Chapter 15

Long Live The King

A door opened and Yuki took her chance. She grabbed the hunter that had stepped out of the door by the collar. Luckily for Yuki, the hunter was a newbie. "Hey!" Yuki entered the society and let go of the hunter.

"Thank you!" She said as she ran off to find Zero and Kaname.

"Im definitely gonna get fired for that." The hunter mumbled.

As Yuki ran into the large area where Zero and Kaname stood. Kaname faced away from Yuki. She flipped put her small Artemis Rod and it landed in her hand as a Sycthe. She swung the Sycthe around Kanames neck. "Yuki." He spoke.

"Stop this Onii-sama. Why are you doing this?"

"For you.... and my niece and nephew. And for Ruka as well."

"But why?!" Kaname looked over at Zero who was holding him at gun point. Then over at Yuki. He smiled at her.

"Im sorry. Yuki." Kaname transformed into bats and disappeared.


Yuki looked down at her feet cursing herself for not seeing that coming. Zero patted her head. "Hey. Its ok. We'll catch him."

Yuki sighed and hugged Zero. "Yo! What are you doing?! Kaname was spotted by the furnace! Lets go!" Yogari yelled as he ran, Keians sword in hand. Zero and Yuki stopped hugging and then Yuki looked up at Zero with wide eyes.

"Whats wrong?" Zero asked.

"Kaname..." Yuki looked in the direction of the furnace and sped away.



"Kaname!" Ruka screamed as she raced into the room where the furnace lay. She raced up the few steps and tried to grab Kanames heart from the furnace. Kaname quickly grabbed Ruka by the waist as he fell to his knees.

"Ruka... please dont harm your beautiful hands."

"Kaname we have to get your heart out!"

"Ruka... would you really selfishly take away the humans only shot at defeating the other vampires?"

"I- " Ruka eyes filled with tears. "I dont know... I don't want you to be like this! Im so sorry for betraying you! Please dont go!"

"Ruka..." Ruka held tightly on to Kaname as though if she let go he would disappear. Suddenly the door to the room sung open.

"Yuki!" Zero ran in behind her as Yuki used her vampire speed to catch up to Kaname.

"Onii-sama! What did you do?!" Yuki scorned Kaname with tears in her eyes as well.

"He threw his heart into the furnace!" Ruka said clutching onto Kanames shirt. Taking in his scent as if she would forget.

"You idiot! Kaname no!" Yuki screamed as she reached into the furnace to grab Kanames heart. Zero grabbed her and yelled at her.

"Yuki stop!" Zero grabbed her now burnt hand and held it. "You truley are stupid!" Yuki saw the pain she caused Zero and apologized. She nelt next to Ruka and Kaname as Zero placed his hand on Yukis shoulder.

"You both act as if I have not received any happiness. You act as if this is a waste. But with your love I have received so much from both of you..."

"Kana- " Ruka was cut off by Akasuki coming into the room as well. Shocked by what he saw infront of him he could not move.

"Ruka... I want you to be with Akasuki. Dont shy your feelings away because of me. He is the only one I am ok with you spending eternal life with." Ruka and Akasuki both had wide eyes as they heard Kaname tell Ruka to be in the arms of another man.

"Kaname- " A tear ran down Yukis cheek.

"Yuki. No matter the past youve always been my dear little sister...." Kanames eyes went from Yuki to Zero staring down at Yuki with remorse. "... Zero... I thank you for the happiness youve given Yuki. Please never cease to give her the same happiness. If you ever hurt her..."

"Yes i know. I should thank you, you have saved the Bloody Rose. But I will not, because you caused this much sorrow and grief on Yuki."

"Im fine with that. As Id do the same."

"I agree with Kriyu." Akasuki said as he came up form behind Zero.

"Kaname... are you really ok with leaving me and your loved ones behind?" Ruka asked.

"Ive said it once and I will say it again. You along with Yuki have given me all the happiness I need. And for that I thank you. Yuki... will you do me a favor...?"

"Anything..." Yuki wiped a tear.

"Tell my neice and nephew that Im sorry I cant be there to watch them grow... but I will always watch over them..."

"Kaname..." Yuki clentched the end of her dress and cried.

"Kaname please dont go! Kaname I love you!" Ruka tighent her hug and barried her face in Kanames chest. Before Kaname could reply Ruka felt Kanames upper half flop onto her. With wide eyes Ruka screamed in agony. "Kaname no!" Ruka set Kaname in her lap and cupped his face. "Kaname please dont go!" Ruka kept begging and pleading as if he could hear her.

"Ruka..." Yuki hugged Ruka from behind wrapping her arms around the length of Rukas shoulders, as they both cried. "Stop this. He would not want to see us this way."

"I dont care! Make him come back! Make him come back!" Ruka lashed around until Yuki could not hold onto her and Ruka held onto Kaname. Akasuki nelt down to Ruka and took a hold of Kaname.

"Aidou and I will take care of Kaname. Please let go." Rukas face melted to a neutral state with tears still streaming down her face. Aidou and Akasuki fashioned an Icey Grave for Kaname. Leaving his body in a block of ice to preserve his body. Ruka stood and leaned her weight on the icey grave. While Yuki hugged Zero tightly as she cried.

"Aidou..." Yuki said as he walk by with sorrow in his stature. "... Thank you. Its beautiful." Aidou bowed and left the room. Yuki went to Ruka and placed her hand on Ruka shoulder. "Ruka itll be- "

"Leave." Ruka said coldly still staring at the ice.

"Ruka..." Yuki left go of Rukas shoulder.

"You remind me too much of him. Please leave. You too Kriyu."

Yuki stepped away from Ruka. She looked at Kaname and grabbed at her chest. And she could hear the fight from out side. She opened her eyes and with a determined face she sped out the door. "Yuki!" Zero tried to leave but a wisp of smoke came from the furnace and grabbed the Bloody Rise and wrapped around Zeros wrist. "Kuran... what are you..."

Yuki ran outside and put her Scythe infront of her. "STOP!" She screamed, her voice echoing through the yard.

"Ah the young Kuran girl." One pureblood said. "Now that the ancestor is no more we are free from the shackles called Kuran or the senate. But we will never truley be free with you here. Attack the Kuran Princess!"
Level Es came at Yuki by the dozens. Yuki prepared herself with confidence slowly fading away as her Scythe did the same. Crumbling into pieces. As Yuki held her breath sure her death was near the Level Es stopped as they saw the Cross Academy walls crumble and then Vines came shooting out from the Academy at all sides. And suddenly Zero was landed next to Yuki with the famous death glare of his aimed at anyone threatening Yuki.


He slid his eyes to Yuki and smirked as he slid his eyes back to the Level Es and in unison stabbed them all and they watches as the Pureblood slaves combusted into dust. "If you dont want to be next Purebloods... leave and never bother us again." The Purebloods left with scorning faces and a few choice words.

Zero looked over at Yuki and saw her fall to her knees and cry. He went over to her and held her by the length of her shoulders. "How could he do that to me!?" Yuki yelled.
Zero placed the side of his face on Yukis head as he patted it. 

"Its going to be alright." Zero sighed. Saying these words, in remembrance of when Yuki had said that to him when he was younger.
