Episode 216 Chapter 46: Old Story(12)

Old Story (12)

The next day arrived.

My custom uniform was made quite quickly, but perhaps because I'm still much smaller than an adult, I didn't feel particularly satisfied when I looked at myself in the full-length mirror.

The design of the uniform was not much different from the Stella cadet uniform. The overall blue color and the numerous ornaments attached to it were a bit bothersome, but as expected of a noble family, the uniform itself was quite impressive.

When I added the mask, I seemed to blend in well enough.

If someone sensitive to mana, like Grand Duke Isaac Morph, noticed my unusual condition, it could be problematic, but such people are rare.

"Shall we go then...?"

Despite feeling quite uneasy, I decided to bury all my worries deep inside for now. Worrying wouldn't change anything.

Grand Duchy of Morph.

Morph's Forest.

Although not very large, it is known as the place where the legendary monster was sealed by the great Morph, a disciple of the progenitor wizard. Only members of the Morph family are allowed to enter.

To continuously maintain the seal on the monster, the ice magic of the Morph lineage was essential, and for a thousand years, they protected this place, barring outsiders due to the danger.

And now, a thousand years after the sealing of the monster, the Morph Forest had to allow an external force for the first time.

The Red Sun Knights of Adolevit, along with the magicians from the Mage Association and the Magic Tower, were participating in large numbers, supposedly brought in by Hong Si-hwa.

"Nice to meet you. I am Hong Si-hwa of Adolevit."

"I am Alec Vailen of the Mage Association."

"I am Kasak, the Vice-Lord of the Blue Crystal Magic Tower. It's an honor to meet you."

"I am Verdun, the Director of the World Magicians Organization."

"Nice to meet you. I am Grand Duke Isaac Morph."

The meeting between the Red Sun Knights in their red uniforms and the Morph Knights in their blue uniforms was tense.

Since the meeting was not conducted properly, the Morph Knights glared at the Adolevit soldiers with fierce eyes.

'Their impressions are completely different.'

I stood at the back, quietly observing Hong Si-hwa. She was certainly very different from the playful figure I knew ten years later, now appearing calm and composed.

Isaac and Hong Si-hwa shook hands and entered the command tent. Following them, the magicians from the association and the tower, as well as Isaac's aide Wilhelm, entered, and I cautiously followed.

Wilhelm didn't look too pleased with me, but he didn't say anything, likely due to Isaac's orders.

Inside the command tent, the atmosphere was cold and tense. The knights of both countries glared at each other as if they wanted to kill each other. I subtly positioned myself behind Isaac.

"First... I want to apologize for forcing our troops into the Morph Grand Duchy."

"I think it's truly regrettable."

"According to the calculations of the constellation tripod of the Red Sun Magic Tower, the barrier sealing the monster will weaken in less than a month."

The Red Sun Magic Tower of Adolevit was known as a candidate for the next 'Great Tower' after the Full Moon Tower and was one of the most outstanding magical institutions in the world. They were famous for their unique magical calculations using the constellation tripod.

"Even though the great Morph, a disciple of the original wizard, sealed it, and the Morph family has maintained it with their exceptional magic, it is a miracle that the barrier has lasted for a thousand years."

Their computational ability, which could calculate everything from ancient to future magic, was almost supernatural. According to their information, the monster would awaken in the Morph Forest in a month.

That's quite a ridiculous story.

They believed their thoughts and calculations were correct, pushing forward independently, even at the cost of great harm to the Morph Grand Duchy.

"Princess Hong Si-hwa."

Isaac Morph spoke to her with a stern expression.

"If this matter goes wrong, you will have to take significant diplomatic responsibility."

"Of course."

Hong Si-hwa answered indifferently and gestured behind her.

Two of Adolevit's lieutenants appeared and spread a magic scroll on the table, revealing a holographic view of the Morph Forest.

"This is quite... unpleasant."

The Morph Forest strictly prohibits the entry of outsiders and is akin to the heart of the Morph Grand Duchy.

Yet they had grasped all the geographical features of the Morph Forest and even created a map.

This was not just rude; it was a severe issue that could cause significant diplomatic friction. However, Hong Si-hwa casually bowed her head in apology.

"I apologize. The Adolevit royal family deemed this matter should be handled with the utmost seriousness."

"I, too, have determined that the Adolevit royal family's rudeness must be handled seriously. We will meet again in an official setting once this matter is resolved."

"Yes, understood."

Did they consider the subjugation of the monster so important that they were willing to endure such losses? Or did they simply not care about Isaac's words?

Hong Si-hwa's voice was devoid of emotion, making it impossible to discern her true intentions.

"In fact, we should have discussed this matter earlier."

"What do you mean?"

"We need to discuss the very existence of this monster..."

As the tension in the strategy meeting heightened.


I sensed something peculiar from outside the tent and turned my head.

Naturally, I couldn't see anything since I lacked x-ray vision. However, thanks to the extraordinary sixth sense developed by the blessing of Silver Eleventh Moon, I was the only one who could feel the strange presence that no one else noticed.

Because this presence...

'...is a dark mage?'

Despite this, no one even flinched. Clearly, no one had noticed.

'This is the sensitivity of a 7-star...'

Identifying dark mages with modern magic was almost impossible. Even I couldn't distinguish them without the fraudulent functions of my bulbul glasses, but I could sense it with just my intuition.

But that wasn't important now.

I looked at Isaac.

He was passionately arguing with Hong Si-hwa with an angry expression.

"So, you're saying that the Morph family intentionally didn't kill the monster to use it as a 'war weapon' by keeping it sealed... is that what you mean?"

