One price, 10 points."

Lu Liuliu couldn't help but smile.

10 points is nothing to her.

She quickly transferred 10 points to the front desk.

Soon, the front desk conveyed Ma Weizhou's words to her.

"Mr. Ma followed the logistics department and moved to Lin Wan Shelter."

"He asked me to tell you that he can forgive you, but you..."

Lu Liuliu couldn't help but laugh when he saw the message from the front desk.

Ma Weizhou.

You have such a thick skin.

After all this, you still think that I am obsessed with you?

The more Lu Liuliu smiled, the colder his smile became.

This scumbag actually went to Lin Wan Shelter.

It's not convenient for her to go there now.

Having entered Lin Wan's shelter, Zhou Yining will definitely be targeted.

Xiao Jiu didn't know what was going on.

If it's like Xiao Jiu said, it would be very dangerous to have anything to do with him...


Lin Wan's side, Zhou Yining, had a grudge because of Xiao Jiu. When the time came, Zhou Yining found out that she was back.

If she is given a false accusation, it will be difficult to escape from Lin Wan Shelter smoothly.

There is no need to take such a big risk.

Lu Liuliu thought for a while and said to the girl at the front desk: "Give me his contact information."

The front desk asked Lu Liuliu for 10 points for the practice fee.

Chapter 236 He said the person he loves most is me

After Lu Liuliu transferred the money, he immediately clicked on the business card and chose to add Ma Weizhou as a friend.

When Ma Weizhou saw the friend application, his face almost broke out in laughter.

He smiled proudly and did not choose to immediately pass Lu Liuliu's friend application.

Lu Liuliu must have been abandoned by that man.

Now, she can no longer survive in the shelter and comes back to find herself.

Tsk tsk.

Ma Weizhou thought he had regained the commanding heights.

There was no rush to get through Lu Liuliu's friends.

Lu Liuliu waited patiently for 5 minutes and curled his lips when he realized that Ma Weizhou had not passed the friend list.

Damn scumbag.

Even now I still want to play this trick with her and whet her appetite.

Do you still think she is as ignorant as before?

Lu Liuliu turned off his bracelet and walked towards the door.

Went to Lin Wan Shelter?

You really thought there was nothing I could do against you.

You'd better not pass through your friends. Once you do, it's your death!

Lu Liuliu took a few steps, and his eyes were dazzled by the dazzling sunlight.

Although it is late summer now, the temperature is still on the high side.

It was noon again, so she stretched out her hand to block the sun above her head and walked faster towards the door.

Just walked out of the gate.

She saw a familiar person crying and climbing on the fence at the gate, refusing to leave.

Isn't that Zhang Xue?

She should be with a scumbag at the moment, why is she here?

When Lu Liuliu walked out of the gate, he happened to meet Zhang Xue's pleading eyes.

After Zhang Xue saw her, he suddenly straightened up from the iron fence where he was lying and rushed towards her.

"It's all you, you bitch!"

"It's all you who caused my brother's tragic death and made me look like this."

Zhang Xue cursed angrily and opened her hands to pounce on Lu Liuliu. past.

The security guards on the side immediately stepped forward to stop her from left to right.

"Where did this crazy woman come from? Take her away quickly."

A small security guard smiled and said with concern to Lu Liuliu: "Miss Lu, you are not frightened."

"This crazy woman just committed a crime and was arrested by the official She was kicked out of the shelter, don't be the same as her."

Lu Liuliu felt inexplicably sympathetic as he looked at Zhang Xue, who was covered in dirt and looked miserable.

With this look on her face, she must have been abandoned by Ma Weizhou?

Tsk tsk.


This love-minded Zhang Xue doesn't have her brother to back her up.

How could Ma Weizhou continue to play with her?

Ma Weizhou is the most profit-seeking person.

When faced with a girl who has no use value, it is natural to abandon her when you are tired of playing with her.

This fits his character and style very well.

Lu Liuliu shook his head and walked to Zhang Xue, who was being held up by two security guards.

"After all this time, it seems you still haven't learned to grow a mouth."

Lu Liuliu stretched out his hand and gave Zhang Xue a big mouthful.

"Bitch! I'm going to tear you apart!"

