
3rd person

"Jackson! You came!" Elsa exclaimed as she ran to him for an embrace. "Of course I would come to your 16th birthday! I wouldn't miss it for the world." Jackson said with a big smile on his face. "Really? Thank you!" Elsa said as she pulled away, blushing.

"So... have you recieved a gift from Anna?" Jackson asked. "Not yet. But I can't wait to see it." She responded. Jackson smiled at the sight of the girl. "What about you?" Elsa asked wich made him blush madly. "Uh.. I have... something for you." Jackson stuttered in front of her wich made Elsa giggle. He love that sound. "Well, what?" She asked.

He gave her a silver necklace with a snowflake pendant. Elsa's eyes widened in happiness as she took it. But Jackson stopped her. "No, let me." He said and he put the necklace around her neck. Elsa blushed but he didn't notice. "Where did you get this?" Elsa asked. "I made it." Jackson proudly said. "Woah! You made this? It's so... well done and beautiful!" Elsa exclaimed. "Thank you, Jackson." Elsa said with a smile.

He suddenly held her hand and she felt scared. Scared because she might hurt him with her powers. "Don't be afraid. Look, why don't you try and remover your gloves?" Jackson suggested. Elsa quivered in fear. "But... what if I.." she stuttered. "You would never hurt me. Just don't let the negative things take over your mind." Jackson said. Elsa looked into his brown eyes and took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She took off her gloves and tried her best to control it. She held Jackson's hand and surprisingly, she didn't hurt him. Elsa opened her eyes and saw his hand not freezing. She smiled at the sight. "See? You didn't hurt me." He said while smiling at her.

Elsa woke up, Jack beside her as usual. She carefully got off the bed to get ready for the day before waking Jack

While combing her hair, she noticed the silver necklace Jackson gave her on her 16th birthday. She took it off after he left her on his 18th birthday. She believed that he left her and that their friendship no longer matters to him anymore. She felt angry and sad at the same time. She sighed and ignored the necklace. She took it off a long time ago but she can't throw it away. The necklace still means something to her.

When she saw Jack on that night, he reminded her much of Jackson. He has the same voice as his and the same attitude. But she thinks it's clearly impossible that they are the same person. She believed that Jackson would never come back after what he did. But there's something she didn't know about Jackson and how he disappeared.

She got changed. She just used her ice magic to change her night gown. She's still confused of why is she still thinking about Jackson. Does she still love him?

She grabbed the scarf Jack gave her last night and wrapped it around herself. She find it as a way of forgetting something or a way of getting out of confusion.

She sat down her chair and looked at the scarf one more time. She noticed some snowflake patterns that she never noticed before since it was night and it was dark. She noticed something familiar about the patterns seen in the scarf. Her eyes widened and she took a look at her necklace that was lying on her desk.

After she looked at it, she glanced at the scarf once more. She shrugged it off and believed it was just a coincidence and Jack can't possibly be Jackson. She knows that they are completely different people. There's no way that Jackson is Jack.

"Jack, wake up!" She said as she shook his shoulder. He let out a soft moan before slowly opening her eyes. Elsa's scarf still around her. She's clutching the scarf with one hand and her other hand on his shoulder.

"What?" Elsa said, slightly grinning. "Your'e so beautiful." Was all Jack said and Elsa blushed. "Umm... you- your'e so beautiful too." Elsa stuttered and mentally facepalmed afterwards.

"Get up now, sleepyhead!" Elsa said as she pushed him lightly and walked away. "Okay! Okay! I'm up!" He said as he flew. "Not that up! Get down here!" Elsa scolded. In so much fear, Jack immediately got down and grabbed his staff.

Jack saw a necklace and smiled. "Your necklace looks beautiful. I like it. You should wear that sometime." He smiled at Elsa before leaving the room. Elsa was dumbfounded at what he said. He didn't know about Jackson or the meaning of the necklace and the reason why she took it off. She glanced at the nacklace and remembered something from the past.

Their promise.

Elsa was staring at her necklace happily. She then looked back up to Jackson. "I promise that I will not take this off ever again. Because.. it resembles our friendship. And I will not break that promise." Elsa said with the widest grin you'll ever see that could lift up your spirits. "And thank you for teaching me on how to control my powers. The gloves is not really much of a help." Elsa said as she looked at her hands with no gloves. She felt happy again.

"So... are you ready to see your sister?" Jackson asked. "Not now. In the meantime, I think I'll just learn how to control it more." She said, still looking at her hand. He messed her hair. "That's my snowball." He said and Elsa blushed. He didn't notice beacause she's still looking down at her hands.

Their promise... more like her promise that she will never take off her necklace beacause it is a token of friendship. Their friendship she thought will last.

She shook her head and got out of her thoughts and swallowed the lump feeling down her throat. She can't possibly think of him. She moved on now. She can't get hurt a second time.

She left the room without a word. She walked down the halls as if she was ignoring something. And what she id ignoring, is to think of the guy who left her.

"Jack!" She called out. "I'm sorry it took so long." Elsa apologized. "I drowned in my own thoughts again." Elsa said wich is true. "Let's talk about it later? You know I like listening to your problems and comforting you." He said. Elsa just smiled at him. "Sure."

"Hey Mr. Jack!!!" Olaf called out, his arms extended for a hug. Jack ran to him. "Olaf!" He called as he also extended his arms for a hug. Olaf threw himself into Jack wich made him fall. He just laughed it off.

"How was your sleep, Dad?" Olaf asked as he was pulling away. Both Jack and Elsa felt confused. "What?" Elsa asked, blushing. "Dad! Because... Anna told me to." Olaf said with a huge smile. "Oh." Was all she said. But deep inside, she's cursing her sister for what she did to Olaf. "Anna told me to call Mr. Jack, "Dad" or "Father" or "Papa". It would be cute if I said Papa so....

So, how was your sleep, Papa?" Olaf asked. Elsa and Jack glanced at each other.

"Papa had a good sleep because Mama is with him." Jack simply answered and winked at Elsa who blushed like a tomato.

"Then, Mama, Papa, let's eat breakfast! I'm hungry!" Olaf begged and dragged Jack into the dining hall. Elsa just laughed and shook her head. Oh, Anna. What did you do? She thought.

She then thought of him again.

"Sir jorgen bjorgen!" Jackson said as he held Elsa's toy penguin. "His cape..  it's made from your gloves." He said as he looked at the toy in awe. "Mama! Mama! I like my cape!" Jackson said, mimicking a little kid's voice. Elsa blushed. "Mama?" She said. "Yes. And I am his Papa! Right?" He said and he mimicked the voice again. "Yes! Jackson is Daddy!👀" Jackson said. (I did the eyes on purpose XD he DADDY!)

Elsa felt a tear run down her cheek. She shrugged it off again and continued on walking.

Why was I thinking of Jackson when I'm around Jack?



Yay!! I updated! And writing this chappie was pretty fast! But...

I like fast😏

Okay.... I'm excited for friday!!!!

Cause Imma update another outtake and a one shot ON MY BIRTHDAY

Working on it YEEET!!!!!

Bug out, snowflakes!!!
