
Chapter 421 My sister-in-law should be pretty good

Lu Liuliu said angrily: "It's not like those perverts from the Nangong family. The last time I took their things and counted the supplies, they tracked the signal."

"Those people chased us all day and night."

"You Are you not injured?"

Lu Liuliu shook his head, "No."

"This is the temporary place that Smart Little Ai found. We will stay here for the time being."

"By the way, the old man in the nursing home only has bones left. They are all piled up there, looking weird."

After hearing what Lu Liuliu said, Xiao Jiu responded: "Wait a moment, I will deal with the pair of bones."

After that, he came to Zhang Lang. Where he and his twin sisters piled up their corpses, a cloud of black mist was released, instantly melting the pile of bones into black ashes.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Jiu used the black mist power to dig a big pit nearby, and asked Zhang Lang and the twin sisters to throw all the ashes into the pit and bury them.

These people lived together during their lives and died together, so they were destined to be together.

He was not related to these people, so he could only simply bury them nearby.

After doing this, Xiao Jiu entered the RV to clean up the dirt on her body and changed into clean clothes.

He returned to the dining chair and sat down, taking out his sister Xiao Yao's baked dessert from the dimensional space.

"My sister made this. She specially asked me to give it to you to try."

Lu Liuliu looked at Xiao Jiu and took out strawberry cake, red bean and meat floss toast, taro paste and purple sweet potato egg tart, seaweed and meat floss scallops...

"You My sister can also bake!"

"She likes to study these when she is bored. Try it."

Lu Liuliu looked at the very beautiful strawberry cake, found a cake cutting knife and fork, cut a small piece and took a bite.

"Yeah, yeah, it's delicious."

"It's more delicious than the ones sold in cake shops."

"Hey, after eating the cake, my mood has improved."

Lu Liuliu suddenly felt that his originally painless mood was no longer Be happy under control.

"This is the effect of her food power. The food she makes by herself can gain some attributes."

"The attributes brought by desserts are happiness and joy."

"So that's it."

Kong Kong looked at the strawberry cake and drooled. , "Master, can I have a taste too?"

Lu Liuliu cut out a piece, found a small plate, and gave it to Kong Kong.

I got the cake empty-handed and concentrated on tasting the delicious food.

"Your sister gave me two gifts. If we have a chance to meet in the future, I have to prepare some gifts in return for her."

"Yao Yao meeting Xiao Wu is the best gift."

"She keeps talking about it, she wants to talk to her nephew Let 's play together."

"You said that the Sky City will open in three months, and they will definitely be able to see the baby by then."


Jiu watched Lu Liuliu eating dessert in silence.

Lu Liuliu ate a small clam with seaweed and meat floss, and then he realized that Xiao Jiu had been staring at her.

"Don't be stunned. I can't finish it all in a while, so you should eat some."

"My sister made this specially for you. The temperature is low now, and there is a small refrigerator in the RV. You can put it in the refrigerator. " , eat slowly."

Xiao Jiu looked at Lu Liuliu tenderly.

These things are out of print outside, and the raw materials and baking tools are almost difficult to find.

He wanted to leave all these desserts to her.

"Don't be stunned, just eat if I tell you to."

Lu Liuliu picked up a small cake and handed it to Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu couldn't resist the kindness, then threw the small cake into his mouth and swallowed it in one bite.

Lu Liuliu's eyes widened when he saw him wasting his resources so violently.

"Hey, you have to taste the dessert slowly. You swallowed it in just one bite."

Xiao Jiu scratched his head in embarrassment.

He was trained from an early age to be very tight on meal times and eat very quickly.

"Here, have another one."

Xiao Jiu took the food handed over by Lu Liuliu, her heart filled with happiness.

"Where's the baby? These cakes made by Yaoyao are all made of fresh ingredients and animal cream."

"Babies can also eat these small cakes."

Lu Liuliu suddenly choked on the cake in his mouth.

Her eyes turned to the small bed inside the RV.

"Wait, I'm going to wake the baby up."

Lu Liuliu walked to the resting area at the innermost part of the RV in a panic.

She pushed open the small narrow door of the rest area and summoned Xiao Wu from the space.

so close.

When Kong Kong called her, she was in a daze.

Xiao Wu even forgot to take it out.

Lu Liuliu walked out of the RV holding the sleeping Xiao Wu.

Xiao Jiu looked at Lu Liuliu and the child, but there was a murmur in his heart.

When he went to wash up in the bathroom next to the lounge just now, he didn't detect the sound of human breathing in the rest area.

If Xiao Wu was sleeping inside, he would definitely feel it.

The five senses of a high-level superpower user are no longer comparable to those of ordinary people. Now, standing outside the RV, he can sense how many people are inside the RV.

Xiao Wu was definitely not in the lounge just now.

How did Liuliu conjure the child out of thin air?

Xiao Jiu kept her doubts in her heart.

He had already told Lu Liuliu all his secrets.

But I always felt that Lu Liuliu kept many secrets from him.

Especially Xiao Wu's abnormal behavior that appeared out of thin air just now.

Xiao Jiu took Xiao Wu from Lu Liuliu's arms.

Xiao Wu opened his big dark eyes at this moment.

Xiao Jiu's heart warmed when she saw Xiao Wu, a miniature version of Xiao Wu who looked exactly like him.

No matter what Liuliu is hiding from him, the child is definitely his biological child.

Since she doesn't want to say it, forget it.

"Dad, Dad is back!"

"Dad, let's have fish hot pot tonight."

"Okay, you can eat whatever you want, baby."

Xiao Jiu put Xiao Wu on his lap and sat down dotingly.

"These are the cakes and desserts made by your little aunt, come and try them."

Xiao Wu stared at the strawberry cake with burning eyes, unable to move his eyes away.

Xiao Jiu cut a small piece and placed it in front of Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu picked up the small fork he used to eat the cake. After taking a bite, he was completely conquered.

After he finished showing off a large piece of cake, he raised his head and asked Xiao Jiu: "Dad, who is my aunt?"

"My biological sister."

"That's right, hehe, the cakes made by my aunt are so delicious."

" If you like it, let your little aunt cook it for you in the future."

Lu Liuliu listened to Xiao Jiu and Xiao Wu talking and remembered that in the past, he always saw some negative news on short videos.

The weird sister-in-law and the weird mother-in-law target the new bride.

Now it seems.

Xiao Jiu's sister, her sister-in-law, should be a pretty good person.

Without meeting each other, Xiao Jiu was asked to give them gifts.

This made Lu Liuliu's affection for this sister-in-law whom he had never met doubled.

Finished the dessert.

Lu Liuliu entered the RV and continued to catch up on his sleep.

Xiao Jiu hugged Xiao Wu and went to the foot of the nursing home mountain to dig holes in the ice of a lake and fish.

Chapter 422 I want to have triplets

Zhang Lang asked Wang Wu and the twin sisters to protect Lu Liuliu.

He couldn't wait to find Lu Liuliu and said to her:

"Master, I'm going to see Bai Jie."

"You...take it easy, there is a difference between humans and zombies."

"It's okay, I prepared something for Bai Jie . Once she awakens her powers, she won't become a zombie due to the zombie virus. "

"Okay, just take it easy."

Lu Liuliu was really worried that Zhang Lang's boar would be unable to taste the fine chaff.

The white, tender skin and tender flesh cannot withstand his torment.


Zhang Lang still has a faint zombie odor on his body.

Lu Liuliu threw a bottle of Chanel's limited edition perfume to Zhang Lang: "This is for you."

"Thank you, master."

Zhang Lang took the perfume and drove the two-seater small helicopter given by Xiao Jiu to Haishi to meet Bai Jie.

Lu Liuliu looked at Zhang Lang's leaving figure, thoughtfully.

Can zombies and humans really combine? If they can really give birth to a child, will the child be a human or a zombie?

She was quite curious.

Lu Liuliu put away his thoughts and took out his mobile phone to contact Jiang Yiyi.

"Yiyi, is there a single child in your belly?"

Jiang Yiyi, who was treated like a princess by Yan Feiyu, saw the message from Lu Liuliu and immediately picked up her phone to reply.


"Hey! Why not twins, so that I can stop giving birth once."

"Having two at a time will solve your worries."

Lu Liuliu saw the message from Jiang Yiyi and was very puzzled.

Since 2023, with the rise of the post-00 generation, more and more people do not want to have children.

Birth rates dropped significantly.

Despite a series of official policies, the birth rate is still very low.

Most women have awakened their self-awareness, they are able to be independent, support themselves, and do not want to get married and have children.

Unexpectedly, under the influence of such values, Jiang Yiyi still maintains the concept of having more children.

Even she felt very frightened when she thought of having a second child.

The various reactions during pregnancy and the current level of medical care made her very worried.

"What if I said, I can help you give birth to two children at once?"

"Really? No way? I've already been pregnant with this child for five months, how can you still put another one in my belly?"

Jiang Yiyi's face was filled with shock.

Yan Feiyu saw her expression and followed her gaze to see the chat records between her and Lu Liuliu.


sister-in-law is joking.

Although as a man, he really wants children, the more children the better.

This concept of "carrying on the family line" and "having more children" and the animal instinct of reproduction are engraved in the bones of men.

Men who do not have this kind of impulse are no different from eunuchs, and their descendants have long been eliminated in the long history of survival of the fittest.

He is no exception. It is a great thing to be able to have more children of his own at one time.

"I'm not kidding you."

"You can't let Feiyu know about this."

Jiang Yiyi saw Yan Feiyu next to her and replied helplessly: "He already knows."


"You and Feiyu Do your job well and tell him not to tell Xiao Jiu.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will never tell Brother Jiu," Yan Feiyu replied to Lu Liuliu under Jiang Yiyi's stern gaze.

Sorry Brother Jiu.

For the sake of my child, I can only join forces with my sister-in-law to lie to you.

"Liuliu, please tell me, is it really possible for people to have two children at one time?"


"I found a kind of fruit that can make people pregnant. Eating one can increase the number of babies."

"Really!" Jiang Yiyi still found it hard to believe.

"I'm not sure either. I'll send you the fruit. You can try it and see if it might be useful."

Lu Liuliu thought of Kong Kong's explanation of the fruit's effects, and he didn't have enough trust in the monkey.

Anyway, this fruit has no poison.

Everyone ate it, it had no taste and was not harmful to the body.

Since Jiang Yiyi wanted to complete her life plan of having subsequent children with one child, it would be better to fulfill them.

"Okay! Then, give me two fruits. I want to have three children."

Lu Liuliu: "..."

"Triples are very dangerous, and the probability of normal birth is low."

"Don't worry about this, Feiyu My good friend Lin Fei is the director of Haishi General Hospital. Feiyu has quietly contacted Lin Fei for me. When the date of delivery comes, he will directly perform a caesarean section on me. "

" Plus the magical healing energy water you gave me. "Having a baby is not a big problem."

Lu Liuliu saw that Yan Feiyu and Jiang Yiyi had already arranged everything and had no worries.

She sent two fruits, one black and one white, via helicopter to Little Red Riding Hood Shelter, the building where Jiang Yiyi and the others lived.

Stealth drone delivery is very fast.

Less than half an hour.

She received Jiang Yiyi's reply.

"The fruit has no taste after eating it."

"Feiyu is taking me to the public medical hospital in the shelter for a B-ultrasound."

"Be careful, don't be discovered by the Nangong family's lackeys."

"Feiyu just found out. , Nangong's family lives in the East District, we moved to the West District."

"That's good."

After replying the message, Lu Liuliu yawned and fell asleep in the warm RV.

Zhang Lang came outside and drove a two-person helicopter sent by Xiao Jiu to Haishi to meet Bai Jie.

When Bai Jie received the news that Zhang Lang was coming, she became panicked.

She came to the bathroom, looked at herself in the mirror, and became less confident.

With her appearance, temperament, and perfect figure, she is definitely a beauty with a score of 9 or above among women.

But when facing her upcoming sweetheart, she still felt fearful and unsure of herself.

Bai Jie found a change of clothes in the room and hurried to the public bathroom to wash up.

After she cleaned herself, she put on the best-looking autumn clothes in her wardrobe, then put on a thick sweater and an extreme cold down jacket, waiting for Zhang Lang's arrival.

About an hour later.

Zhang Lang successfully used a stealth plane to sneak into Area B of Haishi.

When the two-person plane landed, the sound was very soft and did not attract the attention of people nearby.

Zhang Lang took a deep breath and strode towards the hotel where Bai Jie lived.

He reached out and touched the non-existent heartbeat on his chest, always feeling flustered.

"Dong dong dong——"

Zhang Lang mustered up the courage to knock on the door.

When Bai Jie heard the sound, she immediately stood up, opened the door, and welcomed Zhang Lang into the room.

When she saw Zhang Lang's tall body, her eyes could not stop the joy.

Brother Zhang is different from those lewd men, he is a real gentleman.

Bai Jie took Zhang Lang's arm and said, "Brother Zhang, sit down first and I'll get you a glass of water."

Zhang Lang looked at Bai Jie quietly and said nothing.

He has long lost the digestive system that humans should have, and eating human food and water is a burden on his body.

Chapter 423 I'm not actually

Despite this, he did not refuse Bai Jie's warm hospitality.

Bai Jie quickly poured Zhang Lang a glass of boiled water and placed it on the table.

The hazy white boiled water emits mist and spreads along the air of the cold room.

Bai Jie sat down next to Zhang Lang and said softly: "Brother Zhang, you are finally willing to accept me."

"I know that as an ordinary person, wanting to be with you is wishful thinking."

"You are. A noble high-level superpower, but I... only have a little bit of appearance and beauty."

"I know that you are a gentleman and don't think much of my beauty."

Zhang Lang's eyes narrowed. , what kind of gentleman?

It turns out that in Bai Jie's heart, he has always been a "gentleman" who stays calm?

This misunderstanding is quite big.

In this world, except for eunuchs and gays, there is no man who does not love beautiful women, especially the top-notch beauty in front of him, the famous first-line female star before the end of the world.

"No, I like your beauty very much."

Bai Jie's words of retreat were disrupted by Zhang Lang's sudden words.

She looked with doubts on her face: "But you, at that time..."

Zhang Lang understood instantly that Bai Jie was talking about the first time he met her, when he rescued her, Bai Jie stripped naked, but he was unmoved.

At that time he didn't have that function, a TJ in the traditional sense.

Feeling powerless!

"Don't mention what happened back then, the important thing is now."

Zhang Lang easily talked about the past.

No man wants to tell the truth about how he was not good at that time in front of the woman he likes.

"Yes, the important thing is now."

Bai Jie said softly in a clear and melodious voice: "Brother Zhang, by coming here this time, you have already accepted me."

Zhang Lang looked at the shy Bai Jie, very confused.

As a first-line female star, Bai Jie's acting skills are indeed very high.

To be able to reach the rank of a first-line female star, she must have accompanied many directors and rich second generations.

He didn't want to use the dirtiest thoughts to pry into Bai Jie's past, but with her ordinary status and background, she could become a top female star. These unspoken rules must be inevitable.

But now Bai Jie, when facing him, seemed like an extremely pure little girl.

This woman was completely different from the woman who took off her clothes without changing her expression in front of him.

Bai Jie was an actress before the end of the world, and her performance as a pure girl was indeed spot on.

If he hadn't been a hat uncle in his previous life, he would have been fooled by her.

"I accept everything about you, including your past."

"When you face me in the future, you don't need to use acting skills. I don't care how many men you have been with, but from now on, you can only have me." Man."

Bai Jie's big watery eyes flashed with confusion.

Did Brother Zhang misunderstand something?

Although she has reached the level of a top female star, she has never accepted any unspoken rules.

There have been many well-known directors who have shown that as long as they sleep with her for one night, they can get the heroine role in a big movie production.

But she declined all these unspoken rules.

Over the years, she has been working hard to rely on her reputation and acting skills accumulated over the years to achieve the status of a top female star before the end of the world.

"Brother Zhang...you..."

Bai Jie hesitated, wanting to explain to Zhang Lang that this was actually her first time.

This is also the first time she confesses to a man.

Those previous movies were all about acting, but this time, she was serious about it.

But when she saw Zhang Lang's expression and saw the "I understand everything" look in Zhang Lang's Gujing Wubo eyes, she felt a little at a loss for what to do.

Brother Zhang, is he the same as the men on the Internet? He thinks that none of the female stars in the entertainment industry are clean.

"Bai Jie, you don't need to explain, I can understand all of this."

