The Biggest fight in history

Rai, Issei and Kiba sat in the room with the peerage.

Rai: You two ready to do this?

Issei: You kidding? I've been training hard to get this strong.

Kiba: (Smile) We've all been training non-stop. I'm just nervous on what Riser did to himself.

Rai: I know what you mean. So I'll tell you. Long ago during the wars my father was the strongest devil but the only problem is his power was so great he didn't play sides. They said when he used his power his hair would turn green think of like one of my super Saiyan transform. He would kill anyone in his view no matter if it was devil, angel....or fallen he would kill them. When the war finally ended his power was taken from him and placed in a vile that was supposed to be hidden. How Riser found's a mystery.

Issei: Jeez, it sounds like he was Broly from DBZ.

Rai: In a way he was. Mom said she still has nightmares sometimes.

Rias: Guys.

Everyone looked at Rias.

Rias: It's time.

Rai: Alright.

Kiba placed the sword he was using in it's sheath. Rai was fixing the gloves on his hands. Issei was next to Asia holding her hand. It was quiet for a bit until the door opens.

???: Sorry if I'm interrupting.

Rias: No, please come in Sona.

Akeno: Glad you could make it.

Rai: Good to see you two. Shocked your here.

Kiba: Hey, Tsubaki.

Tsubaki saw Kiba's new outfit and blushed.

Tsubaki: Hi, Kiba.

Sona: I wouldn't want to miss an event like this for anything.

Rai: Well, enjoy because we're going to give everyone a show.

A magical circle appears and Grayfia shows up.

Grayfia, it's almost time. I hope you're ready for this my Lord.

Rai: Yeah, we are.

Rias: Do you have your earpieces you three.

Rai, Issei and Kiba test their ear pieces to see if they work.

Rai: Testing?

Kiba: I can hear ya.

Issei: All clear here.

Grayfia: In a few minutes you and your team will be sent to the battlefield.

Issei: Where is the battlefield?

Akeno: In a neutral alternate space created just for the game and for your powers. So you three can go all out.

Sona: I'll be in the student council broadcast booth calling the game. We'll be cheering you three on. Good luck.

She kisses Rai's cheek making him chuckle and she walks off.

Sona: Oh and make sure you beat that scumbag seven ways from Sunday.

Rai: Heh.

She walked out and Rai frowns.

(Rai: She's not going to like what she sees then...if he has that power)

Grayfia: There is something I forgot to tell you. The Great devil Lucifer and Demon Queen Yumi will be watching the game.

Rias: dearest.

Rai:....No I gotta show off a bit if mom and Big bro Sirzech is gonna be there.

Rias: And for us too, dummy.

Rai: Yeah, yeah.

A red circle appears.

Grayfia: It is time you three.

The Peerage hugs the Titan trio wishing them luck.

Rias: I love you okay?

Rai: I know, I love you too.

Rai kisses her then Akeno looked at the four.

Rai: Wish us luck

Issei: Asia when we win this me and you are going on a date!

Asia eyes widen and she blush. She then smiles.

Asia:(Blush) O-Okay.

The three then disappear. When they open their eyes issei looks around.

Issei: That's weird. We're still here.

Rai: No, we're not. 

Grayfia: Your attention please. Welcome everyone, my name is Grayfia. I am the servant of the house of Gremory. I will be your referee during today's match. To create the battlefield you'll be competing in, I took Suggestions from both Lord Rai and Lord Riser. You may recognize this place, as it an exact replica of Kuoh academy, an educational institution in the human world.

Issei looked outside to the sky with a weird look.

Kiba: This is the alternate space. It might look like it, but we're not in school anymore.

Grayfia: Each team has been given an area that will serve as its home base.  Lord Rai your crew will be in the occult research club headquarters in the old schoolhouse. Lord Riser's home base will be located in the principal's office in the new headquarters in the new schoolhouse. Pawns will be promoted if they make their way to the home base of the opposing team. Good luck to all. Now let the game begin.

Rai grabbed a map.

Issei: What's the plan?

Rai: Well you heard her if the pawns make it to home base of the opponents, then you get promoted. But we can't rush it. Trust me Riser is using his brain as well. If he sends them then they'll lose to us. 

Issei had sweat dropping down but looked at how Rai and Kiba kept their cool he took a deep breath and listen.

Rai: The enemy base is across from us cutting through the school ground will be quick yes, but it isn't an option. 

