
Jason flinches as he wakes up to wails.

He squints his eyes to see Nick bolting right up and crying loudly.

Once he sees this, he sits up and hugs the wailing Nick despite his tired and sleepy state.

The little responds by hugging back.

"Shhh, it's okay." Jason whispers with his raspy voice as he comforts his step-brother.

"He don like me no more..." Nick cries into Jason's arms.

"Who?" Jason asked softly.

"Cal.. he don like me.. looks like he likes somewan elsh.." Nick continues to slur his words while sniffling.

Jason furrows his eyebrows in confusion at first but then he was hit with realization.

The Callum he met at the park was the guy his step-brother was seeing?...


What a small world.

Jason continues to comfort Nick. "What made you say so, hm?"

Nick sniffs and wipes his tears. "It look like he like somebody elsh.." He cries and hugs Jason tighter, burying his head deeper into the olders chest.

Jason rubs circles on the younger's back soothingly, making sure the younger feel comforted.

"Well.. did you really like him?" Jason asked, sounding a bit sad.

"Uh-huh.." Nick answers back, his voice muffled.

Jason was a bit disappointed.

He sighs. "You can find someone else. Someone that can love you more than Callum ever did." He said, not really thinking much of what he said.

Nick looks up at Jason, eyes puffy from crying and pout evident on his lips. "R-really?"

Jason then had no choice but to answer, so he hums, saying yes.

Nick continues to pout. "B-but.. no one elsh likes me.. 'cause I ugly.."

Oh hell naw-

Jason breaks their hug and holds Nick by his shoulders as he shake his head disapprovingly. "Nonsense. You're adorable, and I'm pretty sure someone does like you, like a whole lot." He says, making eyecontact with the younger.

And as all of you know already, when he meant someone, he was referring to himself.

"Chu know who lwike me?.." Nick asks innocently, wanting to know who this person that apparently likes him, according to Jason.

Jason smiles and can't help but squeeze the youngers cheeks gently.

Nick whines adorably in response.

Which made Jason coo at him.

"Yeah, I know someone." Jason says, answering the younger's question.

Are you seriously going to confess now?

Alright man-

Good luck—

Nick gasped cutely. "Who ish it?.. Maybe I lwike them too.." Or maybe not— since Nick only knows a few people in his life that he is closed with.

So he has big doubts.

But he still wanted to know nonetheless.

Jason laughs. "You'll probably won't."

Nick tilts his head, slightly agreeing with Jason. "Who ish it then?" He still wanted to know who this person is though.

Jason is very hesitant to tell the younger.


This is your chance.

Tell him.

Tell him you like him.

Jason gulps, and smiles. "Well.." He trails off, feeling a bit nervous.

Nick patiently waits for his answer.

Do it.

Come on don't be shy,

Put some more confidence in ya.

"The person that likes you very much is... me." Jason finally says sheepishly, laughing awkwardly.

Nick made a very cute surprised face. "Y-you?" He honestly wasn't expecting that.

Jason just nods in response.

Nick stared at him for awhile, not really knowing how to feel.

He then suddenly remembered something- a memory he remembers of Jason.

That day, that Jason helped him.

When he was crying in his room-

Well yes, he was the reason why he cried in the first place.

But he still comforted him.

And made Nick feel safe in his arms as he hugged him.

If Little Nick was being honest, it made his heart skip a beat at the older male's act.

He liked the way Jason put him on his lap, hugged him, and whispered sweet nothings in his ear.

It really helped calm down the little's almost panic attack.

He really does appreciate what the older did to him.

He would want to be taken cared of by the other male again.

As Nick's train of thought keeps going,

Jason was taking his staring and not saying anything the wrong way, that he started to regret telling the younger.

Dude, I'm freakin' out-

He isn't saying anything.

Oh god what have I done-

Calm down.

And shut up.

Just wait will ya?

Jason nods, and with furrowed eyebrows, he looks at the younger, getting ready for the rejection.

But then, Nick suddenly put his hands on his face as he looks down, squealing onto it.

Jason looked his way, confused.

Nick then looks back up with an embarrassed expression. "No way dat a very handsome guy lwikes me.. espeshaly y-you.."

Jason snorts. "Me? Handsome?" He laughs. "-I know."

Nick giggles. "You funny.." he then smiles and looks away. "I lwike you.." Nick whispers.

But Jason still heard it, causing his eyes to widen. "W-wait- you do?" He asked, surprised.

Told ya.

Nick nods slowly, looking down.

Jason can't help but smile.

I can't believe it—

I can't believe it too.

He then suddenly hugs the younger in happiness.

Nick squeals at the sudden hug.

Aww, how adorable.

Can you guys go to sleep now though?

It's two in the morning.

Jason laughs.

Okay, okay.

Jason breaks the hug, a big happy smile playing on his lips. "As much as I want to make out with you right now but we still need to get some sleep. So let's go back to that shall we?"

Nick blushes then nods. "O-otay.."


Jason's alarm goes off.

Which caused both of the guys in bed to stir a bit in their sleep.

But Nick woke up and yawned.

He then sat up and stretched out his arms.

He yawns again, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"The fuck happened.." He says as he ruffles his bed hair.

He sounded more like himself now.

His big self—

He looks around, his eyes widen.

