I love her

Jihyo's POV: 

I'm running unusually late, today has just been so busy. Between meetings and dealing with clients, I hardly had a moment to even catch my breath.

I feel bad for making Sana wait, but I'm glad that she's understanding.

I'd much rather be spending time with her then be at work. I'm looking forward to this dinner. I love doing things to make her feel special. I've never treated any other girl like this before.

I just really care about Sana, more then I've ever cared about anyone in my life. 

Finally, it's time for me to get off work. I take out my phone to call Sana, to let her know that I'm on my way, and she doesn't answer.

I hope she didn't get mad that I made her wait so long. I don't know why else she wouldn't answer.

I decide to try and call her a second time.

Again, no answer.

Maybe she just doesn't hear her phone, I don't know.

When I arrive at the restaurant and get out of my car, I walk up to the front where Sana said she would meet me.

I don't see her, so I take out my phone and try to call her a third time, which is just another waste of time because she doesn't answer.

Maybe she is mad at me, I really hope not.

I decide to check inside, and again, she's no where to be found.

At this point, a little bit of worry starts to kick in.

I decide to look around back for her. I don't know where she is, or if she's even here anymore.

I really don't think she would have left without telling me. 

When I turn the corner, that's when I see it.

"HEY!" I scream, just as the the pole smashes directly into Sana's head.

When they hear me, they all flee.

I run over to Sana, who's soaked in blood. I can barely recognize her. I put my head to her chest, and hear nothing.

"No, no, no." I can barely see through all of my tears. I take out my phone, and call 911. 

"911, what is your emergency?" The female voice on the other line says.


I didn't care, I just wanted them to help out Sana. 

"Okay ma'am. Calm down. I need you to tell me where you are." The 911 operator tells me. 

I tell her the name and address of the restaurant. I was holding Sana in my arms, getting her blood all over me. She just won't stop bleeding. No matter what I try to do to stop the bleeding. 

"An ambulance is on their way. We need you to start CPR." She orders me.

"Okay." I mumble, being able to barely respond.

I don't even know what words are at this point. Tears are streaming down my face, and my girlfriend is dead. Or dying. I don't even know. I don't know anything.

I just need to pull my thoughts together long enough for the ambulance to get here.

I took a CPR class in high school, and I need to do my best to remember every detail. I need to do my best to save Sana. I should have been here to save her in the first place.

All of me wants to go find Dahyun and whoever else involved. I want to kill them. I'm going to kill them. I had a bad feeling about her, and I was right to.

My main priority right now though is my Sana.

The 911 operator orders me not to hang up, and is still trying to talk to me. I hear nothing she says, nothing at all. I put my hands to Sana's chest, and begin pushing down. I also begin giving her mouth to mouth. I will try anything. I will do anything for her.

"Sana, please. Please. Don't die." I whisper, still trying to give her CPR.

Still trying for anything, a sign that she's still alive.

I just need to be able to hear her heartbeat, like I do when we're cuddling in bed together and my head is pressed up against her chest. Like when she's holding me in her arms. I would do anything to hear that heartbeat again. 

"SANA, COME ON." I'm screaming, still trying the CPR, blood all over my hands.

As I'm continuing the CPR, the ambulance finally arrives. They rush over to us. As I get pulled aside, I watch in horror as a doctor takes out paddles to try and restart her heart. People were now finally starting to notice, and some watched from a distance as they tried to save my girlfriend's life.

After a few tries, they finally manage to get a pulse and restart her heart. I'm still bawling uncontrollably, and in complete shock.

I don't know what to say or do.

This isn't real, this can't be real. This is just a horrible nightmare. I want to wake up now. Please, let me wake up now.

I don't wake up. Instead I'm now riding in the back of the ambulance as they rush Sana to the hospital. I'm holding her hand as we ride. They bandaged her head, and whatever else is bleeding. I wasn't able to stop the bleeding. I was helpless. I should have saved her. I should have been there to protect her. I just... I should have saved her. 

There's a doctor back here with us, and even though he can hear everything I'm about to say, I don't care. I don't give a fuck.

I kissed Sana's hand. "Sana, you have to be okay. Please. You just have to be okay. I don't know what I would do without you. I need you. Please. I'm so sorry Sana." Tears are still coming out like Niagara Falls. I lean over and kiss her lips softly. "I'm sorry."

Once we arrive at the hospital, I start to follow to where they're taking Sana.

A nurse stops me. "Sorry miss, but you have to wait outside." 

"No I can't." I tell her. "I need to go with her." 

"You can't." She directs me towards a chair. "Sit here. I know it's hard, but you have to wait out here." She was trying to be nice, but all I wanted to do was be with Sana. 

"I can't." I tell her. 

"You have to. I'm sorry, miss."  She sits down next to me.

"She has to be okay." I tell the nurse. "She has to be." I state firmly.

I don't know how the nurse even understands me through my sobbing, but she does. 

"I'm sure she will be. Are you family?" She asks. 

"No. That's my girlfriend." I respond. 

"Do you have anyone you can contact?" She asks another question. "And anyone that can contact one of her family members?" 

"I-I don't know." I wish she would stop asking me questions, I just want to be with Sana. 

"Do you want anything? Water?" She offers. 

"I just. I need you to leave." I don't care how rude that sounded, but I just can't right now. 

"Let me know if you change your mind." She walks off without me saying another word.

After a few minutes pass, I take out my phone and call Mina.

I don't know who else to call.

I don't know what to do.

I feel like I can't breathe.

I feel like I'm the one dying instead of Sana.

I am slowly dying.

I tell Mina everything that happened, and she's on her way. When she arrives and finally finds me, she takes a seat next to me. 

"Jihyo..." She wraps her arms around me and hugs me. "I'm so sorry."

I'm unable to move. Unable to hug her back. She eventually pulls away. "Mina." I look over at her. "I love her." 

"I know you do." She takes my hand. "I've always known." 

"I love her." I repeat. 

"She knows that." 

"No. I should have told her. I was a coward Mina." I look away, ashamed of myself. "It's going to be too late."

"Don't say that. You'll get to tell her." 

"I love Sana." 

I do love her. I love Sana. I've always loved her. I was a coward. I was scared. I should have told her when I had the chance. I love her. I never thought it would be possible for me to fall in love, but I did. I'm so in love with her. I just, I love her. 

After a while of me repeating my love for Sana, Mina takes my phone to call Momo. I can't do it. I am so helpless. I feel absolutely worthless.

"Hi, Momo. It's Mina." 

I can't hear what Momo is saying. 

"I'm at the hospital with Jihyo. Something has happened to Sana... Can you contact her parents and tell them where she is, and tell them to get here as soon as possible." Mina pauses, waiting for her response. "Okay. Thank you." 

She hands me my phone back.

"She was the only person I could think of to call. I haven't even formally met her parents before." I couldn't even call her parents. 

Mina wraps her arms around me again. "You did the best you could, with everything." 

"No. I didn't." 

"You did, Hyo." She still tries to comfort me.

"I'm going to kill That Dahyun." I state. 

"Stop talking like that." 

"No really, I'm going to." I was still crying. I didn't know it was possible to cry this much and this long. 

"Jihyo.. Dahyun will get her punishment, don't worry. The last thing Sana needs is for you to go to jail." 

"If she even lives." I respond.
