Time to get a familiar

Rai was in his bed sleeping until he heard his phone going off. He looks at it too see it was a text from Issei. "The monster has been unleashed."

Rai: The fuck?

His eyes then widen and slowly sat up.

Rai: Today is training day.

The door was kicked open showing Rias in her training outfit.

Rias: Get your ass up.

She gave him a glare and her aura spikes as he begins to shake.

Rai: Yes, ma'am.

Rai and Issei were running as Rias and Koneko were behind them riding bikes.

Rias: (To Rai) Anybody ever tell you that you run like a schoolgirl?

Rai: (Tick mark) Anybody ever tell you that you nag like an Ugly Hag.

Rias: (Tick mark) Why you little. Run faster dickhead.

Rai: Mak-

He turns around to see Rias charging an attack.


Rai runs away as Rias chases after him.

Rias: Come here you bastard! I'll show you an Ugly hag!

Issei: -_-

Koneko: Keep running numb-nuts.

Issei: T_T

We cut to Rias on Rai's feet sitting down as he was doing handstand push ups.

Rias: 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008. Come on keep going.

Rai: This (Push up) is (Push up) stupid.

Rias: Now time to do it with one arm.

Rai: (Tick mark)

???: Mommy! Daddy!

They look up to see Rebecca with Akeno, Kiba and Asia. Rebecca runs over and hug Rai's arm hugging it.

Asia: Sorry we're late.

Akeno: How's training going?

Kiba looked over to see Issei face first in the ground. With Koneko on his back.

Kiba:...Oh.(Chuckle) Hang on Issei.

He walks over to them with Asia. With Akeno she walked over and crouches down in front of Rias.

Akeno: Hey love~

Rai was still doing pushups as Rebecca was laughing.

Rai: Hey babe.

Akeno: Is our Rias training you too hard?

Rias: He'll be fine.

Rai: (Tick mark) (Ugly hag.)

Rias: (Tick mark) 

Rias stood on her feet putting more pressure on him

Rai: Whoa! Rias, what the hell?!

Rias: Hmph.

It cuts to everyone taking a break. Rias was watching Rebecca and Rai training with each other.

Akeno: You okay?

Rias:.....No. It's only a matter of time until he comes and tries to challenge Rai again.

Akeno frowns knowing who she was talking about and grabbed her hand.

Rias: Rai has beaten him before...but what if he does something this time to finally win.

Akeno: (Smile) If he does.

Akeno looked at Rai getting punched by Rebecca making him grab his cheek causing him to smile.

Rebecca: (Laughing)

She then saw Issei and everyone walk over and talked to Rai.

Akeno: And he has everyone backing him up. Beside he's mad because Rai got to you first before he did. 

Rias:....What if he tries to threaten Rebecca.

Akeno: Then Rebecca could kick his butt. She's the daughter of Rai Toujou and Rias Gremory.

Rias looked at Rai and smiled.

Next day

Everyone was in the ORC relaxing until Rias spoke.

Rias: Issei, Asia I think you'll be glad to know your flyer days are over.

Issei: Nani?

Rias: You've both have done great work, but normally the hassle of running around, handing out flyers is the job of the familiars. So that's the plan getting you two familiars.

Issei: Oh, hell yeah!

Rai: My boy is getting a flipping familiar baby!

Rias summons her familiar that was a small bat.

Rias: This is my familiar Issei. I believe you two have met each other.

The bat turns into a girl that smiles at Issei.

Issei: Hot flyer girl is your familiar?

The familiar walked over to Rebecca and held her up.

Rebecca: (Laughing)

Rai: (Smile)

Akeno: And I have one too.

She summons an Imp that flips in the air and got on Rebecca head. Rias and Akeno smile until they saw a cat jump on Rai's head.

Koneko: That's Shiro.

A hawk flies around and lands on Kiba's shoulder.

Kiba: I haven't came up with a name yet but he's badass.

Rai: One day I swear dude. I will come up with something.

Issei: What about you Rai?

Rai: This.