There was a crisp "pop" sound.

Lu Liuliu continued to give her a big mouth.

Zhang Xue wanted to continue insulting Lu Liuliu, but because of the pain in his mouth, he did not dare to continue insulting Lu Liuliu.

The two security guards on the side saw Lu Liuliu venting his anger, so they released Zhang Xue.

Zhang Xue had no place to rely on. He was starved for a long time and fell to the ground due to exhaustion.

She cried out in pain, "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you you you.

"It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, how could my brother die?"

"Even Brother Weizhou left me, it's all your fault!"

Zhang Xue collapsed to the ground, looking up at Lu Liuliu and accusing her, as if she was heinous. the great sinner.

Lu Liuliu said calmly and calmly: "What's none of my business?"

"Isn't this your fault?"

"When your brother and Ma Weizhou were seeking wealth and killing together, why didn't you accuse him of being crazy? "

You! You?" Zhang Xue opened her mouth and covered her mouth in disbelief.

How did she know that her brother and Ma Weizhou had harmed people together?

If the official knew about the matter, as a protector, she would never be able to enter the shelter base again in her life.

Zhang Xue looked horrified, looking at Lu Liuliu who dared not continue to speak wildly.

Lu Liuliu rolled his eyes at her, turned around and left to settle the score with Ma Weizhou.

She had barely taken two steps.

Zhang Xue suddenly hugged her thigh and refused to let her go.

"Help! Killer!"

Zhang Xue suddenly shouted loudly.

People nearby came to watch the excitement.

The security guard on the side saw Zhang Xue going crazy, so he stepped forward and tried to drag her away.

Zhang Xue shouted, "I'm bleeding! My child is going to die. If you dare to touch me, you won't be

able to get away with it!" After seeing the security guards nearby who were maintaining order, they were stunned and did not dare to step forward.

If you are blackmailed by this woman, it is not something that can be solved with a few points.

They all hesitated and apologized to Lu Liuliu.

"Miss Lu, this matter..."

"This matter has nothing to do with you, I will solve it myself."

Lu Liuliu looked at Zhang Xue holding her thigh, sneered, and slowly squatted down, "You are pregnant with Ma Weizhou "Child?"

Zhang Xue suddenly became furious when she thought of what Ma Weizhou said when he abandoned her.

"Zhang Xue, you are no longer of use. I am going to find my true love."

"True love, what true love? Is it her? That girl named Lu Liuliu?"

"As long as you know, get out of here!"

"I'm pregnant with your child!"

"Child? Who knows if it's mine?"


Zhang Xue looked at Lu Liuliu wearing a mask, only revealing a pair of energetic almond eyes, and suddenly became angry. .

Ma Weizhou abandoned her just because of this woman.

All the suffering she suffered was due to this woman!

"Yes, I am pregnant with his child!"

"Do you think I will snatch him from you?" Lu Liuliu asked sarcastically.

Zhang Xue showed a dirty face and stared, as if to say, isn't it?

"You think too highly of him, and you think too highly of yourself."

"How could I compete with you for such rubbish?"

"Since you don't compete with me, why would he abandon me because of you?"

Lu Liuliu said, "Haha." A smile.

What a stupid woman, she still doesn't understand why she was abandoned by Ma Weizhou.

"Do you think he won't abandon you without me?"

"Think about it, why is he with you? He is just using you."

Zhang Xue shook his head subconsciously, "No way, he said he loves you the most The woman is me."

After finishing speaking.

Zhang Xue shook her head again, remembering what Ma Weizhou said when he abandoned her.

"You are too ordinary, your appearance is unappetizing, and you are not as beautiful as she is."

"I have already spent all your points. You have no points, so what's the use?"

"I'm going to find my true love."

Zhang Xue said until At this moment, I realized that she seemed to be really wrong.

Lu Liuliu continued to say, "Ma Weizhou is a man who only cares about profit. Isn't it normal for you to be abandoned by him when you lose all use value?"

Chapter 237 You can't leave

"Now that you've figured it out, let me go. I still have something to do."

Lu Liuliu reminded her kindly, but that was all he planned to say.

Because, in her previous life, she was not much smarter than Zhang Xue.

It wasn't until he lost his life that he discovered Ma Weizhou's true face.