"Over the years, I have handled many celebrity and Internet celebrity cases, and I have also been exposed to these unspoken rules. This is not your fault, it is the rules of this society that should be That's it."


Bai Jie was speechless for a moment.

Sure enough, no man in her industry can believe in the truth of "coming out of the mire but not getting stained".

Zhang Lang continued: "I can accept your past, but you may not be able to accept mine."

"Actually, I am not a human being."

"Ah? Not a human being?"

Bai Jie has not yet recovered from Zhang Lang's misunderstanding. , and heard Zhang Lang say that he was not human, and became even more confused.

"Yes, I am a zombie, a zombie with self-awareness."

Bai Jie subconsciously covered her mouth and shrank back.

"Can you accept me like this?"

Facing Zhang Lang's showdown, Bai Jie recovered from her initial fear of zombies. She looked seriously at Zhang Lang's eyes, which were different from those of ordinary people. Black pupils.

Only then was it confirmed that what Zhang Lang said was true.

In the past, Zhang Lang always wore a pair of sunglasses, and she didn't look into his eyes seriously.

Face to face at such a close distance today, she finally saw clearly that Zhang Lang's eyes were indeed very similar to those of zombies.

"I...I can accept it."

Bai Jie only hesitated for a moment and immediately gave her answer.

In today's apocalyptic situation, she just has more points.

But now that prices have skyrocketed, she doesn't know how long her points can last.

Perhaps over time these points will lose their usefulness as well.

An ordinary woman like her is extremely lucky to be alive until now.

If you want to continue to survive in the apocalypse, you must find a backer.

She couldn't believe the others.

But she could trust the character of Zhang Lang and Miss Lu.

When the points were so valuable at that time, they all took advantage of the money and did not steal her points.

Regardless of whether Zhang Lang is a human or not, it is a fact that he and Miss Lu saved her.

Their character is also very trustworthy.

Instead of looking for a backer who doesn't know his character, it's better to choose Zhang Lang in front of him.

What's more, she really likes Zhang Lang.

"Do you really accept it?"

Bai Jie nodded slightly, "I can accept that you are a zombie, but I am sorry that I cannot have a normal couple interaction with you."

"I am an ordinary person, and I will die if I am infected with the zombie virus. "

The probability of becoming a conscious zombie like you is very small."

Zhang Lang knew Bai Jie's concerns, and he took out the prepared high-level crystal core from the dimensional space ring.

"This is not a problem. You eat this crystal core and awaken as a superpower."

Zhang Lang handed the pure and flawless high-level crystal core to Bai Jie.

Bai Jie stretched out her slender white fingers and took the crystal core.

"Is this what the official said is the special crystal core that can 100% allow ordinary people to awaken as superpowers?"

Zhang Lang nodded lightly.

Chapter 424 The neighbor who refuses to admit defeat

Bai Jie looked at Zhang Lang's expressionless pale and resolute face, and swallowed the crystal core without hesitation.

Seconds later, she passed out on the couch.

Zhang Lang picked up Bai Jie, who was awakening her powers, and placed her on the only big bed in the room.

after an hour.

Bai Jie woke up slowly. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Zhang Lang sitting by the bed, looking down at her.

"Brother Zhang..."

Bai Jie's voice was hoarse, she opened her red mouth, and stared at Zhang Lang's stiff and pale face.

"Have you awakened your superpower?"


"Try it, what kind of superpower it is."


Bai Jie supported the edge of the bed with one hand and sat up from the bed. She stretched out her white palm and mobilized the energy in her body. The core source of superpowers.

A pure white light radiated from her hand.

Bai Jie was a little surprised, "Is this... light energy?"

Zhang Lang noticed immediately that this was a special light attribute that generally had the ability to heal.

To verify the guess.

Zhang Lang took out a knife and slashed Bai Jie's arm.

After Bai Jie felt the pain, she frowned and stared at the bright red blood mark on her lower arm and wrist.

"Try using your superpower."

Bai Jie complied.

When Bai Jie's light attribute power landed on his arm, the injured arm instantly became intact as before.

Bai Jie, who released her superpower, suddenly felt dizzy.

She stretched out a hand to support her forehead, "Brother Zhang, my head feels so dizzy."

"You have just awakened your superpower, and its level is low."

"When your superpower level increases, you can use it multiple times. Superpowers, and you won't feel dizzy or weak."

Zhang Lang whispered to Bai Jie the things that people with superpowers need to pay attention to when advancing.

At the same time, he took out a crystal core and handed it to Bai Jie.

"You replenish your physical energy first."

Bai Jie took the crystal core. Under Zhang Lang's guidance, she quickly restored the power consumption and replenishment, and successfully gave the newly awakened power a slight improvement.

Zhang Lang saw that her complexion had returned to rosy, and said to her again:

"Bai Jie, let me ask you one last time, are you willing to be my woman?"

Bai Jie nodded without any hesitation, "Brother Zhang, I have long wanted to I'm your woman."

"Okay, take off your clothes now."

Zhang Lang stood in front of Bai Jie who was sitting on the bed, with less than a fist distance between them.

Bai Jie's little face turned red.

She looked at Zhang Lang, who had no eyesight at all, and her breathing became more and more rapid.

"I...the room is a bit cold."

Bai Jie just finished speaking.

Zhang Lang took out a constant temperature heater from the dimensional space.

As the heater was turned on, the cold temperature of the room began to slowly rise.

Zhang Lang waited patiently for a few minutes.

Until the temperature of the room rises above 20 degrees.

Bai Jie found that the thick down jacket on her body began to feel hot, and a trace of sweat appeared on her forehead.

She took a deep breath, sat on the bed, and reached out to take off the outermost layer of her extremely cold down jacket.

What he was wearing underneath was a white wool sweater.

The pants are fleece and thickened jeans.

Even though she was wearing these clothes that covered her figure, Bai Jie's plump and graceful figure was very attractive in Zhang Lang's eyes.

His Ganggun was already so horny.

As early as the first time he saw Bai Jie, he wanted to execute Bai Jie on the spot.

Unfortunately, Bai Jie hasn't awakened her powers yet. He has been holding back until now, and the desire in his heart is about to burst out.

Bai Jie smelled the vague smell of zombies coming from Zhang Lang mixed with the smell of the perfume she often used, and suddenly became panicked.

"Brother Zhang, I'll take care of you."

Bai Jie has been in the entertainment industry for many years. Although she doesn't accept unspoken rules, she has filmed many intimate scenes.

She calmed down and slowly took off her clothes.

After taking off her clothes, Bai Jie took the initiative to take Zhang Lang's white and veiny hand and clasped her fingers with his.

"Brother Zhang, I'm ready. You can do whatever you want."

Zhang Lang smiled at Bai Jie, his eyes falling from her pink lips to his waistband.

Bai Jie immediately understood Zhang Lang's thoughts from his subtle movements.

There was a "click" sound.

Bai Jie exclaimed, with unstoppable shock in her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, some indescribable sounds sounded in the room.

Half an hour later.

Zhang Lang looked at the bright red on the snow-white sheets, thoughtfully.

"You are still a baby."

Bai Jie picked up the quilt, covered her red face, and just looked at Zhang Lang beside her with a pair of big watery eyes.

Zhang Lang couldn't resist when he saw her loving eyes.

When he was serving in the army in his early years, his friends often took him to places such as foot baths and KTVs.

He's not a boy who doesn't understand anything.

There is no matter between men and women that he cannot handle.

After regaining his strength and facing a stunning beauty like Bai Jie, Zhang Lang's inner side of love between men and women was released.

It was the first time that I couldn't bear to pity Bai Jie.

He couldn't control himself and had in-depth exchanges with Bai Jie again and again.

in the room.

The sound of warm applause was endless.

Hotel corridor.

The cleaning staff and staff who passed by stopped when they heard the noise in this room.

They seemed to have pressed the pause button and felt very weird.

Isn't this really acting?

With doubts, the cleaner was woken up by the foreman's call on the pager.

As if she had just woken up from a dream, she walked next door and cleaned the room for the resident next door.

All the residents in the rooms near the corridor heard the violent agitation and shouted angrily in the direction of Zhang Lang and Bai Jie.

Bai Jie's face turned red as if she wanted to bleed when she heard the neighbor's yelling.

Zhang Lang didn't care.

If someone disturbs his good deeds without opening his eyes, when he is done, he will definitely teach those people a lesson when he comes back.

After a long time.

The dissatisfied shouts and curses from the neighbors became quieter and quieter.

On the contrary, the whole corridor could be heard with the sound of competition not to be outdone.

A couple separated by a wall sat on the coffee table and looked at each other.

"Husband, you are so awesome."


"There is no emotion at all. It sounds fake at first glance. Let's try again."

The man asked his wife to act, as if he was trying to fight fire with fire.

The woman was cursing in her heart while satisfying her husband's perverted requirements.

Don't you know what level you are at?

It doesn't feel tiring even if you don't have diamonds and hard gear!

If I didn't have much strength myself and had to rely on you to make a living, how could I cooperate with you in playing such a boring game?

At the request of her husband, the woman cursed and acted emotionlessly.

Cleaning on this floor found fluctuations in the floor.

Immediately push the stroller downstairs to share with colleagues the fun things I encountered today.

When he heard the noise, Bagua's curiosity arose.

Using the excuse of going to the toilet, they all ran to the floor where Bai Jie lived to listen to the corner.

Chapter 425 Little Traitor

This group of staff members felt bad after hearing this.


Zhang Lang and Bai Jie were out of control.

The two eat and sleep every day, and then do some normal in-depth communication activities.

Their behavior made everyone on the entire floor feel terrified.

Everyone went from initial curiosity and curiosity to final numbness and fled this floor overnight.

what is interesting is.

For the women who earn a living by holding signs at the flea market, their recent business has become better and better because of such small incidents.


Lin Wan Nursing Home.

After Zhang Lang left, Lu Liuliu and Xiao Jiu directed Wang Wu and the twin sisters to live in a trailer next to the gate of the nursing home.

There are still three months until the Sky City is completed.

There is no need to clean nursing homes covered in the bones of dead old people.

Even if it is cleaned, it will still feel uncomfortable to live in it.

In particular, Lu Liuliu had seen with his own eyes the scene of Xiao Jiu burning the bones of old people, and it was even more difficult to accept it.

The days passed slowly with the laughter and laughter of Lu Liuliu and his family.

One month later.

The twin sisters beside Wang Wu were vomiting one after another.

Lu Liuliu noticed the reactions of the two sisters, took out the pregnancy test strips and gave them a test.

The twin sisters were holding a pregnancy test paper. After testing, they found that the test paper showed two bars.

They took the test strips and came to Lu Liuliu.

"Master, that magical fruit really made us pregnant!"

Wang Wu was also very happy. He thought he had turned into a zombie and would never be able to be a father in this life.

Unexpectedly, it can also have the function of making women pregnant.

Lu Liuliu saw the joy on the faces of Wang Wu and the twin sisters, and was 100% sure of the role of the Yin Yang Fruit.

It's over.

Can this fruit be withdrawn?

She thought it was something good and ate two of them.

If you get pregnant again, give birth to at least two at a time.

You must be very careful to avoid getting pregnant with Xiao Jiu's child again.

During this time, she had been taking long-term contraceptive pills.

In addition, she made Xiao Jiu wear a small umbrella every time. With the double measures, it was absolutely impossible to get pregnant.

Lu Liuliu breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of his countermeasures.

She took out part of the crystal core and gave it to Wang Wu and the twin sisters.

"Take it to replenish the energy and take good care of the fetus."

"Thank you, Master."

Wang Wu and others left happily and returned to the RV where they lived to absorb the energy in the crystal core.

They just left.

Xiao Jiu and Xiao Wu came back on a pair of skates.

Xiao Wu's small body carried a big fish bucket. Under Xiao Jiu's supervision, he cleaned all the fish caught in the bucket and chopped them into pieces.

"Dad, we agreed to make fried fish nuggets for me today."

"No problem."

Xiao Jiu built a temporary kitchen outside the RV.

Because Lu Liuliu hated the smell of oil smoke.

There is no range hood in the RV and the ventilation effect is not good.

Every time I cook, a big smell of oil comes out of the RV.

So he used new materials to temporarily build a small kitchen next to the RV.

"Son, you first coat the fish pieces in egg liquid, then a layer of corn starch, and then coat them in egg liquid and bread crumbs again."

Under Xiao Jiu's guidance, Xiao Wu picked up the prepared pieces in a decent manner. For eggs, crack the eggs into a bowl and stir into a smooth egg mixture.

Wait for Xiao Wu to coat all the fish pieces in several layers of corn starch and bread crumbs.

Xiao Jiu turned on the switch button of the high-tech fryer and asked Xiao Wu to hold the chopsticks and put fish pieces into the fryer.


The oil temperature quickly rose to the appropriate frying temperature.

Xiao Wu threw all the fish pieces into the fryer.

The fryer can choose three fish nugget modes: medium, medium and low.

"Dad, I want to eat crispy fish pieces."

Xiao Jiu set the fryer mode to advanced mode.

five minutes later.

The fish pieces were fried golden and crispy on the outside, and the automatic timer of the fryer stopped working.

Xiao Wu carefully fished out all the fish pieces from the fryer and placed them on a porcelain white plate aside.

After all the fish pieces were caught, Xiao Wu ran to the RV with a plate in his hand.

"Mom, please try my fried fish nuggets."

Lu Liuliu, who was enjoying delicious milk tea, saw the fish nuggets held by Xiao Wu and said with an awkward smile: "Baby, mommy doesn't like fish, you and daddy can eat it." "

Xiao Wu was very disappointed.

Seeing Xiao Wu's frustrated face, Lu Liuliu had no choice but to pick up a piece of fried fish and take a bite.

"Xiao Wu is awesome. It's delicious."

Xiao Wu's originally gloomy expression turned cloudy in an instant, "Really? These are delicious. Give these to mom, and I'll go fishing and fry them."

Lu Liuliu waved his hand, "Mom I've gained weight recently. I can't eat too much fried food."


Xiao Wu saw the fish pieces in Lu Liuliu's hand and did not continue to persuade.

"Baby, hurry up, give these fish pieces to Wang Wu and the two aunts to try."


Xiao Wu held the plate and shared part of the fish pieces with Wang Wu and the twin sisters.

"Little master, the fish pieces are so delicious."

"It's Duck, your cooking skills are great!"

Xiao Wu felt very happy when he heard the praise from Wang Wu and his twin sisters.

He gave all the fish pieces to Wang Wu and the twin sisters.

Turn around and run to the small kitchen to continue frying the second plate of fish.

Lu Liuliu saw Xiao Wu and Xiao Jiu studying cooking skills through the car window, and immediately spit out the bread crumbs in his mouth.

She threw the piece of fish directly into the trash can of the RV.

In order to prevent Xiao Wu from finding out, she deliberately wrapped the fish pieces in a piece of toilet paper before throwing them into the trash can.

Piranha, if you don't want to eat it, you won't eat it, you won't eat it.

Xiao Jiu knew that Lu Liuliu didn't like eating piranhas.

So Xiao Wu and I had lunch outside.

Lu Liuliu himself took out some space to stock up on the braised pork set meal, and his mouth was filled with oil.

Wait for Xiao Jiu to return to the RV.

Seeing the Zhou Hei Ya braised duck wings on the RV dining cart, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This thing is out of print and absolutely impossible to buy now.

As expected, there is still a secret hidden in Lu Liuliu.

After a month of painful torture, Lu Liuliu finally figured it out and came up with a great excuse.

"Dad, come and eat some duck wings."

"This duck wing?"

When Lu Liuliu heard Xiao Jiu's question, he immediately explained the explanation he had thought of: "Actually... didn't I tell you before? Does everyone have a secret? "

"My biggest secret is that I awakened the space power after the outbreak of the apocalypse, and it is a space power that can be preserved forever."

Xiao Jiu has long discovered that strange things often appear in the RV . Food smells, these smells often give him hallucinations.

In addition, Xiao Wu appeared out of thin air in the RV before, which made him even more sure that Lu Liuliu must have abilities such as space powers.

I just kept hiding it from him.

During this period, through Xiao Wu's insinuating inquiries, he had already known that Lu Liuliu had a lot of room.

During this time, he had been waiting for Lu Liuliu's showdown.

Chapter 426 The desire to have children

When she showed her cards, it meant that her trust in him had also risen to a higher level.

"You said your space has a lot of supplies?"

Lu Liuliu looked confused.

Xiao Jiu continued: "Our son has told me a long time ago that I have been waiting for you to tell me when you will take the initiative."

