Vol 1 Chapter 3: My Childhood Friend is an Older Sister

I'm inside a shrub. In my hands are a bow and an arrow. 5 meters from me there is a rabbit, happily grazing grass in the forest.

I release the arrow, it flies directly to the rabbit and hit it at the back. It goes down without a fight

"Oh, good job Marz. It's the third one today."

"Hehe, it's because you're a good teacher, Uncle Deim."

Uncle Deim praise me. It only took me 3 arrows to hunt 3 rabbits. In other word, I only shoot one for each rabbit. I'm already this good at hunting despite being only 6 years old. Honestly, it's because Uncle Deim taught me so well.

Uncle Deim is the hunter that pick me up when I first came to this world. He and his wife, Aunt Phoebe, even raise me like their own son. Thanks to them, I can understand the language in this world now.

Uncle Deim also taught me how to hunt in the forest. He has been teaching me hunting since I was 4. By the way, they decided the day they found me as my second birthday, as I was around 1 year old when they found me.

When I started to get the hang of hunting, Uncle Deim and Aunt Phoebe told me that I'm not their own child, that they found me in the forest. Of course I already knew that, but I can't tell them. What would they think if I were to tell them something like, "I know, you pick me and my backpack in the forest like 3 years ago right?" Surely they would think I'm not a normal kid. Speaking of my backpack, it's currently stored in my room. I asked them to let me keep it even though it's locked and can't be used.

"We're home."

"Welcome back, honey, Marz."

"Aunt Phoebe, look, today I got 3 rabbits. I only shoot 1 arrow to kill each."

"My, you are getting better at hunting. Let me make rabbit stew for dinner."

"Yay, I love Aunt Phoebe's rabbit stew."

Aunt Phoebe's cooking is really delicious. I think the spices and herbs in this world is different from my previous world. The animal is also slightly different, both in appearance and their meat taste. While Aunt Phoebe preparing the food, I wait patiently while humming a song from one of my favorite game. Uncle Deim look at me with curiosity.

"What song is that? I don't think I've heard it before."

"Eh? Umm, I don't know, but it's a good song!" I can't tell him it's from a game in my previous world.

"Oh, that's right, Marz," Aunt Phoebe calls me from the kitchen. "Can you take these breads to the Schedons? I bake more than I intended, and since they are a nice neighbor, I planned to give them some."


If I were in my previous world, I wouldn't be this excited to deliver things to my neighbor. But, the Schedons are really nice. They often give me fruits or sweets when I pass by their house. But there is one more reason I'm more than willing to deliver these breads to them.

I knock their door. After a while, the door is slightly opened. Behind it, I can see a cute, little face with troubled expression.

"Wh-Who is it?"

"Plisia, it's me Marz."

This girl is Plisia Schedon. She is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Schedon. Plisia is a shy girl with blue hair done in twintails. I've only realized this after I met the Schedons, but it seems in this world, humans can have any kind of hair color. It really is like those in my comics and games.

"Ah, Big Bro Marz, wait a moment, I'll call Big Sister."

"No, I just need- ah, there she goes."

Right after she said that, she fled inside the house while calling her sister. Actually, I'm glad it turns out like this, because it means I can meet her sister today. Soon after, another face shows up at the door. This time, it's a girl taller than me with long, straight blue hair. Her hair color is slightly lighter than Plisia's.

"Hi Marz, What's up?"

"Big Sis Viciny, I come here to deliver Aunt Phoebe's breads. She said she baked too much."

This is Big Sis Viciny, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Schedon. She is 3 years older than Plicia and 2 years older than me, so she takes an attitude of a big sister, both to Plisia and me.

Because I liked big sister characters in my comics and games, I was really glad to be her friend. When I first called her Big Sis Viciny, she was flustered and said something like we're the same age, but I ignore her and keep calling her Big Sis Viciny. Nowadays, she will pout and correct me if I forget the 'Big Sis', though I'm actually mentally older than her, as I was a college student. No, I'm not a pedophile.

"Thanks. Aunt Phoebe's cooking is really delicious, I'm sure everyone will appreciate it, especially Plisia. Lately, she's really into breads and cookies. So, how's your day?"

"Today I hunted 3 rabbits. It only took me 1 arrow to kill each."

"Wow, you're getting better every day. Maybe you will become better than Uncle Diem."

"Hehe, do you think so, Big Sis Viciny?"

Yeay, she praised me. I'm getting more motivated to become better at hunting. It's sure is great to have a childhood friend, a big sister type at it.

"I got to go, I have homework for tomorrow."

"Homework? Does the Academy give homework every day?"

The Academy is an institution where kids learn from teachers. Simply put, it's a school. Kids start attending Academy around age 7. There, they learn about general knowledge and magic.

"Hmm, not really, the schedule is pretty relaxed. It's still important to keep up with the studying though."

"Big Sis Viciny, do you already know how to use magic?"

"We will learn magic on fourth year, so I haven't learned it yet."

"Eeh, you can't? And here I'm about to ask you to teach me,"

"Won't you also attend the Academy starting next year? You will also learn how to use magic you know."

"But I want to be taught by you."

"haha, what a spoilt child. Then I will teach you after I'm able to use it, okay?"

"It's a promise?"

"It's a promise."

"Yeay! Big Sis Viciny is the best, I love you."

"Wha-what are you talking about, of course I will teach you, I'm your big sister after all."

Her face is slightly reddened. Big Sis Viciny is cute.

"Well, see you tomorrow. And thanks again for the breads."

"See you tomorrow."

Hmm next year. I can't wait to go to the Academy.