This girl, at least for now, still has a life left.

What's pitiful is that she is pregnant with the scumbag's child.

In today's world, even if a child can be saved, it is difficult for him to survive.

This Zhang Xue, without her brother to rely on, would have difficulty supporting herself.

Pity is pity.

After all, this Zhang Xue has nothing to do with her.

There are too many poor people in this world, and her compassion cannot take care of them.

Zhang Xue was half sober and half drunk at this moment.

Even so, she still didn't let go of Lu Liuliu's thigh.

"You can't leave, help me. You hate Ma Weizhou, right?"

"He betrayed you. If you help me, you are also helping yourself."

Zhang Xue said, suddenly feeling a pain in his stomach, which he could no longer suppress. Can't live.

A warm current slid down her thighs to her calves.

Lu Liuliu couldn't help but frown as he watched Zhang Xue suddenly take out a hand and cover his stomach while trembling.

What tricks is she trying to play again?

I just slapped her two big mouths and taught her a lesson for her bad words.

Why is it really happening now?

Lu Liuliu stared at Zhang Xue, and gradually she saw Zhang Xue's pants were stained red with blood.

She's not pretending.

Could it be that the two slaps he just slapped were really so heavy?

Lu Liuliu suddenly felt a little guilty in his heart.

Pregnant women's bodies are already weak.

It's hard to say, but her stimulation and two slaps were really the trigger that caused Zhang Xue to bleed.

Lu Liuliu had been pregnant with a child before and knew that the first three months of pregnancy were a dangerous period.

If the child is not careful and encounters stimulation from the mother's body, it is easy for him to develop a disease.

There is no precedent for this kind of thing.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and said to the security guard next to her, "Quickly find a wooden board and take her to the medical station."

The security guard beside her was stunned.

Lu Liuliu added: "Whatever happens to her is mine and has nothing to do with you. Just do me a favor and get 20 points for each person."

When the security guards heard that they were not responsible and could still get 20 points, they immediately found them nearby. With a useless door panel, Zhang Xue was lifted up and put on, and he was taken to the medical station for treatment at a trot.

Out of sympathy and guilt for Zhang Xue, Lu Liuliu followed the security guard into the medical station.

Inside the medical station.

Countless simple wards made of shipping containers appeared in front of Lu Liuliu.

The tops of these containers are transparent and insulated glass, and densely packed solar panels are mounted above the glass.

Below are small rectangular containers.

There is a simple single bed with an iron frame, a bedside table, and in addition, a call button.

Inside almost all containers, there are survivors with different expressions.

Lu Liuliu couldn't help but frowned when he saw such an environment.

Under such medical conditions, getting sick is simply a disaster.

The medical expenses are high, and even if the patient is cured, there will be no extra points to fill his stomach.

Lu Liuliu's mood was very complicated. She followed the four security guards and Zhang Xue to the first aid hall.

In the hall, the sound of crying was endless.

Countless depressed survivors lined up anxiously in the emergency hall.

Many family members stayed with them and helped cover the arms of the patients.

"My child...save my child!"

Zhang Xue saw a doctor in a white coat passing by and immediately reached out and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

The doctor looked straight and expressionless. He took out the corner of his clothes from Zhang Xue's hand and quickly strode outside.

There was uncontrollable fear and fear in Zhang Xue's eyes.

Lu Liuliu saw that the doctor seemed to be used to this kind of situation. He entered a container and came out after a few minutes.

Zhang Xue, on the other hand, was forced to queue behind a large group of people waiting to see a doctor.

There were many people's injuries here, which were scarier than hers looked.

Some were clutching their chests and vomiting blood.

There are also those whose bodies are twitching and foaming at the mouth.

Hundreds of doctors in white coats were rushing among these people.

Nurses are also going around to rescue and help doctors.

The first aid hall is so big that you can't even see the end of it.

Here, it's almost the size of a train station in a small urban area.

It can accommodate 10,000 people waiting in line at the same time.

Lu Liuliu's doubts doubled.

Why are there so many patients here?

But right now, no one can answer her doubts.

There were cries and shouts nearby, and it was so noisy and chaotic.

Many patients' family members yelled in the doctors' ears.

