Stop Playing

Rayne pov

Second block wasn't that hard. Well, besides, Sydney kept kicking my desk. Probably because I was bothering Mr.Hill.

(Flashback of class)

Mr.Hill, do you have a wife?" Wanting to see how long it would take to irritate him. Knowing damn well, he didn't.

"This is not the time, Rayne. And that's none of your business." He said, looking at me, leaning on his desk. Waiting for everyone to finish writing the notes.

"Wow, I thought we had a great connection." Poking my bottom lip out. Pouting because he hurt my feelings.

Tilting his head to the side, he started smiling. "Rayne, do your work." Walking over to help someone with their work. The big windows in the class room, made the sun hit his skin perfectly.

"Okay, hun." Writing the rest on the notes. "Sydney, go ahead and take a photo of that man. Cauz that sun is doing him justice." Messing with my nails, as I was finished my work.

"What am I going to do with you?" He said, like he was tired of me talking to him. It's not my fault he keep responding.

"Kiss me. I'm just playing. No, I'm not." Feeling something kick the fuck out my desk. Realizing it was Sydney ass who was sitting behind me.

"I'm sorry baby momma" I whisper to her, as she sticks her middle finger up at me. As I fake gasp, acting hurt.

Hearing the bell ring. I was sad to leave this class. I was packing my stuff up slower. I headed towards the door.

I had to say goodbye, "Bye, sweetie." Rushing out of the class, soon as he lifted his head out his hands, before he could comment.

What a great class and teacher, I thought.

Walking into the hallway, I saw Dante down the hall, talking to his friends, deciding this was the time to talk to his tall ass. Trying not to get riled up by seeing him, especially the females laughing at whatever he was talking about.

Girl, that man is not that fucking funny. Maybe funny looking, but not funny. Let me stop, he far from that.

"Hey, babe." He said. Crossing my arms over my chest. "You look good today." Licking his lips. As he spoke, his friends were watching the scene play out. Like he didn't just see me earlier.

"Dante, what is wrong with you? Telling people we dating and crap. I would never date your behind. Some dude almost got killed this morning because of you." Trying to calm my nerves, I close my eyes and breathing in and out slowly.

Grabbing my hand, he walked me o away from everyone"Get off of me." Yanking my hand out of his. Cause why the fuck are snowing out for these people, who don't even care about you for real.

"You buggin. You know we locked in, you my girl, stop acting like that." Trying to hug me. Trying to cut me off from speaking, trying to switch topics.

"No, you buggin. Telling your boys that I'm good in bed. Secondly, why you spreading lies around here? That's disrespectful on so many levels, and if we were fucking, you gon' tell everyone our business? Ion like that."

"Ma, calm down. You doin too much." He said, Rubbing his hand over his beard. He keep playing imma cut that shit off.

He over here playing around, like i'm a joke. I'm serious as hell right now.

"I am not no object. I don't know what is wrong with you. But, I don't belong to you. If this is what you think we are. For buying me some candy. We don't need to be friends." Walking away from him, I head to lunch.

Going to the lunch line. I grabbed some fries, popcorn chicken, sweet tea, and ketchup. Walking to my table, not covering up the fact I was mad.

"You okay?" I heard someone ask.

"No people are testing me."


After all the drama that happened today, I just wanted to go home and watch some shows.

"Hey! Rayne!" Hearing Sydney's voice I stopped where I was at. "I'm coming to your house." Seeing as my parents love her. Confused, because I thought everyone was coming over.

Pulling up in my driveway,I was getting out of the car, walking behind Sydney. She took her key out and walked in the house.

"Mom! Dad!" Closing the door, I went straight to the couch. I was feeling myself relax. I finally felt at peace.

"Sydney, if you don't stop screaming!" Hearing them in the kitchen talking. "She says, screaming." I muttered. Getting on Disney plus to watching the new proud family. 

"Rayne! You want some food?" I hear my mom scream from the kitchen.

"Yes, ma'am." Getting up, to see what she made.

"Here's your pb&j." Handing me my plate.

"Mom, I don't eat this. I don't like peanut butter." Putting the plate on the counter.

"Well scrape the peanut butter off. Or make you some oddles n noodles. I tell you never pleased. You get it from dad." Grabbing something to drink, before biting into her nachos.

I was looking around the table I see everyone eating nachos. Why everyone wanna joke with me today? Do I have a sign on me that says, Please continue to piss me off?

"Dad, y'all serious? Everyone eating nachos, but me. You know what? I'm not hungry." Getting an attitude, grabbing my stuff, going upstairs to my room. Not letting them finish what they were going to say.

"Rayne!Rayne!" Acting like I don't hear anything, I put in my AirPods in. Chance the rapper - Same Drugs comes on.

We don't do the same drugs no more.

We don't do the, we don't do the same drugs, do the same drugs no more

Cause she don't do the same drugs no more

We don't do the, we don't do the same drugs, do the same drugs no more

When did you change?

Wendy you've aged

I thought you'd never grow up

I thought you'd never

Window closed, Wendy got old

I was too late, I was too late

A shadow of what I once was

Feeling someone snatch my airpods out, causing my phone to fall. Seeing as I was dozing off a little. My music started to play out loud, guess I'll just cut my Bluetooth off.

Looking at Sydney, I was livid. "The song just started. If my headphones get lost, you are buying me some more." Ignoring what I was saying, she plopped down on the bed.

"Our parents have been calling you for the past 5 minutes. Here's your plate." Shoving
a cherry Dr.pepper, in my hand also. "I love jalapeños " Taking a big bite feeling better.

"You are so spoiled." Taking off her shoes changing into different clothes. She got comfortable in my bed, stealing most of the covers.

Getting comfortable, I take some of the covers from her. 'I'm a spoiled goddess. Don't be jealous." Finding a tv show on Netflix.
