Chapter 4

I've decided to do previously's and sorta like trailers for the next chapter because I wanted to make this like an actual TV show so yeah. And even if you're reading this right after the last one, there's some stuff from chapter 1 and 2 so I don't know. You just might need to. See notes at the end of this chapter because there pretty important. Enjoy!

Previously on 'I care. Steo' 

"Ya know there gonna hate us both right?" I ask breaking the kiss.

"Yea. But it's so worth it." He says and bring his lips back to mine. "So will you join my pack?"



  Stiles? Stiles. Out of all people, it was Stiles he had to take? He was my best friend, ok? He was my brother. He said it himself. But Theo fucking brainwashed him. We do care. And is heart didn't beat to go up or down at all! 


"You guys are extremely gullible that's what's up. You honestly thought I would abandon the pack. No, I would definitely not. I need to get close to Theo and figure out his plan. I'll say I want to wait for void until I'm absolutely ready."

"So, you're not leaving us?" I ask.

"No. But you guys owe me cause I just made out with Theo and he is the worst kisser I swear to god."


 "Mason's the beast. Lydia, you have to scream mason's name to free him, but we have to wait until Sebastian Valet comes or something. He's the man behind the beast. Once he remembers, Mason's going to be stuck in his body. Sebastian Valet is Marie Jeanne Valet's brother. She was the first generation of Argent hunters. Allison' ancestor. And um, Theo told me that me being the spark and all, I'm able to bring back someone who died. And Theo had a painting of Marie Jeanne, she looked exactly like Allison. So if we can bring her back, then she could distract Sebastian. The Dread Doctors told Theo that Marie Jeanne killed her brother after hunting him for 3 years. If we bring Allison back, she could distract him, Lydia could save Mason, Parrish could fight The Beast, and Derek, well, you have to help Scott with Deucalian." Stiles explain.


And Stiles was definitely catching feelings for Theo.



3rd person~  

Stiles and Theo made their way to the couch, Scott still outside on the phone with the pack.  

"This is not good. Ok! This is so not good!" Scott panics into the phone. "They are on the couch. I mean seriously lying down on the couch and oh my god! Don't do that! Oh god. This is gonna lead to sex. Get off of him! Let me rephrase that. This is going to lead to really weird sex!"

"Scott! Just stop looking! Isaac, call Stiles and we'll see what happens! Ok? Just stop watching!" Derek says highly annoyed. 

Stiles hears his phone ringing but chooses to ignore it. 

"Aren't you gonna get that?" Theo asks with a satisfied smirk.

"No. It's probably just Scott." Stiles answered and brought Theo's lips back to his.

"He just totally ignored me!" Isaac said. "Did he even bother to look at his phone?!" 


"Shit." Derek says. 

"Just call him again. We'll keep bugging him 'till he answers." Scott tells Isaac. 

Isaac calls again. And again. And once more till Stiles finally answers. 

"What?!" He asks.

"Just a," Isaac looks around for someone to tell him what to say. "Wanted to know what progress you guys have made." 

"Oh my god! Theo is still kissing his neck!" Scott nearly gags. 

"Shut up. Scott!" Derek growls. 

"We're looking through books right now. Haven't found anything yet." Stiles lies.

"Ok, just, um, text us when you do." Isaac says.

"Yeah. Ok. Sure. Bye!" Stiles hangs up. 

"Who should we kill first?" Isaac asks.

"Just knock on the door or something. Tell them it's you." Malia offers. 

"Ugh fine. Bye." Scott then hangs up and bangs on the door. "Hey. It's Scott. Open up!"

Stiles and Theo look at each other wide eyed. They both know that Scott doesn't like them together, but together when they're supposed to be doing work is even worse. And don't forget that Theo doesn't know the whole story.

Both boys get up and rush to get there shirts back on. Theo not so subtly stealing kisses from Stiles and Stiles not so subtly enjoying it. Stiles rushes up to his room to get the books and tries to make it seem like they've been reading for the past half hour and not making out. 

Stiles and Theo walk to the door together. Theo still kissing Stiles and Stiles still enjoying. 

Once Stiles opens the door he comes face to face with an angry Scott.

"What took you guys so long to answer the door?" Scott asks crossing his arms. 

"We were both really close to finishing the page we were on, so we just felt like finishing it real quick." Stiles lies. He's been getting pretty good with controlling his heartbeat so he can finally lie to his friends.

"Have you found anything yet?" Scott asks looking like he was about to punch Theo in the face.

"Yes actually." Theo answers. The two other boys look at Theo confused. "Someone close to you. Someone with a strong connection to you, Stiles, would have to be with to you. We already have the strong connection with Allison thanks to Argent, but you need to have a strong connection with someone so it can work."

Scott automatically thought of Lydia.

Stiles automatically thought of Theo. 

Stiles and Theo looked at each other and smiled.

Scott noticed.

"Hey, Stiles. Can I talk to you for a sec? Alone."

"Uh, yea. Theo, please don't listen." Stiles pecks Theo on the lips and then walks up the stairs with Scott.

Theo didn't want to listen in, but the way Stiles looked back at him when he went up the stairs, he could tell someone was wrong.

So he listened.

And he wished he didn't.

"Stiles, do you like him?" Scott asks looking at his best friend.

Stiles looked down. Maybe in shame. Maybe in embarresment. He didn't know.

"Yea. Yea Scott, I like him. And I like him a lot." Stiles finally answered. He was afraid what Scott would say.