A glowing red Sugar-glider started to crawl on Rai and hugs his face.

Rai: This is Zenkai.

Asia: How do we get one?

Rias: That's the next step.

A knock was heard.

Akeno: Come in.

People walk in making Rai smirk. The girl looked back at him smiling as well.

Sona: Sorry to interrupt

Issei: Whoa, what the heck is she doing here?

Asia: Issei? Who are these people.

Rebecca: Mama Sona!

She runs over and hugs Sona's leg. Sona smiles and picked her up.

Rias: Hello Sona what can we do for you?

Sona: Oh nothing I just wanted to congratulate you on increasing your number on your servants. And to come see Rebecca.

Sona started to rub Rebecca's head making her giggle.

Issei: Wait, how does she know about that?

Akeno: Her real name is Sona Sitri, and she's not just the student council president, she's the next head of the house of Sitri, a big devil family.

Issei: Whoa.

Saji: Rias, Rai I'm hurt to find out you didn't tell your servant about us.

Rai eyes slowly look at Saji getting a bit annoyed. Steam came out of his mouth.

(Sachiko: Control yourself my dear partner.)

Issei: Wait, you're the guy from 2-C who was just elected student council clerk, right? I think I voted for this guy.

Sona: Saji Genshiro, my pawn.

Rias: This is my pawn Issei Hyoudou and my Bishop Asia Argento Toujou Rai's adopted little sister.

Issei: Whoa, so you're a pawn too, dude? Then that totally makes us twinsies.

Rai: (Trying not to laugh) Y-You did not just say that. 

Issei: (Nervous chuckle) I thought it would be a bit funny.

Saji: (Scoff) Can it D-bag you and your gaggle of slutty-sluts don't deserve to be in the same room as our group.

Issei and Rai pause for a moment and slowly looked at Saji.

(Sachiko/DDrig: Oh fuck him up.)

Issei: The fuck-

Rai: Did you say?

Their aura burst from them scaring Saji and shocking everyone in the room. The appear in front Saji and glare at him.

Rai: I didn't hear you, mind saying that shit again?

Issei: We couldn't hear you clearly.

Saji was practically shaking.

Rias: Rai, Issei calm down.

They aura slowly calmed down as they looked at Rias.

Issei: Sorry President.

Rai: Sorry babe, lost control for a bit.

They appear back to their spots as Rai leaned on Rias.

Sona: My apologies he's young Ri-Ri.

Rias: (Smiles) It's fine.

Sona: Saji.

Saji: (Sweat drop) Oh, right. 

Saji and Asia shake hands.

Saji:....Are you an angel beca-

Rai picked Saji up by the back of his collar.

Rai: She's off limit bro. 

Issei: Bro.

Rai: I got you bro.

Issei: (Anime tears) I love you bro.

Rai: (Anime tears) I love you too bro.

Asia: ???

Rai throws Saji away.

Sona: So, Rai, Rias I heard you were getting a familiar today.

Rias: Yes, I was thinking of going next week.

Sona: Well, that's a bit of a problem for us as he only takes people once a month.

Sona looked up and smirked.

Sona: Then let's play a little game.

Rias/Rai: De-

Everything freeze Rai walks in with a taco.

Rai: Yeah. we won. So let's move it on.

Time skip

A portal shined and the peerage was seen coming out of it looking around what they saw was a forest.

Rai: Welcome to the familiar forest.

Kiba: This is where we came to get ours too.

???: Who wants m-

Rai shoots a blast that hits a tree making a man hit the ground in front of him.

Familiar master: Ow...

Everyone but Issei and Asia: -_-

Rai: Sorry.

Rias: You still do that after so long.

Rai: I told him to stop sneaking up on us.

Rias: And I told you not to fire a blast in the forest.

Rai: (Tick mark) I said I was sorry.

Rias: (Tick mark) Don't be sorry be better!

Rai: (Kaioken) Did you just use a fucking Kratos quote on me you ugly hag?!

