Chapter 5

HEY! So, most of the chapters will be in 3rd person but I'm still gonna right it before each chapter. Enjoy!

Previously on 'I care. Steo'

And Stiles was definitely catching feelings for Theo.



"Theo. Whatever happens after this, I need you to know that I love you. I don't know how it happened this quickly, but it did. And I am really, really happy that it did. And I know that you were listening. And I wish that I said something different. But I was stupid. And I said the wrong thing. And I promise you that I will find some way to make sure that we end up together."

"Stiles, don't make promises you can't keep. We know that Scott would have stopped this eventually. I guess it's easier that he stopped us before we get too attached."

"Please Theo, please don't say that. I have lost too many people. I need to know that I will have you in future. And that I haven't lost you forever. Theo you have to promise me that we're gonna be together."

Theo just shook is head. "No, please. Theo, promise me. Promise me, Theo!"

Theo took a huge breath. He loved Stiles. He really did. But he just couldn't promise him that. But the look in Stiles eyes made him break. And he really wished he didn't say it.

"I promise." Theo says looking into his first loves eyes.


Stiles was his first love.


"And I can't help who fall in love with!" Stiles screams. He didn't even realise what he just said. He smiled. And Theo smiled too.

Scott sighed. "Stiles, it's either Theo or the pack. Your choice."

Stiles looked at his friend in disbelief. "You can't seriously be asking me to make that decision. Scott what the hell?!"


So despite it all, he said the most rotten words that have ever come out of his mouth. "I choose pack."


And they could both feel the electricity coming off Stiles' hands.


3rd person~

Scott wouldn't leave Stiles' side. He kept saying 'I did it to protect you!' or 'I just wanna make sure you're ok.'

But like Stiles said, he's not stupid.

Isaac's been the most understanding.

The pack thought it was because he didn't experience what Theo has done, but that wasn't true.

He understands what it's like to love someone you can't have.

Isaac usually comes to visit Stiles to make sure he's ok. But Scott only spends time with him during the school day.

"Hey." Isaac says sitting next to Stiles. "How are you holding up?"

Stiles was lying faced down on his bed. "Every time I see him in the halls all I want to do is kiss him. But I can't and it hurts."

"Trust me I know."

"It's Scott isn't it?"

"Yea. But he has no idea. And now since Allison's been back, he's gonna choose her."

"When you and Allison were sorta together, Scott was definitely jealous. But I don't think he was jealous because Allison was with you, I think he was jealous because you were with Allison. You guys have a connection. And I think that you should go for it. Don't loose your chance at love." Stiles tells him. And honestly, he has sensed a connection between the two werewolves. And he'd do anything to make sure his friends are happy.

Isaac smelled Theo's scent and knew that he should leave. If Stiles is helping him be happy, he's gonna make sure Stiles is happy.

"I should go. Uh, I'm gonna go talk to Scott." Isaac said getting up.

"Ok. Good luck!" Stiles smiled at his friend.

Isaac walked out of the house to Theo's car.

"Look Theo, I don't know you that well. But what I do know is that you two make each other really happy. And all I want is for Stiles to be happy. So go talk to him." Isaac says to the chimera.

Theo just nods his head and Isaac walks away.

Theo hesitantly walks to the door.

"Ok. Just breathe Theo. He wants to see you. You love him and he loves you." Theo tells himself.

Theo finally knocks on the door and thought about running away until he heard Stiles get out of bed.

Once Stiles opens the door he's surprised so see Theo. But he's definitely happy. They stand there looking for each other for at least 2 minutes.

"Kiss me." Stiles instructs. 


Theo then grabs his face and shuts the door. 

Stiles immediately jumps up and Theo carries them both up the stairs into Stiles room. 

Theo carefully puts Stiles on the bed as Theo gets on top of him and grinds there erections together. They take off each others shirts and Theo moves down to Stiles neck sucking hickeys on the boys skin. Stiles lets out embarrassing moans as Theo goes down his chest and back up to his lips. 

Theo starts to undo stiles belt but he stops him. 

"Theo. Theo stop." The boy said.

"What? What's wrong? Are you ok?" 

"I can't have sex with you." 


"Hey Scott." Isaac says as he walks into the alpha's room. 

"Hey." Scott smiles.

"Ok, so, I'm gonna do something really crazy but I just really hope that you don't throw me against the wall." Isaac takes a deep breath and finally does it. He finally kisses Scott.

Scott looks into the beta's closed eyes and kisses back.  

"Why'd you do that?" Scott asks as they break away.