Lu Liuliu looked at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "Mom, there is a lot of food in your space. I have told dad a long time ago."


Lu Liuliu stared at his son who had sold her, feeling frustrated that iron was not enough.

Little traitor.

The secret was told to Xiao Jiu so quickly.

She was afraid that Xiao Wu would spill the beans, so she kept threatening and intimidating Xiao Wu in the dimension. In the previous life, Xiao Wu and she were killed because of the exposure of the dimension.

After such a long period of brainwashing, Xiao Wu vowed never to tell anyone else.

Unexpectedly, in just one month...

Lu Liuliu instantly felt that his behavior of eating all kinds of delicacies secretly for a month was very ridiculous.

It turns out that the clown is herself.

"Honey, we have agreed now, can you give me a cup of taro mud Bobo milk tea?"

"I want to add 70% sugar from the taro mud popo."

"The baby said this milk tea is very delicious."

Lu Liuliu looked at Xiao Wu who looked confused. Xiao Wu didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. Instead, he urged:

"Mom, hurry up. I just ate fried fish. It's so oily. I really want to drink taro mud Bobo milk tea!"

"I want a glass of ice, and a larger portion of taro paste pops! A large cup."

Lu Liuliu pursed his lips, took out two cups of taro mud Bobo milk tea from the space and placed them on the table.

When Xiao Jiu really saw Lu Liuliu taking out the taro mud Bobo milk tea, he raised his eyebrows.

What my son said is true. There is everything to eat in Liuliu Space.

He touched the outer shell of the milk tea cup and found it was still warm.

Plug in the straw and take a sip. The taste is very delicious and you can taste it. The milk tea is very fresh.

It tastes almost exactly like freshly made.

Lu Liuliu looked at Xiao Wu who was holding a milk tea cup twice as big as his little hand, and asked seriously: "My dear son, who else have you told about the secret of mommy's space?"

Xiao Wu shook his head: "No, I only told dad."

"Dad said that if I tell more people about this, my mother's space will be taken back by the gods for exposing her secret, and I won't be able to drink milk tea or eat delicious KFC in the future!"

Lu Liuliu took a long breath.

Xiao Jiu drank half a cup of milk tea and comforted Lu Liuliu, who was in panic: "Honey, you don't need to be too nervous."

"Nowadays, dimensional space rings are popular, and 50% of people have independent space abilities. Your space system abilities will not arouse too much covetousness."

After Lu Liuliu heard Xiao Jiu's comfort, he understood instantly.

The little traitorous son must have told Xiao Jiu all the things she often threatened him with (she died due to exposure to space in her previous life).

Otherwise, Xiao Jiu would not suddenly say this to her.

Okay, just say it.

She had been with Xiao Jiu for so long, and she had already seen her own heart clearly.

If you choose a man to spend the rest of your life with, Xiao Jiu is indeed the best choice.

Sons were born, maybe this is the fate arranged by God.

Now that it was all said and done, Lu Liuliu did not hide it, but directly took out a bucket of KFC Family Bucket and placed it on the dining table.

Xiao Wu's eyes widened when he saw the family bucket.

Kong Kong, who was playing games on the side, smelled the smell and immediately came over.

Lu Liuliu is not a stingy person. Now that he has shown his cards, there are more snacks in the space.

Every day, the planting area continues to produce crops, and the animals are growing and multiplying more and more.

Now that we have entered the livestock area, we can see herds of cattle and sheep having fun on the vast grassland.

There are also a lot of cooking tools in the space such as KFC.

She pulled out three family buckets again.

After becoming a superpower, the amount of food consumed increases significantly.

These four family buckets are just enough for their family of three plus an empty meal.

It's not enough to have a family bucket.

Lu Liuliu took out four large glasses of lemon iced Coke and placed them on the table.

Xiao Wu quickly drank the taro mud Bobo milk tea, then immersed himself in showing off KFC and sucked on ice Coke.

For a moment, the entire RV was filled with the aroma of KFC food.

Finished the food.

Lu Liuliu didn't have to continue to be secretive to Xiao Jiu, plus the people in the car were all his own.

She did not hesitate and entered the space to rest.

Xiao Wu was carried by Xiao Jiu and taken out to continue ice fishing.

Kongkong was guarding the RV, eating snacks and playing games.

Lu Liuliu slept until about three o'clock in the afternoon.

She just opened her eyes, picked up her phone, and saw the message from Jiang Yiyi.

"Liuliu, I really have three babies in my belly!"

"Do you still have the fruit? Can you give me two more?"

"Why don't you reply? Is my request too excessive..."

"Hey, the fruit is very precious, so forget it if it doesn't work."


Lu Liuliu read a dozen messages sent by Jiang Yiyi.

Adhering to the principle of respecting the other person's wish to have children, she sent a message back to Jiang Yiyi: "There are a lot of fruits, I will send you two more."

"Five is the limit in one pregnancy. With each additional pregnancy, the stretch marks and discomfort on your body will become more serious as time goes by."

Jiang Yiyi was guarding her phone. When she saw the message, she immediately replied: "I know all this. My current physical condition is to give birth to five children at once. After this birth, I will never give birth again."

"Besides, I plan to eat this fruit three days before the expected date."

"I'll have a B-ultrasound check at that time. I'll give birth to five babies!"

Lu Liuliu saw Jiang Yiyi's message and praised her wit.

If you eat fruits when you are about to give birth, the burden on your body will not be so heavy.

"Okay, okay, wait a minute and I'll send you the fruit."

After Lu Liuliu replied to the message, he entered the fruit tree space at the seventh door and picked two fruits from inside.

While picking fruits, she glanced at this ancient and ancient tree.

The fruits on the tree are densely packed, there are thousands at least.

For a time, I couldn't even count them.

Lu Liuliu did not stay in space longer, but sent the freshly picked fruits to Jiang Yiyi using a stealth drone.

after awhile.

Jiang Yiyi sent a message again.

"Liu Liu, the due date is two months away, you must come then."

"Don't worry, I will definitely come when you give birth to the baby."


Lu Liuliu chatted with Jiang Yiyi for a few more words, and then closed the chat box with Jiang Yiyi.

She returned to the RV.

Found Kong Kong missing.

Xiao Jiu and Xiao Wu haven't come back yet.

During this time, she stayed in the RV every day, eating, drinking, and watching dramas, and she had just finished watching one.

It's time to get bored.

Chapter 427: I'll beat you until you have teeth all over the floor

So she got out of the RV and went out to find Xiao Jiu and Xiao Wu, wanting to join them in their ice fishing activities.

After she left, Wang Wu immediately got out of the car and came to the small kitchen to guard, responsible for alerting for nearby movements.

Lu Liuliu stepped on a skateboard, and her nimble body traveled in the world of ice and snow.

five minutes later.

She stopped by a wide glacier at the foot of the mountain.

In the distance, Xiao Wu was handing a box to Xiao Jiu with a smile.

"Dad, this is a fruit that can help mom give birth to more brothers and sisters."

"Eat it secretly and let mom give me two more brothers and sisters."

"I'm so lonely alone. I need more brothers and sisters to play with me." Son."

Xiao Jiu looked at the two black and white fruits in the transparent box and was very confused.

He had never seen such a fruit, black and white.

He was about to ask.

Kongkong on the side sensed Lu Liuliu's approach and immediately whispered: "Boss, you are about to eat. The master is here."

"When you were around her, she talked in her sleep and often said she never wanted to have children again."

"Eating these two fruits will greatly increase the probability of pregnancy."

Xiao Jiu hesitated to pick up the fruits and eat them amid the urging of Kong Kong and Xiao Wu.

As for whether the fruit has the magical effects they say, it is unknown.

Xiao Jiu had just finished eating the fruit.

Lu Liuliu happened to walk up to them. She looked at the empty box in Xiao Jiu's hand with confusion and asked, "What did you just eat?"


"Dad ate the snacks I gave you. "

Without waiting for Xiao Jiu to answer.

Xiao Wu was the first to cover up the fact that he had just eaten the Yin Yang Fruit.

"Mom, come and see, we just caught a lot of fish."

Xiao Wu pulled Lu Liuliu's hand with a guilty conscience and led her to the entrance of an ice fishing hole. He pointed at the "piranha" in the bucket with his little finger. .

Lu Liuliu took a look and saw about seven or eight fish swimming in the ice bucket.

"Did you catch it?"

Xiao Wu said proudly: "I caught them all!"


Lu Liuliu praised Xiao Wu with a smile, then picked up the fishing tools beside him and sat in the ice cave. Beside, fishing with Xiao Wu.

About two hours later.

The family went home loaded with "piranhas".

Under Xiao Jiu's supervision, Xiao Wu fried all the fish into fried fish pieces and stored them in food boxes.

When you're hungry, take it out and heat it in the microwave for a few minutes, and you'll have delicious snacks full of aroma right away.

Xiao Jiu carried Xiao Wu back to the RV.

Lu Liuliu took out the food he had stored before the apocalypse and placed it on the table.

Xiao Jiu is not picky about food, he will eat whatever Lu Liuliu brings.

With the ready-made food provided by Lu Liuliu, he doesn't have to cook every day and has more time to play with Xiao Wu.

Lu Liuliu really wanted to eat fried skewers tonight, and there were all fried skewers packaged by a well-known chain brand on the table.

Fried duck sausage, fried ham sausage, fried rice cake, fried beef skewers, fried mutton skewers, fried pork skewers...

Paired with ice-cold beer, the taste is not too delicious.

Xiao Wu picked up a skewer and finished eating. He raised his head and said to Lu Liuliu: "Mom, you have some flesh on your face. Mommy has gained weight recently."

Lu Liuliu heard Xiao Wu say that she was fat. , the whole person felt like falling into an ice cellar, and the food on the table instantly became tasteless.

"Baby, are you wrong? Mom is very slim."

Xiao Jiu immediately smoothed things over.

However, when Lu Liuliu heard his compliment, he didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he took out a mirror and looked at his chin.

When she lowered her head, she suddenly saw signs of a double chin under her chin.

Lu Liuliu quickly picked up an electronic scale and stood up to weigh himself.

【Your weight is 56KG】

Oh my God!

During this period of time, she unknowingly gained 14 pounds!

Originally, her weight fluctuated around 98 pounds. Unexpectedly, during this period of time with Xiao Jiu's children and eating haese every day, she actually gained 14 pounds!


Lu Liuliu didn't look at the fried skewers on the dining table.

This fried, high-calorie food must be the culprit for her sudden weight gain.

Lu Liuliu turned her head away from the delicious food on the table, but the aroma of the food enveloped her tightly.

She looked very greedy and her mouth watered.


she's not usually so greedy.

It seems that in the past half month, she has become more and more greedy.

Lu Liuliu had a bad premonition in his heart.

During the recent period, she and Xiao Jiu had been intimate almost every day.

Every night, Xiao Wu took the initiative to play with Wang Wu and the others, and studied junior high school courses with his twin sisters.

It created a rare opportunity for her and Xiao Jiu.

As the saying goes, when you are full and warm, you miss XX.

Half pushing and half pushing down, she and Xiao Jiu often did some couples exercises.

Could it be that she is pregnant?

No, she has been taking long-term contraceptive pills.

Xiao Jiu wore a large umbrella every time at her strong request.

Under double safety guarantee, it is absolutely impossible to get pregnant!

But how to explain her sudden increase in appetite and weight gain?

Lu Liuliu suddenly stood up, walked to the only bathroom in the RV, and took out a pregnancy test strip.

After waiting for two minutes.

When she saw the two lines on the test paper, she felt bad.

She is actually pregnant!

When did you get pregnant?

The more Lu Liuliu thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

She pushed open the bathroom door and slowly walked to the dining table.

I happened to hear Xiao Wu talking.

"Dad, if you eat that fruit, you can seize the time to sleep with your mother and give me some younger brothers and sisters."

"I have done some tricks on the medicines my mother took and the condoms you put on the bedside."

"As long as Dad, if you work harder, sooner or later you can give me some younger brothers and sisters to play with."

Lu Liuliu understood instantly when he heard Xiao Wu's childlike voice.

"Lu Xiaowu! Look, if I don't beat you today, you'll be looking for teeth all over the floor!"

Lu Liuliu rushed to the dining car angrily, wanting to teach Xiao Wu a lesson.

Xiao Jiu quickly hugged Xiao Wu in his arms.

"Honey, calm down, Xiao Wu is still young and has just grown a few teeth."

"You little bastard, get out of here and get beaten!"

Xiao Jiu wanted to persuade her again.

Lu Liuliu angrily took out the pregnancy test strip from his pocket.

After Xiao Jiu saw the test paper, a complex emotion of unspeakable joy surged into his heart.

"Wife...are you pregnant?"

"It's all this little brat's fault!"

She didn't know the effect of the fruit earlier, so she ate two of them. At least the baby will be twins!

Xiao Wu revealed his eyes from Xiao Jiu's arms and whispered: "Dad, it's too bad. Mom is already pregnant. The tadpoles will definitely not be able to catch up with the fruit you just ate. " "

Mom, please eat two more fruits. I want four younger brothers and sisters to play with me." "

Chapter 428 Promise me to get a sterilization

"Little, tadpole, trembling!"

Lu Liuliu was trembling with anger.

Who taught this brat these strange things?

Kongkong noticed the murderous aura on Lu Liuliu, picked up a skewer, quickly jumped off the dining chair, and ran out of the RV as if running away.

The master is so scary, run away quickly!

"Yes, little tadpole."

Xiao Wu hid in Xiao Jiu's arms and shouted loudly, not thinking it was a big deal.

"The tadpole looks for its mother. When the father's tadpole enters the mother's belly, it can find the mother!"


Lu Liuliu was so angry at Xiao Wu that his eyes turned black and he felt dizzy.

Xiao Jiu, with quick eyes and quick hands, put Xiao Wu aside, stood up and helped her sit down.

"Honey, you're pregnant. Sit down and rest."

"I'm going to make you some bird's nest, red dates and wolfberry soup to replenish your health."

Before Lu Liuliu could refuse, Xiao Jiu immediately got up and went into the small kitchen next to the RV to get busy.

Lu Liuliu rubbed his dizzy forehead and slowly raised his head to look at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu smiled heartlessly.

"What did you replace with the medicine in my cabinet?"

"Folic acid!"

Xiao Wu said proudly: "The book says that if you want a mother to get pregnant quickly, she must take folic acid."

Lu Liuliu Frowning, "Where did you get folic acid?"

"I asked Zhang Lang to change it for me at the Little Red Riding Hood Shelter."

"What about the little umbrellas?"

"Hehehe, I tied each little umbrella with an embroidery needle. There are three small holes."

Lu Liuliu's forehead was throbbing with veins. "Who taught you these behaviors?"

Xiao Wu said innocently: "Kongkong, it said that if you do this, your mother will be pregnant with your brother soon. Sister! "


that's great!"

Lu Liuliu gritted his teeth in hatred. From now on, all the snacks and fruits promised to Kong Kong will be cancelled!

"Xiao Wu, stay away from Kong Kong from now on!"

"Why? Kong Kong is very kind to me."

"No reason, the further away you are from it, the better!"


Xiao Wu saw Lu Liuliu's face She blushed deeply, so she agreed obediently, "I know, Mom, I won't talk to Kong Kong anymore."


"Go, play with your dad for a while, and I'll go back to space and take a nap."

Lu Liuliu realized that he was not feeling well . Feeling a little weak, she finished explaining Xiao Wu and slipped into the bamboo house in the space to rest.

The air quality in the bamboo house space is high, very quiet and the temperature is suitable.

Feeling weak, Lu Liuliu soon fell asleep on the bamboo bed.

Wait until she wakes up again.

Kongkong knew that he had done something bad, so he hid in Lu Liuliu's space den and pretended to be dead.

Under the care of Xiao Jiu, Xiao Wu fell asleep lying on the bed of the RV.

"Honey, wash your face and come over and eat the freshly stewed bird's nest."


After a good sleep, Lu Liuliu felt refreshed and in a much better mood.

She went into the bathroom to wash up, sat down, picked up a spoon and ate the steaming bird's nest, red dates and wolfberry soup.

"Honey, you are pregnant. This child..."

Lu Liuliu took a few mouthfuls of bird's nest and said slowly, "Do you want a child?"

"Yes." Xiao Jiu responded immediately without hesitation.

He likes children very much, especially the children born to Lu Liuliu.

For a cute baby like Xiao Wu, no matter how much he has, he will never have too much.

