Marriage proposal


Now I'll just spend the rest of my remaining time with Elsa. She doesn't know that I'm this close to leaving this time so I wanna make memories.

I knocked on the study room's door. Elsa was in there, ofcourse. Taking care of her paperworks and doing queen duties. "Jack?" She called out as she giggled. "Your'e wrong! I'm Jackson!" I said and I could feel her shaking her head and sighing to my childish act.

I came in the study room to have some fun and probably to urge Elsa to have fun with me.

"What you doin?" I asked while playing with my staff. "Queen stuff." She responded. I walked towards her to see a lot of papers placed on the table. "That seems like a lot!" I winced. "I'm almost done." She said. I nodded. "Oh, okay!" I  chuckled. "What brings you here, Daddy?" She asked. I smirked again because if she calls me that, she wants me right now.

"I'm bored." I whispered into her neck. "Mmhm... and Anna?" She asked. "Harvesting ice with Kristoff." I answered. "Olaf?" She said, still busy with her work. "Asleep."

"I'm tired to even have fun, Jack." She said and sighed. I cupped her cheeks like she's my baby. Technically, she is. "I don't want my queen getting tired." I baby talked and she grabbed my wrists and pouted. "I know how to restore your energy." I said and kissed her passionately.

She got up her chair and let her back face the wall. She cupped my cheek and her other hand was grabbing the back of my head. She was playing with the collar of my hoodie and was planning to take them off. She pulled away and said "Take it off." I frowned. "But-" "No one's here, Jack. No one can see us. Please? Just for once?" She begged. I couldn't resist her so I walked towards the door and locked it. Elsa took off my hoodie and placed her hands on my bare chest. "Wow.." She exclaimed as she saw me shirtless. "Come here." She said and grabbed the back of my head. She kissed me deeply as if she was thirsty for me. I felt her hands touch my jaw line and her hand got to my neck and then went to touch my chest. I felt something touch my lower abdomen and Elsa's hand went lower. My lips left Elsa's and went to her neck. She pushed me and layed me down the sofa. She was on top of me but I flipped my back so I could be on top. She pulled me closer to steal another kiss. "Mmm.." She moaned through the kiss. We pulled away but Elsa whined for more. "Jack.. " She said with a whining voice. She grabbed the back of my head again and kissed me passionately. I touched her shoulder and went to her chest and to her waist. Gosh, I love this girl so much. I picked her up and hugged her tight. We pulled away from the kiss. "Hold me tight, Jack. Never let me go." She said and kissed me again. My other hand grabbed the back of her head and deepened the kiss.  We pulled away and Elsa rested her head on my chest.

"I don't think the energy you gave me was energy to do work." She said and wrapped her arms around my neck. "It's kind of a different but.. you gave me energy to have some fun." She said with a smirk and messed my hair. "Let's stay like this for a while now before you do your queen work." I said and keot her close to me. She nodded. "Best breaktime ever." She said and closed her eyes. "You look better with your hoodie off." She said and kissed my bare chest. Her kissed traveled through my neck. Shs stopped kissing my neck but her lips remained there. "I think you won't need it at night." She said with a smirk. "And on times like this. Times when we were having some fun." She added and kissed my neck again. I felt her breathe on my neck. She got up and free from my arms and handed me my hoodie.

"I want to see your bare chest and abs much longer but you still need to wear this." She said and I took the hoodie from her. I wore my hoodie on and Elsa continued on her papers, sitting on my lap and my arms wrapped around her waist. "Almost.... and.. Done!" She said and put the papers aside of the table. We heard a knock coming from behind the door. I almost forgot that I locked the door. Elsa got up and opened it.

"Yes?" She said. Kai handed her a white envelope and a few moments, she sighed frustratingly. "I refuse. I don't want to see another proposal like this. Anna and I can rule the kingdom by ourselves. I don't need a king." She said in a serious tone and handed him the white envelope. "Tell them I refuse." She commanded. "Yes, your majesty." Kai said as he bowed and left. Elsa closed the door and sighed.

I came towards her. "Hey, what's going on?" I asked. "Marriage proposals from other kingdoms." She muttered annoyingly. "I've already told them that I refuse to marry!" She groaned. I hugged her tight. "Calm down, calm down." I said and she sighed. She rested her head against my chest. "Anna and I are capable of ruling Arendelle. We'll do juat fine, don't you think?" She asked. "Your'e great rulers, Elsa. I'm sure you won't need a king for the kingdom. Besides, you already have me." I said and kissed her head. "Right. I have childish and a hell of a sexy and clingy boyfriend that I love very much." She said and smiled.

"Get a room, you two!" I heard Anna yell. We laughed, still hugging each other. "Wer'e at the study room?" Elsa giggled. "Former kings and queens have used this room. Go to your own room! Geez!" Anna said, walking in the study room. "I've heard of the proposal earlier. And the guy would like to meet you." Anna said and I could feel Elsa's anger rising and I'm afraid she'll freeze the room. "No, thanks. I already have my king who rules my heart." Elsa said and Anna nodded. "Yeah, right! I'd rather have Jack as a brother-in-law and not that Cecilion guy." Anna said and rolled her eyes. "That guy's no fun." Anna annoyingly muttered.

"Prince Cecilion?" Elsa wondered. "I thought he already has a fiance?" She asked. "Yeah and he found out about you and guess what? He left her!" Anna said and crossed her arms. "He told me he want to meet you." Anna said and my eyes widened. "And what did you say?" I asked. "Depends on my sister." Anna answered and smiled sheepishly. "Jack, we have to talk." Elsa said and dragged me out of the room.

"Don't tell me you'll meet him!" I said. "I will, Jack! But not to accept his proposal. But to tell him that I refuse to marry him. It has to come from me because that guy never believes others until the girl that he wants to marry tells him." She said and I looked down. "Jack, you know your'e my only one." She said and lifted my chin up. "I know! But what if something happens to you? What if he does something to you-" I was cut off by Elsa hugging me. "Jack, I'll be fine. Your'e the only one I'll love til' the end of time. Even if you leave this generation, you'll still be my only one. You.. you have to believe in me." She said and kissed me. I sighed. "Alright. But I'll be there when you meet him. No buts, Elsa. I'll be there." I said and Elsa sighed in defeat. "Sure." She said. "Good."

"Anna, when will I meet him?" Elsa asked. "Later at night. 7pm sharp and he doesn't wanna wait, trust me." Anna said. She has to prepare for tonight for just a declaration. I nodded. "Fine for me." She said and held my hand. Together, we walked inside my room and talked about what should Elsa wear for tonight.

I hope this goes well...


Still no babies? Think again- OH SHIT!

I'll punish myself for that.
