First text

Sana's POV:

Jihyo's alarm goes off, I sigh, looking at the clock seeing the time on it. 6:30AM, I'm just so happy that it's Friday. I hit the off button on the alarm, and roll over.

Jihyo looked to be about as tired as I am. Lets just say that we were up pretty late last night...

"Good morning." I lean in and kiss her.

She kisses me back. "Morning." She rubs her eyes, before getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"Do you want any coffee?" She asks, as I hear her rummaging through some cabinets.

"I could definitely use some." I reply, before yawning. I make myself get up, and follow her into the kitchen.

We were both wearing very little clothing, and I could hardly take my eyes off of her. She was just so hot.

"I have an idea to wake us up..." I slam her up against the wall, and press my lips to hers.

"I like this idea... But I think I would like it even more if we were in the shower." She bites her lip.

"Oh... Good idea." I giggle.

We make our way to the bathroom, where she turns on the shower. After a few minutes of letting it warm up, we get in.

And you know what happened next.

After our shower, I still take that cup of coffee she offered me. Although, our shower definitely did make me more awake.

I get my uniform out of the closet, and put it on. Have I even mentioned how ugly this thing is? Oh, probably about a thousand times already, I think you get the point.

I don't know what Jihyo finds so sexy about it. Maybe it's the tie, or the skirt. Or both. I guess it's the whole sexy school girl thing.

"Hot as usual." She slaps my butt.

"Me? No. You're the one that's still not wearing anything." I turn to face her, and kiss her again.

"It's kind of hard to stay focused and not have my hands be all over you." She looks through the closet for something to wear.

"I know, I'm so sexy that it's just such a distraction." I grin.

"True, very true." She kisses me.

She finally finds something to wear, after looking through her closet for about ten minutes. Which was time that we didn't have, because we're both already late. But it's okay, she's sexy so I forgive her. I actually don't mind being late. My excessive tardies are just starting to catch up with me.

She checks herself out in the mirror. "I'm just so damn hot. Sorry I distracted myself for a moment."

"Okay we get it babe, you're hot. Now lets go." I take her hand and start to pull her. She sets the alarm and locks the door behind us.

"Do you have any plans after school?" She asks me as we put on our seat belts.

"I actually have to go to my little sister's birthday party." She starts the car.

"Oh fun. Well maybe we can go to Illusion after?"

"Sounds good to me." I look out the window as she drives.

I was nervous to see my parents and little sister. I haven't seen them or really talked to them since that big fight with my mom. I'm not going to lie, I miss them so much. Even my mom. I could never hate her. Part of me was still hoping for a relationship with her, but I just don't think that's possible right now.

"Hey don't be nervous." One of Jihyo's hands reach down, and grab mine.

It was almost like she can sense what type of mood I am, or what I'm feeling at the time.

I manage to smile at her, before looking out the window again. At least today won't be all bad. Like I said it's Friday after all, and I'll have something to look forward to all day. Knowing that I would see Jihyo is what helped me get through each day.

Jihyo pulls up in front of my school. I lean in to kiss her but she pulls away.

"Hey, you know the rules. No kissing on school grounds. I'm not trying to get arrested any time soon."

"Right, sorry. I forgot." I pout, really wanting to kiss her. "Lucky for you I'll be eighteen soon."

"Yeah, lucky for me." She smiles at me. "Have a good day at school, Sana."

"Thanks. Have a good day at work. I'll head straight to Illusion after the party, okay? So I'll meet you there."

"Okay, see you then, beautiful." She was still smiling.

"See you then." I reach into the back and grab my bag out of the car, before finally getting out.

I make my way to my first period class. I'm only in there for about ten minutes before the bell rings. So much for trying not to completely miss the class.

The next few periods actually go by quickly, which is surprising because I was staring at the clock the whole period in anticipation to lunch. At school, seeing Momo made it almost bearable.

But then I just remember Dahyun, and her minions. They are one of the many things that make school, and just my life in general miserable.

The bell for lunch rings, and I make my way over to the spot where Momo and I always meet. She comes a few minutes later, and sits down next to me.

"So today is Lia's birthday right?" She takes out a granola bar, and takes a bite of it.

"Yup. And this is the first time I'm going to see them since everything happened."

"I'm sure it'll be okay. Your mom has had time to calm down and think since everything has happened." She takes another bite.

"I know, but I just keep thinking that if she didn't completely hate me, that she would have tried to reach out to me by now."