This isn't my room?..

He thinks to himself as he let his eyes wonder around the room he is in right now.

He then realized that this was Jason's room.

Nick almost immediately looked beside him to see Jason still sound asleep even if the annoying alarm clock is still blaring out annoying beeps.

Nick was getting annoyed by the clock so he turned it off with a huff.

He tried to remember what happened yesterday, but why was it such a blur to him?

The last thing he remembered that he was running a corner, then everything went blank.

It's like— he went into a trance.

And he couldn't remember what he did after.

He then tried to remember what happened before he did run and turn a corner.

If he remembered exactly, he was crying.

Why was he crying again?..

Nick furrows his eyebrows as he tried to remember everything that had happened.

Then his eyes widen.


Jason groans as he holds his hip.

He just got kicked of the bed, and was now on the floor.

He sits up sleepily. "Babe, what the hel–"

"Babe?! Weirdo!" Nick screams.

Jason shoots him a confused look.

We damn— that made him feel embarrassed.

Jason gives him a look before shaking his head. "My bad–"

"You fucking kissed my boyfriend!"

Jason furrows his eyebrows even more, face saying 'What the fuck are you talking about?'.

What was the younger so angry about?

And why was he shooting random and false accusations towards Jason?

And last of all- boyfriend?

"What do you mea—"

"Don't act dumb! I saw you two! You traitor-" Nick screams as he throws a pillow at Jason.

Then Jason suddenly realized-

That Nick was probably talking about Callum.

He was his boyfriend?...

Jason blocked the pillows being thrown at him with his hands. "You mean me and Callum? We didn't even-"

"So you know him?! I knew it! You always find a way to fucking ruin my relationships—" Nick screams even more as he continues to throw pillows until there was none left, so instead he picked up random stuff near him and threw that instead.

Nick throws a lotion bottle. "You fucking asshole- you're a big big jerk!" He screams, throwing the alarm clock.

Jason picks up a pillow and uses it as a shield.

He was honestly so confused.

Callum was his boyfriend?

Then why did he tell Jason that he liked him too that night?

Was that all a joke?

None of it was true?

Nick was all calm and cute last night now he's like an angry beast going hysterical because apparently, Jason kissed his boyfriend, which was Callum.

Jason doesn't know what to think about this whole situation.

Is this guy bipolar or something?

"Stop!" Jason pleads as Nick just continues to throw things at him while screaming.

Nick does stop with a huff. "I knew you were a big jerk all along. I shouldn't have been nice to you."

He then gets off, still glaring at the confused dude. "I was even warming up to you! I thought you were actually a good person and wasn't that much of a jerk. But guess I was wrong. An asshole will always be an asshole." And with that, he's gone and out of the room.

Jason just watches him leave, frozen in place.

What are you doing?

Go after him!

But Jason didn't.

And do what?

I don't kno—


We don't know what we're doing.

We always run in blind.

And honestly-

This chase doesn't make sense.

I already knew from the start that he will never be mine.

But I still became a hopeful dumbass and listened to you, and thought that maybe things would somehow change.

But I guess I was wrong.

I give up.

I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place.

I am such an idiot-

I want to be left alone.

So goodbye.


Jason shuts the voice out.

He was just so angry.

So confused.

Why was the younger doing this him?

Give him hope that he likes him too and then next morning he kicks him off the bed and start throwing things at him because he kissed the younger's boyfriend?

He had a boyfriend?

Had a fucking boyfriend.

And he didn't even tell Jason- even when he confessed.

But instead, he made him hope and be happy for nothing by telling him he likes him too.

Nick should've told him that he did have a boyfriend already.

Jason confessed for fuck sake—

And the younger even said he likes him too.

What was that all about?

So is that all a joke?

To make Jason hope that they could be together?

Jason kicks a table, frustrated.

Why does this hurt so much?

Jason tears up as he slowly sits down on his bed.

His chest hurts.

More specifically, his heart hurts.

He wants to stop liking Nick.

But he somehow can't,

He tried really.

Even to the point that he tried to hook up with girls, but none of them caught his eye.

Nick was the only one he could see that can make his heart race.

But he knew from the start they would never be together in the first place.

Why did he even hoped.

Jason puts a hand on his face, wiping the tears.

I hate this.

I hate liking someone that will never be mine.


Nick runs to his room and slams the door shut behind him.

After locking it, he goes to his bed while tears slowly pour down on his cheeks as he remembers what happened with Cal.

He felt like they made a fool out of him.

He should've known that Callum was cheating..

Cheating with his step-brother, Jason.

Nick sniffs and goes to grab a pillow to hug.

They both can suck balls for all I care!

Nick makes an angry face while still pouting and crying.

I think I should stop meeting people online from now on..

Nick brings his legs towards his chest and hugs it.

Heartbreaks hurt a lot.

He then buries his face in it.

I don't wanna hurt anymore..

He then continues to cry his eyes out.

What a mess.

Our main couple are both crying in their rooms, alone.

Both not understanding one another.

Jason won't even talk to me—

He's really hurt.

And Nick doesn't seem to even care what Jason was feeling while he was screaming at him.

And that left my dear friend, Jason, confused and hurt.

Who do you think is in the wrong here?

Nick, or Jason?

