The future

*Third Person POV*

"Papa! Look! Look at the new friend I made!" A little girl said happily as she skipped over to her dad with a Poliwag in her arms. 

"Wow, it seems like it really likes you! How about I lend you a pokeball so you can catch it?" The little girl's father said as he pulled out an empty pokeball from his pocket. 

"Really? Poliwag is going to be my first Pokemon?" The little girl exclaimed happily as her father nodded. Receiving the pokeball, the little girl tapped it on the Poliwag's head, sending it inside. After the pokeball rattled a few times, stars shot out of the pokeball which meant that Poliwag was officially the little girl's very first Pokemon. 

"Yay! I got myself a Poliwag!" The little girl cheered as her father smiled proudly. 

"Alright, you two... Dinner is ready!" A woman who appears to be the little girl's mother called out. 

"Alright! It's time to eat!" Both the little girl and the father exclaimed happily as they entered their house. 

"Oh wow, this is delicious!" The little girl said as she stuffed her mouth with food. 

"Come on, Lara... Don't talk with your mouth full." The little girl's father said. 

"You're one to talk, honey." The little girl's mother chuckled. 

"Come on, Serena. I was just trying to set a good example for our daughter!" The little girl's father complained. 

"What do you mean papa is one to talk?" Lara asked after she swallowed her food. 

"Papa used to stuff his face with food while talking when he was your age, it was pretty funny." Serena teased, making Ash blush in embarrassment. 

"Please stop, honey." Ash groaned as he hid his face in embarrassment. 

"Oh alright... You know how much I love to tease you, don't you, Ash?" Serena teased as she winked. 

"I do, but not in front of our daughter!" Ash replied. 

"Alright, alright~" Serena sighed as she kissed Ash on the cheek. 

"Ewwww, papa and mama are kissing..." Lara teased as she acted like she was puking, it was a funny sight to see. 

"Oh, I just remembered! You're going to Uncle Gary's tomorrow and start your Pokemon adventure, aren't you?" Ash asked. 

"Yeah! I hope Uncle Gary gives me a Bulbasaur!" Lara exclaimed happily. 

"I'm sure you'll get one, sweetie. And I know it's going to get along great with your Poliwag." Serena said as she patted Lara on the head as Lara nodded in response. 

"Then you better hurry up and get ready for dinner! You don't wanna be late!" Ash chuckled. 

"Yeah, don't be like papa. He woke up late during his first day as a Pokemon Trainer." Serena teased. 

"NOT AGAIN!" Ash said defeatedly. 

"I will!" Lara said as she quickly finished her food and went to get ready for bed. 

"Man, seeing her kinda brings back memories." Ash said as he sighed, remembering the night before HE became a Pokemon Trainer. 

"Ditto." Serena replied. 

"I think Lara's going to be a great trainer, just like me!" Ash exclaimed proudly. 

"She is the daughter of the Alolan and Kalos League Champ and Kalos Queen after all." Serena sighed. 

"Yeah." Ash said as he turned on the television, there it showed a replay of a tournament. Not just any tournament, it was the tournament that started both Ash and Serena's relationship, which eventually lead to the present. 

"How nostalgic." Serena commented as she watched the tournament. "It feels like it was just yesterday that you announced to the whole world that you loved me." 

"Yeah, and I don't regret it one bit." Ash replied. "I would do it all over again, and I wouldn't change a thing!" 

"Oh Ash, you dummy. I love you." Serena said shyly. 

"I love you too, Serena." Ash said as she pulled Serena into a hug. 

The two adults, who were husband and wife shared a loving embrace between each other happily, knowing that they were going to live a good life together. 
