Chapter 23

Forever Until Im Dust

"" Zeros eyes widened.

"Hello big brother." Ichiru smiled.

Zero narrowed his eyes trying to focus on his son. "Let my son go."

"He looks just like us. Except his boring eyes. Y'know, Im a bit surprised you two lasted. I thought for sure you'd have better taste by now." Ichiru lifted his sword from Rens neck. He turned to face Zero.

"Shut up."

"Theres no point to holding that gun to me right?" Ichiru smiled.

"I think there is now. Who did it...?" Zero gripped tighter on his gun.

"Did what?"

"Dont play coy with me Ichiru. Who turned you?!"

"Ah...well that... in return for letting me live as a vampire... I promised my vampire parent thatd Id never tell a soul who it was."

"Was it.... Kaname Kuran?"

Ichiru did not answer. He just smiled.

Ren took the chance and sped around, shooting Ichiru in the leg. "What are your plans?!" He damned.

"You little bastard!"

"Dont talk to my son like that!" Zero pointed his gun directly at Ichirus head.

"Wheres my sister?!" Ichiru did not answer. "Wheres my sister!!?" Ren asked louder.

Ichiru smiled but it quickly faded as he swiped his sword across Rens chest. Ren grunted. Ichiru got up, swiped his hand across Rens chest and spun around sliding the blood across the ice that carried the remains of a pureblood.

Sparks flew from Rens chest. Zero grabbed his son from the waist and picked him up, forcing him to stand. "Ren. Go find your sister. Ill take care of Ichiru."

"But- "

"Now Ren. I can handle this." 

"Yes father."

Ren slumped away. Ichiru inched toward Zero. "You stay the hell away from my children." Zero tapped the end of his gun to Ichirus forehead.

"What a stern but loving father you are. I have no idea where you got that from. I dont remember ours ever- "

"You shut the hell up about my father."

"Your father?" Ichiru smiled but his pain was clear in his eyes.

"I dont know who you are. My brother died over 1000 years ago." They stood there. Ichiru with his hands in the air and Zero pointing a gun to Ichirus head. "How long...?"

"Im not getting what your asking."

"How long have you been alive?!" Zero clicked his gun.

"After you left my body."

"Who did it. Who turned you?!"

"Im not allowed to say. Once I was given the night life, I was told in return, not to tell a soul whom gave it." Ichiru slid his eyes to the hall and saw Ren trying to open the door across it. "You certainly made quite the child. Too bad." Ichiru sped towards Ren, sword at the ready.

Ren turned to see his uncle about to pierce him, he closed his eyes but felt something shove him against the wall next to him. Ren opened his eyes to see his father infront of the door with Ichirus sword through his stomach. "Father!"


Yuki sighed. "Look we'll talk about this later... Ruka wanted this for Kaname."

"To bring him back just to die like 50 years later?!" Kiyomi stood up.

"Kiyomi! Enough!" Yuki took her coat and started to put it on. "Im going to go help Ren and Zero and get our family back." Yuki turned and grabbed the door handle.

"Wait." Kaname spoke. Yuki looked at Kaname over her shoudler. "I want to help."

Again. Yuki sighed. "Kaname you ca- "

"But I want to!"

"Wanting to and being able to are two different things!" Yuki stomped and swung the front door open. A bird made of lavendar fire flew in and dropped on the coffee table. He sqawked at Yuki. "Ren..." Yuki mumbled. She looked outside. "Zero." Yuki looked back at the bird. "Take me to you."

"Aunt Yuki!"

"Stay here and watch eachother. Kaname, you are helping. By keeping Kiyomi safe." Yuki left with the firey bird and slammed the door.

Rens bird lead Yuki into town and to the old bell tower, where she had been attacked so many years ago. She expected the bird to fly in the bell tower but it turned and flew to an old building next to it. Looked to be abandoned just like its neighboring buildings.

Rens bird flew into the door and exploded. Yuki grew a determined face and blasted open the door. She marched inside and marched through halls till a sword came from a hall and stopped her. Yuki grabbed its end, not caring that it burned her hands flesh. She flung it, and its owner against the wall. She stared down at the swords owner thinking it was her son. Before she apologized, she nelt down slowly to see the impossible. Ichiru Kriyu.

With wide eyes she reached out to make sure but her hand was quickly grabbed. Ichiru looked up, half his face covered by his silver locks, smiling up at Yuki. "Ichiru?"

"Nice to see you puppy." Ichiru snaped Yuki wrist, flinging her in the air and her back slaming on the floor. Ichiru got up and stepped on Yukis stomach, keeping her ground. Ichiru pierced Yukis neck with the end of his sword. "I guess I can see what lead my brother to your trap. Pureblood blood is what every vampire wants." Ichiru smiled. He nelt down.

"Get the hell away from me. Dont you da- " Ichiru clamed his hand over Yukis mouth.

"Shh." Ichiru put his finger to his mouth. "Dont get me wrong, Im not interested in you or your blood like my brother, some of us Kriyus have taste. I just need your power."

Yuki looked to he left to see the end of a gun coming from the end of the hall. She saw Zero scoot his self and aim. He shot and barely missed Ichirus head. Ichiru looked over at his brother annoyed. He then smiled. Ichiru nelt down and kissed Yuki. Yuki felt disgusted, angry, helpless, infuriated. She pushed Ichiru off of her and thousands of darkened butterflies atrached themselves to Ichiru, giving Yuki a few minutes to help Zero.

Yuki sped to Zero. "Ngh. Im gonna kill that bastard." He grumbled as Yuki helped him lean against the wall.

"Dont focus on that right now." Yuki grabbed Zeros face. "Ren." Yuki looked over at Ren.

"Right." Ren began trying to open the door from where they believed Ai to be.

"Zero." Yuki pushed Zeros head up. "Dont go out on me. Not now. Cmon." Zero looked into Yukis eyes and slumped to her shoulder. "Zero!" She felt fangs pierce her neck and she sighed with relief as she heard her blood leave her body and enter Zeros mouth.

After a minute or so Zero let go and lifted his head. Again. He looked into her eyes and leaned in. Grabbing the back of Yukis head, he kissed her. He retracted and grabbed her face. "Sorry."

"Dont apologize." Yuki hugged Zero.

"Got it!" Ren exclaimed. Yuki stood up aling with Zero. Zero struggled.

The heavy door swung open to reveal an empty room with chains stuck the wall without a prisoner. Undrinken blood bags surrounding them. And an open window with wind bellowing out of it.

"Damnit!" Zero yelled.

The three entered the room. Yuki took to the window, yelling Ais name. Ren just stiid in the middle watching his mother screaming and his father sulking over chains. The three snapped back to reality when they heard a loud crash come from the other end of the hall.

They ran and slammed the door open. Ren saw his sister drop in the floor. Her neck covered in blood and bite marks. He looked up and grew the same shocked and angered expression his parents already had at the sight of Shizuka Hiou wiping her mouth of Ais blood, surrounded by broken, melting, shards of ice, and Ichiru smiling behind her.
