Part 11: He was all alone.



Tsukasa opened his eyes as the breeze walked past him. The wind cooling him down in the humid temperature.

He slowly opened his eyes, the view of the deep blue sky, stretching as far as the eye can see, stood in front of him.

Tsukasa looks around. No buildings surround him. He was on top of the only building. It was remote.

Like a small island in the middle of the never ending ocean, only the sky surrounded him from above.

The fluffy white clouds creeped their way past him.

The blonde male stood at the edge of the building, past the safety railing.

He held onto the railing, leaning on it, and looked down.

An empty void. Deep and dark.

It was the only thing that surrounded him from below. No roads or cars, no shops or people, nothing and no one.

He was all alone.

Tsukasa felt a hand grasp his arm, as if it was trying to lead him him away from the edge.

He turned around and saw nothing. It didn't matter whether or not anyone was there. It's not like he was going to fall.

Tsukasa stepped away, going over the rail to the safer side. The side protected by the railing so no one could fall.

Tsukasa wasn't dumb. He wouldn't let himself fall. He didn't want to fall. Who knows what lies in that deep dark void.

But the view was really pretty from that dangerous spot, from past the safety rail, on the edge of the rooftop.

Then again, one wrong move, and it all would've been over.

Like his friendships.


Tsukasa wakes up, his head on his arms which are on his desk. He sat up quickly and checked the time.

5:48 AM.

"Crap," he muttered.

He'd fallen asleep two hours ago.

Two hours wasted on doing nothing.

He got home at around 2 pm earlier, and he started practicing his lines right away, without delay.

He couldn't afford to waste time as he had a lot of lines and practically a 2 day deadline to remember it all.

The play would be Saturday morning after all.

It was easy to practice non-stop since he didn't have to make dinner tonight.

He sighs at the though of the time wasted, then he gets back to work.

Tsukasa practiced hard. He works his mind to the point where he doesn't want to think anymore. He has a huge headache and his stomach hurts like hell.

He stands up and feels dizzy. Was it the lack of food? Or maybe lack of sleep? He hasn't eaten in a day, maybe a few more than just a day, so that's the most reasonable answer.

He goes downstairs and makes a plate of Captin Crunch cereal. He quickly eats it all, but it makes him feel worse. He drinks an energy drink after, hoping it'll keep him awake, and maybe flush down the cereal.

He goes upstairs, but runs to the bathroom. He throws up again and again. The feeling of something going up his throat always bothers him.

He washes up and sits on his bed. The throwing up was almost instant this time. Maybe the mix of cereal and energy drinks wasn't that great of an idea.

Tsukasa chugs another energy drink, as he needs to be awake and alert, and restates his lines in the mirror, not looking at the script. He's perfectly memorized the first half.

The script was small since the play was short, but he still had many lines.

He tried to chug another energy drink as he felt his body giving in to the sleep demon again. The sun was rising and filled Tsukasa's room.

His body felt heavy and he wanted to lay down. His bed looked like heavens gate. To fall asleep would be like heaven to his body.

Being able to shut down for a few hours sounds like the best thing possible.

It wouldn't feel like hours though.

When you sleep, time seems to pass by within seconds meaning you only feel asleep for a few moments.

Tsukasa didn't want that.

If he were going to bed, he would want it to last longer than a few moments or a few hours.

He'd want to feel like an eternity. His mind at rest, his body on the soft cushions of his bed, his blanket covering him, keeping the warmth inside, and his heart, beating slowly, escaping the stress from the mind and other parts of his body. A feeling of freedom. A feeling of peace. A feeling of peace within himself.

Tsukasa sighs as he stares at his bed. The more he looks at the perfectly made bed, the more tempting it looks.

He put his head down on his desk.

He couldn't give in.

The sweet strong temptation to lay down and never wake up kept growing.

His eyelids felt heavy. Not even all the energy drinks could keep him from wanting to shut his eyes.

Resisting sleep had been much harder than he planned.

Tsukasa wanted to stay up and continue rehearsing by himself so he could have the perfect show.

He reached for the energy drink in front of him.

Just one sip. One sip and he'll feel energized again.

Tsukasa put his arm down. He was too tired to continue moving and gave up.

Sure, he wouldn't be sleeping in his soft comfortable bed, but at least he's sleeping.

Hip hip horray!

I have an announcement bc I was told to, and I quote, "stfu" i am really sad 😭🥲😭🥲😭😭😔😔😭😔. So since I did not get my apology 😈😈😈😈 I will only be posting my planning sheet not the story

here was the plan for the rest of the story



Thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter!
