
Nick wakes up to find himself in Jason's arms.

It was warm and comforting, it made the younger feel safe and protected.

Nick cuddled into Jason even more, liking how Jason has his arms protectively around him.

Jason felt Nick move around a bit and that caused him to wake up.

He tried to open his eyes as a yawn come out of his mouth.

Damn, his sleep was awesome.

Who would've thought sleeping could feel so good, especially when you're all cuddled up with the person you love.

Jason looks at Nick, he looked so peaceful.

His sleeping face was just so cute, but Jason resisted on pinching his chubby cheeks that is pressed up his chest.

Jason stared for awhile, and yeah, it's kinda creepy but he just couldn't help it.

Jason removes his arms around the younger carefully so he could stretch them up.

He heard the younger whine at the lost of touch.

Nick opens his eyes as a pout quickly forms on his lips.

Jason let out a chuckle. "Good morning, bub." He couldn't help but add the nickname.

Nick rubs the sleep off his eyes and yawns. "Mornin.."

He was feeling real lazy today, he wants to spend the whole day in bed while being cuddled up with Jason.

Which was kind of uncommon, since he isn't that much of a lazy-ass in general and would always try to do his responsibilities without laziness getting in the way.

But now he just felt straight up done with all his responsibilities.

Now he just wants to sleep or play.

Yes, he does feel like playing.

He wants to have fun all day without having to worry about things, like responsibilities.

His mind set kind of changed to responsible adult into a carefree child.

"Come on, buddy. Time to get up." Jason says to the pouting latter.

Nick whines. "Nooo, don' wanna." He says tiredly, but still a bit bratty.

Jason chuckles at how cute the younger was being right now. "Come on, we need to eat breakfast. You gotta get up and cook some for us."

The younger pouts and covers his face with his blanket. "No." He says, a bit muffled from under the blanket.

Jason sighs and gets out of bed. "I'm going to take a shower, and I hope I see you up and making breakfast by the time I finish." He says and starts going to the bathroom, grabbing a few of his clothes on the way.

Nick whines again and kicks his blanket from underneath it.

Then he stopped, a sad sigh coming out of his mouth.

He removes the blanket off of him and gets up from bed.

He's only doing this because he felt like just had to follow Jason's orders.

While oddly feeling obedient all of a sudden, he slowly walks downstairs.

He headed for the kitchen.

"Jason wan's me to cook.." Nick whispers to himself as he tried to cook like he always does.


Jason comes out of the bathroom, fully clothed, and a towel on his head as he rubs the cloth onto it.

He then heard his step-brother's sudden screech and something falling from the tiled floor in the kitchen.

His eyes widen and quickly goes downstairs to see what happened.

And there he saw, a frying pan with food in it on the floor and his crying step-brother.

Jason's first instinct was to go up to Nick and ask him if he was okay.

The younger shook his head as he hold his burning hand.

Jason looks at it. "Let me see."

Nick showed him a burnt bruised. "I-it hurts.."

"What happened?" Jason asked.

"I-i don know.. I was jus' trying to make bweakfast jus' like what chu said.." Nick cries.

Jason picks up the frying pan and throws it into the sink.

He also turns off the stove.

He goes back to Nick and gently held his hand. "Does it hurt?"

Nick nods. "M-hm.." He hums in response.

Jason sighs. "Okay let me tend to it."


"Tank chu.." Nick mumbles as Jason finished patching up his bruised hand.

Jason didn't quite hear his 'thank you' so he made a confused expression saying, "What?"

"Thank chu." Nick shyly says louder.

Jason smiles and chuckles. "No prob, bud."

He stands up. "I'll be the one to cook today, so you just rest for now, sounds good?" He says to Nick while ruffling his soft brown hair.

Nick's eyes slightly widen as his cheeks get warm.

Why was he always feeling shy and flustered towards Jason for some reason?

Nick shyly nods as response.

Then Jason proceeded to go to the kitchen to cook them something.


Jason goes back to the living room with two plates in hand.

He saw the younger watching a cartoon on the tv.

He smiled and came to sit next to him.

"Here you go."

Nick takes his plate from Jason and began eating.

He laughs at the cartoon character doing something stupid that got himself hurt.

Jason amusingly watches the younger as he eats his own food. "You like cartoon, bub?"

Nick nods as a shade of pink dusted on his cheeks at the nickname.

Nick shyly scoots closer to Jason, wanting to be closer to the older.

Jason bit his lower lip as he contains a squeal.

He is so cute!

I know right.

Why can't I look like that? :((

Jason smiles to himself as they both eat their breakfast together.