The security guard in charge of security nearby saw these noisy family members and immediately rushed the patient and his family members out of the emergency room.

After the nearby onlookers saw it, they did not dare to continue making trouble. They could only wait in line at a fixed place for doctors to treat them.

"Ms. Lu, there is no fast track for medical treatment here. You can only wait in line."

A security guard explained to Lu Liuliu.

Lu Liuliu lowered his head and saw Zhang Xue's breath on the wooden board getting weaker and weaker.

In the final analysis, this matter has something to do with her.

No matter what, she took action against Zhang Xue.

Lu Liuliu thought to himself, if he had known that she was so weak and pregnant with a child, he would have just endured it and scolded her a few times.

Even now in the end of the world, she has a lot of supplies and her abilities are getting stronger and stronger.

She is essentially an educated ordinary girl.

The education she has received over the years has always told her to respect the elderly and love the young, and to be tolerant to special groups like pregnant women as much as possible.

What a hassle!

The queue in front will last for at least half an hour.

When Zhang Xue is in line, her child may not be safe.

Although this kid is a scumbag.

But it was still in Zhang Xue's belly.

What bad luck!

She is a person who will never be lenient towards those who bully her, and she must avenge herself.

However, Zhang Xue only scolded her a few times.

She vented her anger by hitting her loudly a few times.

If you let others have a miscarriage, your life will be at risk.

This is not her values ​​as a person.

Lu Liuliu gritted his teeth and took out a small bottle of unlabeled 180ml mineral water bottle from his bag.

Inside, there is vitality water that has been diluted many times.

Lu Liuliu opened the water and brought it close to Zhang Xue's lips.

"Drink some water first. You will be waiting in line soon."

Zhang Xue lost too much blood and her eyes were closed tightly. She felt water dripping from her lips and couldn't help but open her mouth and take a small sip.

This water is so pure!

Also, there is no odor.

She hasn't had a drink in a long time.

Zhang Xue subconsciously drank a few more sips of the diluted vitality water.

Chapter 238 How could I not be sick?

Maybe it was her misunderstanding, but after she drank most of the bottle of water, she suddenly felt that the sinking feeling in her stomach was not that strong.

The warm current in my lower body gradually stopped.

Lu Liuliu also noticed that Zhang Xue, who was lying on the wooden board, had a faint trace of blood on his pale face.

She saw that there was not much water left in the mineral water bottle in her hand, so she fed it to Zhang Xue.

She did everything she could.

As for whether the vitality water can allow Zhang Xue to keep her child, it can only depend on her own luck.

The four security guards who helped carry the abandoned wooden door looked at the people queuing in front.

They were waiting to finish their work here and rush back to work.

Lu Liuliu paid well. At the gate, before they came, they had notified the night shift staff to help them watch for a while.

When the time comes, they are willing to give them part of the points they get.

Lu Liuliu took advantage of the waiting time to find the security guard carrying the wooden board next to him. "I will transfer the points to you first."

Upon hearing this, the four security guards gently placed the wooden board carrying Zhang Xue on the ground of the emergency hall. They all opened a QR code on their wrists.

"Miss Lu, you can just scan the QR code to transfer money."


Lu Liuliu scanned the four QR codes on their wrists in turn and transferred 20 points to each of them.

"Please take her to the medical station. I'll leave first if I have anything else to do."

"Don't worry, Miss Lu, we are very reliable in what we do."

Lu Liuliu was noncommittal about this.

"Lu Liuliu, you murderer, do you just want to walk away?"

Zhang Xue, who had closed his eyes tightly and fell into coma, suddenly asked weakly and loudly.

Lu Liuliu is a question mark.

Did I send you to the medical station?

I also gave you vitality water, what else do you want?

Just because I slapped you twice, do you still want me to be responsible to you?

"What do you want?" Lu Liuliu asked in a cold voice.

"To compensate, you have to compensate me for mental damages. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have shed so much blood. By the way, there's also my physical damages."

Zhang Xue saw that Lu Liuliu didn't run away, and even asked her When I was sent to the medical station, I immediately felt that this woman seemed easy to deceive.

As a result, she made even more excessive demands on Lu Liuliu.