"Don't worry Sana, she's your mother. I know she can be a pain in the ass but I know she still loves you."

"I guess we'll see tonight." I take an apple out of my bag, and take a bite of it.

The bell rings, and I go to my next period class. Once again, I spend the whole period staring at the clock. I don't even know why, because after this I have to face my family. I have one more period after this, which again goes by pretty fast.

The bell rings, and school is out. I start walking towards my house, my stomach doing cartwheels, nervous as ever. I take my time walking there, I'm definitely in no rush. I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm just hoping for the best.

Before I reach my house. My phone buzz and surprisingly it's from Jihyo.

We never really text each other and I'm sure she don't like to be the one who strats the conversation


Jihyo: feel like you could use this to cheer you up or whatever that fangirls do.

Sana: isuossusissojsosjskskskshwihwiw.

Jihyo: Is your phone broken or something?.

Sana: No silly, I'm just surprised.

Jihyo: and why are you surprised miss minatozaki?.

Sana: you never texted me before thats our first.
Sana: and it's your picture for me💗💓💞💕.

Jihyo: whatever just don't use that hearts again.
Jihyo: i have to go, good luck sana.

See!!! She is adorable

not to mention that she called me her fangirl i'll just pretend I didn't see it

Anyway i take a deep breath, and ring the doorbell. My father opens the door, an immediate smile spreading across his face when he sees me.

"Sana!" He pulls me in for a hug. "I missed you, so much."

His hug was like a death grip around me, slowly suffocating me, but I loved every second of it.

"I missed you too, daddy." I smile at him.

"Come in, come in."

I walk inside, observing everything. Nothing has really changed, the only difference is that as of now, the house is covered in birthday decorations.

"Where's mom?" I ask, as I sit down on the couch.

"She's picking up the cake, but Sana I need to talk to you about something." He has a serious look on his face.

"What is it?" I ask him, a bit nervous to hear what he's going to say.

"We've been waiting until after Your sister's birthday to tell her, but we never see you, and well I feel like you're mature enough to handle this."

"Okay..." I reply, nearly on the edge of my seat in suspense.

"Your mother and I... We just don't get along anymore. We've tried everything to make it work, but we just can't. I asked her for a divorce, and after much fighting and persuading, she finally agreed to give it to me. Even though she told me many times that isn't what god would have wanted, we both deserve a fresh chance to be happy."

So many thoughts and emotions ran through my head at once. I didn't really know what to say or how to react.

After a few minutes of silence, I finally say something. "This isn't my fault is it?"

"Of course not, Sana. This is between your mother and me, we just can't fix what's broken anymore."

Before I can even reply back, my mother opens the door. She looks at me, but says nothing, before turning to my father. "People are going to be arriving any minute." She rushes off to the kitchen.

Shortly after I change, people start arriving. Relatives who I barely see, some of My Sister's friends, even a few of my parent's friends showed up.

So now I'm left to sitting in a corner by myself, secretly feeling judged by everyone, knowing my mother had to have told them of her disgusting daughter who chose the wrong path in life and gave into temptation.

My Uncle sat down next to me. "Hey sport, how have you been?" He asks, before taking a sip of his drink.

I absolutely hated when he called he that.

"I've been okay, how about you?"

"Been good, haven't seen you much lately."

"Yeah, I've been umm... Busy." I didn't know what else to say.

"Your mother told me what happened, don't take it personally. I've known her my whole life, and she's always been this stubborn. She talks about you all the time though, I know she misses you. Just don't ever doubt that she loves you Sana, because she does very much. She just doesn't know how to always show it."

"Thanks, That means a lot to hear." I reply back, smiling. It actually did mean a lot to hear, to know my mother still loved me.

"Welcome sport, I'll see you around." He gets up, and returns his wife's side.

Everyone continues to mingle for about an hour, before my sister opens her presents and my mom cuts her birthday cake. She passes out slices to everyone, she even hands one to me, still not saying a word.

After everyone leaves, I help my parents clean up. Almost every one of my relatives ended up saying something to me, but my mom still remains silent.

"Bye dad, thanks for having me." I lean in and give him a big hug.

"You are welcome any time, Sana. Give me a call soon okay?" He hugs me back.

I turn to my little sister, and give her a hug. "Happy birthday." I smile at her.

"Sana you never give me my birthday present" she said

"You never give me a present either on my birthday!"

"But you're my big sister." She gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." I take out my wallet. "Here's $10." I hand her the bill.