"Stiles said to not lose my chance in love. And I haven't had a lot of that lately."

"Oh god, Stiles is being so annoying. He's being such a drama queen. I mean, it's not like there gonna go behind our backs at some point! I did what was right!" Scott screams.

"No Scott, you did what you thought was right. Your best friend is hurting right now and you need to understand that not every things about you!"

"I don't even know if I can trust him! I mean he killed someone! Self defence or not it's wrong!"

"You trust me and I killed someone!" Isaac accidentally lets out.

"What? But your eyes aren't blue."

"Because he wasn't innocent. I became friends with this one girl. A beta. And she had an abusive boyfriend, an Alpha. So, he didn't know that I was gay, and he came in storming her house one night screaming at both of us. And then he killed her. And then I killed him." Isaac says.

"It was self defence right?"

"No. He didn't come after me. I slashed his throat and then I ran. That's why I had no problem coming back here."

Scott sits down on the bed. "Wh- why- h-h-how."

"Scott, I can't be with you, or figure out what we have till you fix this. I gotta go."

That's what made Scott think of what happen 2 days earlier.


"No Scott! You saw me there. Broken. And you of all people! You know what it's like to lose your first love. And now you know what it's like to lose a brother." Then he walked out.

"I fucked up." Scott said to himself. He needed to go to Stiles. And that's exactly what he did.

"What? Is that why you thought I came over here for?" Theo asks Stiles.

"No! No, of course not. But, our first time should be when we don't have to hide it. If I wanna have sex with you, I'm gonna tell the whole world." Stiles says grabbing Theo's hands.

"Is that the real reason?" Theo asks him. And he knows it's not.

"Yea." Stiles lies. And even thought he can control his heartbeat, he can't lie to Theo.

"Or is it because you don't want my scent on you." Theo already knows that's his reason, but he needs Stiles to say it.

Stiles sighed and looked down.

"Stiles, if you don't want my scent on you, maybe you should stay away from me." Theo didn't want to say that. But he needed to protect Stiles. Stiles needed the pack.

Theo walks out of his room.

He knows that this will be the biggest mistake of his life, but he wants Stiles to live a life with his friends. So he has to be an asshole.

"Theo! Theo come back!" Stiles runs out the door after him into the rain.

"Why'd you pick the pack in the first place? Why'd you leave me?" Theo starts crying. He didn't care about the reason, but he cared about Stiles. And if keeping Stiles safe meant breaking his heart, then so be it.

"I don't have an answer." Stiles chokes out.

"Did you think I couldn't protect you?" Theo hated this. He hated seeing Stiles like this. And he knew that this isn't the answer, and he knows he will regret this the rest of his life.

"No! I thought that if I stayed with you they would've hurt you."

"I don't need you to protect me, Stiles. I'm a werewolf. You, you're just a pathetic, weak, human." The words even tasted rotten in his mouth.

"You're the only one who hasn't pointed that I'm human." Stiles was sobbing know.

"And look at you. Crying like a little baby." Theo wanted to stop. He wanted to run up and kiss those soft pink lips.

"You're crying too!" Stiles tries to fight back.

"Yea. I am." There had to be no further explanation then that.

"Do you even love me anymore?"


Of course I do.

How could I not?


Theo begins to walk to his car.

"If you walk out now you are never getting me back!"

"Then I guess I'm never getting you back."

The look on Stiles face once he said that almost made Theo run up and tell him that he didn't mean it. That he needs to stay away from him so he can be safe.


And all Stiles could do was sit and cry in the rain as he watched that stupid car drive away.

And all Theo could do was sit and cry in his stupid car wondering why he drove away.

Scott was there to see the whole thing.

He ran up to Stiles and grabbed the sobbing boy into his arms.

He screamed.

And he cried.

This is all my fault.

Was all that Scott was thinking.

HEY! If you wanna kill me it's cool. I would kill me too. Next chapter will hopefully be up tonight!


Next on 'I care. Steo.'

"What the hell is wrong with you? You were lying the whole time!"

"Of course I was lying! You guys could keep Stiles safe. I can't. If something happenee to him, especially while he was with me, I would never be able to forgive myself."


"Theo! You come back here right now!"

He finally faced the boy.

"What happened? What happened to us?"

And no matter how much he didn't want to, he walked away.


"You're my best friend. And I love you, and I want us to be together."

"Me too."


"This is all my fault. If I didn't put my hate for him first, then none of this would have happened."


Despite everything, he pulled him into the janitors closet and kissed him.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I couldn't not do it."

And then he was gone.

Just like that.