Rias: (Aura flaring) Duh dumbass what the fuck do you think it was a Goku quote?!

Everyone slowly looked at Akeno who was still smiling.

Akeno: :) The sex is amazing.

Everyone: -_-

A few minutes later everyone was following the familiar master. Rias was on Rai's back looking around.

Familiar master: Oh my, look high.

Everyone looked up at a small blue dragon.

Issei: Okay, what is that?

Asia: Aw it's really cute.

Familiar master: Cute but dangerous too when they angry they have the power to shoot up lighting that's blue.

Kiba: Hey that type of dragon is pretty rare isn't it.

Rias: I think this is the first time I ever seen one.

Issei: Do it now if you want this one claimed. Once these dragons grow up, they can no longer be tamed.

Akeno: Issei since you possess the power of the red dragon that spite might turn out to be a pretty good fit.

Rai: Go ahead and cook bro.

Issei: Alright, for my bro and my friends dragon! I chose yo-

Rias: RAI!

Rias pushes Rai out the way and goo hits the girls.

Rias: Oh my.

Kiba: It's green slime.

The slime got in Kiba's face.

Akeno: It's burning my clothes.

Rai: WHAT?!

Rai looked at Akeno and Rias and saw their clothes melting making him blush with his nose bleeding.

Akeno:(Blush) How naughty, I'm so slimy and wet.

Rai: (Blush) DAMN IT AKENO!

Rias: (Blush) R-Rai~ 

Rai looked at Rias seeing her bra melting.

Rai: Du-Dude I don't think I can handle this!

Asia: My skirt!

Issei: (Blushing with nose bleeding) OH YEAH!!!!

Koneko: It's so grody,

Issei: I'm in heaven! Dude this is the best thing that has ever happened!

Koneko punches Rai.

Rai: Oh no my bro!

Rias grabbed Rai and pile-drived him into the ground.

Koneko: (To Issei and Rai) Perverts.

Rias: You know you can only see out bodies in private Rai!

Issei: Not my fault you got slimed out of your clothes.

Rai: (Muffle) I wasn't looking on purpose.

Issei: I know what familiar I want.

 Akeno: (Moan) The pain hurts so good I might just have to fight you for it.

Rias used her magic to destroy the slime.


Akeno: Sorry slime, we could have had some fun.

Everyone beside Asia and Rai who was still in the ground was fighting off the slime. Issei slolwy hugged Asia. But Rias walked over with magic ready to destroy the slime.

Rias: Just back away Issei, I'm going to burn that monster.

Issei: No, don't I won't have to undress every single girl I meet with my eyes anymore.

After saying that blue lighting shocked him and the slime.

Rai: Ugh, what the hell was that for?

Issei: That sucked.

Rai saw Issei fall to the ground. Everyone looked up at the blue dragon from before who flew towards Asia and got on her shoulder.

Koneko: That was dope.

Familiar master: Sprite dragons don't attack unless they believe their love ones are hurt.

Rai: So he must already like you sis.

Rai rubs Asia's head making her giggle.

Asia: He's so cute.

The dragon hugs Asia. Rai and Koneko smiled until Rai sensed something. Rias saw it and was suspicious. Rias grabbed Rai's hand.

Rias: Akeno can you help Asia form a bond with the dragon?

Akeno: Yes.

Rai and Rias disappear. In the distance a phoenix was looking at the group when it saw Rias and Rai were gone it looked around. 

???: That's weird, where did they go?

Rai grabbed the phoenix by it's neck and slammed it on the tree. Rias walked over next to Rai.

Rias: I don't know how many times I have to say it. But I warned you if you ever show your shit eating face again I won't stop Rai from kicking your ass. You got lucky the first time. So I'll say this. Whatever your plan is.

Aura flares from Rai and Rias both combining turning purple.

Rias/Rai: You won't win it.

Rias: Rai.

Rai broke the phoenix's neck and everything goes black but a voice was heard.

???: (Laughing) Oh don't worry my dear Rias. When I see you again Rai Toujou will finally die.

To be continued
