Episode 169 Chapter 39: Ghost Story(5)

Ghost Story(5)

When Stella's students usually gather, they hold tea parties in places like cafes or terraces. It could be said that this is the epitome of aristocratic gatherings... but there's no need for commoners to go to such lengths, is there?

So, Flame went to a chicken joint.


"Seasoned chicken."

"No, I mean, chicken..."

"I said seasoned chicken. Aren't you going to eat?"

"I'll eat, but..."

"Yeah. You like stuff like this."

Eisel hesitated before stabbing a fork into a piece of chicken. Annella, who was sitting next to Flame, was already munching on a drumstick.

"You inconsiderate brat. There are three people here and only two drumsticks, and you just take one?"

"Oops! Oops!"

...It seemed she took it in an unpeaceful manner, but Flame snatched it away from her.

"Fine. You can eat. I'll allow it."


Though it seemed unnecessary to need permission to eat something like this, it was hard to eat without feeling self-conscious.

"Eat a lot. This older sister is treating!"

Eisel likes instant food. Pizza, chicken, hamburgers. Of course, these aren't exactly cheap for commoners, so she doesn't get to eat them often.

I remember there was a setting where Jeremy and Haewonryang fell head over heels when they saw her eyeing cheap chicken pieces at a grand noble banquet instead of luxurious food.

In that aspect, she's similar to me.

Flame also prefers instant food over aristocratic cuisine.

Caviar, foie gras, truffles?

I've never tried them, but even if I did, I doubt I'd like them that much.

Steak and whatnot, I'd rather just quickly grill some pork belly, wrap it in lettuce with some ssamjang, and eat it like that.

The three girls quietly ate chicken and drank a glass of cola... not beer, chatting away.

"So, what's the sudden visit for?"

"Ah, that is..."

"Why, are you curious about that man's whereabouts?"

"No, no! Absolutely not. That's ridiculous."

When Eisel burst out in anger, Flame chuckled. She sipped on her straw and casually dropped some information about Baek Yu-seol.

"He's currently staying in some city in the west. He said he had some business to take care of. I'm not sure, but since it's him, it must be important."

"I see..."

Suddenly, Eisel felt doubtful about her own life.

Is there any meaning in my current life of nothing but madly studying? Even now, someone is steadily building a tower to save the world, yet I'm engrossed in mere studies. Is this really the right thing to do?

...No. I am right.

The reason Baek Yu-seol doesn't study is because he has accumulated countless knowledge through thousands of regressions. To get closer to someone like him, shouldn't I study even harder?

"Ah~ I don't know. Where could he possibly be going in this situation?"

The atmosphere at the school is unusual.

Clearly, it seems the urban legends and this incident are linked, but I have no idea how to solve it.


In fact, Eisel might know how to get into the 7th Main Tower...

The reason she wasn't certain is that she heard this story from her father a very long time ago.

Her father's ghost story, told in a playful tone, seemingly just to scare a child.

She pondered whether to tell Flame this story.


Flame quietly waited for Eisel.

In the original novel, Eisel didn't consider the information she had about the 7th Main Tower urban legend very important.

As a result, she jokingly mentioned the ghost story to Haewonryang, and the curious boy delved deeply into it, which later greatly helped in resolving the 'Black Magic Invasion' incident.

But reality was different.

There were practically no points of contact between Eisel and Haewonryang, and currently, only two people knew about the urban legend.

However, Flame could not freely use the knowledge Eisel had. That knowledge... was something only Eisel's father would know.

So she quietly waited.

For Eisel to make up her mind and bring up the story.


While Annella alone cluelessly munched on chicken, Flame and Eisel put down their forks and spent time silently lost in their thoughts.

Finally, Eisel made up her mind and spoke first.

"...Um, there's actually a secret about the 7th Main Tower."


"Yes. There are rumors that it never existed or that it was there in old photos but disappeared later, right?"

"That's right."

There was still much debate about whether the 7th Main Tower actually existed.

"It existed. Until 50 years ago."

Angel slowly began to speak.

"Abelain Staberk. You know who that is, right?"


Any reader who has read the original novel 'Princess' would have heard the name at least once.

In this world, there are people who have left achievements and made a name for themselves, who could be called the 'protagonists' of their times. 200 years ago, it was 'Eltman Eltwin'; and half a century ago, it was 'Abelain Staberk.'