"Who will take care of the child after giving birth?"

"I can exchange it for an all-powerful robot to take care of the child all day long and develop the most scientific parenting and education plan for the child."

"If you think the robot is not good, as long as you give birth to the child, I will take care of it."

"I don't want to breastfeed."

Lu Liuliu felt bad at the thought of having to breastfeed at least two children.

"The technology of milk powder has developed so far that we can feed milk powder."

"I want a caesarean section to give birth."

"No problem, I can ask Lin Fei to come over and help you with the surgery. He is one of the top three surgeons in Hailan Kingdom. He can do surgery. " The success rate has always been 100%. "

The last question."

Lu Liuliu stared into Xiao Jiu's deep eyes seriously.

"No matter what the problem is, I agree."



"You ask Lin Fei for a sterilization operation. Once the ligation is completed, I will give birth to the child."

Lu Liuliu decided to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the problem once and for all . opportunity to solve the problem from the root.


"What, you just lied when you said you were willing?"

"Of course, I am willing to have a sterilization."

"But if you are pregnant, I actually have a better way."

"This method may make you pregnant The emotional connection between the mother and the baby is not close enough. "

"What method?"

"Using a high-tech fertility robot, we can achieve simulated uterus birth. After taking your eggs and my sperm, they are sent into the artificial uterus robot body and wait. In twelve months, you can successfully conceive a baby with our genes."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Xiao Jiu sighed: "You need to take injections to induce ovulation, which is very harmful to your body. The number of eggs is limited, and if they are released early, it will affect your estrogen."


"I don't know that you are pregnant."

"The child is probably implanted in your body now . The uterus is tightly connected. At this time, you must either perform an abortion or perform a cesarean section to remove the embryo. "


Lu Liuliu's head was buzzing after hearing these words from Xiao Jiu.

"Stop talking, that's it this time. You go to Lin Fei for a sterilization. After the ligation is completed, I will give birth to the child."

"Okay, you eat first, and I will contact Lin Fei immediately to make an appointment for surgery."

Xiao Jiu picked up the phone to contact Lin Fei.

Lin Fei heard the news here and applied to be transferred to the Little Red Riding Hood Shelter.

Although there is no room for maneuver in Xiao Jiu's official relationship, they still have contact in private.

Lin Fei, Xiao Jiu and Yan Feiyu have always had a close relationship.

They have participated in many mission activities and can be regarded as partners in life and death.

Every time Xiao Jiu and Yan Feiyu were injured, it was Lin Fei who treated them.

A few minutes later.

Lu Liuliu finished a large bowl of bird's nest.

Xiao Jiu put down her phone, went on to get the remaining bowl for her, and placed it gently in front of her.

"Honey, I've already made an appointment."

"Tomorrow morning, I'll go to the Little Red Riding Hood Shelter to ask Lin Fei for surgery."

"By the way, let's go see how Yan Feiyu and the brothers in the team are doing recently."

"Oh. "

Lu Liuliu picked up the spoon, stared at the sticky bird's nest in the spoon, and suddenly looked up at Xiao Jiu, "Do you think my behavior of asking you to have a sterilization is too much?"

"How could my wife give birth to me? "Xia Xiaowu, I'm satisfied."

"I can't let my wife have such a hard time. After I go to get a sterilization, my wife won't get pregnant unexpectedly." "

My wife doesn't want to have any more children. I have to respect her wishes."

The only option is abortion. Abortion will not only cause pain to women, but also damage the body's vitality. I don't want my wife to suffer."

Lu Liuliu looked into Xiao Jiu's gentle and deep eyes and listened to his words, always considering himself. , I was indescribably happy.

Chapter 429 The child is missing

Xiao Jiu smiled slightly and thought to himself:

"Liuliu ate the Yin-Yang fruit. This will give birth to at least two children. Three children is enough."

"The most important thing is..."

"After the sterilization, we can live a married life without wearing any clothes." "A small umbrella."

"It will feel more comfortable if you don't wear a small umbrella."

Lu Liuliu and Xiao Jiu had their own thoughts.

The two sat on the seats of the RV for a while, and it was getting dark.

Lu Liuliu picked up his phone and browsed the forum for the latest official trends and posts.

I haven't noticed any special news recently.

Instead, Zhang Lang sent her a message.

[Master, I want to stay in Haishi for a while. ]

[Bai Jie wants to come back with me, do you agree? ]

When Lu Liuliu saw these two pieces of news, he already understood.

It seems that he, the cheap guy he picked up, has really taken over the big star Bai Jie.

With a hint of curiosity and gossip, she replied:

[Can humans and zombies really do that? ]

[Master, it's okay. ]

[Well, if you stay in Haishi for a while, help me find out what's going on with the Nangong family over there. ]

[If Bai Jie is pregnant... just bring her back. ]

[Okay master, thank you. ]

Lu Liuliu saw Zhang Lang's reply message and did not continue chatting with him.

What's the difference between humans and zombies...

Let's see if Bai Jie can get pregnant and the child she gives birth to will be human? Or zombies?

With a trace of curiosity, Lu Liuliu put the matter of his younger brother Zhang Lang behind for the time being.

The most important thing now is that she needs to take good care of her baby.

As for having four children this time, as Xiao Wu said, having a few more is an issue worth considering.

She just talked to Yiyi.

Yiyi's idea actually makes sense.

Be born early, be born late, be born sooner or later.

And she is now pregnant. In the third trimester of pregnancy, when she is one month away from giving birth, she can consider eating two more fruits to increase the number of children.

Once there are more children, there will be no need to have more children in the future.

After giving birth to the baby, she was happy and relaxed with the high-tech simulation robot provided by Xiao Jiu to help take care of the baby.

Moreover, after a caesarean section, the healing effect of vitality water can be used directly to heal the wound immediately after the operation.

The depleted Qi and blood can be slowly restored through vitality water and other precious supplements.

Furthermore, giving birth to a child was not for Xiao Jiu.

The child has half of her genes.

She actually likes children herself.

Moreover, Xiao Wu did not object to her having more children, but instead urged her to have more younger brothers and sisters so that she could play with Xiao Wu.

When the apocalypse comes, there will be almost no children of Xiao Wu's age.

It's not a problem for Xiao Wu to be alone and hang out with zombies like Kong Kong and Zhang Lang and Wang Wu every day.

Lu Liuliu thought about it and made a decision silently.

She picked up the tablet and watched a ridiculous skit for a while. After entering the RV to wash up, she returned to the space to rest.

Now she is in the early stages of pregnancy and the fetus is unstable. It is best not to sleep with Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu saw Lu Liuliu entering the space, holding Xiao Wu, and guarding the RV.

He played small games with Xiao Wu for a while, and the two of them made a supper of grilled fish with the small fish they caught. After eating and drinking, they finished the meal.

The two of them entered the RV and fell asleep.

Wang Wu, his twin sisters and Kong Kong took turns taking charge of vigil security nearby.

After a night, the sun gradually rose, bringing a touch of warmth to the cold and vast land.

After Xiao Jiu and Lu Liuliu said goodbye, they got on the plane and went to Little Red Riding Hood Shelter to meet Lin Fei.

Lu Liuliu yawned, and after washing, he sat on the dining table of the RV.

On the table was the bird's nest porridge that Xiao Jiu had stewed for her.

On the bird's nest porridge, there is a trace of smoke.

Lu Liuliu picked up the spoon and took a spoonful to taste. It tasted very good.

I have to say that Xiao Jiu, a man who knows everything in the hall and in the kitchen, is considerate to her, and is also very patient and loving towards her children.

In her opinion, Xiao Jiu was impeccable in all aspects, whether as a lover, a husband, or the father of her children.

This life.

She's really lucky.

Maybe she is what some novels say is a natural-born heroine?

The so-called Mary Sue halo effect?

Lu Liuliu thought wildly, finished a bowl of warm bird's nest porridge, and drank a cup of hot milk in a thermostatic cup.

After breakfast, she took Xiao Wu out of the RV and went to the place where they ice fished yesterday to continue fishing.

"Mom, I want to skate."

Xiao Wu said as he got on a skateboard for babies and walked away on the skateboard.

Lu Liuliu watched Xiao Wu spinning and jumping around the nearby ice cave, his eyebrows twitching.

This brat, such a big piece of ice is not slippery, yet he has to play around these dug holes.

What if I accidentally fall down?

Wang Wu and the twin sisters who were responsible for protecting their safety saw Xiao Wusaya walking away and immediately followed him.

Lu Liuliu watched Wang Wu and the twin sisters follow Xiao Wu, so he sighed and sat down on the folding chair nearby.

She still has a baby in her belly and can no longer run around behind Xiao Wu on skates like before.

With three high-level zombies, Wang Wu and the twin sisters, following him, and Xiao Wu himself being a high-level superpower, there shouldn't be any danger in this peaceful place.

Lu Liuliu sat on his chair and fished with peace of mind.

Xiao Wu found that Lu Liuliu did not follow him this time and kept preaching beside him, and he was having a lot of fun.

His mother no longer nags in his ears, it feels much cleaner now!

It's a pity that there are still a few light bulbs beside him.

Xiao Wu felt that Wang Wu and others had been following closely, and he suddenly became more playful.

He used his flying ability and suddenly flew up from the ice, flying towards a mountain in the distance.

After Wang Wu and the twin sisters saw it, they immediately used their supernatural abilities to inject energy into their legs and chased Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu chuckled.

Come and chase me. If you chase me, I, Xiao Wu, will really be convinced!

Xiao Wu's flying speed was mastered by Xiao Jiu during this period of time.

Not long after, because he was flying in the sky, Wang Wu and others came to the foot of the mountain. When they wanted to chase him up the mountain, they could no longer see any trace of Xiao Wu.

Wang Wu and others turned pale with fear.

"Husband, the little master is gone, what should we do now?"

Wang Wu was very frightened when he saw the worried expressions of the two women.

"Don't worry, let's go into the mountains separately to find people."

"Let's go."

Following Wang Wu's order, the three of them entered the mountains one after another to look for Xiao Wu.

The naughty Xiao Wu secretly hid on the top of the mountain. When he saw Wang Wu and others entering the mountain, he immediately circled the mountain and flew away far away.

Two hours later.

Wang Wu asked the twin sisters to continue searching for people around the mountain.

He immediately hurried back and truthfully reported to Lu Liuliu the fact that Xiao Wu was missing.

"What did you say! The child is missing!"

Chapter 430 The washboard is a good thing

Lu Liuliu immediately stood up and urged Wang Wu to take her to search for Xiao Wu where he was missing.

Wang Wu walked in front, feeling anxious.

Miss Lu's expression looked so scary. If the little master couldn't be found, he might...

They spent a lot of effort and watched the time come to noon.

They searched the entire mountain, but still found no trace of Xiao Wu.

"Master, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I was incompetent and lost my little master."

Lu Liuliu looked at Wang Wu and his twin sisters kneeling on the ground, feeling extremely anxious.

Now is not the time to find out who is right and who is wrong.

Xiao Wu himself is naughty, and when she is around, Xiao Wu can still listen to a few words.

This time, I didn't expect Xiao Wu to be so naughty and directly threw Wang Wu and others away.

No matter how much Xiao Wu becomes wiser than other children of the same age, he is still a little baby over one year old.

It has been three hours since Xiao Wu disappeared.

We must find a way to find Xiao Wu immediately!

"You separate and look for the children from three directions: south, east and west. Once you find out the news, report it to me immediately."

"Kong Kong, get out!"

Kong Kong, who was sleeping in the space and yelling, was woken up by Lu Liuliu's roar.

It stood in front of Lu Liuliu confused, "Master, what's wrong?"

"Start from here and go all the way north to find Xiao Wu."

"Ah? The little master is missing?"

"Stop talking nonsense and set off quickly."

After Lu Liuliu finished speaking, he flew the plane given by Xiao Jiu into the air about a kilometer above the ground, and searched for traces of Xiao Wu through the ultra-wide-angle 3D video projection that came with the plane.

Several people worked separately and after searching, no trace of Xiao Wu was found.

Xiao Wu, who was tired from flying outside, was hungry.

He thought of the delicious KFC and small cakes at home, so he changed direction and walked back.

In the ice and snow, the whole body is completely white.

Xiao Wu was instantly disoriented.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, he couldn't help crying a few times, and his tears kept falling.

Xiao Wu quickly took out his skateboard, got on it and hurried behind him.

An hour later.

Xiao Wu was very scared because he saw no one along the way.

These mountains were also different from the mountains he remembered.

The nearby mountains are covered with white snow and thick frozen ice.

"Mom, wuwuwuwu——"

Xiao Wu cried very sadly.

Seeing that it was getting darker and darker, he could only stop and rest temporarily in a nearby abandoned cave.

After playing crazy, he felt too tired and thought of the delicious food in the dimensional necklace, so he took out a vacuum-packed Shaqima and a bottle of Coke, and ate them on the spot.

The cold wind howled.

Xiao Wu huddled up in fear. He remembered the heater his father had given him, so he took out the heater to keep warm in the cave.

With the help of the heater, the temperature in the cave quickly rose.

However, due to the large entrance of the cave, the temperature can only be maintained at around zero degrees.

It gets darker and darker until it's completely dark.

Xiao Wu huddled next to the heater, staring at the green light on the heater indicator, crying softly.

I don't know how long it took.

There were footsteps outside the cave.

When Xiao Wu heard the noise, he immediately opened his eyes. When he saw the tall and big Xiao Jiu appearing in front of him, he immediately stood up and ran towards him aggrievedly.

"Dad~ Wuwuwu."

Xiao Jiu immediately picked up Xiao Wu, with a trace of reproach in his eyes, "You brat, did you deliberately throw away Wang Wu and the others and hide?"

"Hide and seek~"

Xiao Wu sobbed: "I hid and asked them to find me, but they couldn't find me..."

"Be good, don't run too far in the future. I came back early this time and can locate you." " What about next time?"

"There are a lot of bad guys outside. If you run away secretly, my mother and I will be sad."

"I know, we won't play hide and seek anymore."

I'll take you home."

"Dad, can you teach me how to identify the way home?"

"I remembered the way before I came out, but why didn't I recognize the way after a while?"

"Those mountains and trees. They all look alike."

Xiao Jiu touched Xiao Wu's little head and exchanged the gold for a smart compass for Xiao Wu.

"Have you seen this compass?"

"We live in the west, due west."

"Where is the highest ground? Follow the compass and go west to find the location of your home."

Xiao Wu held the compass and said, "Dad, This is a red guide, right?"


"The letter on the left is the English abbreviation of Xi. We keep following Xi, right?"

Xiao Jiu put Xiao Wu down and said softly: "You take it. Compass, use your skateboard to find your home."

Xiao Wu wiped away his tears, picked up his scooter, put on his compass, and jogged towards the west.

As he ran, he observed Xiao Jiu's position. When he saw Xiao Jiu following him on a skateboard, he felt warm and at ease in his heart.

Xiao Wu skated all the way for half an hour.

He stopped and looked behind him, "Dad, I'm hungry."

Xiao Jiu took out a windproof tent and set it up on the ice, "Come in, have breakfast first."

Xiao Wu got into the warm tent and took the He ate a whole bottle of milk powder given by Xiao Jiu.

After eating and drinking enough, he instantly felt energetic.

"Dad, let's keep on our way!"

"You'd better hurry up. Every minute you go home every night, your mother's anger level will increase by one point."

Xiao Wu's face turned pale with fright.

When he was kidnapped by a bad woman, his mother cried so sadly.

Xiao Wu picked up his skateboard, speeded up, and accelerated towards the west with all his strength.

More than an hour later.

Xiao Wu successfully found the foot of the mountain where he and Xiao Jiu often ice fished.

"Dad, I've found a home!"

"Come on, your mother must be worried."

Xiao Jiu picked up Xiao Wu and used the blessing of supernatural powers to reach the mountainside in a few jumps.

Not long after.

They made it back to the RV.

Xiao Wu raised his head to observe Lu Liuliu's expression.

He could only see no expression on his mother's face.

"Mom...I'm back."

Lu Liuliu took out an ancient washboard, threw it outside the RV, and said coldly to Xiao Wu: "Get out, kneel down."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Mom... ..."

Xiao Wu was so frightened by Lu Liuliu's indifference that he burst into tears.

Lu Liuliu felt very distressed, especially when she saw Xiao Wu's tears, she was even more reluctant to punish Xiao Wu.

However, this time Xiao Wu must remember it.

To prevent him from misbehaving with his supernatural powers in the future.

