Finals pt. 2

*Ash POV*

Both Gary and I had 3 Pokemon left, we both were determined to win. 

"I'm surprised to see that you've managed to come this far, Ashy-boy." Gary said jokingly. 

"Same to you, Oak tree." I replied jokingly.

"Hilarious." Gary sighed as he rolled his eyes. 

"Are we going to send out our next Pokemon or not?" I asked a little impatiently. 

"Was wondering when you were gonna ask, go Umbreon!" Gary yelled. 

"Snivy, I choose you!" I yelled. 

Snivy crossed it's arms immediately after coming out if it's pokeball and wore a confident smirk while Umbreon stood there, majestically which surprised Snivy a little, but it kept it's composure.

"Snivy, use vine whip!" 

"Umbreon, dodge it and use dark pulse!"

Snivy's vines extended from it's shoulders and started attacking Umbreon while Umbreon kept dodging it while charging up it's attack. 

"Release it now!" Gary yelled as Umbreon obliged. It sent a powerful dark pulse towards Snivy, sending Snivy crashing onto the ground. 

"Snivy, you alright?" I asked, with Snivy nodding in response. "Alright then, Snivy! Use attract!"

Snivy tried it's most seductive face ever on Umbreon, and quite frankly it worked. 

"Umbreon, snap out of it!" Gary yelled, but Umbreon wasn't listening, it had already fallen in love with Snivy. 

"Snivy, use vine whip!" I yelled, with Snivy obliging and landing attacks on Umbreon. "Now finish it with a leaf tornado!" 

Snivy created a tornado of leaves within it's tail and sent it towards Umbreon, who was still affected by attract. By the time Umbreon had snapped out of it, it was too late. Umbreon was already consumed by the attack. Once the attack faded, Umbreon could be seen lying on the ground, knocked out. 

"You did well, Umbreon." Gary said as he returned Umbreon to it's pokeball. "Arcanine, finish this!" 

The fiercely brave and loyal Pokemon stood there majestically, even more so than Umbreon. This intimidated Snivy really badly as it started to shake uncontrollably. 

"Arcanine, use flamethrower!" 

Arcanine released a powerful flame out of it's mouth. Though instructed to dodge, Snivy couldn't move as it was paralysed in fear which eventually lead her to be hit directly by the attack and knocked out instantly. 

"You did your best, Snivy. Have a nice rest." I said as I returned Snivy to it's pokeball. "Go Buizel!" 

The otter/beaver like Pokemon came out of it's pokeball and spun around, later dawning it's usual pose. 

"Alright Buizel, use aqua jet!" I yelled as water formed around Buizel's body as it charged towards Arcanine. 

"Arcanine, stop it with a thunder fang!" Gary yelled. 

The two attacks successfully effected each other. Arcanine was heavily damaged while Buizel was faring no better due to the electric type move. Right now, it was a battle of endurance and energy. 

"Buizel, don't give up! Use aqua jet!" I yelled as Buizel used all it's strength to activate it's attack.

"Don't give up as well, Arcanine. Use flame charge." Gary yelled as fire started forming around Arcanine's body. 

The two Pokemon clashed and an explosion occurred. Once the smoke cleared, Arcanine and Buizel could both be seen lying on the ground, knocked out. 

"You did well, Buizel. Return." I said as I returned Buizel to it's pokeball. 

"Great job out there, Arcanine. Return." Gary said as he returned Arcanine back to it's pokeball. "What a surprise, we're both down to our last Pokemon." 

"Yeah." I replied. 

"It's kind of like how our Johto league battle was like, huh?" Gary said as he took out his last pokeball, I knew Blastoise was in there.

"It's an exact replica." I replied with a smile as I took out my last pokeball. 

"I'M COUNTING ON YOU!" Both Gary and I yelled as he sent out our last Pokemon, that being Blastoise and Charizard. 

"Alright, Blastoise. Use skull bash!" 

"Charizard, dodge it by flying upwards! Then use flamethrower!" 

Blastoise lowered it's head and charged towards Charizard, but it was all for nothing as Charizard easily flew upwards and dodged the attack. While in the air, Charizard charged up a powerful flamethrower and released the attack directly on top of Blastoise. As expected, it did a little less damage than expected due to it's type disadvantage. 

"Blastoise, use hydro pump!" 

"Charizard, keep dodging!" 

Charizard was flying through the air as Blastoise kept sending a vortex of water attacks which kept barely missing Charizard. 

"Enough of this! Blastoise, use ice beam!" 

Blastoise sent a beam of ice which hit Charizard in the wing directly, causing it to fall to the ground. Thankfully it did a small amount of damage thanks to Charizard's fire-typing. 

"Charizard, use steel wing!" I yelled as Charizard's wings shined bright as it charged towards Blastoise. 

"Now's your chance! Blastoise, use hydro pump!" Gary yelled as Blastoise wasted no time and blasted a vortex of water towards Charizard. 

"Got you." I smirked. "Charizard, use seismic toss!" 

Charizard dodged Blastoise's attack, grabbed it tightly an flew up high in the air. Once it was high enough, it fell head first to the ground with Blastoise while spinning. Once Charizard was about to land, it released Blastoise from it's arms and swooped upwards. 

"Now finish Blastoise with a flamethrower!" I yelled as Charizard released it's attack directly on Blastoise, causing another explosion. 

(man I love explosions)

As the smoke cleared, Blastoise could be seen on the ground. Completely knocked out. 

"Blastoise is unable to battle! The winner is Charizard! Victory goes to Ash Ketchum, the Alolan League Champion!" The referee yelled as the crowd went wild. 

"Man, this really is a replica of that battle." Gary sighed as he shook my hand. "Congratulations, Ash. You've shown me who's the better trainer once again." 

"Thank you, Gary. You did well too." I said. 

"Well? Are you going to do it?" Gary asked. 

"Do what?" I asked. 

"You dense idiot! The thing! You know, the thing!" Gary yelled angrily. 

"Ohhhh right... The thing." I said, finally remembering what I promised myself if I won the tournament. I ran to the middle of the battlefield, took a deep breath and yelled. 


Upon hearing this, the crowd went silent. As if they were waiting for somebody to answer the question I asked.

I saw a girl stand up, she had beautiful azure eyes that matched perfectly with her honey blonde hair, with one deep breath, she yelled back at me. 


And the crowd went wild. 

"OH MY GOODNESS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! APART FROM AN INTENSE BATTLE, WE ALSO GOT TO SEE A HEARTFELT CONFESSION! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE!" The emcee said as I saw Serena running down from the spectator's seat and onto the battlefield beside me. Our eyes met and we smiled at each other. 

Suddenly, the crowd chanted something in unison. THEY WERE ASKING US TO KISS! Logically, I was nervous even though I had already had my first kiss, which was from Serena. Now, I was going to have to kiss her again. Serena looked ready as she closed her eyes while I was a nervous wreck. 

"Just kiss her already, Ashy-boy!" Gary said as he pushed my head towards Serena's, as he did, our lips met and the crowd went even wilder than before. 

"OH MY GOODNESS!" The emcee yelled into the microphone as he started fanboying. 

As our lips broke away from one another, Serena gave me the sweetest smile I had ever seen in my life. 

"I love you, Ash." Serena said as she locked arms with me and rested her head on my shoulder. 

"I love you too... Serena." I said. 
