
You've been dating Sanzu for 2 years already and nothing was going badly between you two.It was just all affection,understanding and supporting each other nothing less,but not after 'that' incident.

"Are you cheating on me?"

You really weren't cheating with him,you were helping your friend out to find a good gift for the girl he likes so he could give it to her before he confesses and you forgot to bring it up on Sanzu about it.


"Am I not good enough for you?"

"I'm not suitable anymore to be your boyfriend,aren't I?"

"Am I no longer useful and needed by your side."

He keeps repeating those words and such other questions that you don't want to answer nor to hear from him.It was too much for you to bare,but you endure it since it was your fault for not telling him first in the first place about 'that' incident with your friend.

"Sanzu? Sanzu are you in there?"you asks while asking smoothly on the door from his room.

He has been acting strangely,he starts not to eat a lot and I know he's keeping something that could harm him inside his room when I'm not watching or far from him.I need to get it before he would do something regretful and bad for him.

"If you won't open this I'm gonna use the spare key."you said but before you could take the spare key from your pockets you heard the door opens and it revealed your boyfriend,Sanzu.


"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"he asks pretending as if he just woke up as you only let out a relief sight by seeing him and opening the door.

"I came here to visit you,you never replied to any of my messages nor calls yesterday..I was so worried."you said and luckily he let you hug him this time.

"I'm glad you're here,come in."he said as he lets you in and closes his room's door after.


"What do you want to do?"he asks as you hesitate for a moment before shaking your head and went straight to your goal.

"I was kind of curious what you were doing yesterday that you couldn't pick my phone up? Is it because you're cheat--"he cuts you off.

"No! O-Of course not! Why would I chest on you?! I do love you so much!"he exclaimed as he hold your hands and you take the opportunity to grab his wrist and see it under his long black sleeves.

"No! D-Don't!"he tries to stop you but you were forceful and too persistent.


A slit was reveled on his left wrist and you check his other wrist and there was also another slit but it was more worse than the left one since it has more open scars than the other.

"W-Why? W-Why are you doing this? Are you trying to kill yourself?!"you said worriedly while shaking his shoulders as he tries to hug you but you shove him way.

"(Y-Y/n),I'm sorry! I'm sorry please! Please don't leave me!"he begs as he hugged your legs tearing up as you tried to hold your tears back but it failed.

"Stand up Sanzu..please stand up."you told him while weeping your tears away as he then stood up.

"A-Are you m-mad?"he asks as you shake your head slightly then weep his tears away from his eyes as he only observes you.

"I'm sorry Sanzu..i-if I only explain things in the first place this wouldn't happen! Yiu wouldn't--"he cuts you off.

"S-Shh! It's not your fault (Y/n)! I-I was only jealous back then."he said.

You just then pulled him into a hug and you guys stayed like that for a moment before deciding to sit on his bed continue to talk about from the beginning when 'that' incident starts.

You never got the chance to talk properly about the incident with him since he was avoiding you having the thought that he wasn't good enough for you and you needed to replace him right away,so he decided to ran away and hide so you won't get the chance to tell him to break up with him and he even throw his phone away so you won't contact him but he was all wrong he was the only on having that thought.

For all of the whole 2 years you've spend guys being together.This was the huge argument you both had you knew that Sanzu can sometimes be possessive,a bit protective and have suicidal tendencies when it comes to you and his insecurities for you.You tried to end those flaws he had inside but it didn't work since he doesn't want you to know more about him--what he has deep inside.

Sanzu has a lot of pictures of you in his room but he hides them that you won't even notice a bit even his phone but he doesn't show it to you since it could be cringe or make you upset because he was being possessive and can't get enough for you and even might you guys be married he might not see ot enough to be with you forever.

"Sanzu,if there's more of this that you're hiding from me,please tell me about it already."you told him as he hesitate for a bit before shaking his head as a respond.

"N-Nothing..nothing more."he said but you know that there was something else.

"Sanzu,you know that I love you,right?"you said as he nods his head this time.

"I know and you know that I also love you more than anything..that's why I have to be useful to you-"you cut him off as you caress his cheeks and make him look at you as you guys locked gazes.

"Sanzu? What have I told you before?"you said a bit annoyed at him as he hesitates for a bit then he finally answers.

"That our love shouldn't being useful with each other but adore,care,understanding,acceptance and affection with kindness.."he said as a light blush appeared on his cheeks as you give him a peek kiss which caught him off guard.

"(Y/n)..d-did you just k-kiss me?"he said a bit shocked as you chuckled and give him another kiss but it was more passionate this time.

Even all of that possessiveness,a bit protective and his suicidal tendencies.Sanzu has a soft spot and shyness inside of him for you only.






Sanzu's mission was failed.You opened up and fix things with him,so he didn't continue his plan on kidnapping you.

If things got worse and he still misunderstood things by his mental condition he would do more than just kidnapping you.
