Part 21 (Last part): "Im scared."

(Tw: Last chapter 😔😔😔😔😔)



Three hours. THREE HOURS TI GET TO K_______ AND PICKUP WHATEVER SAKI NEEDED. Tsukasa forgot what it was because he was too tired to care.

Dealing with Rui and the others took a lot of energy.

Then a 30 minute walk from the train station to the store then from. the store to the station.

It's not like Tsukasa hated walking, it's just that maybe he didnt have to chase after his water bottle in the heat, he wouldn't have been this exhausted.


Tsukasa stepped on the train with the bag containing Saki's dress.

He sat down on an open seat and sighed.

He really just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up.

Not in like the "I don't want to be awake because I don't want to live" kind of way but in the "I want to sleep and never be tired again" way.

Well, he has 2 hours before he gets home, so a small nap wouldn't hurt, right?


6PM?! Tsukasa screamed, but it was in his mind because he was still on the train.

He had just woken up and jacked the time.

He had slept an hour too long.

Tsukasa was supposed to get off the train at five, but now it's currently six.

If he wants to get home, he can either get off at the next stop and wait two hours for an hour trip back home, or just wait the three hours on the train he's currently on to get back home. Either way, he's going to get home at 9 so he'll just go with the second option.

"This really sucks," Tsukasa mumbled to himself.



"Everything is set up!" Emu yelled from backwards.

"Okay, I'll go check on the others," I said after I put down the the robot I finished making.

I am not excited for what I'm about to see.

What happened earlier was not fun cleaning up.

I didn't plan on coming back to the Sekai but both Nene and Emu insisted we do it here.

I sighed and walked out to check on Miku.

. . .

"What the-"


I looked at her in disbelief.

She was standing on a unicorn floaty in the middle of a huge pool.

Kaito had left her alone for 5 minutes. 5 MINUTES.

And in those 5 minutes, she has brought a whole pool, filled it with water, and blew up like 10 floaties to go in it.

Kaito said she got into his candy stash but like, HOW MUCH CANDY DID SHE INHALE??

At least the twins have passed out, meaning they didn't have as much candy as Miku, but still.

Rin fell asleep on the ball pit when it was still out a few hours ago, and Len just fell on the ground after spinning and being hit with the balls from the ball pit for so long.

I honestly have no idea what to do at this point and I'll probably just let Kaito handle it again.

Earlier, he popped the ball pit after the twins fell asleep and made Miku help clean it up.

She was being normal while Kaito was watching her, but this happened once he left.

I shook my head and went back to the stage.

"Is she going crazy again?" Nene asked.

"Nooo, of course not," I answered.

"Uh huh, sure."



"Where have you been? And who were you with?" Saki questioned, "Also, why have you been out for so long?"

"Why are you asking me th-"


Tsukasa sighed then answered, "I fell asleep on the train."

"You weren't with Rui? At his house?" she questioned him more."

"What, no- Why would I be there?"

"I know what you are," Saki said accusingly.

Tsukasa shook his head, "Whatever. I got your dress by the way." He handed her the bag with her dress.

Saki's eyes lit up as she took the bag. "Yay! Thank you Tsukasa!"

Tsukasa went up to his room and plopped down on his bed.

The day felt like it was going to slow but also too fast at the same time which bothered him.

Hopefully it's not just his day that feels like this.

Tsukasa closed his eyes, ready to go to sleep.

"Tsukasaaa!!!" The sudden voice made him jump.

He looked at his phone, and a hologram of Miku was there.

Tsukasa greeted her, "Hello Miku."

"Come quick Tsukasa! We need to fight against the evil Kaito! You are the only one not on his side! I need your help!!"

"I don't know.. I'm kinda tired-"

"Please please pleeeeaaseeee?" Miku begged.

Tsukasa sighed, "Fine. Just for a little bit."


Tsukasa entered the Sekai and saw something he really didn't expect.

Miku was standing on a floaty in the middle of the pool while Kaito was trying to get her to get out of the pool.

"What's going on?" Tsukasa asked Kaito.

"She ate a bunch of my candy and is still on a sugar rush," he sighed. "Anyway, Rui, Nene, and Emu are waiting for you at the stage."

"Uhm okay. Are you sure you can do this?" Tsukasa asked.

"I did it earlier."

Tsukasa walked away as Miku kept shouting "You will never stop me! Never!".

Once Emu saw Tsukasa, she made him sit down in one of the chairs at the front.

Tsukasa was confused. Emu didn't say anything and just left backstage.

The lights dimmed and the curtains opened.

It was a play.

Well, it seems like a play or show.

The show started.

It was a nice show that made Tsukasa smile and laugh.

But it wasn't really just a show, it was an apology. Like how Tsukasa tried to convince Rui to join the troupe again when they first met.

It began with them admitting they were wrong, and how the regretted their actions. Nene was mostly speaking at this part.

After, the next part started with them remaking the funny memories of each other with a plushie representing Tsukasa, which was kinda funny.

At the end of the show, they all ran to Tsukasa and hugged him and apologized.

Tsukasa felt happy.

This was all he wanted.

To be together with his friends again.


A few weeks passed and everything was back to normal. They made shows together, hung out together, just like before.

Today was no different.

Rui was coming to pick Tsukasa up so they can meet Nene and Emu at the arcade.

Tsukasa had a little bit of time before Rui arrived and has nothing fun to do while he waited.

He stared at his desk. There was a paper and pencil.

Ah, that gives him an idea.

He can draw some costume ideas for the next show and present them to Rui on the way to the arcade.

Tsukasa sat down at his desk and picked up his pencil.

However, something other than costume ideas raided his mind.

He set the lead on the paper and began to write.

"I'm scared. I don't want to be alone again. I can't trust them anymore. It's hard to continue acting like I can. I'm afraid they still hate me. I'm afraid that they still talk about me. I'm afraid that they still-"


Tsukasa lifted the pencil off the paper.

"I'll be down in a second! And we are NOT dating," he yells back.

He looked down at the paper he just wrote on and started to laugh a little.

Why should he be afraid of these things when they are already true.

People don't change. Everyone says they do, but that's just a lie.

He is stupid to think that it would be normal again.

He laughed a little more at how stupid he is to write these down. No one's going to care. No one's going to listen.

But it doesn't matter.

It's not like they'll do shows together forever.

They all will follow their own dreams one day.

He graduates soon, so all he has to do is act a little longer, and he's good at acting. This is easy for him.


He crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash before getting up.

Tsukasa sighed. "I'm coming."

I hope you guys enjoyed the story!

It's definitely been a journey writing this story and reading all the comments, and yes I read every comment. I see everything.


ANYWAYS thank you for reading!
