You are good friends with Mikey and Draken the three of you could often be called 'the best trio'.After Mikey created his gang the Tokyo Manji Gang or also known as Toman you immediately joined in and now under the 2nd division taken care by Takashi Mitsuya,the captain of the respective division you are in.

You always had feelings with Draken and you both would always hang out even Mikey was there or not but everything changes when Draken meet Emma,Mikey's brother you knew Draken had feelings for her and the same goes with Emma,you never had the hatred nor dislike to Emma because she was a nice friend to you and Hina,Takemitchy's girlfriend.You never told Emma nor Hina and Draken about how you feel you were afraid that you might ruin your friendship with them except for Takashi Mitsuya,your captain who already knows about it.

"So,have you confessed?"he asks as you glance at him while he was looking up to the clear blue sky above.

You both were currently on a children's playground on the swing to be specific just hanging out there alone waiting for Hakkai,the 2nd division vice captain to come back after Mitsuya asked him to buy something to eat and drink together the three of you.You always hang out with the both of them since Draken and Mikey were started to get more busy serious especially that Pah chin surrendered himself to the cops after stabbing Osanai on the spot.

"Why should I,mistuya-kun? Draken and Emma-chan look good together I shouldn't also ruin my relationship with them just because I had this one-sided love for him.."you said looking down while holding both of your hands as you heard him let out a sight.

"You won't ruin anything because you're going to confess to him besides I'm sure Draken and Emma will understand what you feel but I can't really say that he will accept your confession,if so..then I'm happy for you.."he said but you can feel something was off from what he said for the last part.

"Let's just forget about this Mitsuya..what I want should be followed instead and that's not to tell Draken about how I feel.."you said letting out a deep sight before standing up as Mitsuya looked at you.

"Where are you going? Hakkai will be here soon with the food."he said while holding your wrist as you glance down at him.

"Hina-chan and Emma-chan told me to come with them to this festival with Takemitchy and D-Draken.."you said cracking a small side smile on your lips as he hesitate for awhile but let you go as you take your leave then.


"Hina-chan,Emma-chan.."you called them from behind as the four of them turned behind to face you as you greeted them with a small wave as they greeted you back.

"Yo,(Y/n)..why didn't you wear a kimono?"Draken asks still giving his focus on the path you were all walking at as you let out a sight.

"Emma-chan and Hina-chan suddenly just contacted me to come along so I didn't bother wearing any kimono and just go along with what I'm wearing today."you said letting out a low chucke as Emma suddenly wrapped her hands around your arm having a side hug as you didn't shove her away.

You suddenly just realized that Hina and Takemitchy weren't following you behind and when you were about to turn around while Emma was still wrapping her hands around your arms your eyes widened when you saw Peh-yan holding a bat (i guess it was a bat correct me if I'm wrong) and swing it right over Draken's head as you warn.



You both rushed to where Draken was laying and try to wake him up as he did but he feels dizzy and couldn't give his focus on a single target so you hide them behind you as you face Peh-yan with a glare and anger down inside of you as you slowly realized that you were surrounded by a bunch of Moebius' members as you gritted your teeth.

"Peh-yan! What's the meaning of this!?"you angrily shouted clenching your fists but he didn't give a response.

"Hang in there Draken! Will call for help--that was unfair! You attacked him behind!"you heard Emma from behind as you glance at them quickly and face Peh-yan but he was walking away.

"(Y-Y/n)..d-don't follow him..p-please take care of E-Emma.."he said as he hide you both behind him this time and you felt a pang in your heart when he mentions Emma's name but you shrugged it off.

"Draken! You can't fight them,you got a hit! They attacked you blindly!"Emma complains as you grab her by the arm preventing her to come any closer to Draken.

"CHARGE!"The Moebius' members starts launching themselves to you as you and Draken fight them together while hiding Emma behind making sure she won't get hurt.