Lu Liuliu sneered coldly, "Are you a bad guy?"

"I see that you are eloquent now and don't seem to be in trouble. Could it be that you want to blackmail me?"

"Who... who said I'm fine! "

Besides, have you ever seen a woman who would use her unborn child to blackmail her?"

"Look at my blood, there is so much blood, maybe my child is gone,"

Zhang Xue said with certainty . The way it happened.

"Tell me, how much mental and physical damages do you want?"

Zhang Xue was lying on the wooden board. She raised her head and met Lu Liuliu's bright and scary eyes, and felt suffocated for no reason.

"At least 10,000 points!"

The four security guards on the side heard Zhang Xueshishi open her mouth and looked at her pale face in disbelief.

"Ten thousand points? Are you afraid that you are going crazy?"

"We can all see clearly that Miss Lu has nothing to do with your belly. It is you who insists on holding her thigh and not letting her go."

"That's right . , I think you clearly want to blackmail her. "

Ms. Lu sent you to the medical station to receive help. You actually want to take advantage of this opportunity to blackmail her. You have such a dark heart!"

The four security guards, every word you said to me, made Zhang Xue almost ashamed.

Her face turned red, but she gritted her teeth and claimed, "If you don't give me 10,000 points as compensation, I and the child in my belly will haunt you even if we die."

Lu Liuliu was too lazy to continue with her. At the same time, she didn't want to be taken advantage of and let others take advantage of her.

"Whether you are okay or not doesn't matter if I say it, nor does it matter if you say it."

"When you get to the doctor in line, you will naturally know if you are okay."

After listening to what Lu Liuliu said, Zhang Xue quietly He lay down on the wooden board and waited.

She hadn't had a full meal for so many days, and she had been sleeping in the open air, which made her body weak, and her lower body was bleeding so much.

By the time we get to the doctor, the child will definitely not be saved.

When the time comes, let's see how this Lu Liuliu can shirk himself.

Fortunately, she was smart. When she felt her body was dying, dizzy and stomachache, she hugged Lu Liuliu's thigh tightly.

Otherwise, he would probably be lying at the gate with no one paying attention at this moment.

Now, with Lu Liuliu in charge, not only could she get treatment, but he could also take the opportunity to blackmail her.

Zhang Xue seems to be 100% confident that there is something wrong with her body.

Lu Liuliu waited beside him calmly.

She believes in the healing power of energizing water.

About twenty minutes later.

In the queue, it was finally Zhang Xue's turn.

The doctor at the end of the line picked up the stethoscope and examined Zhang Xue's body.

After careful examination, the doctor asked Zhang Xue a few questions and suddenly became confused.

This woman's pants were stained red with blood, but the test results were still normal.

The only abnormality was probably that she didn't eat enough, resulting in some malnutrition.

"You're fine, go out and have a good meal."

After the doctor simply sterilized the stethoscope, he shouted to Zhang Xue: "Let's go, I want to see the next patient."

Zhang Xue was shocked.

"Doctor, did you make a mistake somewhere? How could I not be sick?"

The doctor looked at Zhang Xue as if he were a fool.

Zhang Xue didn't care about the cannibalistic looks of the people lining up around him.

She shouted anxiously, "I'm sick! I'm really sick!"

The doctor looked at the impatient Zhang Xue carefully and said seriously: "You are indeed sick."

Zhang Xue took a long breath and said, "You are really sick. "Yes, take a closer look."

"I suggest you go to the psychiatric hospital next door."

After finishing speaking, the doctor motioned to the official who was maintaining order.

An official urged Zhang Xue to leave his seat.

Zhang Xue saw that the faces of people detoxing nearby were getting worse and worse, and official personnel were also urging her to leave.

Under pressure, she could only stand up from the doctor's chair and walk aside.

Lu Liuliu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the doctor's diagnosis.

The effect of vitality water is truly incredible.

Zhang Xue, who was bleeding heavily, has now recovered under the influence of vitality water.

She no longer hesitated, turned around, glanced at Zhang Xue, and left quickly.

Zhang Xue saw her back and hurriedly chased after her.

"Lu Liuliu, you can't leave, you have to pay me for it!"

Zhang Xue shouted and wanted to continue to catch up.