Lu Liuliu picked up the howling Xiao Wu and placed his little body next to the washboard.

"Kneel down, don't let me say it a third time."

When Xiao Wu heard Lu Liuliu's voice, which was colder than ice, his legs trembled and he immediately knelt on the washboard.

"Mom, how long will you kneel? Can I get up?"

Chapter 431 Where did you go wrong?

"Get up? You still want to get up!"

"Mom, I'm afraid, I'll kneel down..."

Xiao Wu held his head, afraid that Lu Liuliu would hit him with something.

Mom is really scary right now.

More ferocious than the tigress in the zoo.

Next time he plays hide and seek, why not just run away?

And his father has taught him the way home, so he will never get lost in the future!

"Liu Liu, corporal punishment is not good."

Xiao Jiu looked at Xiao Wu's pitiful little body and persuaded him softly.

"A son who is not beaten is useless!"

"A filial son emerges from under a stick!"

"Haven't you heard these two sentences?"


"Besides, you served in the army a few years ago, and the soldiers in your ranks made mistakes. , Shouldn't we still use corporal punishment?"


Upon hearing this, Xiao Jiu suddenly felt that what Lu Liuliu said was entirely true.

So I stopped trying to persuade him and could only aggrieve my son.

As soon as he arrived at the Little Red Riding Hood shelter, he received news that his son was missing.

The pre-operative work that has been prepared over there can only be done first.

Xiao Wu has the model airplane he gave him, and he can locate it.

So he sent a message to Lu Liuliu asking her not to panic, and went to find Xiao Wu after the operation.

In fact, he found Xiao Wu before it got dark. Seeing how pitiful Xiao Wu was, he wanted to go up and take Xiao Wu back.

In order to let him learn a lesson, he didn't go up to pick him up.

He was very pleased when he saw that Xiao Wu could eat by himself, find a cave, and use a heater to keep warm.

He secretly took pictures of all this and sent it to Lu Liuliu.

Now back.

Xiao Wu was deliberately left in the wild for a night of reflection.

When he comes back, Lu Liuliu will continue to make him remember.

Xiao Jiu looked at Xiao Wu and could only express the slightest sympathy for him.

Good boy, if you do something wrong, you should be punished.

Xiao Wu lowered his head, put one hand on the frozen ice, and played with the ice cubes.

Lu Liuliu called Kong Kong out and asked him to look at Xiao Wu and not allow Xiao Wu to cheat.

She and Xiao Jiu returned to the RV and ate the fragrant and delicious fried chicken in a leisurely manner.

"Honey, how long do you plan to let the baby kneel for?"

Lu Liuliu ate a piece of fried chicken and said calmly: "Eat first, and then talk after eating."


Xiao Jiu silently accompanied Lu Liuliu to eat. Had lunch.

After lunch, he began to clear the table.

Lu Liuliu got out of the RV, looked at Xiao Wu with his head drooped, walked to him, and slowly said: "Do you know you are wrong?"

Xiao Wu's knees were numb, and he immediately admitted his mistake: "Mom, I know I was wrong. "

Oh? What did you do wrong?"

"I...I shouldn't have run away."

" I...I should n't

have worried my parents."


I...what else, mom?"

Xiao Wu looked confused.

"It seems you still don't know what's wrong and continue to kneel."

Xiao Wu was completely confused.

What else was wrong with him?

Lu Liuliu touched his belly and thought angrily: "You changed my birth control pill to folic acid, pierced the little umbrella, and you secretly hid it from me. You didn't even know what was wrong?"

"You bastard! You just took advantage of it. Now, let's sum up the total ledger of all the ridiculous things you did before."

Lu Liuliu returned to the RV and told Kong Kong to keep an eye on her. She yawned and returned to the bamboo house for a lunch break.

Xiao Jiu stewed the bird's nest, moved a stool, and sat next to Xiao Wu.

"Son, does your leg hurt?"

Xiao Wu nodded sharply, "Dad, go and coax mommy, I really know I was wrong."

"You know your mother's temper. She doesn't get angry easily, but she is serious when she gets angry."

"Kneel down first, wait until your mother's anger subsides, and let her treat your leg injury with vitality water."

Xiao Wu Looking up to the sky and crying silently.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't be so naughty...

"My dear, you kneel down first, and I will go to the kitchen to make you something to eat."

"Daddy, I want to eat fried fish."

"Eating too much fried food is not good for your body. Okay, let's eat dumplings today."

Xiao Jiu entered the kitchen and started to prepare the dumpling fillings.

He took out two gold-exchanged cooking machines and added flour and water according to the proportions in the instructions.

The machine buzzed, and the dumpling wrappers that were neatly mixed and compressed into round shapes instantly filled the kitchen chopping board.

There was a thermostatic heater in the small kitchen, and it wasn't as cold as outside.

Xiao Jiu ignored the dumpling wrappers and turned around to prepare the dumpling fillings.

He washed the vegetables that Lu Liuliu had ripened and threw them into the stuffing making machine together with the pork belly according to the proportion.

A few minutes later.

The dumpling wrappers and dumpling fillings are ready.

Xiao Jiu took the dumpling wrappers and dumpling fillings to the kitchen table and sat on the table to make dumplings.

Through the transparent plastic wall that blocked the wind, he saw Xiao Wu talking to Kong Kong.

Due to the distance and the howling cold wind outside, he couldn't hear clearly what the monkey was saying to Xiao Wu.

"Kongkong, when will mom let me get up?"

"The cold wind blows so hard that my face is frozen..."

"Little master, please bear with me

a little longer." "Is there any way to make mom forgive me quickly? "Me?"

"You pretend to be fainted."

Xiao Wu shook his head, "It's useless to pretend to be injured. Mom can cure my illness instantly with energy water."

Kongkong looked around and saw Xiao Jiu making dumplings. , an idea came to him instantly.

"Little master, wait a moment, I'll try it," Kong Kong said and quickly entered the RV.

Lu Liuliu heard the movement and stared at Kongkong angrily.

"I asked you to look at Xiao Wu, what are you doing here?"

"Master, the little master is crying very sadly."


"The little master said you like to eat dumplings, and he wants to go to the kitchen to make dumplings for you."

"Master, you see, this corporal punishment is not a problem. Children are too fragile. It is better to punish them by cooking and exercising their hands-on and survival skills."

Lu Liuliu had a sullen face. After thinking about it, she felt that her words were empty. There is some truth to that.

After thinking about it, she walked from the RV to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu looked up at Lu Liuliu.

When Lu Liuliu saw his little red face due to the cold wind, he felt heartbroken.

"Go to the kitchen. The corporal punishment will be changed to making dumplings. Today we must make a thousand dumplings."


Xiao Wu stood up happily. As long as he didn't kneel on the washboard, he would do anything.

Xiao Wu stretched out his hand to support the washboard and tried to stand up. Just as he was about to take two steps, his legs went numb and he fell to the ground.

Lu Liuliu immediately picked up Xiao Wu and took him to the kitchen.

She lifted up Xiao Wu's trouser legs and felt even more distressed when she saw that his legs were very red from kneeling on the washboard.

Lu Liuliu found diluted vitality water and smeared it on Xiao Wu's legs.

After a few seconds, Xiao Wu's calf gradually returned to its original state.

Xiao Wu couldn't feel the pain in his legs, so he broke away from Lu Liuliu's warm embrace, "Mom, what kind of dumplings do you like?"

Lu Liuliu took out a few boxes of beef from the space, "Beef stuffing."

"Dad , please teach me how to make beef dumplings."

Xiao Jiu, who was making dumplings, put down his work and explained to Xiao Wu how to make dumplings.

Lu Liuliu sat silently in the kitchen, supervising Xiao Wu as he learned to make dumplings.

Chapter 432 Miss, found it

After some hard work.

There are all kinds of weird-shaped dumplings in the kitchen, as well as a kind of dumpling in the shape of an ingot.

Needless to say, it's Yuanbao's, but it's Xiao Jiubao's.

All kinds of strange dumplings are made by Xiao Wu.

When Lu Liuliu saw the rabbit, bear, and frog dumplings on the plate, a tendon in his forehead jumped.

She hurriedly scanned it. Xiao Wu worked for a long time and only packed more than a hundred.

Xiao Jiu paid more than three hundred.

"Son, you are almost ready to make the Animal Park dumplings. Learn how to make Yuanbao dumplings from your father."

Xiao Wu scratched his head and responded obediently: "Okay."

Lu Liuliu stared at Xiao Wu. After a while, Xiao Wu Wu imitates Xiao Jiu in making Yuanbao dumplings.

After some hard work, Xiao Wu finally learned how to make Yuanbao dumplings.

Lu Liuliu counted the number of dumplings. Seeing that it was getting late, she picked up Xiao Jiu's dumplings and went to the kitchen to start cooking them.

"How many do you eat?"

"I eat 60." Xiao Jiu replied.

The quality of high-level superpowers in all aspects far exceeds that of ordinary people, and their appetite also increases with it.

Xiao Wu replied in a sweet voice: "30."

Kongkong immediately rushed to Lu Liuliu's side, for fear that she wouldn't hear, "Master, hehe, I will eat 80."

"80, you are not afraid of eating your belly. " " Is it full?"

"No, Master, I can eat it well."

"Okay, if you can't finish it later, I will personally supervise you."

Kongkong patted his chest and promised, "I can finish it."

With a smile on her lips, Lu Liuliu came to the kitchen and prepared two pots, one to cook her and Xiao Jiu's dumpling dinner.

In another pot, cook Kong Kong and Xiao Wu.

As the dumplings are cooked.

Lu Liuliu told Xiao Jiu: "Wash your hands and eat."

Xiao Jiu picked up Xiao Wu and cleaned the dumpling-making table.

Lu Liuliu brought the prepared dumplings to the table.

She and Xiao Jiu had ingot-shaped dumplings made by Xiao Jiu in their bowls.

Kongkong Xiaowu ate animal dumplings made by Xiaowu.

When Kongkong happily sat down at the dining table and saw the Yuanbao dumplings, which were three times larger than ordinary dumplings, he immediately felt something bad.

80 dumplings like this...that

's sloppy! How sloppy!

Now that the dumplings have been brought to the table and placed in front of it, and the owner has been promised that he will finish them, it is too late to go back on his word.

Kongkong could only tearfully pick up the animal dumplings in the bowl with chopsticks and eat them.

Xiao Wu used several pieces of dumpling wrappers to make these dumplings, and they are full of weight.

Lu Liuliu wanted to trick Kongkong, and he felt very relieved when he saw the depressed expression on its face.

The family finished dinner.

Xiao Wu continued to make dumplings with Xiao Jiu in the kitchen. He promised Lu Liuliu the thousand dumplings, but only completed two tenths.

Kong Kong was still staring at the unfinished dumplings in the bowl in a daze.

Lu Liuliu walked to the door and told Kong Kong, "Kong Kong, you ordered the dumplings yourself..."

Kongkong heard that Lu Liuliu didn't forget to order them before leaving, and replied as if he was resigned: "Master, I ordered them myself." Even if I eat the dumplings with tears in my eyes,

"It's good that you know."

Lu Liuliu turned around and left the kitchen, returning to the RV to rest and recuperate.

In the small kitchen of the nursing home, Xiao Jiu, Xiao Wu and Kong Kong were busy making dumplings.

Lu Liuliu listened to prenatal education music and sent a message to Jiang Yiyi.

[Congratulations, when the time comes, our children will be free to match, and we will just have a baby wedding! ]

[This is a good idea. In this way, the children will get closer and closer. ]

With a smile on his lips, Lu Liuliu chatted with Jiang Yiyi about some things that need to be paid attention to during pregnancy.

In the Little Red Riding Hood shelter where Jiang Yiyi is.

In the building where the Nangong family lives.

Qian Meng found that the wireless intercom in the room lit up.

She got this wireless walkie-talkie in a lottery.

The walkie-talkie does not require a signal. As long as you get another walkie-talkie, you can have unlimited distance conversations.

Qian Meng picked up the walkie-talkie, "Hello?"

"Miss, we found something."

"What discovery?"

"Do you still remember the RV that our Qian family lost some time ago?"


"The car was found.

"Where is it?" "

It's an abandoned nursing home near the Little Red Riding Hood Shelter."

"Just take it back with you. Don't bother me with such little things in the future."

Qian Meng finished speaking. The person answered and immediately hung up the intercom.

Everything now is just a passing cloud in her eyes. Only by firmly grasping Nangong Youran's thigh and constantly gaining favor in front of him can she be serious.

After receiving the order from Qian Meng, the captain of the Qian family's superpower team followed her instructions and arranged for four superpowers to drive the RV back.

There are many luxurious facilities in this RV, and the RV has been specially modified and is expensive.

With this RV, you can travel unimpeded even in an environment of more than 70 degrees below zero.

With the blessing of this RV, those with special abilities who often go on missions will no longer have to endure hunger and cold outside.

The four high-level psychics of the Qian family immediately got on the electric sled and set off to the location where the RV last signaled.

The foot of the nursing home hill.

Xiao Wu and Wang Wu were playing around.

Wang Wu stared at the white distance in the distance, and immediately picked up Xiao Wu and handed it to the twin sisters waiting aside.

"You send the little master back first. I'll take care of some snacks here."

"Wang Wu, I don't want to go back. It's not fun at home."

"Mom can only watch TV series and play games. Dad only cooks every day for my mother. Go to the kitchen to study food."

"They won't play with me."

"Little master, the situation may be very bloody. You are young, so I don't recommend watching it."

"Hmph, don't underestimate me. Mom said, I should exercise more. Sooner or later, something bloody will happen.

"Don't worry, I'll just hide and watch from a distance."

Wang Wu saw Xiao Wu's pleading eyes and thought that this might be him in the future . The son's master cannot be offended.

Try to meet his needs as much as possible.

"You take the little master, put on the invisible button, and stand far away. If the little master feels any discomfort, take him home immediately."


The twin sisters took Xiao Wu and hid in a big frozen tree . Behind, watching quietly.

A few minutes later.

Four high-level superpowers sent by the Qian family appeared in front of Wang Wu.

When the four superpowers discovered Wang Wu, their expressions changed.

"The RV is on the mountain. A person appears here out of thin air. The disappearance of the RV must be related to this person."

"I can't see through the other party's strength. What should I do now?"

"Don't worry, there is only one person on the other side, the four of us. , Now in the entire Hailan Kingdom, the highest level of superpowers is only level 12. The four of us are all level 12, so there is no way he can defeat us."

"Even if he is a rare dual-type superpower, it is absolutely impossible for the four of us. " Xuzi, go try him."

Chapter 433 Clues

The named fire element user nodded and cautiously ran towards Wang Wu's direction.

Wang Wu couldn't help but lick his lips when he saw the fresh and delicious food delivered to his door.


They were ordered by Zhang Lang to protect their master and could not get out.

It just so happens that the twin wives have been greedy recently, and he is very worried about not being able to find human flesh and blood anywhere.

Now, these four large snacks are enough for the twin wives to eat for two months.

Wang Wu's zombie advanced abilities are strength and speed.

He saw the high-level superpower named Xu Zi approaching and smiled sadly. When the superpower released his superpower, he stared at the damage caused by his fire superpower and pinched him. His neck was twisted slightly.

This noble high-level superpower user died immediately and could not die again.

The other three people saw their companions dying in front of Wang Wu and could not die anymore. They were instantly frightened and turned pale.

"Run away!"

One of the three people whispered, started the electric sled, and quickly retreated.

Wang Wu threw away the body of the high-level fire element user and chased the three people who were escaping.

The high-level superpowers became anxious as they saw Wang Wu's speed getting faster and faster.

At the current speed, they would be overtaken by Wang Wu in another ten seconds.

"Escape separately."

The other two superpowers found that the electric sled was not as fast as Wang Wu, so they said in unison, got off the sled, and quickly ran away in different directions.

Another high-level superpower uses his own speed power to accelerate the sled.

With the blessing of supernatural powers, his speed increased instantly.

Wang Wu ignored the two high-level superpowers without sleds and attacked the superpower driving the sled with all his strength.

A few minutes later.

This speedster also died in his hands.

Wang Wu stared at the sleigh that could ride four people at the same time, and took the sled back into the dimensional space.

The little master likes to play with some novel things, so this sled is just a gift for the little master.

Wang Wu carried the body of the speed superpower and returned to the foot of the mountain happily.

"Little master, are you not scared?"

Xiao Wu shook his head, "Are these people bad people? Why do you want to kill them?"

