Vol 1 Chapter 2: I Become a Toddler (Again)

Where is this? Again, I'm floating in the middle of a mysterious space. This time, it really is like the space. I can't sense any wind or warmth, but it's not cold either. It seems I can breathe. No matter where I look, there is nothing to see. Actually, this isn't anything like space, as there are no stars. Not even a single dust.

Did that goddess trick me? Is this actually the afterlife? Well, at least I can move around. Huh? What is that?

I notice something above me. Is that a galaxy? It looks like a curved line of light. I try to reach it. Wait, I think I touch something. Is this fabric?

As I push the layer that feels like fabric, the line of light got wider.

It's the sky.

Why would there be a sky over the space? Rather, why would the sky look like a small circle? It's not stretched to the horizon. Is that a hole? Is this space actually a hole? Why would I be in such a place? For now, I will try to get out from here.

It is indeed a hole. I manage to climb the hole and come out. I don't know why but my movement seems to be sluggish. When I've just got out, suddenly I tip over. When I turn around, it turns out to be my backpack. I was inside my backpack! So that's what a dimensional pocket looks like.

Well for now, let's close the backpack. I don't want someone suspicious to steal it. Hmm, as I thought, my movement is a bit sluggish. Is it the side effect of being reincarnated? Oh, that's right, she said I will be reincarnated as a toddler, at most 4 years old. I just realized this when I take a look at my hands.

I'm a baby! Looks like I'm about 1 year old. Let alone protecting this backpack from someone suspicious, I can even barely walk! I'm not sure if it's because I'm a baby or because I'm not used to this body. At least I can close the backpack's zipper. I can't move it around though.

Wait, isn't there supposed to be a security system for the backpack. I recalled she said she can make it a magical one. I'll try opening it. Huh, it's stuck. Does it mean I can't use it before I learn magic? Well, there is no need for a baby to use this big backpack anyway.

Now, what should I do? I'm starting to feel sleepy. Is this the effect of being a baby? I hope there are no beasts in this place. Actually, where is this? It looks like I'm in a forest. Hey goddess, is it save for a baby to be in this forest alone.

Oh, I heard a footstep

* * *

"I think this is far enough, we should go back before it gets dark."

"Fine. I actually want to catch one more rabbit or chicken, but it looks like we've got enough. Wait, I think I see something."

"Oh, can't be help. Just quickly catch it."

"Oh! It's not a game. Honey, come over here"

"What is it? Another useless junk?"

"No, it's a baby, a baby boy. What is a baby doing this deep inside the forest?"

"Oh my, you're right. Did someone throw him away inside that bag? What a poor thing."

"Let's take him back. I will take care of the game, you go pick that baby up."

"Ok. Come here sweetie, I will bring you home."

* * *

I think it's a couple. The husband looks like a hunter. Why would a hunter bring along his wife though?

They see me. It looks like they are talking about me. I can't understand their language. The wife come closer to me. I think they want to pick me up. It seems I don't have to worry about spending the night here.

She tried to pick me up. Wait! My backpack! I won't let you take me without bringing my backpack along. I grab the strap as hard as I can. I hope they understand that I like this backpack and bring it along.

I want to say something, but I can only let out a cry. Even if I'm able to talk, I don't think they will understand me, since I don't understand their conversation. If I think about it, if I were reincarnated as a 4 years old toddler, it would be weird if I don't speak their language. I would probably speak my own language, which is even weirder.

For now, I will just try to cry as loud as I can and grab my backpack.

* * *


"Honey, this kid won't let go of the bag. I think he likes it. Should we take it along?"

"Hmm? Fine, we can use it to carry the haul. I will clean it later. Hmm? I can't open it, I think it's stuck. We should just leave it."


"The baby starts crying, I think we should bring it we us. I will bring it"

"Ugh, fine. It's getting darker, let's go home."

"I'm sure you will love your new home sweetie, we will raise you like our own son"

"Huh? Is that what we will do?"
