
What if all iKON members were drunk except for Bobby

"No no no that's not something you can drink!" I quickly took the flower vase from Donghyuk and put it back on the table.

"HEY! I was drinking that!" Donghyuk shouted, then tried to stand up but failed.

"You're so paaaabbooo!" Hanbin pointed at Donghyuk from his bed, bottle that contained alcohol in his hand.
I grabbed the bottle and put it in the bin. Frustrated with the babysitting.

"Bobby Oppa please do something!" I lept onto Jinhwan's bed and sat on my knees casually. Then leaned forward. "THEY'RE CRAZY!!" I whisper-shouted.

"______!!" Jinhwan came wandering in the room, tipsy. Then grinned when he saw me. "Can I like kiss you?" He started walking toward me with his arms out. But Bobby pushed him back lightly with his hand, Jinhwan getting annoyed that he 'suddenly couldn't move'.

"Come on then." Bobby got up from his bed. "Get all the valuable things and pack them in bags, then put all the things that would brake in a different bag, close and lock all the windows and take the key, feed everyone a chill pill and then let's get outta here."

"Aye sir!"

I did as he said, and rallied all the drunk boys in the one room and gave them water to drink.

When me and Bobby shut the door behind us, he locked it with a strange key and lock.

"It's one of the hotel specialties, locking doors from the outside so even if you open it from the inside, it won't."

"Wow! The night air feels nice~" I stretched my arms out and breathed in Seoul's night air.
Bobby watched me, amused.
"How was the signing yesterday?" I asked him as we strolled with no destination.
"It was good. I got 3 marriage proposals."
"Woah! Lemme see!" I grabbed his hand and exaggeratedly checked his forth finger. "YOU SAID NO THREE TIMES?! You gonna die alone~" I teased.
"Hey!" He started chasing me down the park path.
Once he caught me, he wrestled me down and we laid down on the grass.
"Why don't you marry me then?" He asked, looking up at the sky.
"Are you, Kim Jiwon, proposing to me?"
"Well not right now! I mean like, if when it doesn't seem like we're gonna get married before 35 then...marry me."
"Hold on let me voice record that as proof."
EXPERIMENT! Previously, the one shot was Jinhwan's but I changed the names around so now it's Bobby! I'm wondering if it makes a difference...also I needed to update a Bobby one shot. Jinhwan already has two XD Love him so much.

Right now, I'm addicted to his intro chorus in 'I Miss you So bad'. It's PERFECTION! I love his voice~ I want to wake up to his voice~