"Thank you! You're the best big sister ever." She hugs me again, before racing upstairs.

I turn to my mom, who's busy putting away leftovers in the fridge. "Bye mom." She doesn't reply, but continues to put leftovers in the fridge.

"Whatever..." I mumble before turning to leave.

I begin to walk towards Illusion. I don't really mind walking, I could use the time to clear my head. I can't believe my parents are getting a divorce. Well, actually I can believe it. Because as I've said before I've known for a while now that my parents don't really love each other anymore. I just can't believe my mom actually agreed to it.

When I finally get to Illusion, I'm there a little earlier then usual. The line was short to get in, which is always a plus.

Once inside, I look around for Jihyo or any of our friends. I didn't see a single one of them. I take a seat at an empty table, comtemplating my thoughts while waiting for them.

"Hey, you're with Jihyo right?" This girl asks, as she approaches me, sitting down at the table.

"Umm, kind of. Why?" I ask, very interested in why she would want to know that.

"I always see you guys together. I know you don't know me. My name is Tzuyu, but I just wanted to say that you deserve a lot better. I see the way she treats you, and well people in general. It's wrong. You deserve a lot better. You deserve someone to make you their one and only. Especially a girl as attractive as you."

I felt myself blush at her compliment, I don't know why. I guess when anyone compliments me in the slightest, my face just gets totally red.

"She's not so bad. Yeah, of course she can be rude sometimes, but once you really get to know her and like break down those barriers she holds up, she's a really amazing girl."

Tzuyu was a very attractive girl. She was tall, had long wavey blonde hair, and the most gorgeous brown eyes I've ever seen. Her lips just looked amazing too, like very kissable.

I don't know why I'm staring at her lips, but it's true. And from what I can tell, not that I was staring much.

"I'm just saying, a girl like you deserves so much better. I know that if I had a girl like you, I would treat her like a princess. Like you're beautiful." She keeps complimenting me.

I felt my face get even more red. "Thank you, you're pretty beautiful yourself." I compliment her back. "Do you even know my name?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think I've heard others call you Sana, right? I've just always noticed how attractive you are, but I never got the courage to even talk to you until now."

"Yup, that's my name." I smile at her. "And really? Because usually when I'm here most people only notice Jihyo, not me."

"Then they're just blind, because you're way more attractive then Jihyo. You're way more attractive then any girl I've ever seen here. Sana, I don't even think you realize how beautiful you are." She smiles back at me.

"Do you just enjoy making girls blush?" I giggle, thinking how my face is probably as red as a tomato by now.

"Only girls as adorable as you." She smirks.

"Well aren't you just a smooth talker."

"I am. I know how to treat a girl well."

"I bet you do. You seem like a really sweet girl." I tell her.

"I'm sweet as sugar. I taste pretty good too, but I guess you'll just have to see for yourself." She bites her lip.

I smirk at her. "Maybe." I feel bad, remembering Jihyo.

"Can I see your phone? I'll give you my number."

"Of course." I take my phone out of my pocket, and hand it to her.

She enters in her number, before handing it back to me. "Text me sometime. Sometime soon, okay cutie?" She smiles at me.

"I definitely will, and you have a killer smile by the way."

"Thanks, so do you, beautiful." She leans across the table and kisses my cheek.

I couldn't help but smile. "Later, Tzuyu."

"Hope I'll be either talking to you or seeing you soon." She was smiling as well.

"For sure, we'll make plans soon." I tell her.

"Can't wait." By now a lot more girls were here, and she disappeared into the crowd.

"Who was that?" Mina asks, approaching the table as Tzuyu left.

"Oh, just a new friend I met."

"You guys looked a little cozy." Mina was glaring at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, not liking the glare or her accusing tone. "Am I not allowed to have other friends?"

"Nothing, just forget it." I could tell Mina thought something was up, but really Tzuyu is just my friend. I just met her tonight.

Jihyo comes up to our table, with three beers in her hands. She hands one to Mina, myself, and keeps one for her.

"Hey there sexy." She leans in and kisses me. "How was the party?" She asks, before taking a drink of her beer.

"It was good. Thanks for asking." I take a drink of my beer, still feeling Mina's glare.

"Told you everything would be okay." She smiles, before kissing me again.

I kiss her back. "Do you want to dance?" I ask, using any excuse to get away from Mina.

"Of course, I would love to dance with my babe." She takes my hand, and leads me out to the dance floor.

We begin to dance, as my mind drifts off thinking about the weird day I had.