"Yes, these are bad people. If I don't kill them, they It will kill us."


"Of course it is true."

"If there are bad guys

, let me come." "I want to tell my mother that I can kill bad guys. " Mom."


"Little master, let's go back quickly. If we go out for two hours today, the master will be angry."

When Xiao Wu heard that Lu Liuliu would be angry, he immediately nodded, "Go home!" "

He doesn't want to kneel on the washboard anymore...

Wang Wu asked the two women to pick the body of a superpower, save it in the dimensional space, and then led them quickly back to the mountain.

When they came back, Xiao Jiu had just prepared lunch.

Lu Liuliu asked Wang Wu as usual: "Is the baby good today? What have you done?"

"The young master is very good. He has been playing ice fishing today."


"But what?"

"Come down from the foot of the mountain today. After finding four high-level superpowers, I killed two of them casually."

"Where are the other two?"

"They ran separately. I failed to catch up with the other two high-level superpowers and let them run away."

Lu Liuliu frowned, "When did it happen? "

"Just now. "

Lu Liuliu looked at Xiao Jiu next to him, "Have our traces been discovered by the superiors again? "

"It's not the people from above. If the above finds us, it's impossible to send only four people here." Xiao Jiu said slowly.

"Master, I saw that the four people were very surprised when they saw me. They must have other things to do, and they didn't come to us specifically."

"Regardless of whether they are, we must move."

"Mom, Those superpowers were very weak. Uncle Wang Wu pinched them and they died.  They all ran away in fear."

Lu Liuliu felt a surge in his heart as he listened to the analysis of the people around him. The uneasy feeling, the woman's sixth sense told her that once someone found someone here, she must move immediately.

Some of the special methods above are really hard to guard against.

"No, we have to move."

"Liu Liuliu, wait here for a while, I'll go explore a new place to live." Xiao Jiu almost obeyed what Lu Liuliu said now.

He immediately got up and took a plane to explore places where he could stay temporarily.

Not long after.

Xiao Jiu came back and brought Lu Liuliu, his children, Wang Wu and others to their new residence.

This place is about five kilometers away from the original mountain top.

When he left, he deliberately placed a surveillance probe at the entrance of the nursing home.

If these people go up the mountain, he will be able to discover them immediately, monitor their origins, and figure out their purpose of coming here.

In the endless wilderness.

The two escaped psychics from the Qian family finally returned to the nearby Little Red Riding Hood shelter in the evening after traveling through mountains and rivers.

They immediately reported what happened today to the Qian family's superpower captain.

"You guys go down first and have a good rest."

Qian Xiaoming waved to the two high-level psychics who had escaped from death, and immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and contacted Qian Meng.


"Two high-level superpowers are dead?"

Qian Meng has been agitated recently because of Nangong Youran's affairs.

Nangong Youran couldn't find any trace of the cannon fodder female partner Lu Liuliu, and was always in a bad mood.

His flattery and flattery to her went from being passively accepted at the beginning to recently shutting her out.

"Miss Qian, if there is no news about the person the young master is looking for, you don't need to bother our young master anymore."

"He is only interested in Miss Lu's affairs. You'd better not waste your efforts."

Qian Meng whispered in his ear . Nangong Zhu's words kept echoing, and the murderous intention towards Lu Liuliu deepened in his heart.

She was already upset, but she was even more upset when she heard that two high-level superpowers carefully cultivated by the Qian family had died.

"Miss, what should we do now?"

"Are you sure there is only one person on the other side?"

"The people who came back said that there is only one person on the other side. As for whether there are other companions, I don't know."

"They actually killed two members of my Qian family . As a high-level superpower, we can't just let it go."

Qian Meng said as if he suddenly thought of something.

If she remembered correctly, the man who drove the RV died while trying to capture Lu Liuliu, and the RV also disappeared during that mission.

She could easily kill a level 12 high-level superpower with one move. She had never heard of a superpower with such strength.


"Take the people there in person and catch as many as possible alive as possible."

"Copy that."

Qian Meng hung up the phone and immediately went next door to find Nangong Youran.

When Nangong Zhu saw Qian Meng, who was all dressed up and looking beautiful, he came to see the young master again, his patience was almost worn out.

"Miss Qian, the young master doesn't like women who are too proactive."

Chapter 434 Don't come back if nothing happens

"As a woman, you must know how to write the word reserved."

Qian Meng did not react too much with anger when he heard Nangong Zhu's humiliating words.

Nangong Zhu is a member of the Nangong family. As long as she is a member of the Nangong family, she must have a good relationship with her.

It's a pity that she has been too diligent recently, which made Nangong Zhu dissatisfied and despised.

"Miss Nangong, you are right."

Qian Meng followed Nangong Zhu's words and admitted that his recent behavior to please was too obvious.

This made Nangong Zhu uncomfortable.

I have never seen such a shameless woman, she is really thicker than a city wall.

"I came today because I have news about Miss Lu that I want to report to the young master."

Nangong Zhu's expression softened a lot after hearing this.

The young master doesn't know what kind of ecstasy soup was poured into him by Lu Liuliu. Recently, he stands in front of the window in a daze every day.

Otherwise, keep staring at the figure and image left by Miss Lu.

If Miss Lu can be brought to the young master and the young master can satisfy his inner obsession as soon as possible, he might be able to let go.

"You come with me."

Nangong Zhu led Qian Meng into the hall. She called slowly to the door of the master bedroom: "Master, Miss Qian is here and said there is news about Miss Lu."

She had just finished speaking.

The door to the master bedroom was opened instantly.

Nangong Youran's eyes were fixed on Qian Meng, "Where is she?"

"My people found that Miss Lu seemed to be in a nursing home on a mountain in Linyuan."

"I just learned the news, and the family has been sent A team of superpowers went over to explore the way." Nangong Youran

frowned, "Why are you taking matters into your own hands? I told you that if there is any news about her, report it to me as soon as possible. Don't act rashly!"

My scalp was numb from the stare.

At the same time, he felt more and more resentful towards Lu Liuliu.

I really don't understand what tricks this cannon fodder female supporting role used to hook up with Nangong Youran.

Hooking up with Xiao Jiu, the second male lead in the book, was a bad luck move.

Even the current male protagonist is very fond of her.

What went wrong?

Could it be that this cannon fodder female supporting role also wears books?

How else to explain that she can accurately make the only two male protagonists in the book devoted to her?

"Zhu, stop the superpower users and set off immediately."

"Okay, young master."

Nangong Zhu ran out quickly, contacted the superpower users who could use it, and got ready to go.

A few minutes later.

In Little Red Riding Hood's Sanctuary, all high-level superpowers were summoned.

Nangong Youran personally led the team and followed this group of superpowers to the nursing home that Qian Meng mentioned.

Nangong Zhu was on the plane and opened the electronic map.

"Ms. Qian, which nursing home are you talking about?"

Lin Wan Shelter has a total of twenty nursing homes built on the mountain, and five of them are still inhabited.

Qian Meng had long known the full name of the nursing home through his subordinates.

She pointed to the westernmost nursing home on the electronic map.

After determining the destination, the helicopter immediately flew towards the nursing home.

In order to prevent Xiao Jiu's special powers, this time, Nangong Youran specially borrowed a magnetic field meter that can temporarily block the powers of superpowers.

ten minutes later.

The helicopter arrived at the gate of the nursing home at full speed.

Qian Meng glanced at the black RV at the entrance of the nursing home.

A pair of supernatural beings on the plane jumped out of the plane and were looking around.

after awhile.

They came to Nangong Youran and asked him to get out of the car.

"Master Nangong, this RV belongs to my Qian family. Can I ask someone to drive the RV back later?"


Nangong Youran has no interest in the RV.

On the car, there was a big word "QIAN" engraved on it. He recognized it at a glance. It was the Qian family's special RV for superpowers.

It is an extremely cold RV that the Qian family and Mount Everest applied to renovate.

"Thank you, Master."

Nangong Youran frowned when Qian Meng replied in a flattering tone.

The eldest lady of the Qian family always gave him the illusion that he couldn't see through anything.

Although other families often fawned over him, they were not so persistent.

It was just because of the special relationship between their family and their leader that they were treated with a little respect. What

does the Qian family...

or rather the Qian Meng in front of them want to get from him?

Nangong Youran looked away from Qian Meng.

"Master, there is no one in the nursing home."

"After our investigation, we found that there were traces of people living nearby."

"Over there is a small temporary kitchen."

Nangong Youran had already expected this time when he came. It's likely to come up short.

Lu Liuliu and Xiao Jiu were together. They had many high-tech instruments on them. He was able to detect their traces and leave quickly, which was completely expected by him.

"You guys wait here, I'll look around."

"Okay, young master."

After Nangong Youran visited Xiao Jiu's temporary kitchen, he took out his phone and took a photo, and then ordered the people around him to leave in a helicopter.

Qian Meng's eyes rolled around and he explained in a low voice: "Master, I heard from my subordinates that I have seen Miss Lu and the superpowers around her here before."

"I know, not this time. It's your fault."

"If you find any trace of Lu Liuliu and others in the future, you should report it to me first. There is no need to send someone to alert them."

Qian Meng was relieved when he saw that Nangong Youran did not express his anger at her.

A group of people came and left in a hurry.

A few mountains away on a mountainside.

Lu Liuliu and Xiao Jiu looked away from the scene of Nangong Youran and others leaving.

"As expected, he is from the Nangong family."

"And the eldest lady of the Qian family, her name is Qian Meng..."

Lu Liuliu whispered to Xiao Jiu.

She remembered clearly that it was this Qian family member who wanted to kill her.

She really doesn't understand. She didn't offend the other party at all, right?

"Liu Liuliu, let's not go out during this period."

"Wait another three months, and I will take you back to Sky City."


Lu Liuliu told Xiao Wu beside him, "Did you hear that? "Have you seen the group of people just now ?

Once we are seen by people outside, someone will come to arrest us."

Of course Xiao Wu saw the picture on the computer just now.

There are many high-level superpowers.

There are so many superpowers, they will definitely not be able to defeat them.

"Mom, I understand. I won't go out and run around anymore."

Lu Liuliu said to Wang Wu who was standing aside: "You too, don't go anywhere in the past three months."

"Good master."

Wang Wu couldn't ask for it.

Sister Moon is now pregnant with a child. He just wants to be with Sister Moon every day, serve them and raise their babies, and give him a few fat children to play with smoothly.

After Lu Liuliu gave some instructions to the people around him, he took out his cell phone and contacted Zhang Lang, telling him not to come back in the next few months if nothing happened.

Chapter 435 The due date has arrived

It would be terrible if he and Bai Jie were targeted and found them by following the clues.

"Honey, who is that?"

Bai Jie saw Zhang Lang replying to the message with his cell phone very seriously, so she approached him curiously and asked.

"...Miss Lu."

"Is it Miss Lu? Say hello to her for me!"


Zhang Lang typed a reply quickly.

Bai Jie stretched out her snow-white slender hands, hugged Zhang Lang's thick arms, and tilted her head to watch him reply to the message.

"Okay, Miss Lu, let us stay here in peace."

"Miss Lu, you are so kind to us."

Bai Jie recently learned from Zhang Lang that he was actually Miss Lu's bodyguard.

Zhang Lang was able to come out this time because Miss Lu gave him a long vacation.

"Husband, I made you wolfberry beef whip soup, would you like some?"

Zhang Lang looked away from the phone and turned to look at his fair and delicate face.

"When did you stew this?"

Bai Jie said softly: "I went to the supermarket today and found some working cattle prods. I was thinking that you have been consuming it recently, and I want to replenish it for you."

"Forget it this time, next time There's no need to make these soups for me."

"You know my strength."

Bai Jie looked into Zhang Lang's eyes that could not tell the difference between joy and sorrow.

Of course she knew his strength.

I have always heard from my agent that many of the male stars in the entertainment industry have silver pewter tips and only look good.

Despite his appearance and talent, in fact, the male function is very...

in short, not very good.

The agent would often chat with her about entertainment industry gossip.

She had imagined before that maybe it would be good to pass Zhang Lang's ability.

Unexpectedly, it was far beyond her expectation.

Zhang Lang's abilities in both men and women are definitely the best.

Although Zhang Lang was her first man, she could still sense his strength from so many years of lingering with him.

"Go and get it and I'll drink it. Since you took the trouble to cook it, you can't waste it."

Bai Jie said softly, "Hmm", ran to the place where the soup pot was, carefully poured out the wolfberry beef whip soup, and used After filling the bowl, he handed it to Zhang Lang.

Zhang Lang rubbed his sore waist and pretended to be nonchalant when Bai Jie turned around.

In the past few days, he and Bai Jie had been working day and night and had indeed incurred a lot of losses.

But she can't let her see this kind of thing.

I don't know if the wolfberry beef whip soup will have any effect.

Zhang Lang picked up the wolfberry bullwhip soup, put it to his mouth, blew on it, waited for the temperature to drop slightly, and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking it, he instantly felt an evil fire growing in his lower abdomen.


I'm afraid this thing is not tonic for the body, but an aphrodisiac...

Bai Jie looked at Zhang Lang stupidly: "How does it taste?"

"It's okay."

Zhang Lang responded, excused himself to go to the bathroom to take a shower, got up and left. .

Bai Jie often looked at him with her sparkling pure eyes. In addition, she had just drank the aphrodisiac potion, so if he continued to stay, she was afraid that something bad would happen again.


Aquamarine Country.

The sun and the moon alternate, and the stars move.

Two months later.

Extremely cold temperatures dropped to minus one hundred and twenty degrees.

It's not far from the minus 130 degrees that Xiao Jiu said.

Lu Liuliu leaned on the beanbag and looked up at the time.

October 10th.

It's half past eight in the morning.

Since the last time the nursing home was tracked.

They and their group have been living in an unknown mountainside. Even the RV has invisible buttons installed to prevent any new detection equipment developed above from detecting their traces.

Two months of closed doors gave them rare free time.

During this time, Xiao Wu did not clamor to go out to play. Instead, he completed his studies in junior high school with the help of the two moon sisters and the parenting robot exchanged by Xiao Jiu.

"Mom, how long until I can go out to play?"

"One month."

"Be good, if you want to play, go to the space. There are amusement facilities built by your father."

"It's not fun." "

Then Go catch the doll, don't you like to catch the doll the most?"

"The claw machines are all about IQ. They can test the tightness of the claws and the probability of catching the doll."


Lu Liuliu didn't know how to coax Xiao Wu.

In the past two months, Xiao Wu, who has ADHD, has been restless.

She discovered the game facilities in the space, including claw machines, coin pushers, game motorcycles and other amusement facilities.

Xiao Wu was very interested in these at first and often clamored to play.

She used his studies to seduce Xiao Wu. Every time he finished his homework, he could play the game console for a while.

Two months later.

After many experiences, Xiao Wu unexpectedly discovered the secrets of the claw machine and the coin pusher.

The claw machine was set up by Xiao Jiu so that he had to catch the doll 40 times before he could hit the doll once and his claws would become stronger.

There is a small probability that by using the claw-swinging technique, the doll will be accidentally shaken out in advance.

Xiao Wu played very hard.

She was also happy and relaxed. Unexpectedly, in just two months, Xiao Wu discovered the secret of the claw machine.

The same goes for the coin pusher. If you put 100 coins in, 60 coins will be left the first time, and if you put 60 coins in the second time, only 40 coins will be left.

The last time there were 10 left.

If you invest again, not a single coin will be left.

These entertainment facilities are essentially the product of capital investment in commercial society, and capital will definitely not engage in loss-making transactions.

It will only allow those who want to bet on luck to make a small profit, while they themselves will definitely make a profit without losing anything.

"Mom, please take me out to play."

"Just once, okay? I haven't gone fishing and skating in two months!"

Xiao Wu cried and ran to Lu Liuliu, hugging her with his two small hands. holding her arm.

Lu Liuliu had to look away from the tablet.

She looked around, looking for Xiao Jiu.

"Baby, your mother is pregnant with her younger siblings, come here, daddy will play with you."

Xiao Jiu walked into the RV carrying the stewed tonic soup.

He put the tonic soup on the dining table and picked up Xiao Wu who was losing his temper.

"Liu Liu, my son has been very good these days. I'll take him to the Little Red Riding Hood Shelter to play for a while."

"If I remember correctly, Miss Jiang is about to give birth. Didn't you promise her to visit?"

"Mom, that's it. Once, I will be obedient and not run around!"

