Doing a Shakespeare play

In school, it's mandatory to learn about Shakespeare plays in English classes. So it gave me the idea for a new chapter. Also I love Macbeth.

What characters would they be?

John would play Banquo or King Duncan as all three were good men that got brutally murdered by an insane person.

Paul would play as Romeo because why not? But seriously, both were rather romantic and sweet boys.

George would play Queen Olivia as both are private people who don't enjoy much attention.

Ringo would probably play Juliet or Viola, since all three are rather dorky and lovable characters.

What if they were going to do a Shakespeare play?

John: Thank god I'm not in a dress again. But jeez, does every Shakespeare play have at least someone dieing?

Paul: Macbeth?! Are you serious?! We could be doing something like Julius Caesar or Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet even A Midsummer Nights Dream but no! We're stuck with freaking Macbeth!!

George: It's only the shortest Shakespeare play written, so it'll be over soon Paul.

Ringo: I don't wanna die in this play.