Kiba: He'll see us from a mile away. 

Issei: Maybe if I go through the track field and sneak in the back.

Rai: Nah, he'll see you coming.

A red spot was shown at the club house and the Gym.

Issei: The gym. 

Rai: Looks like he's moving. Issei you'll go to the gym and handle Riser's forces. If we secure that then we'll have a leg up in this. That our best chance right now. You think you can do it?

Issei: (Smirk) I promised you two I wouldn't hold you back. So, I'll kick these bitches asses.

Rai: Good man.

Rai pressed a button and clones of him appear.

Kiba: Good idea. That should be able to keep them out of our base.

Rai: I'll have to stay here though just in case anyone gets cocky and want to try me.

Kiba: Please like I'll let that happen. But I will set some traps up. Then I'll head to the club house and deal with whatever pieces are in there.

Kiba was about to walk out until Issei hugged the both of them.

Issei: I love you guys.

Kiba: Heh.

Rai: Alright. Let's win this.

The two run and jump out of two windows leaving Rai who took a deep breath. He looked up at a base.

Rai: I'm not losing to you. And I'm not dying today.

Time skip

Issei walked to the gym.

(Rai: Issei, once you're in the gym they'll be waiting for you. Be sure to follow the plan)

Issei: Right.

(Rai: Ready Kiba?)

Kiba: Yep. 

Rai: (Smile) Let's go team. Operation Titan vs Pheonix is a go. Our opponent is an old friend of mine Riser Phenex a gifted warrior among the house of Phenex. We will not show mercy because none will be shown to us.

In a different room the girls watch the Tian trio working together.

Asia: (Praying) Good luck you three. I'll be praying for you.

Issei makes it inside of the gym and walked forward. He then saw the lights turn on as he looked around.

???: Smells like Gremory Filth.

Issei saw four girls surrounding him.

Girl: Look what we have here girls. It's just a pawn. Shame I thought it would be the knight or the rook. Lil Issei thinks he can take us by himself.

Issei: Please, I don't think. I know I can but before I kick your asses I want to know your names.

???: I'm Mira. Just like you I'm a pawn.

???: I'm Shueran, a rook.

???: I'm IIe and I'm a pawn.

???: My names Nel and I'm also a pawn.

Issei: So, three pawns and one Rook.(Smirk) This should be fun. 

Issei summons his boosted gear and started to charge shocking the four girls.


Ddrig: BOOST!

Issei: (Smiles excitedly) Alright! I'm going to kick your asses!

Issei charges forward.

Issei: AHHHHHHH!!!!

Riser saw on the chair like a Skyrim Lord.

Riser: So he decided to attack from the center, after all. How are things on the other front?

Yubelluna: My lord, your pawns Shulyer, Marion, and Byurent are moving in on the enemy as we speak.

Shulyer: Damn this fog is so thick; we won't be able to see anything.

A snap was heard as a magic circle shoots out swords but the three girls dodge it.

Marion: A trap? Did they really think this lame trick could work?

Shulyer: I can't believe Toujou is this dumb.

Byurent: I don't know why Lord Riser was so worried.

Back at the gym Issei was blocked a kick then grabbed Shueran leg and slammed her into the ground he then tried to stomp on her but she dodges it. She then flips up and tries to throw kicks at him but he watches her movements he saw Mira trying to slam her staff but he jumps back. In the room everyone was amazed by Issei fighting so well.

Koneko: Huh, looks like the pervert can learn a thing or two.

Rias: You did a real good job.

Koneko: Thank you. He wanted to get stronger so I helped him.

Rias:......You told him that if he wins this he can date Asia huh?

Koneko: Yep.

Rias: Right on the dot.

Issei was hit by Mira's staff but he was okay.

Issei: Yeouch!

IIe and Nel charged at him with chainsaw trying to stab him but he spins on the ground then flips. He then jumps to the wall and looks up at everyone.

(Issei: Shit....I need to hurry.)

Issei: Alright, I'm through fucking around.

He charges towards the ground and slams his fist down on it. When he did he aura flared.

Ddrig: BOOST!

Issei looked up to see his opponents about to attack he then smirked.

Issei: Stop, Issei time!

Issei jumps up in the air as his opponents punch the ground. He smirked as he aimed his gauntlet.


The blast hits the girls from Riser peerage making them scream. They disappear Issei land down and dust himself off as he pose.

Issei: (Smile) Thanks for the training Koneko, and thanks for the blessing Asia.