Lu Liuliu ignored her shouts.

At this moment, two official personnel suddenly walked out and blocked her way.

"Ms. Zhang Xue, after receiving a report from survivors, you have committed theft recently. According to the rules of the shelter, we have to take you away."

Chapter 239 East Shelter

After the officials finished speaking, they carried Zhang Xue, who had just received medical treatment, and dragged her to a tram and drove her out of the shelter.

Zhang Xue looked at the door of the shelter and tried to scan the code to continue entering the shelter.

She stood at the door and scanned the QR code several times, but it always said that the verification failed.

Zhang Xue wanted to cry but had no tears.

Some time ago, all the points her brother Zhang Feng left for her were spent on Ma Weizhou.

Soon, all the points were used up by Ma Weizhou for various reasons.

When she found out, Ma Weizhou abandoned her and said he was going to find his true love, but he was nowhere to be seen.

She has no points, no skills, and she is not willing to imitate those down-and-out women and sell themselves to earn living expenses.

Zhang Xue was desperate and chose to steal food from her neighbor next door.

She had just been caught stealing something and was photographed by the surveillance camera in the corridor.

As a result, she was reported by her neighbors and put on the official blacklist, and she was not allowed to enter the shelter again.

Zhang Xue left the door of the shelter disappointed.

Her figure gradually merged into the group of survivors across the street who were also not accepted by the shelter because of their crimes.

After about 10 minutes.

Lu Liuliu's figure appeared at the gate of the shelter.

Zhang Xue saw Lu Liuliu appearing at the gate, hatred and jealousy flashed in his eyes.

When she saw Lu Liuliu getting into an off-road vehicle with the security guards nodding and bowing, she became even more jealous.

Why, a woman like her who killed her brother and left herself on the streets can now be respected by officials.

Still have so many points?

She heard it very clearly while lying on the wooden board in a daze.

Lu Liuliu gave each security guard who carried the plank 20 points as reward.

This is 20 points, which adds up to 80 points!

Lu Liuliu is so rich?

A trace of viciousness flashed in Zhang Xue's eyes. She looked at the group of survivors sleeping in the open beside her, and whispered to the person next to her who was obviously a team leader: "Did you see that girl? She is alone and has a lot of points.

" Zhang Xue pulled the team leader who was talking and followed her line of sight to see Lu Liuliu in the driving position.

The off-road vehicle passed by them in a flash.

A greedy green light appeared in the eyes of this squad leader.

"She is alone? No other teammates or companions?"

the team leader asked.

To be treated like this by those security guards, this girl is definitely not as simple as she seems.

Zhang Xue's IQ is now on the line.

She immediately said: "She's the only one. Didn't you see just now? It's the medical station she sent me to."

"She gave 20 points to each of the security guards who helped."

"Otherwise, you Why do those security guards treat her so respectfully? "

"As long as you can tie her up and get the points in her hands, you can live a comfortable life in the future!"

Zhang Xue continued to stir up trouble in front of the team leader.

Other members of this team said: "Boss, I also saw that the girl just now asked those security guards to send her in."

This team leader is not a good citizen.

Their team had all escaped from prison after the apocalypse and had been on the official blacklist.

Therefore, they cannot enter the shelter.

With Zhang Xue fanning the flames and the confirmation from his own team members.

The captain of this team suddenly became concerned and ordered the people in the team, "Drive and catch up."

Zhang Xue felt happy when she heard what he said.

Lu Liuliu is alone. If he is caught by this group of people, he will definitely not be able to eat and carry him around!

"You, come with us."

The team leader glanced at Zhang Xue before forcefully holding her in his arms.

Zhang Xue struggled hard, she didn't want to become a woman who was helpless.

She is different from those women!

When the team leader saw Zhang Xue struggling and acting aloof, he gave a cold "hum" and pushed her to the ground.

"Don't be so shameless. With your appearance, I can like you, so why are you pretending to be noble?"

"There are many women around here who want to climb into my bed."

After the captain finished speaking, he pushed him down without looking. Zhang Xue from the ground.

He called to the five teammates around him, got in the car together, and followed Lu Liuliu in the car.

Zhang Xue, who fell to the ground, gritted her teeth angrily, but had no way to resist.

