fifth chapter ( second meeting )

Let's start 😚😘 ..........

In college ........

Khao........ Sea here .....

Sea......... Khao .... Hia he's my friend khao ..... And khao he's my HIA .....

Khao......... P'earth .... Good morning ...

Earth......... Morning khao ...... So where can i find him sea ??

Sea......... Hia maybe he didn't come today .....

Khao......... Who ??

Sea........ Vee .....

Khao........ Oo that bastard ...... He come to college .....

Sea......... You saw ??

Khao......... Khab i saw him in cafeteria just a few minutes ago ........

Earth......... Sea you go to your classes and don't come to cafeteria ..... Okay ?

Sea......... Hia what you going to do with him ??

Earth........ Sea you trust me right ??

Sea........ Khab hia ofcourse I do trust you ......

Earth........ Than go ...... Bye ....bye khao

Khao...... Bye p'earth and don't worry about him I'm with him .....

Earth......... Thank you ......

Than sea went to his class with khao and earth went to cafeteria where he saw that boy who's sea show picture to him so he straight went to him and call him out .......

Earth........ VEE ....

Vee....... Who the hell are you ?? Go away ......

Earth........ Did you misbehaved with Sea Off Jumpol .......

Vee........ What ?? Who are you to question me ha ?? Ooohh his sugar daddy ........

And that's it hearing this he hold vee from his hair and throw him on the table and earth didn't stop with it because he start hitting him on his face nonstop and with every hit he was saying ......

Earth........ Don't 💥 You 💥 Dare 💥 To 💥 Do 💥 Anything 💥 To 💥 my brother 💥 Again 💥 Bastard .......

and he was looking super angry that no one dare to try to stop him until someone scream loudly and hearing that voice earth stop his actions and turn to see the only one person he don't want to see right now or not in this situation but now seeing him earth slowly said ........

Earth......... MIX ..... You ....... Ammmhh

Mix.......... P'earth why you ....... You was hitting him like ........ This ???

Earth......... Mix can we go somewhere else to talk ?? Please ......

First........ ( Said in mix ear ) mix don't go anywhere with him he's looking very scary ...... What if he do something to you too .......

Earth........ Mix please .......

Mix......... First you go i will come after sometime .......

First......... But mix .......

Mix......... First go please ..... And I'm going to OK ......

First........ Okay as you say ......

Mix......... P'earth there is a café near to college ...... We ...... We can go there .....

Earth......... Okay ..... Let's go .....

Mix......... But ....... First call the ambulance for him ......

Earth......... Okay .....

After calling ambulance mix take earth to the café .........

In TayNew house ........

Tay was in living room watching news  and New was in kitchen and doing his work when Tay saw neo coming in so he call him in living room .......

Tay......... NEO ...... Here ....

Neo....... Dad I'm tired please can talk later ???

Tay........ Now means NOW NEO TAY TAWAN ........

New........ ( Also come out when he hear Tay loud voice ) neo so finally neo get to know that he have a home too ???

Neo........ Pa I was with my friends so what in this new ??? I hangout last night in Singapore too ......

Tay......... YES But you was not getting hickeys that time neo ......

New........ Hickeys ??? Neo with who you was ??

Tay........ New relax ..... Neo come and sit ...... We have things talking ......

Than neo sit with his parents and answer the questions which his parents was asking ........

In OffGun house ...........

Gun........ Off what you doing ??

Off........ Nothing always free for my cute wifey .....

Gun........ Ooohhh Off I'm not talking about us .....

Off........ Than ??

Gun......... See this ..... It beautiful right ???

Off......... Yes it's so beautiful couple rings 💍 .......

Gun......... Right ..... I was thinking to buy it ......

Off........ Baby you can buy everything and your this handsome husband can pay for everything ......

Gun......... Oooohhh but Off seriously it's not for us .....

Off......... Than for who you want buy ?

Gun........ Earth mix ......

Off......... Ooohhh Shia I forget about this ...... But for that we have to talk to TayNew ......

Gun........ Off I was thinking how about tomorrow we all go to p'tay's house for this ???

Off........... Okay .....

Gun........ Yes .... Off I find some more things see ......

* Guys thank you so much for your support .............