Rai: Issei, how are we looking?

Grayfia: Three of Riser's pawns and one Rook have been defeated.

(Rai: Oh shit dude!)

(Kiba: Nice work way to kick some ass!)

Issei: (Smile) Thanks. Alright, Rai I'm heading back to-

Issei heard something he wasted no time and runs out when he was out the door the gym blew up behind him. He then slides on the ground then looks up.

(Rai: Issei! What happened I saw that from over here!)

Issei: I'm fine, but I have a problem. Riser's queen is here.

(Rai: Shit!)

(Rai: Do you need me to come over-)

(Issei: No, don't come over, we need you to be ready to fight Riser when the time comes to it. Kiba how are we looking?)

The pawns that were trying to attack home base looked over to see Kiba sitting on a rock. He then looks at them with a glare.

Kiba: I'm about to finish this quickly.

Issei was shooting blast at Yubelluna but she was dodging it. She then uses her powers to create bombs under Issei but he took cover.

Issei: Shit. This bitch is gonna be a problem.

Yubelluna: It's time to give up the fight little boy. I don't care if you beat some of the strongest pawns and rook it won't matter. You can't win.

???: Oh shut the fuck up bitch!

Yubelluna looked over and was punched in the face by Rai sending her into the ground.

Issei: Rai?

(Rai: It's not me. I sent a clone to help you out.)

Issei: What about Kiba?

Yubelluna: How dare you put your hand on me you filthy rook!

Grayfia: Three of Riser's Pawns have been defeated.

Yubelluna: What? This is impossible there is only three of you! How can you three be this strong.

Issei: Simple we're going to be the strongest devils in history. And when we beat you all our legend will truly begin.

Kiba appeared next to Issei and smirked.

Kiba: Wanna try your luck?

Yubelluna glared at the three and flies away.

Issei: Huh, guess not.

Kiba: Our legend will truly begin?

Issei: Yeah, think about it. We already have titles so what's stopping us from having legends dude?

(Rai: How are we looking?)

Kiba: I met up with Issei, but the bomb queen flew away to the location of the other pieces. They might have a plan so me and Issei will take them out.

(Rai: Alright.....I'm going to fight Riser.)

Issei: What?! By yourself?

Rai was seen walking to the base.

Rai: when you guys deal with the rest of his peerage then follow the explosions trust me. We're going to go all out.

(Kiba: Just be careful.)

Rai: Don't worry.

Rai looked up to see Riser with his arms crossed looking down at Rai.

Rai: I can handle this.

Riser: So good of you to join me Rai. Let me clap it up for you getting this far.

Riser begins to clap.

Rai: Riser, this doesn't have to happen you know this.

Riser: Oh, I know and I've decided I don't want Rias anymore.

Rai looked at Riser with his guard up. He then noticed how he wasn't speaking in third person anymore.

Riser: No...I realized in order for me to get stronger I can't just stop at killing you. (Laughing) I will become the most feared warrior in devil history! I will reach for the top and kill anyone who stand in my way. With your fathers blood I will be stronger than Sirzech himself!

He laughs evilly.

Riser: Let me show you my dear old friend.

Fire started to flare around him as he charges his power.


A golden light surrounded him Rai looked at the light and his eyes widen when it dies down. Looking at Riser we see his hair was a dark green he then looked at Rai and smirked.

(Rai: That's a different reaction.)

In the room the peerage was in everyone looked shocked.

Rias: It's different. Why isn't it green.

Koneko: Because he isn't my father. The only person who can use my father's power is my father. No one else can handle it. The only reason Riser is lasting this long is because of the immortal phoenix though he looks like he's fine, he's hurting from the inside. 

???: Though he will still be powerful.

Everyone looked back to see Koneko, Rai and Asia's mother Yumi Toujou holding Rebecca. 

Asia: Mother?

Yumi smiles at Asia but looks at the screen and stares at Riser.

Yumi: This was the last damn you to everyone before he died. And judging by this he planned it.

Rias: What?

Yumi: Alucron was a manipulative person, he always was. He didn't want Rai to have any friends so when he convinced Riser he would have a stronger power. Strong enough to even beat Sirzech. He took it, after he figured out about your child.

