If Only

Thanks for 5k reads!!!❤️❤️
It's so crazy how times flies, if only I would've known this book would be past 5k.

Hope you all are doing well, enjoy.

Rayne pov

Hearing the monitor beep as I sit there and wait, as my pounding headache worsens. "Oh my baby! Where's the doctor!" I hear someone yell. Groaning for them to get the hint they were making my headache worse.

"Please don't be loud." I muttered, as my voice cracks, slowly opening my eyes. Making eye contact with my mom, seeing her tear stained face. As she squeezes my hand, apologizing as her body shakes with her sobs.

"Calm down, she's okay." Making eye contact with my dad, seeing his eyes well up with tears.

At that moment all I could do was lay down, and stare at the ceiling. Thanking God, that he did it in the store and thankfully, I wasn't outside by myself.

After the whole situation, Dante carried me to the car saying I needed to be checked out. You can tell he was scared, and I could tell he was blaming himself. His hands were shaking as he placed my seatbelt on for me, immediately calling my parents. Hearing them scream through the phone, as I block his conversation out.

Being an over thinker was my worst enemy, as I laid there replaying everything in my mind. Before I knew it, I was crying and another panic attack hit harder than before. Hearing the door open, not being able to make out who was talking to me. Closing my eyes, as I try to calm myself down.

Finally settling back down, I block everyone out that was talking. Not even caring about what they were saying. At that moment, all I wanted was  to go home and cry myself to sleep.

"Rayne, we're going to step outside and inform everyone you're okay." Not even having the energy to respond, I just laid there, wanting the ground to swallow me up.

The silence didn't make anything better, just made it worse. All I could do was replay it in my head, as my mind began to wander.

What if he would've taken me?

What would've happened to me?

Would I be alive right now, if he had succeeded?

After a while of being in the hospital the cops came to ask me a few questions. But, at the moment I couldn't even remembered what he looked like. All I could remember was he was a tall black, older man.

The only thoughts on my mind was, what if I run into him again? What's the chances of them arresting him?

Trying to push the thoughts out my head, as they told me it was fine to leave. That if I had any health problems to come back, and we'll go from there.

"So much for the help," I mutter, sarcastically. They didn't even know drug it was, didn't even run any tests. Latching on to my dad, as he helps my walk out the room. Making it to the front to see everyone my friends, Dante's and my family, even his friends.

You would think I was in a bad car accident and needed urgent surgery, the way they were packed in here. As everyone stood up, not sure if they should come up to me or not.

"Can we do this at the house and not here, please." Making sure to keep my gaze on the floor.

Hearing yeah and sure, as we make it to the car. Sliding into the backseat, before I knew it someone was sliding next to me.  Knowing exactly who it was from his cologne, "Mamas, I'm so sorry. I should've stayed with you. Why the fuck would I le-"

Putting my head on his shoulder, grabbing his hand. "Stop, it wasn't your fault." Trying to suppress the tears, that were begging to escape. Guessing my parents was talking to everyone seeing as they weren't in the car.

"Just know Im handling it," He says, giving me a kiss on the forehead. Handling it? Confused, lifting my head up to ask. Shaking his head, before telling me not to worry about it.

Letting out a sigh, as I place my head back on his shoulder. Lord, please don't let him do anything stupid, I prayed. 

If only I would known at the time, how he was "handling" the situation. Maybe things would've been different, maybe I could've talked him out of it.

Life had other plans, and little did I know Dante I once knew, would never be the same again.


A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter.