"I'ma take a bath.." Nick says to Jason and goes back to his room.

"Okay," Jason answered simply as he goes to the kitchen with their plates in hand.

He washes them then goes back to the living room to watch a random show.

What a boring day.

He says as he sinks deeper into the couch.

After an hour, the younger comes back wearing PJs even though it was only like, about to be noon.

Jason raises an eyebrow as he looks at the younger sitting beside him. "Why are you wearing pajamas?"

Nick looks at him, a bit embarrassed. "U-uhm.. I wanted to feel really comfortable so.. I went to go dress up in my PJs.." He explains.

Jason nods. "Okay.." He gestures for the younger to get closer. "Cuddle with me."

Nick smiles and obliges.

He cuddles into Jason with a grin on his face.


After a few more hours of watching absolutely random shit on tv, Nick became really sleepy.

Jason looks at him and smiles at the cutie.

"Let's go back to my bed, I wanna sleep too." He says to the sleepy younger.

Nick nods and Jason gets up.

Jason was waiting for Nick to get up as well and follow him, but he didn't stand up from the couch.

Jason raises an eyebrow at him.

Nick raises his arms and made grabby hands toward Jason. "Carry me pwease?" He says in a sleepy soft tone.

Jason cooes at him.

"Sure, bud." He says as he obeys to what the younger wanted.

Nick closes his eyes and rests his head on Jason's shoulder. "Yay.." He said tiredly.

Jason chuckles and proceeded to go upstairs.


They decided to skip lunch as they slept for the whole day until dinner.

Jason got up first, not waking up Nick as he leaves the room.

He goes to cook them something to eat as a yawn escaped from his mouth.

Nick shifts around and whines once he doesn't feel Jason beside him anymore.

He goes to sit up and look around with squinted eyes.

Jason wasn't in the room.

So he stood up from bed and goes downstairs to smell something delicious.

Jason was cooking again.

Nick smiles and goes to the kitchen.

He saw his step-brother's back facing him as he cooks.

Nick giggles and quietly goes up to Jason.

And once he got close, he backhugged him.

Jason flinches as he got slightly off-guard at the sudden hug but soon enough relaxed when he realize that it was just Nick giving him a cute ass hug.

"Hungry?" He asks without looking at Nick.

"M-hm." Nick hums as an answer.

"It's almost finish, go and wait at the table, yeah?"

Nick pouts but nods.

He wanted to hug Jason more.

He goes to the table and waits patiently.

He lays his head on the table and looks at Jason cooking the whole time.

Jason felt someone staring at him, he only assumed it was Nick so he laughed to himself.

"Here buddy," Jason puts a plate of food in front of Nick.

Nick's expression brightens up as he sees the delicious looking food in front of him.

"Be careful, it's still hot." Jason warns.

But Nick didn't seem listen because he already put the hot food in his mouth which caused him to make a face of regret.

Jason laughs. "I told you."

When Nick was finally able to swallow it, he pouts. "I was really hungry.." Nick says defensively.

Jason nods with a laugh. "Sure, bud."

"So, when are you leaving today for work?"

Nick looks up at Jason.


Jason nods. "Yeah, you work today at night, right?"

Then Jason suddenly see Nick whine.

He raises an eyebrow.

"I don' wanna go to work.." The younger whines as he pouts.

"But you have to, bub. You signed up for this, remember? I don't know why but- you did." Jason explains which made the younger's pout deeper.

Jason kept staring at the younger's sad and nervous expression as he slowly eats his food.

He then sighed. "Okay, fine. You don't have to go to work today, I'll just call your boss and make an excuse."

Nick smiles and claps his hand excitedly. "Yay! No work!" He cheers which made Jason laugh.

"Yay no work indeed." Jason says while looking at the now happy younger.


"I sleepy.." Nick says as he climbs at Jason's bed.

Jason closes the door and stretched his arms. "Yeah, me too."

Nick waits for Jason to go to bed with him so he can cuddle into him.

He is getting way too used to Jason's cuddles and hugs nowadays, it's too weird for two brothers to be that close, right?

Nick still can't help but yearn for his warm and protective cuddles.

Jason goes to bed and Nick instantly went to grab his neck, which cause Jason to fall into bed with a thud. "Woah, bud- chill, you'll be cuddling to me all day all night whenever you want." Jason laughs.

Nick nuzzles his nose onto Jason's neck, which made the older shiver a bit at the sudden cute gesture.

Jason freezes as the younger continues to be cute the whole night.

This is too cute for my own good-