Riser jumps down when he touches the ground he charges forward he then jumps in the air and throws a punch. Rai jumps out of the way as Riser punches the ground creating a crater. Riser looked over with a smirk and charges at Rai but Rai knocks Riser's fist out of the way and punches him. Riser turns around showing blood going down his lip he then smirks and licks the blood off. He then throws three fire balls but Rai dodges all of them.

(Yumi: What you're looking is the power of the Legendary Devil.)

With Kiba and Issei

Issei: Come on out! We know you're all hiding out there!

???: (Laughing) 

They looked around to see the rest of Riser's peerage surrounding the two. The two stand back to back.

Issei: Oh shit.

Kiba: Okay, yeah, I think this was a bad move.

???: Who said you two were alone?

Rai's clones appear and stood next to Kiba and Issei.

Issei: Huh?

Kiba: What about the base?

Clone 1: We left the strongest clone there. Trust me no one gonna get passed him.(Shaking) So many bodies.

Issei: what?

Clone 1: Okay men! You know the deal! For the peerage! For Rebecca and Rai's mom. And you all already know what I'm about to say! For!


Clone 1: CHARGE!

The clones attack Riser's peerage.

Pawn: What the!

She was punched in the face and fell to the ground the clone then started to punch her more as the rest of the clones attack the others.

Knight: Haaa!

Kiba block an attack from the knight.

Karlmine: So you couldn't do it by yourselves you needed these clones to help you?

Kiba: Heh, I wouldn't say that and they're part of the rating games. So we are doing this by ourselves. HA!

Kiba pushes her back and charges at her. Issei looked around to see most of the clones beating everyone else he then saw Yubelluna having trouble with the clones until she yelled her bomb powers pushed most of them back. She was taking deep breathes until she looked at Issei who stared at her.

Yubelluna: Don't get cocky boy. We still have the upperhand.

Grayfia: Riser's pawns, his last rook, his bishop and last knight have been defeated.

Issei: (Sigh) Geez, you're hot but you sure don't know when you're beat.

Yubelluna: (Growl)

Issei and Yubelluna look at each other for a minute until-



Their voice echo.

Grayfia: Riser's Queen has been defeated.

Issei and Kiba look at each other and smirk.

Kiba: Let's go find Rai.

After saying that something landed in front of them. They look to see Rai on his knee looking up.

Rai: Shit...he's getting stronger.

Kiba: Huh?

They sensed something making their eyes widen as they looked over seeing Riser walking to them. Seeing his new form.

Issei: His hair....and his energy. Is this the power you were talking about?

Rai: No.

Rai stood up. Riser looked around.

Riser: So, you two did finish my peerage off. (Chuckle) Good....I didn't want to hurt them when I transform.

Issei: He can transform again.

Rai: Yeah, I didn't believe it either but they way his energy is spike it's making me think other wises.

Riser: (Laughing) I can't wait to hear your screams as I torture you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 

He started to growl as veins were seen in his eyes. He then looks up and screams.


Everyone look shocked by this.


Issei looked up seeing lighting everywhere he then looked down to see Riser's hair getting longer as his body gets buffer. He stops laughing when his hair turns grey.


A light shined from his eyes and mouth and wings sprout from his back. When the light died down Riser screams stop. Showing his new transformation. When he opens his eyes his pupils were now green. Riser begins to chuckle. In the room Rebecca held onto Rias scared at what she was looking at. As everyone watches the battle now saying a word. Back with the fight Riser looks at Rai and smirks.

Riser: You Toujou will be my first victim

Issei got in front of him showing his scared gear.

Issei: You fuck with him and I'm going to feed you your teeth.

Riser: MOVE!

Riser charges forward Rai appeared next to Issei and pushed him out of the way dodging the devil that intends to kill them. Riser turns around and throws firebolts but Kiba got in front and cuts them in half the three stand next to each other.

Riser: Everyone will see this fight and won't ever dare to challenge me.

Rai: Stop talking like you're going to win! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Rai turns super Saiyan.

Ddrig: BOOST!

Issei had green aura surrounding him.


Kiba had blue aura surrounding him as swords surround him. Riser charges at the three with a scream. The three charges at him and attack Riser blocks it he then punches Rai, then kicks Issei then slams Kiba into the ground. They land on the ground and started to run off with Riser behind them they then make it to the destroyed Gym and started at Riser.

Rai: Okay Riser, I don't wanna tell you how to be the Legendary Devil're not supposed to go all out you're supposed to start small and then work up to it.

Riser: I am starting small.

Rai/Issei/Kiba: The fuck/HUH!/You can't be serious.