She silently tightened her clothes with several holes in them and walked towards the safe area outside the shelter.

In today's world, everything that can be eaten outside has been searched out for a long time.

However, there are many survivors like her.

In order to survive, they continued to search for supplies that could satisfy their hunger in some places outside the safety zone.

Zhang Xue walked around until she was outside the official safety line, but she didn't find a grain of rice.

If I had known earlier, I should have followed him just now, and maybe I could have had a good meal in exchange...

Zhang Xue regretfully continued to walk outside the safety zone...


the road.

Lu Liuliu drove quickly to the meeting point agreed with Zhang Lang.

She pulled over.

Zhang Lang walked to her car window and asked: "Master, where is the other person?"

Lu Liuliu sighed: "He went to Lin Wan Shelter."

"My people said that he was still in the shelter the day before yesterday. "

It's only been a day, but he ran very fast." After Zhang

Lang complained, he asked, "Master, should we go to Lin Wan Sanctuary to lure him out?"

Shaking his head, "Let's go to other shelters to find a friend of mine."

"As for Ma Weizhou, let him live for a while first."

"When you meet him later, just kill him casually."

Zhang Lang nodded, " To the west is Lin Wan Shelter. We have been to the central shelter, but your friend should not be here."

"There are three shelters left in the east, southeast, and north."

Lu Liuliu thought for a while, "Go to the east shelter first to inquire about the situation.

" Okay."

Zhang Lang responded, turned around, got in the car, and led the way.

Lu Liuliu's car kept a certain distance and followed Zhang Lang.

About ten minutes later.

Lu Liuliu saw in the rearview mirror that there was an off-road vehicle following closely behind her car.

She frowned and used the pager to say to Zhang Lang: "There is a follower behind us."

"Master, you drive to the front to overtake first, and leave the people behind to me to deal with."

Lu Liuliu stepped down. Press the accelerator, overtake from the left, and drive to a stop in front of Zhang Lang.

Zhang Lang had slowed down and parked his car sideways in the middle of the road.

Soon, the car behind also stalled.

Six men got out of the car.

Those six men were the criminals who were encouraged by Zhang Xue to deal with Zhang Lang just now.

"Boss, this girl really has a companion."

Chapter 240 The road is long and difficult

"Looking at the situation, she only has one companion, who should be her lover."

"A single person? What are we afraid of?"

the team leader asked.

The other members of his team burst out laughing after hearing this.

This time the fat sheep can be obtained immediately.

"Old rules, kill the men and give them a taste to the brothers, kill the women first and then kill them."


Zhang Lang looked at the five people impatiently, "Have you finished talking? I'm in a hurry."

" Boy, don't be arrogant, you will cry later."

Zhang Lang was too lazy to talk nonsense to them.

He held out his hand, holding five small stones he had picked up from the ground.

The members of the team saw him picking up a few small stones as weapons and laughed, holding their stomachs.

"Boy, do you think you're just playing house?"

The captain of the team sneered, took out a gun from his waist and pointed it at Zhang Lang.

At the same time as he pulled the trigger, the five small stones in Zhang Lang's hand were shot at the five of them respectively.


Five screams one after another echoed across the sky.

The foreheads of these five team members were suddenly pierced by small stones. Bloody holes appeared on their heads, and their bodies fell on the road.

Zhang Lang approached the five people who were dying with no expression on their faces. He searched them for all the useful things they had on them and put them into a large mountaineering bag.

He didn't even let go of the gasoline in their car. He took it all out and put it in the SUV he drove.


It happened that there was not much oil in the car.

Now that's good, give yourself free gas.

Zhang Lang plundered all the belongings of these people and threw the mountaineering bag into the trunk of the car.

After he got in the car, he sent a message to Lu Liuliu, "Master, it's solved, let's set off."


Zhang Lang accelerated again and opened the way ahead.

Lu Liuliu's car continued to follow him.

Their destination is the shelter east of City A.

After driving for about half an hour.

Lu Liuliu asked Zhang Lang to park the car on a wide road.

Seeing no one around, she entered the space to solve the problem of hunger.

By the time she finished her meal and fed Xiao Wu, and then came out of the space and returned to the car, it was already getting dark.