Lu Liuliu glanced back and forth at the pleading faces of Xiao Jiu and Xiao Wu. She remembered that Jiang Yiyi had indeed sent her a message the day before yesterday, saying that it was the due date. in the last week.

At Lin Fei's suggestion, Jiang Yiyi decided to let nature take its course and give birth naturally. If the baby showed no signs of irritation within a week, she would choose a caesarean section.

Looking at this day, I really need to go to the Little Red Riding Hood Sanctuary.

Lu Liuliu stood up slowly, "Just this time."

"After you come back, you will wait for your father to take you back to Sky City."

"Yeah, I will be obedient."

"Let's go.

"Don't worry, honey, drink the tonic soup first. "

Chapter 436 During Surgery

Lu Liuliu frowned as he looked at the tonic soup on the dining table.

During this period, Xiao Jiu changed her tricks every day and cooked soup for her according to the scientific recipe for fetal maintenance.

Under his careful feeding, she gained another three pounds.

Hey, bear with it.

Wait until the baby is born before losing weight.

She only plans to live again this time in her life.

Lu Liuliu finished the tonic soup on the table with tears in his eyes. The family packed up the RV and daily necessities on the mountainside, got on the invisible plane, and headed to the Little Red Riding Hood Sanctuary.

The silver-white invisible plane landed in the large square.

Lu Liuliu and his party wore thick clothes and invisible badges and entered the apartment building where Jiang Yiyi, Yan Feiyu and others lived.

Xiao Jiu found the house number and knocked on the door.

No one opened the door, so he checked the number on the door again to make sure he was in the right place.

"Wait a minute, I'll call Feiyu."

Xiao Jiu comforted Lu Liuliu softly and took out his mobile phone to contact Yan Feiyu.


The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Lu Liuliu was very worried when he saw that Xiao Jiu could not be contacted for a long time.

She took out her mobile phone and contacted Xiao Jiu separately.


Lu Liuliu dialed Jiang Yiyi's green bubble voice.

This time, they didn't wait long and the call was quickly connected.

However, it was Yan Feiyu's voice that came over the phone.


"We're at the door, open the door first."

Lu Liuliu's face relaxed a lot when he saw the call was connected.

"We are not at home. Yiyi just felt sick in her stomach and has been sent to Lin Fei's home."

"Ah? How is she doing now?"

"Yiyi just entered the operating room. I am outside the operating room now. The specific situation is not very clear. It's clear."

"Sister-in-law, you and Brother Jiu go to my house for a while. I'll notify you as soon as possible after Yiyi gives birth."

"The room password is 654..."

"Feiyu, I gave Yiyi the vitality water. Did she take it in?"

Lu Liuliu knew that emergencies often occur when women give birth.

When she was giving birth, she became red and was sent to the hospital. She didn't give birth to a baby all day and night. In the end, she was given an oxytocin injection to induce labor.

But after a day of labor, the baby still couldn't be born.

The doctor said that the baby had changed from a cephalic position to a breech position, and there was no hope of a natural delivery, so the only option was to have a caesarean section.

The caesarean section operation at Haozao Hospital is very advanced and her operation went smoothly.

Just in case, she gave Jiang Yiyi a small bottle of vitality water early, hoping that if she encountered an emergency during childbirth, the vitality water would be able to help her.

It is best to use vitality water to treat the surgical incisions of the child as soon as the child is taken out.

"She brought it with her. When we entered the operating room, I specially emphasized it to Lin Fei."

"That's good."

Lu Liuliu and Yan Feiyu chatted in a low voice, entered the password for the door lock, and Xiao Jiu Enter the room with others.

Wang Wu and the twin sisters followed quietly.

As soon as he entered the room, Lu Liuliu didn't need to say anything.

Wang Wu quickly turned on the heater in the room.

A few minutes later.

The temperature in the entire living room slowly rose, and Lu Liuliu and others also took off their thick extreme cold down jackets, wearing only flexible sweaters and sweatpants.

Xiao Jiu put Xiao Wu down and let him move freely.

He took out the tools for making tea by the stove and heated up the bird's nest and wolfberry porridge for Lu Liuliu.

Lu Liuliu couldn't help feeling sick when he saw the bird's nest porridge in front of him.

"Xiao Jiu, I don't want to eat bird's nest anymore. I've been sick from eating it for the past two months."

Wang Wu heard from the side and immediately rushed over.

"Master, if you don't want to eat, can you give it to me?"

Lu Liuliu glanced sideways at the twin sisters sitting on the other side of the sofa, "Okay."

Xiao Jiu saw that Lu Liuliu was very resistant and did not continue to persuade.

When she arrived, she had already eaten a bowl. Taking too many supplements would become a burden on the body.

Xiao Jiu poured out the remaining bird's nest porridge and handed it to Wang Wu.

Wang Wu borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha, and handed bird's nest and wolfberry porridge to the twin sisters.

The two sisters are now pregnant with children. Thanks to Wang Wu's feeding, they have already advanced to the level of high-level zombies.

The current body is in a semi-human state, and human food can be eaten to satisfy their cravings.

Bird's nest and wolfberry porridge, this was a perfect product for ladies before the end of the world.

The two sisters held disposable bowls of bird's nest porridge and tasted it happily with spoons.

Although they don't know whether these human foods have a blessing effect on half-human bodies.

Fortunately, the bird's nest tasted pretty good and they were very satisfied with it.

"If you don't want to eat bird's nest, can I stew white fungus for you?"

"As long as it's not bird's nest. I feel like vomiting when I smell the bird's nest now."

"Okay, we won't eat bird's nest in the future."

"Are you hungry now? Do you want to eat it? What do you want?"

"Make me a cup of milk tea." Lu Liuliu said slowly.

Her appetite has been increasing recently. During this pregnancy, her appetite was several times greater than when she was pregnant with Xiao Wu.

The parenting robot Xiao Jiu exchanged for gold has its own scanning function.

After a robot test, it was found that there were three fetuses in her belly.

Maybe the increased appetite is due to this pregnancy with triplets?

Lu Liuliu was not sure, so he could only send Xiao Jiu to make milk tea for her.

Xiao Jiu used the milk that Lu Liuliu brought out, as well as black tea that is milder for pregnant women, plus Xiao Jiu's homemade brown sugar pearls.

A cup of brewed milk tea is much healthier than the milk tea with additives she stocks in her space.

Lu Liuliu's nervousness was relieved as he smelled the sweet fragrance of milk tea.

Xiao Wu and Kong Kong also came over.

"Dad, I want to drink too, I want to drink 500 ml!"

"Boss, I want it too, I want it too." Kongkong hugged Xiao Jiu's thigh and shouted anxiously.

"Don't worry, we all have a share."

Xiao Jiu sat next to Lu Liuliu, picked up the tweezers on the side, and followed the steps to make milk tea.

Xiao Wu stood on the sofa, staring at Xiao Jiu's movements, silently writing down the steps for making milk tea.

after awhile.

The milk tea was cooked, and everyone in Lu Liuliu received a large cup.

Even Wang Wu and his twin sisters were given a cup of warm brown sugar pearl milk tea.

The family gathered around the table, drinking milk tea and playing with their mobile phones.

More than an hour passed.

Lu Liuliu still didn't receive any news from Yan Feiyu, so she sent a message to Jiang Yiyi's mobile phone to ask.

Yan Feiyu stood at the door of the operating room, walking back and forth.

When he received the news, he could only let Lu Liuliu and others wait at home temporarily.

Lu Liuliu remembered that her operation was very quick, but the suturing time after the operation was relatively long.

Yiyi had just entered the operating room not long ago, so it shouldn't be that fast.

Chapter 437 Impossible

A few more hours passed.

Lu Liuliu took out several lunch boxes with four dishes and one soup, and gave one to each of Xiao Jiu, Xiao Wu, and Kong Kong as today's lunch.

They had just finished lunch when Xiao Jiu's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Hey, Feiyu, four are born? That's good..."

"What? Are you talking about Miss Jiang?"

When Lu Liuliu heard Xiao Jiu talking about Jiang Yiyi, he immediately put down the milk tea in his hand and looked up at Xiao Jiu .

The expression on Xiao Jiu's face became very complicated. When he hung up the phone and met Lu Liuliu's questioning eyes, his eyes became more and more strange.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Liuliu noticed something was wrong and immediately asked.

After Xiao Jiu hesitated for a moment, he slowly walked to Lu Liuliu and said, "Ms. Jiang gave birth to four children by caesarean section."

"This is a good thing. When will Yiyi come back?"

"She can't come back."

"Go back . What do you mean by not coming? Please tell me clearly." Lu Liuliu said in a hurry, standing up and pulling Xiao Jiu's collar to ask.

"Ms. Jiang was infected with the mutated zombie virus after surgery. Treatment failed...and she died."

"How is that possible? I gave Yiyi a bottle of vitality water. It is absolutely impossible for her to be infected with the virus!"

"As you said at the time, Lin Fei is a master of surgery and has a 100% success rate. How could it fail?"

Lu Liuliu couldn't believe that all this was true.

Before she left, Yiyi sent her a message saying that she felt very good.

"I don't know the specifics."

Xiao Jiu stretched out his broad hand and gently touched Lu Liuliu's black hair.

"Liu Liuliu, don't be anxious."

"How can I not be anxious? Yiyi is my best friend!"

"Take me to Lin Fei's house, now I'm going to see Yiyi."

Lu Liuliu didn't believe it. , in order to prevent accidents from happening, she has made complete preparations. Why did Jiang Yiyi die?

Everything that just happened must be an auditory hallucination.

Xiao Jiu saw Lu Liuliu's anxious face and comforted her: "Feiyu just sent a message. He is already on his way back."

"How long will it take?"

"Ten minutes."

Xiao Jiu estimated a time.

Lu Liuliu paced back and forth in the living room anxiously.

When she's anxious or stressed, she gets up and paces around the living room.

Fortunately, Yan Feiyu didn't keep her waiting for long.

ten minutes later.

Yan Feiyu is indeed back.

Behind him were Lin Fei, who was wearing a thick down jacket, and four superpowers from the team of superpowers.

Each superpower holds a tightly wrapped baby in his arms.

Lin Fei and Yan Feiyu entered the room carrying a mobile stretcher.

Lu Liuliu rushed over as soon as he saw the stretcher. The stretcher was covered with pure white sheets, and he could vaguely see a person lying under the white sheets.

"Brother Yan, where is Yiyi?"

Lu Liuliu's lips trembled as he asked Yan Feiyu softly as he put down the stretcher.

She did not believe that Jiang Yiyi would die due to childbirth.

Yan Feiyu's face was sad. He held back his sadness and lifted the snow-white sheets covering the stretcher.

Lu Liuliu looked along the sheets and saw Jiang Yiyi's familiar and pale face.

She hurriedly ran forward and reached out to push Jiang Yiyi.

"Yiyi, don't sleep, wake up quickly. Have you forgotten what you told me? Our children have decided to have a baby kiss, and when they grow up, we will become in-laws, and we will continue to kiss each other."

"Your babies are still young, and they all need you."

Lu Liuliu said, grabbing Jiang Yiyi's cold and biting hand and holding it tightly.

Yan Feiyu and Lin Fei stood aside without saying a word for a long time.

Wang Wu saw Lu Liuliu's red eyes and whispered: "Master, Miss Jiang has long since run out of energy. You'd better express your condolences."

Lu Liuliu never dared to write the letter, so she suddenly stood up and rushed to Yan Feiyu In front of her, she asked sternly:

"What happened? It was fine a few hours ago, why is this happening?"

Yan Feiyu seemed to be unable to hear her question.

He silently took the baby who had just drank milk powder from the arms of the members of the superpower team and placed it in order in the crib prepared by Jiang Yiyi in advance.

Lin Fei on the side took off his extreme cold down jacket, revealing the spotless white coat underneath.

"Sister-in-law, as you can see, Miss Jiang was infected with a mutated zombie virus after completing the operation. Unfortunately, she is an ordinary person and was weak because she just gave birth to a child."

"Where's the vitality water? ? Why is she still infected with the virus when there is vitality water? Why is there a virus in your operating room? " Lin

Fei sighed,

"You can see it on the balcony."

After hearing Lin Fei's explanation, Liu couldn't accept it at all.

She rushed to the balcony and saw heavy snow falling outside.

Lu Liuliu reached out to take it. As soon as she stretched out her hand, she felt the snow on her hand turned into black snowflakes the size of coins.

When these flakes fell on her hands, she felt a burning sensation instantly.

What is going on with these black snowflakes?

"Sister-in-law, these black snowflakes are mixed with mutated zombie viruses. If you are not a person with awakened powers, you will be infected once the black snowflakes are contaminated."

"Not to mention the newborn baby."

"Ms. Jiang In order to keep her children alive, she gave her newborn children the vitality water to detoxify them. "

"These viruses, if my guess is correct, have invaded the entire Sea Blue Country. Our people don't know the specific ones now. "

But judging from the fact that at the beginning of the apocalypse, people were infected with the zombie virus, and the source of the virus has not been found until now, the characteristics of these viruses are all-pervasive,"

Lu Liuliu said after listening to Lin Fei. After explaining, and seeing Jiang Yiyi's cold body, the whole person fell into complex confusion and self-blame.

If she had given more vitality water, would it have been enough to save the four children and Yiyi?

If she could come here earlier and follow Jiang Yiyi into the operating room, would she be able to get the vitality water out in time and save her too?


People who should have had their lives taken away by the Lord of Hell at the beginning of the end of the world, still cannot escape the harvest of fate?

Lin Fei knew that it would take a while for Lu Liuliu to accept the facts.

He raised his voice and reminded everyone in the room: "Most of the people in the Little Red Riding Hood Shelter are ordinary people. There are many people who have been infected with the mutated zombie virus through unknown ways."

"Ordinary people infected with the virus, according to My guess is that most of them will die within a minute. "

"There may be a very small number of people who have awakened their powers."

"Just in case, those of us who have awakened our powers cannot take it lightly."

"Sister-in-law, Jiu . Brother, Feiyu, you must not go out during this period."

Lin Fei was talking when the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Chapter 438 Shocking Change 1

Lin Fei turned on the speakerphone of his cell phone in front of everyone.

"Professor Lin, in case of emergency, the leader has ordered you to return to Mount Everest as soon as possible."

"There is a scientific research team on Mount Everest, do I have to do it?"

"The leader has issued an order, and all medical researchers, starting from the moment they receive the notification, will be sent back to Mount Everest, no matter where they are." What to do, you must rush to the Everest Laboratory immediately."

Lin Fei frowned and said slowly: "I understand."

Xiao Jiu waited for him to hang up, picked up the down jacket on the side and handed it to him, "Go quickly."

"Brother Jiu, please help Feiyu and enlighten him."


Lin Fei put on his extreme cold down jacket and hurriedly left the room.

After he left, Xiao Jiu immediately redeemed an intelligent robot.

Yan Feiyu walked up to Lu Liuliu and picked up Jiang Yiyi's body, "Sister-in-law, Yiyi asked me to bring you a message."

"She told you not to cry and to be friends with you again in the next life."

"Why did she So stupid, even risking his own life for a few children!"

"It would be nice to save one of these children and save herself..."

"Silly B, I gave you the vitality water to let you save yourself, the child didn't. We can regenerate using science!"

Yan Feiyu saw Lu Liuliu crying and yelling at Jiang Yiyi's body, and he held back his sadness and explained:

"Lin Fei gave Yiyi half a bottle of vitality water at first... maybe it was because of the caesarean section. Because she was very weak, the virus took advantage of the situation and infected her internal organs. After a brief recovery, it spread again. "

At that time... Lin Fei found that the children also had signs of infection."

"Yiyi chose her. Let Lin Fei use the remaining vitality water to save the children. "


Lu Liuliu couldn't help but shed tears after hearing Yan Feiyu's words.

Yan Feiyu looked sad. He raised his head slightly, hugged Jiang Yiyi's body and entered the room.

Xiao Jiu sensed the movement around him. He didn't care about comforting Lu Liuliu who was in grief, nor did he care about Yan Feiyu who entered the room to heal his wounds.

He remained rational, activated the newly exchanged robot, and issued instructions to the robot.

[Little Red Riding Hood, detect the nearby environment. 】

Xiao Jiu renamed the newly redeemed intelligent robot Little Red Riding Hood No. 2.

[Little Red Riding Hood has received it and is testing it, please wait...]