Kiba: We need a plan.

Riser: Oh, I know.

Kiba's eyes widen as he turns around to see Riser behind him Riser then grabs his face and slams him through a building.

Riser: The dragon emperor is next.

Rai: Issei get to his home base and get a promotion.

Issei: Ah, but Rai.

Rai: Just do it! We need all the help we can get!

Issei closes his eyes angry he can't do more right now and runs off. When he was gone Rai and Riser run at each other and tried to push each other back.

Riser: Finally here, at the peak of everything! The biggest fight in devil history! Aren't you excited?!



Riser knees Rai's chin then backhands him into a building. With Issei he was running towards Riser's base until Riser crashes through a building and slams his face into the ground and throw him off into the distance.

Riser: Die!

Riser throws a fireball at Issei.


Before it could hit him a rock got in the way taking the hit.

???: Geez you three are looking sorry.

Rai looked over to see Saji smirking.

Rai: What the hell are you doing here?

Saji: Well since you guys won the challenge anyways Sona sent me in here to help.

Rai: (Groan) I don't think it'll matter anyways.

Riser: You're new, how strong are you?

Saji: I don't know give me a minute.


Saji helped Rai up and started to use and item to heal the three.

Saji: So can we beat this guy?

Rai: I...I don't know...the only thing I have is Super Saiyan.

Issei: Well...maybe there's another kind of form.

Rai: What?

Issei: Maybe there's another form to your scared gear.  Like Super Duper Saiyan.

Rai: That sounds Stupid as hell.

Issei: Nah.

Kiba: It might stupid but it's the only way.

Rai: Kiba you can't be serious-

Kiba: I am, if we don't do something everyone we know and love are going to die. And he won't stop. So until you figure it out we're going to fight him. Let's go you two.

Issei: Right.

Saji: Can I just be-

Kiba/Issei: NO!

Saji: Ohhhh...

(Rai: This is stupid, there shouldn't be another form.)

(Sachiko: That's where you are wrong.)

(Rai: What?)

Riser looked at Issei, Kiba and Saji who got in a battle stance.

Riser: Looks like Rai sent you three to get slaughter.

Issei: He didn't send up to do shit. Now shut the fuck up and get ready to fight.

The three charge at him.

(Sachiko: When I was made I was given 6 forms. Yes, Super Saiyan was legendary, but you should imagine the how people will feel after you unlock all 6.)

Kiba was punched in the face.

(Rai: Why are you telling me this now)

Saji was slammed into buildings.

(Sachiko: Because I needed to make sure you were strong enough to go Super Saiyan.)

Issei was punched in the gut making him spit out blood. Riser then saw Rai looking down and smirked.


Issei: RAI!



Rai looked up to see Riser charging for him but before anything a yell could be heard. Rai's opens his eyes and looked up as his eyes widen. He saw Koneko taking the punch through her gut. Issei, Kiba and Saji were shocked.

Riser: What?

In the room everyone eyes widen and Yumi had tears flowing down and held her mouth.

Rebecca: AUNTIE KONEKO!!!!

 Koneko falls to the ground Rai caught her and held her.

Rai: W-Why?

Koneko slowly looked up at Rai she then slowly smiled.

Koneko: I-I didn't see you hurt....anymore.

She then disappeared. Making tears fall down his eyes.

Riser:(Laughing) You Toujou's really do get in each other's businesses! IT'S SO FUCKING FUNNY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Rai didn't say anything all he thought about was Koneko smile.


Everyone looked at Rai.


The ground cracked under him as his energy spikes. Riser looked shocked by this and turned to look at Rai.  Saji helped Issei up as Kiba limps over to them then looked at Rai. Sona and Tsubaki's eyes widen. As Rias and Akeno looked worried.

Rebecca: (Worried) Daddy.

Rias: Rai...

Finally showing Rai we see his hair was spikier as electricity surrounded him as tears fly up in the air..

(???: It is a secret the Sachiko before Rai could even form sentences through fights with his father, the Fallen angels, Stray devils and Stray exorcist. She has caught glimpses of the young mans explosive power, but this explosion is stronger than ever before. A power that hasn't been seen before has been documented in devil history, Rai has awoken. Now Riser will battle a warrior 18 years in the making his strongest opponent yet Rai Toujou!)

The tears stop as Rai gives Riser a cold look.

To be continued

(Finishing season 1 later on today with a teaser)