"That wasn't the plan. The plan was you get close to him, you give us information, and you don't get attatched. That. Was. The. Plan." Scott grittes his teath.

"Well the plan sucks Scott! It sucks! I didn't mean to get attatched, ok? I didn't mean to like him. But I do. I really like him."

"No you don't Stiles! You do know that he killed me, and almost killed Lydia and Malia too. Also two of our best friends."

"How is that any different than what you've done to me, Scott? You always abandoned me when you were with Allison. When me and Derek were getting attacked by Jackson at the pool you hung up on me because you were with Allison! You abandoned me because I killed someone who tried to kill me first! And you didn't even let me explain!" Stiles starts screaming getting tearied eyed.

"Theo's the one who told me. You do realize that don't you?" Scott screams back.

"Of course I know! I'm not supid! And if you listened to me from the very begginging when I said that Theo couldn't be trusted, then we would be working together right now on how to stop The Beast rather then trying to kill each other!"

"It's not my fault you didn't stick to the plan!"

"You mean the plan that I made up! That I thought of so I could get your first love back? Who's the bad friend here?!"

"I can't help it that I don't have a brilliant mind like you, Stiles!"

"And I can't help who fall in love with!" Stiles screams. He didn't even realize what he just said. He smiled. And Theo smiled too.

Scott sighed. "Stiles, it's either Theo or the pack. Your choice."

Stiles looked at his friend in disbelief. "You can't seriously be asking me to make that descision. Scott what the hell?!"

"Pack or Theo."

Stiles thought about it for a minute.

He loved Theo. He never thought he would. And he definetly never thought it would happen this fast.

But the pack as been with him for years. They were a great team. All his best friends.

But Theo.

He didn't what to hurt Theo.

So despite it all, he said the most rotten words that have ever come out of his mouth. "I choose pack."

"Good. Be at the cemetary in 20 minutes." Then Scott's out in a flash.

Theo had to turn away from the door. He was crying. And he heard Stiles crying too.

Once Stiles had been able to stop crying he went downstairs.

He had really hoped Theo wasn't listening.

But he knew he was.

"What did he have to say?" Theo managed to spit out.

"He just wanted to tell me that they talked to Argent and to be at the cemetary in 20 minutes."

"Should we go now then?" Theo asks trying to stop himself from crying again.

Stiles nods his head and grabs the books off the counter.

Once then get into the car they don't talk. They both knew that talking would mess everything up even more.

Once they got to the cemetary Stiles turned to Theo.

"Theo. Whatever happens after this, I need you to know that I love you. I don't know how it happened this quickly, but it did. And I am really, really happy that it did. And I know that you were listening. And I wish that I said something different. But I was stupid. And I said the wrong thing. And I promise you that I will find some way to make sure that we end up together."

"Stiles, don't make promises you can't keep. We know that Scott would have stopped this eventually. I guess it's easier that he stopped us before we got too attatched."

"Please Theo, please don't say that. I have lost too many people. I need to know that I will have you in future. And that I haven't lost you forever. Theo you have to promise me that we're gonna be together."

Theo just shook is head. "No, please. Theo, promise me. Promise me, Theo!"

Theo took a huge breath. He loved Stiles. He really did. Hr has his whole life. But he just couldn't promise him that. But the look in Stiles eyes made him break. And he really wished he didn't say it.

"I promise." Theo says looking into his first loves eyes.


Stiles was his first love.

Stiles grabbed Theo's face and kissed him like it would be there last. And it probably would be.

They kissed for as long as they wanted.

It wasn't rough and aggressive. But it wasn't sweet and innocent either. It was a little bit of both.

They hesitantly pulled away. Tears from their eyes both extremely noticable. They didn't care. Let the pack know they're in love.

The pack heard anyway.

And they were all mad at Scott.

Sure Lydia was upset.

But she cared more about how Stiles was feeling.

Stiles and Theo hugged a little more.

Then they kissed a lot more.

And they said a ton more 'I love you's.'

"Stiles." Theo says to the crying boy. "Stiles, it's gonna be fine. We're gonna have our happy ending. No matter how long it takes. I love you."

"I love you too."

"How about so we know that we're gonna be together forever, we stop saying I love you too, and just say I love you. I love you too sounds like were just agreeing with each other. So if we just say I love you, I guess that could be our way of knowing we're gonna be together forever." Theo says to his love.

Stiles just smiles and nods his head. "I love you."

"I love you." Theo smiles.

They kiss one last time before they know that they have to get out of the car.

Scott doesn't back out. That's what makes everyone mad.

Even Argent.

Stiles and Theo walk over to the pack.

And Scott couldn't have been more of an asshole.

"Ok. Let's just get this done and save Beacon Hills." He says and turns away.

Stiles and Theo smile at each other.

They grab each others hands and walk to Allison's grave.

And they could both feel the electricity coming off Stiles' hands.

HEY! You all probably hate me. I would hate me too. ANYWAY! THE BOOK IS FAR FROM OVER! BUT I AM ALREADY PLANNING A SEQUEL!!

Next on 'I care. Steo."


"No Scott! You saw me there. Broken. And of all people you! You know what it's like to lose your first love! And now you know what it's like to lose a brother." Then he walked out.

"Everytime I see him in the halls all I want to do is kiss him. But I can't and it hurts."

"If you walk out now, you are never getting me back!"

"Then I guess I'm never getting you back."

And all he could do was sit and cry in the rain as he watched that stupid car drive away.

And all he could do was sit and cry in the stupid car wondering why he drove away.

"Scott, I can be with you or figure out what we have until you fix this."