[After testing, an unknown viral substance was produced in the area centered around this. This substance can be transmitted through a variety of media. ]

[Non-mutated superpowers (ordinary people) will have a 90% chance of being infected with the virus. ]

[Persons with awakened powers have a certain probability of being re-infected by the virus. It is not recommended to go out unless necessary. ]

After hearing the robot's announcement, Lu Liuliu took a deep breath and silently walked to the sofa next to Xiao Jiu and sat down.

Yiyi and Yan Feiyu have been living together and are willing to give birth to a child for him under the current circumstances.

With the depth of their relationship.

The most sad person at the moment should be Yan Feiyu.

"Sixty-six, just as Lin Fei speculated, the virus has mutated twice."

"A virus that can mutate again at more than one hundred degrees below zero will appear. This kind of virus will definitely become more mutated than it is now once the climate warms up. Horrible."

"Didn't you say that the construction of the Sky City is about to be completed, and we should be fine if we live in it?"

Xiao Jiu lowered his head and thought for a few seconds before saying, "In my previous life, I have never encountered a situation where the virus mutated again.

"After the extreme cold, almost all zombies were wiped out by the authorities, but natural disasters occurred one after another. "

"This time the virus has mutated and is coming fiercely. I don't know exactly why this happened."

After Lu Liuliu heard Xiao Jiu's words, he met his deep eyes.

A vague guess appeared in the eyes of both people.

Maybe it's because the rebirth between them has changed the original direction of things in the past.

Even the Everest Shelter was only completed three years after the apocalypse broke out.

Now because of Xiao Jiu's rebirth, the official has established a sea city shelter in advance.

"Do you think this virus mutation has something to do with us...?" "I don't know." "Anyway, you don't have to worry. What happened to Miss Jiang was an accident. You are still pregnant with the child. Your health is very important. It's too much."

Sadness will affect the baby in your belly."

Xiao Jiu saw the sadness in Lu Liuliu's almond-shaped eyes, and the red eyes showed everything.

"I'm fine. It happened too suddenly. I need time to relax and accept this reality."

Lu Liuliu knew that she was not a fragile woman.

Especially after giving birth to Xiao Wu, she found that she rarely felt sad.

"Let's go and see Miss Jiang's child."

Xiao Jiu helped Lu Liuliu to the crib that Jiang Yiyi had prepared for her child.

Lu Liuliu looked at the four tiny babies in the crib, with a touch of sadness flashing in his eyes.

"Liu Liuliu, Feiyu is a big boss, these children..."

"Let's help look after the children, if Feiyu doesn't mind." Lu Liuliu said seriously.

"The children have just been born. I don't think Feiyu wants to leave them."

"For these children, I will exchange them for two simulated parenting robots to help Feiyu."

"As for the food and diapers of these children... "

You ask the child care robot to make a list, and I will take out all the supplies for the children until they are three years old."

When Xiao Jiu just spoke, Lu Liuliu already knew what he wanted to say.

During this period of time together, they had already developed a tacit understanding between them.

Sometimes, just by looking at each other, you can understand what the other person wants to say and what they want to do.


Xiao Jiu immediately took action and exchanged gold for two professional parenting simulation robots.

In order to save gold, the items exchanged this time are also children's robots that require less materials.

Although these two robots are smaller in stature, they have many useful functions.

Lu Liuliu exchanged Xiao Jiu for the robot and calculated the materials needed by the four children. He took the exchange form, took out the materials needed by the children from the space, and placed them in the dimensional space worn by the parenting robot. In the ring.

She had made an agreement with Jiang Yiyi, and these children, including the children in her belly, plus Xiao Wu, happened to match Yiyi's children.

If the children grow up and want to, they will become husband and wife.

If there is no fate as husband and wife, then we should be each other's best friends.

after awhile.

Xiao Jiu and Lu Liuliu made arrangements for their four children.

Two child care robots take care of the children.

The robot does not need to rest. As long as it has enough gold, it can work 24 hours a day.

These robots have a service life of ten years when they are redeemed.

Lu Liuliu and Xiao Jiu arranged the children's affairs in the living room and waited for a while.

Yan Feiyu slowly walked out of the room.

Chapter 439 Shocking Change 2

Lu Liuliu and Xiao Jiu looked up and saw the suppressed grief on his face.

Yan Feiyu sat down on the sofa opposite Lu Liuliu and Xiao Jiu, and said in a hoarse voice: "Brother Jiu, sister-in-law, I'm sorry for making you worry."

"It's okay." Lu Liuliu suppressed the sadness in his heart replied.

Xiao Jiu's mood did not fluctuate because of Jiang Yiyi's unexpected death.

He explained to Yan Feiyu the arrangement he had just made with Lu Liuliu.

Yan Feiyu was very moved, "Brother Jiu, I really don't know how to repay you and my sister-in-law for their kindness."

"We brothers, there is no need to say more words of thanks."

"The most important thing right now is to take care of these four children. Okay."

"Contact the sixty people with superpowers and ask them to gather here immediately."

"Brother Jiu, are you going to summon them for a mission?"

Yan Feiyu was immediately diverted by Xiao Jiu's instructions. , the mood improved a bit.

"It's not convenient for you to continue leading the team in your current state."

"I plan to take my brothers and go to the Sky City in advance to find a private place to live in seclusion."

"What about me? Brother Jiu, are you trying to kill me? "Feiyu, stay

here and take good care of the children."

"Why? Brother Jiu, I want to leave with you."

"Feiyu, the place where my brothers and I are going is in a deserted place. " The environment in the countryside is harsh. "

"With the virus mutating now, the environment in the shelter will be much better than in the wilderness. It will be relatively safe for you and the children to stay here."

"What's more, the higher-ups have been sending people. Liuliu and I are wanted. It's dangerous for you to follow us."

Yan Feiyu understood instantly. His eyes swept over the faces of the children in the stroller, and then he said, "Brother Jiu, I'm not afraid.

" Don't worry about getting me involved, I'll go wherever you go and wherever the brothers go."

After a brief silence.

Xiao Jiu agreed to let Yan Feiyu leave the Little Red Riding Hood shelter with him.

Yan Feiyu put away his sadness and contacted the sixty high-level superpowers who had been fighting alongside him and Xiao Jiu to gather.

After a brief explanation, Lu Liuliu and Yan Feiyu entered the room and took Jiang Yiyi's body to the preservation area of ​​the space.

The space freshness area keeps fresh forever.

Putting Yiyi's body inside temporarily will ensure that her body will never decay.

When you find an opportunity, find a treasure place with birds singing and flowers fragrant, and then bury Jiang Yiyi's body.

Lu Liuliu put Jiang Yiyi away and returned to the living room.

Not long after the group of them waited, sixty people with superpowers surrounded the living room.

"Captain, I found a girlfriend at the shelter. Can she leave with us?"

A member of the team with superpowers asked Xiao Jiu.

"Where is she?"

"In the apartment where I live, because I am not sure whether I can take her with me, I haven't told her to leave here yet."

Xiao Jiu thought for a while and asked everyone in the crowded hall: "What about you? Do you have any relatives you want to take with you?"

Xiao Jiu asked.

There were twenty superpowers in the team, and they all raised their hands.

"I'll give you half an hour to bring the people you want to bring. Everyone gather on the rooftop of this apartment."

The team members set off immediately after hearing that they could bring their friends.

Xiao Jiu and Yan Feiyu took the other members of the superpower team and took the elevator first, then went up the stairs to the rooftop.

About a hundred people are expected to leave this time.

Xiao Jiu used the gold collected in the system these days to upgrade the aircraft model he exchanged.

The upgraded aircraft can accommodate 150 people.

Yan Feiyu and the forty psychics in his team entered the plane first, fastened their seat belts and sat down.

Jiang Yiyi's newly born child, as well as Xiao Wu and Kong Kong, were taken back to play in the bamboo house in the space by Lu Liuliu in advance.

In the space, there are two childcare robots exchanged by Kong Kong and Xiao Jiu to take care of them, so the children will be safe in it.

After Lu Liuliu got on the plane, he found a few empty seats in the front row that they had specially reserved and sat down.

Half an hour later.

The twenty members of the superpower team who left to find their friends each brought with them 1-3 people.

Among them, there are men, women, old and young.

The original parents and family members of these supernatural beings have long since passed away.

The people they brought with them should be distant relatives or friends they met at the shelter.

Lu Liuliu noticed with sharp eyes that one of them had a superpower, helping a young pregnant woman get on the plane.

Judging from the closeness between them, the child in the pregnant woman's belly must be his seed.

She didn't have much idea about people from Xiao Jiu's team bringing their friends.

According to Xiao Jiu, after the Sky City is established, many people with supernatural powers will be attracted into it.

These people are actually more reliable than those complete strangers outside.

Soon, the team was assembled.

After confirming that everyone was present, Xiao Jiu sat in the driving position and ordered the intelligent AI to fly the plane to the air raid shelter near Sky City.

This air-raid shelter was the location he confirmed after contacting his sister Xiao Yao in advance.

In the air-raid shelter, Xiao Yao arranged for the robots to build a temporary underground shelter.

This shelter can accommodate 1,000 people living at the same time.

The water and electricity network systems inside are all controlled by intelligent robots, and the equipment is very complete.

Xiao Jiu silently thought about his plans for the next few months.

The silver plane drove slowly in the sky 10,000 meters above the sky filled with black snowflakes.

Not long after they left.

Inside the Little Red Riding Hood Shelter, the first batch of superhumans infected with the mutated virus bleed from their orifices and died in the apartment where they lived.

Inside the asylum, the alarm was raised immediately.

On this day, everyone in the Little Red Riding Hood Shelter was in panic.

All ordinary people are arranged to self-quarantine at home.

This quarantine lasted for a full week.

A week later.

The Little Red Riding Hood Sanctuary originally housed more than 3 million people, but only less than 300,000 people remained.

Most of these 300,000 people are low-level superpowers who have been working hard before, exchanging gold for crystal cores in vending machines, and awakening their superpowers the day after tomorrow.

A small number of people were originally people with super powers, but they stayed because their families were here.

Because of their status as low-level superpowers, they managed to survive the poisoning of the mutated virus.

Although they survived, they also suffered complications from the virus.

Everyone felt unbearable pain as if they had been run over by a wheel. They coughed incessantly, and many people even coughed up blood.

Another week later.

Xu Wenyue received the news from above that scientific researchers on Mount Everest had developed a vaccine against the virus.

In the central office of Little Red Riding Hood Asylum.

A young girl next to Xu Wenyue shouted arrogantly:

"Zhou Yining, hurry up and vaccinate the people under your supervision."

Chapter 440 Deployment


Zhou Yining tried her best to restrain her inner orders, responded in a weak voice, and walked out.

Just took two steps.

The eight girls behind him were flirting wildly with Xu Wenyue in the office.

Zhou Yining seemed to turn a deaf ear to this.

If what Brother Jiu told her is correct, Xu Wenyue is now infected with the HIV virus.

This time she was sent to supervise the vaccination of the surviving superpowers, which was a great thing for her.

Every minute she spent with Xu Wenyue and others, she would worry about being infected.

Good thing.

The disease is spread only through blood and X-rays.

As long as she doesn't have a relationship with Xu Wenyue, she can protect herself wisely.

After Zhou Yining left, she posted a message through the only official forum of the Little Red Riding Hood Shelter to inform people with special abilities who were quarantined at home to go to the central shelter for vaccination.

People living in several universities surrounding the central university town packed up their things and headed to the central shelter.

Due to the sudden drop in the number of people in the shelter, they received a notice that they planned to relocate all personnel to the university town where the central shelter is located.

The central shelter, which has been immersed for more than half a month, is very lively because more and more people have been vaccinated.

Zhou Yining stayed at the vaccination site while management staff vaccinated the survivors inside the shelter.


The other side of Mount Everest.

It is an endless blue sea. Looking upwards from the coastline, you can see Mount Everest and countless endless mountain forests nearby.

This place is near the border line. Beyond the border line, it is the beautiful country bordering the Sea Blue Country.

The air raid shelter where Lu Liuliu and others lived was in a cave near the border between Hailan Country and Beautiful Country.

This place was originally the residence of people involved in border activities of the Sea Blue Country.

Xiao Yao mobilized robots to transform the place and turned it into a temporary shelter.

Lu Liuliu and others have temporarily settled here since the last virus outbreak.

Inside the air raid shelter.

Lu Liuliu and others gathered in the large conference room.

"How's it going? Can you receive the signal?"

Xiao Jiu shook his head, "There are signal blocking jammers placed on Mount Everest."

"What should we do next?"


"In two months, the construction of Sky City will be completed."

"When the time comes, I will buy the ticket to the Sky City from the self-service vending machine and equip it with the corresponding robots and airplanes."

"Those who get the quota can take a plane to enter the Sky City and become a resident of the Sky City."

Lu Liuliu frowned and asked: "Aren't you worried about official people sneaking in and destroying the Sky City?"

Xiao Jiu smiled slightly, "With their strength, they can't do it yet."

"A protective system has been installed in the Sky City. Once someone sabotages it, he will be taken away by the robot and thrown out of the Sky City, and this person will never be allowed to enter again."

Xiao Jiu said, taking out a box of white wing stickers out of thin air.

"You put ID stickers on your skin."

As his words fell.

Yan Feiyu distributed the wing stickers to the sixty people with powers in the team, as well as the relatives and family members they brought with them.

These family members have been tested during this period, and they were all distributed with a zombie crystal core and awakened to become low-level superpowers.

Xiao Jiu watched silently as everyone completed their identity authentication, then turned on the projector and explained the subsequent operations and management of Sky City to everyone.

"The operation of Sky City requires a large number of managers. You are all brothers who have followed me through life and death. Now, I will explain the next deployment of Sky City to you in detail."

All the superpowers in the conference room looked at Xiao Jiu intently.

Ever since they saw Xiao Jiu's various methods, they have been completely impressed by him.

They had no doubts about what Xiao Jiu said.

Being able to manage a city with Xiao Jiu and become a person in power, no one would be tempted.

They are the first batch of Kaesong veterans, which is very exciting to think about.

Even the relatives and friends around them had a look of yearning in their eyes.

Xiao Jiu glanced around the crowd and began to explain the upcoming deployment of Sky City.

"You can choose any one of the following management positions."

"Logistics Department, if you are interested, please raise your hand."

"Captain, I'll do it! I want to manage the logistics department."

One of the superpowers immediately raised his hand and spoke firmly.

"Wait a moment, Feiyu, you come to calculate the distribution of registered personnel."


Yan Feiyu stretched out his hands and tapped on his notebook. After a while, he registered the people who wanted to manage the logistics department in the form.

"Next is the Security Department..."

Lu Liuliu sat aside silently, waiting for Xiao Jiu to arrange work assignments for the people in the team.

She is not very interested in these things.

As long as she could be with her son, have enough to eat, wear clothes, and have fun every day, she didn't care much about anything else.

Because she was pregnant, Xiao Jiu didn't make her work too hard, and just let her silently follow him to the meeting.

Wait until all personnel assignments are completed.

An hour flew by.

Xiao Jiu glanced at the clock in the conference room and said, "Dismissed."

After saying that, he gently took Lu Liuliu's hand and helped her walk out of the conference room.

Not long after they left.

Yan Feiyu left immediately.

Only then did the other members of the team leave the conference room and head to the dining area of the air raid shelter.

The restaurant inside the shelter has limited time limits for serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lunch is from 12 noon to 2 pm.

At this time, it is meal time.

The superpowers each kept quiet and entered the restaurant to eat.

Xiao Jiu helped Lu Liuliu and returned to a separate room inside the air raid shelter.

"Honey, aren't you tired?"


"What do you want to eat? I'll go to the restaurant and pack one for you."

"No, I'm not hungry yet."

Lu Liuliu half leaned on the sofa, "The air here is not very good, I always feel stuffy."

"Then you will go back to space to rest with the baby first?"

"And you?"

"I just received news that an unmanned reconnaissance drone discovered a gold mine in the beautiful country next door."

"I plan to wait for the superpowers in the team to finish their lunch and organize them to go to the beautiful country to mine."

"If we can get the gold mine in that beautiful country, the Sky City will be opened immediately."

"I'll let Kong Kong go with you."


"If you encounter a danger that cannot be solved, you can teleport back immediately with Kong Kong."


Lu Liuliu connected the space and called out Kong Kong who was lying on the recliner eating fruit.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"Follow him to a beautiful country."


After Lu Liuliu finished explaining to Kong Kong, he stood up, walked to Xiao Jiu, and gently hugged his waist.

"I have already lost Yiyi...I don't want to lose you again no matter what."
