
Quick notes before reading:

I read one shots and fanfictions to make myself feel better, so I am satisfied when the main girl (ie: me) is better than every other girl in the story XD XD For once, come on! So I know it's cheesy, but deal with being the best *flips hair. This one shot includes you being in a sort of trainee girl group, so even though you aren't the main vocal think of the main vocal having a manly voice. Because that's what's gonna happen here XD lol I'm cheating, I know. But whatever. 

And, as some of you might already know...Yunhyeong's ideal type is a feminine girl so...yup.


"_____, quick quick! I didn't do my makeup today, and iKON sunbae's are coming soon!" Somi rushed inside the practice room and sat by me on the floor. 

"Why can't you do it yourself?!" I argued but started taking out the face primer anyway, knowing that time was running out. 

"You're quicker than me." 

iKON was visiting our practice room today to review our performance, and giving advice as stuff. We were performing at the YG family after party. Us trainees consisted of: 

-Me: Lead Vocal, branded as 'the Kind, feminine one' but secretly hates having to be kind constantly, soft/RnB but powerful voice (perfect for ballads). 

-Somi: Main Vocal, my best friend, has a huskier/deeper voice than mine but can do high notes like it's the most easiest thing in the world, can't cook to save her life. 

-Minah: Rapper, very outgoing, branded as the face of the group because of her variety show personality. 

-Eunmi: Visual, oldest, leader, vocal, actress. 

I quickly but precisely did her makeup for her. We all knew of this visit beforehand, but Somi is forgetful so this was expected. We all dressed up nicely for the performance. I wore a long white skirt (A/N: think of them Korean , and my hair was freshly washed and I wore a cute coral lip tint. Fitting my feminine role quite perfectly...

I didn't use to be like this...I was most definitely opposite, but being a soon to be idol I learnt to be more girly and I liked it. I was even being told I was pretty, which was a change. 

Yunhyeong POV:

We stood outside of the practice room door, silently watching the trainees rushing around trying to look their best. It was amusing to us. But my eyes were stuck on _____ who was helping another member, her face was concentrated like she was doing an important painting. Damn, she's so kind.

Before coming, we all read their profiles to try and scare them with our knowledge, and _____'s picture was simply mesmerizing. She looked into the camera with a slight smile, eyes distant and her expression tired/relaxed. 

Finally we decided to enter...

Back to main POV:

I had just finished applying Somi's lip tint, when they entered, bowing politely. We all bowed back, stumbling embarrassingly on our words. 

Eunmi gestured for us to introduce ourselves down the line. 

"Hello," *bow* "My name is Minah, what's up?" She said at the end as a joke, they grinned back at her and nodded as an 'okay'. 

"Hello, I'm the sexy vocal Somi." Somi imitated Junhwe's introduction which gathered a few laughs. Damn, she did nerves are killing me.

"Hello, My name is Eunmi. I'm the eldest and the leader, nice to meet you." She bowed and gained some bows back as a joke reference to her looking more mature than her age. 

"H-Hello," *bow* "I'm _______, and um I'm the soft and sweet vocal of the group, it's nice to meet you." *bow again* I looked down, my cheeks flushed. 

"I read your profile ______, and it says that you've never had ballet lessons but can imitate almost perfectly?" Donghyuk asked, curiously. 

"Ah, yes well, I love watching ballet performances so I watch them online and the movements gets stuck in my head so I mimic them." I explained. 

"Can we see some of it?" Bobby asked. 

I nodded and asked Minah to play the short ballet extract that I use as a warm up before dance practice. 

The song started (classic ballet music) and I danced along, trying to be as flouncy and elegant as possible. 


"Wow, that was really good." Yunhyeong commented, clapping loudly. 


After performance and advice, everyone headed home and now it's the next day~

I walked into the dance practice room and spotted something pink at the far end of the room straight away. Nobody was here yet...

I went over and picked it up. It was a Cherry Nivea Lip Balm. But it was new one, this one had a wrapping around it which was weird since Nivea Lip balms come with a big useless cardboard. But my temptations took the better of me and I simply...took it as my own. 

Carefully opening the wrapping, and I popped open the lip balm. 

Reluctantly, I applied the lip balm with one coat, and thanked and apologized to whoever left it there because now my dry lips can be hydrated~ 


I quickly turned around and saw Yunhyeong panting, standing in the doorway. 


He started to laugh slightly as he walked towards me. 

"Yah, this is mine you know." He pointed to the Nivea Lip Balm. did I not know...that it was Yunhyeong's...


"Yeah, did it have a plastic covering over it? I use it so the lid doesn't come off as easily as it usually does."

"Y-You deliberately...put a wrapping...t-that means that...y-you've used it??"

"Yeah, I have...wait, did you use it?" He stepped back a little as he said this. 

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." 

"You know what this means right..." He slowly took the Lip balm from my fingers and came closer so he was looking affectionately down at me. Wait, affectionately...? "Indirect kiss." He said.

"I-I-Indirect K-Kiss!?" I muttered, now only realizing. 

"What? You don't like that? What about a direct one then?" 

He leaned down and pecked my lips, almost playfully. 

It was fast but it seemed to have given me life as I gained some confidence. 

"Yeah...I like direct ones better."


Kind of insecure about this one...I'm not satisfied...are you?