Lu Liuliu looked at the time on his wrist.

5:30 pm.

As the end of summer is approaching, it is getting darker and darker now.

Lu Liuliu opened the offline map he had downloaded in advance on his mobile phone to check how far away they were from the East District Shelter.

Well, it will take at least 2 hours to speed up the drive.

This is when the road is not blocked and no accidents are encountered.

By the time we arrived at the shelter, it was probably completely dark.

After thinking carefully for a moment, she ordered Zhang Lang to continue leading the way.

Now Zhang Lang is not even afraid of super zombies.

Even if you encounter a group of zombies on the road, you can easily control them.

There should be no dangers that cannot be solved.

Lu Liuliu drove again and followed Zhang Lang toward his destination.

She and Zhang Lang's car were forced to stop when they came to a highway intersection.

Because this is the only way to enter the East District Asylum.

The circle of gas stations behind the highway entrance is crowded with all kinds of cars.

Many people are gathering here, setting up a campfire in the wild and cooking dinner.

Lu Liuliu frowned when he saw the smoke lingering here.

There are so many survivors here.

After a quick glance, there were at least two hundred people.

Her car was blocked by these chaotic cars and had to stop.

There were so many people here, and it was impossible for her to put the off-road vehicle and the SUV behind it into the space in front of these people.

We can only think of ways to negotiate with them, let them clear the way, and let their cars pass.

Lu Liuliu took the pager and said to Zhang Lang: "The smell on your body is too strong. If you get too close, someone may notice something unusual. You stay here and I will negotiate with them."


"Master remembers Bring the laser gun."


Lu Liuliu put the walkie-talkie on her waist, opened the car door and got out of the car, and walked towards the smoke-filled gathering place.

When she got closer to the cooking area of ​​these people, she always felt that these people were a little strange.

But what was strange, she couldn't tell.

A thin little boy saw her getting closer and closer, and the fear on his face became more and more intense.

The little boy looked at her face and shook his head wildly.

Next to him, the little boy's mother noticed something strange about the little boy. She immediately hugged the little boy, stretched out her dirty black hands, covered his mouth, and carried him away.

"Hello, does the car over there belong to you?"

With a trace of doubt in her heart, Lu Liuliu walked to a bonfire where a dozen people gathered and asked them.

The dozen or so survivors who were waiting for their meals looked up at Lu Liuliu.

Lu Liuliu noticed that their gazes were intense and had an indescribable strange feeling.

"It's our car."

"Are you going to move the car?"

In the group of more than a dozen people, a middle-aged man stood up and asked Lu Liuliu.

Lu Liuliu nodded, "Yes, please move the car. My companions and I are going to get on the highway."

The middle-aged man's eyes passed behind Lu Liuliu and looked at the car driven by Zhang Lang from a distance . car.

Because of the distance, he couldn't see exactly how many people were in the car.

He looked away with a hint of apology and helplessness, "Sorry, we can't move those cars."

"There is no gasoline in those cars and they can't start."

Lu Liuliu smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter, my companion has All we need to do to move the cars is your consent."

"I'll ask him to move all the cars blocking the road to the open space next to him."

The middle-aged man and the survivors around the campfire were a little confused.

What does she mean?

Do you want people to lift the vehicle out of the way?

"Is that okay?"

The middle-aged man looked at Lu Liuliu's smiling almond-shaped eyes and nodded gently.

"Okay, there are no valuables in the car."

"As long as you and your companions can move, we won't stop you."

"Of course, we are short of food, so we can't help you move the car."

Lu Liuliu smiled and said, "It's natural. I won't trouble you."

After he finished speaking.

Lu Liuliu turned around and walked back to the dozens of cars blocking the road.

She waved to Zhang Lang in the car, "Move all the cars blocking the road."

Zhang Lang got out of the SUV, walked to the first car blocking the road, easily moved the car away with one hand, and pulled it to The area next to the wheat field.

The survivors gathered around the bonfire, drinking soup with bowls and chopsticks, silently watching Zhang Lang's actions.

The middle-aged man who stood up to talk to Lu Liuliu just now frowned.

Carrying the soup bowl, he walked out of the bonfire and came to a temporary small RV-based house inside.