"Yes, that's correct. According to our calculations, your family had the ability to kill the monster long ago."

How absurd. The thousand-year monster, 'White Flame Tiger Hwayoung,' cannot be killed. It has nine lives and will revive. The great Morph only managed to seal it, and for a thousand years, our family has protected this place to prevent the monster from awakening. And yet, a war weapon? Absurd."

Isaac seemed genuinely angry with Hong Si-hwa.

Though I hadn't spent much time with him, I had never seen him this angry.
(TL: its decided. the day I reach the chapter this b!tch dies a pig's death, i'd release 10 chapter at the same time as a sign of celebration)...wait ..i am already releasing approx 10 chapters a day......) whatever))))

"Huh, so... Do you all believe this as well?"

Isaac Morph glanced at the representatives of the World Magicians Organization and the various magic towers.

They remained silent with grim expressions.

This indicated their agreement with Hong Si-hwa's statement.

"This is insane..."

Isaac rubbed his forehead and took off his glasses.

The White Flame Tiger Hwayoung, an estimated 9-risk level legendary monster.

It overthrew numerous countries and killed many 8-class magicians, who were rare even a thousand years ago, making it a 'world threat.' The one who sealed it was his ancestor, the great Morph.

However, even Morph couldn't find a way to kill Hwayoung completely, so they sealed it for many generations, protecting the world from the monster.

And now, they accuse them of trying to use it as a war weapon, which is utterly ridiculous.

"...You have made a grave mistake. Remember this. If you awaken the White Flame Tiger Hwayoung from its seal, it will not end well."

"We have thoroughly investigated the White Flame Tiger Hwayoung and are fully prepared. There is no need for concern."

Is it confidence, or arrogance?

Isaac ran a large hand over his forehead, barely suppressing a sigh.

This was a first for him.

How would his ancestors have handled this situation?

If the Great Morph, or even his wise father, were still alive, what would they have said?

'The situation is worse than I thought.'

As I watched Isaac Morph's turmoil, I quietly left the command tent. The war of nerves was almost over, and the strategy meeting was about to begin.

Since I wouldn't be participating in the battle, there was no need for me to attend the strategy meeting. Listening wouldn't hurt, but there was something I needed to check immediately.

'What are those Black Mages planning to do here?'

They were like cockroaches, appearing everywhere.

I needed to figure out their intentions.

Flame and Eisel.

How long had it been since the two girls had lost consciousness?

When they woke up, they looked at each other and screamed.


Ahhh! You crazy girl, why are you screaming?!

A ghost!

You're a ghost too!


Eisel, who screamed after seeing Flame's translucent body, finally looked at herself.

Oh, really...?

Both girls had become translucent, their ghost-like appearance sending chills down their spines.

This is...

It seems we've successfully travelled back to the past.

Flame said, looking at the large mansion ahead with calm eyes. Finally noticing it, Eisel widened her eyes.


In memories and reminiscences.

My lost home.

Now it was vividly before her. This was no illusion or fake; it was the real Morph mansion.

It's really... here...

Ten years in the past.

They had truly returned to that time.

...Hey, are you okay?

As Flame asked cautiously, Eisel, who had been staring blankly at the mansion, smiled.

Of course! I won't waste this precious time wallowing in sentiment. Let's go.

Where to?

Well, first...

She hesitated.

I want to find my father.

Yeah, I think that's a good idea too.

Coming to find out the truth about her father, it was a natural decision.

As they were heading towards the mansion, they noticed something striking.

It was Eisel.

Young Eisel.


For some reason, she looked nervous, glancing around before sneaking over the fence and into the forest.

Hey, wait! That's a dangerous place...!

As Eisel belatedly shouted in panic, Flame said in disbelief.

Isn't that young you? You should remember this.

Uh, maybe...

She tried desperately to recall her childhood, but how clearly can one remember things from when they were seven?

Only important scenes flashed by like faint afterimages.

Let's follow her!

Are you sure?

Yes! That's the Morph Forest. It's very dangerous and strictly off-limits... Oh, wait...

While speaking, something seemed to come to Eisel's mind, and she began to ponder.


That little kid is really fast.

No longer needing to walk or run in their ghostly bodies, Flame quickly flew after young Eisel, dragging present Eisel along. Although she seemed lost in thought.


What the...

Young Eisel's scream echoed.

Flying quickly, they saw her being chased by a huge wolf monster.

Damn it!

Flame instinctively tried to draw her wand and cast a spell, but realized she had no mana.

Unable to do anything, she tried to shield Eisel with her body, but passed right through the wolf.

What the...

She had never known young Eisel was in such danger. This wasn't in the original story.

This is really dangerous...

...Wait. If young me dies here, then I wouldn't exist now, right?

Eisel said, something finally coming to her.

Yeah. I definitely remember this. The day I got lost in the forest and was chased by a terrifying wolf monster... It was like a nightmare...

Young Eisel tripped over a stone and fell, with the wolf about to pounce on her in a life-or-death moment.


...appeared. A hero with a ridiculous mask.

Even after ten years, she had never forgotten the masked hero who saved her, though she never knew his face or name.

He appeared, effortlessly grabbing the wolf's neck with one hand and subduing it.

But then.

That guy...

No way...

Looking this way and that.

Even doing somersaults and backflips to make sure.

Isn't that Baek Yuseol...?

He just wore a mask.

But he was unmistakably Baek Yuseol.


What on earth was going on? Seeing someone resembling Baek Yuseol in the past, the girls were plunged into confusion.
