Music Teachers

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John would teach rhythm guitar, piano and harmonica and would joke around a lot rather than seriously teaching the students anything. "C'mon where's your sense of humor? Hey! Make sure you learn as best you can or else I'll stuff you up and roll you down a hill MWAHAHAAHAA!!"

Paul would be teaching bass guitar, piano, trumpet, drums, guitar and even throw in free singing lessons. He'll also want to make sure all his instruments are in top shape and don't get dirty when people play them. "Very good Ashley now, HEY JOHN!! STOP SPITTING INTO THE TRUMPETS!! Don't you know how hard it is to clean off the insides of them?!"

George would teach, guitar, sitar, bass and ukulele. And there wouldn't be any worries about not having enough instruments for all since he has so many of each. "Let's see now, twenty ukuleles, maybe we should bring some more just in case."

Ringo would be the master of all things percussion and would be very patient when it comes to students learning. "Aw don't give up now everyone, you're doing great! Oh and make sure you keep in time with John's butt, when it shakes you tap. The drum I mean not his butt."
