last chapter

Let's start 😚😘 ...........

It's been 2 years and today is the big day for both families ..... Because today is wedding of earthmix .... Everyone is so happy and busy in welcoming the guests ...... Both Off and Tay are Standing in entrance to welcome the guests while Gun and New is talking to others who are in hall .....

Mix pov .........

Today is a very big day for me ..... Today I'm going to enter in my new life with my love EARTH ... It's been 2 years we get engaged ... It's still feel like I saw him yesterday and we fall in love .... I never thought that I'm going to get this much happiest in my life .... It's feel like i get everything today : pa dad love me but after getting earth in my life i get one more pa dad ... Pa Gun and dad Off really love just like they love their own childrens or i can say more than them  hahaha hahahh hahahh ... Than my brothers first i was having three brothers but again i have five brothers who all love me so much yes now p'neo also like me not  completely but I can feel now he care about me and sea well after my engagement sea and Jimmy also start liking each other's company and soon p'Jimmy tell dad and pa about him liking sea and it didn't take much time and they both get in relationship with permission of both families ... and my friend first haha ha earth still feel jealous when he saw me and first together but he get clam when he saw first propose khao .. yes first like him so much and one day he dare it and tell him about his love for him  .... And than EARTH : he's someone who i never imagined that I' m going to get but still I get him without even trying a little bit ,,, he love me more than I thought but which thing i like the most in him is that he really respect me maybe that's why i fall more than harder for him .. and today I'm going to be with him forever and completely ... It's feel complete when i saw my family all of them together .....

Knock knock ........

New....... Baby it's time ....

Door open and i saw my pa standing in door looking super happy but i can saw sadness in his eyes of course today is his son's wedding who's going to his new house and in new life  and behind him my dad who was looking at me while controlling his tears but he can't hide it and than my brothers who come in I can see they're happy but fourth is Looking like he will cry but still he's looking cute I look at p'neo who was also looking at me with a smile on his face like saying everything is fine but than i saw p'Jimmy who move his hand in front of me like saying let's go and I smile and take his hand and get up I walk to my pa and dad and pa hug me tightly and then dad hug me tightly too ....

Tay........ No matter what .... Always remember that you have us always .....

New....... We love you so much .....

Mix.......... I also love you all so much ...

Jimmy........ It's time ....

Neo........ Your fiance is waiting for a long time mix ......

Mix........... Khab phi ....

Than I hold my dad's hand while my phi p'Jimmy put his hand on my back pa fourth and p'neo is behind us ......

It's time ..... A big door open and i can see everyone is looking and music gets soft...... Walking for sometime I saw my love standing right in front of me with that beautiful smile of him beside him there my in laws are standing too ....... Soon i get close to them and now I'm standing right in front of earth ..... Earth who show his hand and soon my dad hold my and place it on earth's hand and said .......

Tay......... Please take care of my precious son .......

Earth.......... I will until my last breath ..

Now it's us looking at each other and soon we hear .........

Mix pov end ........

Man........ So can we start the wedding ???

Off........ Yes please ......

Man......... hope you both are here by your own and not to force to be here ..... So Earth Off Jumpol do you take mix Tay Tawan as you husband for the rest of your life ... In good or bad ... In health or in sickness ... In rich or in poor  ??

Earth.......... Yes ,,, me Earth Off Jumpol take Mix Tay Tawan as my husband for the rest of my life ... In good and in bad ... In health and in sickness ... In rich and in poor ........... I DO ✨✨

Man......... Mix Tay Tawan do you take Earth Off Jumpol as your husband for the rest of your life ... In good or in bad ... In health or in sickness ... In rich or in poor  ??

Mix............ Yes ,,, me Mix Tay Tawan take Earth Off Jumpol as my husband for the rest of my life ... In good and in bad ... In health and in sickness ... In rich and in poor .............  YES I DO ✨

Man.......... Please exchange your rings

Sea give ring to earth on which earth hold mix's hand and slip the ring in his ring finger .... Both smile at each other ......

Than Jimmy give ring to mix and mix slip the ring in earth's ring finger ......

Man.......... Now I announce you both as husbands ..... Now both can kiss to stole the all promises ........

Hearing this earth show a big smile and hold mix's face ...... First he kiss mix's forehand and than he look at mix on which mix smile and nope his head a little giving permission to earth to kiss him and earth move to kiss his lips .... This kiss is soft and fill with love .......

Seeing this everyone start clapping and cheering ........

............................  🥰🥰

Neo........ Mix congratulations .....

Mix........... Thank you hia ....

Neo........ P'earth please take care of him ......

Earth.......... Don't worry from now on he's my responsibility ......

Fourth........ Phi I'm going to miss you ..

Gemini....... If you want you can also live with your phi ... I don't have any problems .......

Fourth........ You zodiac sign ......

Mix............. Don't fight  ..... And he's also right .... If you want you can .....

Fourth....... Phi .....

Gun......... It will be fun to have fourth my second son in law .......

New........ Look like we are not going out to find any other in law .....

Fourth....... Who said I'm going to give him any chance ....

Gemini...... It's your wish but than don't come to me for help too ....

Fourth........ I will not .....

Gemini....... We will see .....

Fourth and Gemini start fighting for nothing but it's true too that they both start liking each other .....

Tay and off was looking at everyone with so much love ........

Tay........ It's feel amazing .....

Off......... Right ........


                         THE END


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