Abelain Staberk achieved remarkable feats that are hard to believe were accomplished by just one person.

It was said that if his life story were to be written, it would amount to dozens of volumes of fantasy novels. Unfortunately, in the original novel, his story was summarized very briefly and he didn't make a proper appearance.

However... his end was not befitting a protagonist.

'Betrayal of the Dark Mage'

He committed what is considered the worst crime in the magical world and became a dark mage.

He killed three members of the Elder Council, crippled the former head of the Full Moon Tower, and fled. It is said that he is still alive and ruling over the dark mages.

Many believe that after betraying the magical world, Abelain has been living quietly in hiding, but Eisel knows his current situation well.

'Dark Mage King.'

That dark mage, known to possess the most formidable power in this world, is none other than Abelain Staberk.

Why he betrayed the magical world is actually not important.

The information needed right now is that Abelain Staberk isolated the 7th Main Tower in an invisible world and hid something inside it.

"What is hidden inside the 7th Main Tower is neither treasure nor a legendary artifact. Abelain said he hid... 'the truth' in there."

"The truth..."

"Yes. No one knows exactly what this truth is."

Maybe it is related to the reason Abelain betrayed and left the magical world.

Annella spoke nonchalantly.

"But isn't that truth nothing special? Even Principal Eltman isn't looking for it."

"Well... I'm not sure about that. But maybe we can find that place. If we do... are you willing to enter it?"

In this regard, she had to be cautious. This was like forcing Flame into sacrifice and adventure.

However, Flame showed an unexpected reaction. Without hesitation, she nodded.

"Of course, we have to go. Is this why you've been dragging this out?"

"I see..."

The thought of having a great wizard like Flame with her somehow relieved Eisel.

Then, first...

Feeling she could trust her, Eisel was about to share a ghost story she knew, but at that moment.

"Hey, there's a commotion at the 4th Main Tower."

"Hurry, let's check it out. Something seems to have happened."

"What? What's going on?"

Suddenly, the surroundings became noisy.

When even the restaurant was disturbed, it meant something serious was happening.

The moment they heard the students' conversation, Flame jumped up and dashed out. Eisel followed her, and Annella, clueless, trailed behind them.

The 4th Main Tower was nearby, and after running toward the source of the commotion, they reached the D-17 corridor on the 30th floor, which was already being controlled by the staff.

"Quiet! All students, step back!"

"Return to your dormitories! If you don't comply, you will be penalized!"

The crowd of students mixed with the staff trying to control them, making it hard to see anything properly.

All the windows in the corridor were shattered, and the floor was soaked with water. Something particularly stood out.

[Great Mage, are you afraid of the truth?]

[What are you trying so hard to hide?]

On the wet corridor floor... bright red letters floated.

The professors were trying to erase it with magic, but they were sweating profusely, failing to do so.

'Of course, it won't work.'

Flame understood why the professors couldn't erase those letters with magic. Those letters were written in the 'reverse world,' not reality.

With ordinary magic that could only interfere with reality, even such a simple phrase could not be erased.


At the sound of a young boy's voice from somewhere, all the commotion ceased. The students were mute, and the professors, stiff with tension, hesitantly stepped back.

The crowd miraculously parted, and a boy walked through.

Eltman Eltwin.

Always smiling and showing a relaxed demeanor, he now had a significantly hardened expression.

He walked silently over the water-filled corridor, looked at the floating letters, and clicked his tongue.

Then he took out a scroll, absorbed the letters into it, and sealed it.

People watching responded with 'As expected of the principal,' but Flame saw it differently.

Why did he take out the scroll instead of using his own magic?

It's obvious.

Even his spatial magic couldn't touch it.

So he had to take out a scroll containing 'another mage's' magic.

Eltman scanned the crowd with a dark expression and asked a professor in a low voice.

"Is anyone hurt?"

"There are no injuries, but..."

The professor gloomily answered Eltman's question and pointed to the back. There, three girls were huddled together, trembling.

Their appearance was familiar.

They exuded an aristocratic aura.

The girls proudly wore brooches adorned with red rubies, representing their affiliation.


As Flame was struck by the thought that something was amiss.

The professor uttered unbelievable words.

"First-year Class S, Hong Bi-yeon has... disappeared beyond an unknown dimensional space."

That was...

A major incident that Flame had neither anticipated nor imagined.