Draken got thrown away to the ground as more Moebius members came in and it makes you mad as you didn't mind what Draken and Emma just said and fight them off head on trying to take revenge for Draken.You almost got hit by a bat on your head but you quickly avoided it and continue fighting them off.

"(Y/n)!"you heard a familiar voice and you were about to get a punch but Mitsuya luckily kicks it away and rely on your back.

"What are you doing here?"you ask giving a quick glance to Mitsuya behind as he did the same.

"I'll tell the details later for now we should finish this mess up before taking Draken to the hospital I'm sure he can still manage the dizziness he's strong."he said giving you a relief information as you nodded your head as a reply to him.


You both fought the Moebius' members but they just keep coming and coming more of them arrived unexpectedly as you both starts to get tired Mitsuya took all of the punches and kicks from the enemy that were heading for you but you attacked the enemies back twice than what Mistuya received as your thank you for him.


"He's here.."both of you said in unison as you saw that Mikey along with the toman just arrived.

A guy appeared that has tattoos both on the back of his hands as he starts to have fight with Mikey and you along with the other toman members starts attacking the enemies.Later on,you saw a tall build man heading somewhere calmly and you saw that he was holding a knife as you followed him while kicking and punching the enemies away as you realized that he was aiming for Draken which widened your eyes.

"Draken watch out!"you warned but Draken couldn't hear you.

"(Y/n)! W-What's wrong?"it was Mitsuya whom worriedly asked about your condition as you looked at him.

"Someone's gonna stab Draken!"you exclaimed with a worried expression as you rushes to where Draken was you both couldn't get away from the enemies easily since the fight was all around and Draken was far from where you both standing.


"Mikey-kun! D-Draken! Draken got stabbed!"you heard Takemitchy's voice as your eyes widened and you stop moving froze on your spot when you heard what he just said.

"Takemicthy! I'll leave Ken-chin to you!"you heard Mikey's voice.


"Oi (Y/n)! Stop doing off and pull yourself together! We gotta finish these guys off and Draken is being taken care by Takemicthy!"Mitsuya shouts while shaking your shoulders to wake you up.

You didn't move even just a flinch you just stood there eye widened like a statue which Mitsuya didn't have a choice but to stay where you are and fight off the enemies who's charging towards you both.Mitsuya truly care for you more than you think and more than you know Hakkai was the only one who can see that other than the toman members and to you,of course whom always just think of Draken.

"Let's go!"

"The fight is going to continue again!"

"Bye Mikey!"

Finally,the Valhalla and their acting president leaves without a win nor lose from both of the team.Draken was being taken care of by Takemicthy together with Emma and Hina whom are now at the hospital and Mikey didn't waste anytime to head to the hospital as the toman members followed along after they fight just ended but you still didn't bring yourself to stood up as you,Hakkai and Mitsuya along with some few toman members are only ones left at the area.

"Can you move now,(Y/n)?"Mitsuya asked you as you snapped back in reality as he helped you to stand up.

"T-Thanks M-Mitsuya..w-we should follow.."you said in your low tone of voice but he shake his head.

"You can't face the others with this condition you'll just blurt things out for sure."Mitsuya says he knows what would happen at the hospital when both of you went there right away knowing the fact that you had feelings for him.

"I-I don't care M-Mitsuya! Just let Draken alive I won't bother him with Emma-chan! It would make me more happy that he would be alive and be with Emma-chan than seeing him dead!"you cried out as he pulled you into a hug.

"It's going to be fine (Y/n),don't worry Draken will be save.."he said while rubbing your back gently.

"I-I wouldn't mind..if he ends up with E-Emma-chan.."you whispered as he just hummed in respond.

"Then..I know this might be selfish (Y/n) but..since you just said those words of yours.."he paused as he break from the hug and hold you by the shoulders while locking his eyes to yours.

"W-What is it? M-Mitsuya,tell me.."you said as you wiped your tears away.

"Would you take me if I tell you that.."




"I love you..?"
